#zera my absolute beloved
originmade · 4 months
@meganeviolet asked: which muse is the easiest to write? 
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Meme. Accepting
Without a doubt Zera. She's the fairy tail muse I have been writing the longest and have put the most love and development into. She comes the easiest and honestly is a character I always will have muse for.
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mochiwrites · 4 months
y’know I was just thinking about messaging you about the elven stuff since I’m almost done with this hero chapter…. 😳
also lowkey when did you wanna finish lotr LMAO
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Galran info and history
I wrote this for part of my Voltron season 7/8 rewrite, but you don’t have to know anything about that to understand this. I just wanted to make sure that you understand I’m not saying any of this is canon.
I love world building and hearing other’s world building ideas, so I thought I would share this separately from my rewrite for anyone who might find it interesting.
Before i get into the actual history, I want to bring up a concept about the Galra and their emotions.
This idea on how their emotions work came from a Voltron Con panel I could have sworn I once saw; though I haven't been able to find it again, so I fully admit that it could just be something my brain made up.
But what I remember during Q&A time, was someone asking if Keith's anger issues stemmed from his Galran genes; Lauren Montgomery responded saying that she's sure that was the case, and that the Galra have extreme emotions, and felt deeply.
That idea, that the Galra race was actually an extremely emotional race, was something that intrigued me, and I started building ideas off of it on how that would have affected them through what we knew about them in the series.
Some of this might contradict things Dayak said about the Galra’s history in "Omega Shield", but I don't hold her words as absolute truth, as the history of the Galra's origins could have been warped to fit Zarkon's twisted empire.
(Really though, that's just the excuse I'm going with if any of this history I made up doesn't really fit with show canon.)
That said, here's my version of Galran history:
The Galra, much like the ancient Vulcans in the main Star Trek canon, were an extremely emotional species. This was as much as a blessing as a curse; their emotions could lead to great empathy and peace as easily as it could lead to great anger and conflict. One small action from one tribe or person towards another could be taken wrong and set everyone off in long wars.
Through the years there were times of great upheavals and conflicts. Finally, in the last "War of the Tribes" the "Vrepit Sa" -as Dayak told- was made.
In the aftermath, the tribes realized their race would not survive if they continued this way and they decided to make a drastic change. Rather than continuing on as separate tribes, the survivors pulled together and united as one tribe, implementing a structured system, and a single Emperor to lead the species. They were still an emotional race, but now with a firm system in place, they could work through their issues using a universal law system.
With that, the race grew, prospered, and eventually became space faring. However, reaching the stars created problems, as coming into contact with races that did not follow the Galra's law started causing conflict once more.
Some species saw how the Galra's emotions were easily stirred, and took advantage of them. When the Galra realized this, war broke out for the first time in centuries, though this time it was the united Galra race against species that used and harmed them.
During one of these wars, the final battle happened on a planet called Feyiv.
In this battle, the Galra's current Emperor was killed, but instead of fleeing, another Galra stepped up and took charge. They ended up leading the Galra to victory as the other races retreated.
The Galra who had stepped up during the time of crisis was made the new Emperor, and the mountainside where they refused to retreat became a sacred site. A temple was built, and all future Emperors would go there to partake in the Kral Zera and ascend the Steps of Destiny in order to have the right to rule.
It was also during these wars that the term "Palen-bol" came into existence, as the Galra learned that through hardships and pain, they could be made strong.
Centuries went by, and over time Diabazaal became unstable from all the galactic wars.
A new and young Emperor, Zarkon, saw Daibazaal was going down a path of destruction, and decided he wanted to stabilize it. He sought out means to doing this, which eventually led him to meeting another young ruler of a peaceful race, Alfor of Altea.
Though the Galra were untrusting of other races due to the past, Zarkon came to see the genuine nature of Alfor and his people, and he and the Galra eventually embraced them as allies and friends.
This led Daibazaal to opening up to the idea of working with other races, rather than just opposing those who didn't live the same way they did. When Alfor introduced Zarkon to Blaytz, Gyrgan, and Trigel, the Galra flourished even further with all the new allies.
Eventually, when Zarkon and Honerva married, everything turned around for the Galran race, and they saw that they could peacefully exist with other races.
That's when the rift opened and everything came crashing down.
After Zarkon and Honerva were killed, Alfor was the one who took the responsibility to tell the Galra of their leader's passing. He led them in evacuating Diabazaal, and he and the other Paladins opened their own worlds to the Galra, embracing them as their own people.
Then Zarkon returned.
After having first lost their beloved rulers, then their home world, the Galra were in a state of devastation and their emotions pushed to the breaking point.
Now, here was Zarkon -who Alfor said had died- telling them that not only was that a lie, but that the one who spoke those lies was responsible for the destruction of their world.
At this point there already tattered emotions snapped, and seeing proof of Alfor's 'lies' in the form of Zarkon ‘alive and well’, the Galra turned on their allies, and attacked without mercy.
Hurt by the universe for the last time, the Galra rose up and united once more, this time deciding that the only way they could have peace would be to do what they did on Daibazaal, take control of everything and have it set under one ruling Emperor. Thus their conquest for the universe began.
It's at this point that Zarkon, now corrupted, began to twist the Galra's way of thinking.
Using their feelings of hurt and betrayal, he drove empathy out of his people, as it was their empathy that allowed them to open themselves up to other races and lose everything. In order to survive, they had to become strong, had to become powerful, had to conquer.
It was victory or death.
However, as the Galran mindset began to change, some resisted. A Galra named Marmora saw what Zarkon had become, and what he was pushing their people to be, and decided to do something about it. They united others who felt the same and began working against the Empire in order to save their people.
However, the one thing Marmora did agreed with Zarkon on, was that their race's emotions were the cause of many of their problems.
Though, Marmora thought the answer was to take a different route then Zarkon, and convinced their followers to temper and control their emotions. Their focus became seeking the truth to free the universe, and their own race from Zarkon.
For them it was knowledge or death.
When Marmora died, those who followed them took up their name and worked as the blade that would strike at the heart of Zarkon's Empire.
As the war went on, and the Galran Empire conquered more and more worlds, the Galra who remained on the worlds to set up colonies began intermixing with the different species.
When the mass inter species mixing was discovered by the empire, it was immediately discouraged and looked down upon, and great emphasis was put on the concept of being “pure blooded”. The majority of the Galra immediately stopped inter mixing, but it was too late.
Though the years the bloodlines became so intermingled that it caused the Galran race to go from looking like this:
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To becoming as diverse as this:
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Those who were of a mixed race did what they could to hide any evidence. Because of that, over the 10,000 years they forgot what their species originally looked like, and most modern day Galra have no idea of their mixed heritage.
Nowadays Galra only know another is 'half breed’ when the non-Galra parent is widely known of from the get go.
Which is why these four are specifically targeted as 'half breeds’ despite looking no less Galra then some of the others shown above:
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Anyhow, that’s my idea for the Galran history in my version of season 7/8. Which, if you are interested in reading, can be found HERE Hope you all enjoyed.
Have a nice day!
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butholious · 6 years
I know everyone and their dogs are mad at the ending but here are some good things that happened
. Honerva did end up realising what she had done at the end and sacrificed herself to help save the lives she almost took
. We got to see Honerva’s true motives at last
. Allura got to see her father and fight with him again
. Shiro got to fly with the paladins again
. My man Kolivan and Krolia survived and didn’t die off like every other BOM member
. After 10,000 years the Galra finally got to stop fighting and put down their weapons
. The Galra aren’t ruled by dictators anymore
. The Galra got to have Dibazaal back
. The remaining Alteans got Altea back
. Coran got to go back home to Altea after so many years
. Earth finally got to meet the rest of the universe
. Voltron and the rebels and those on the Atlas managed to unite all of the universe as one
. Like that moment that Keith is making that speech at the Kral Zera and refers to himself as one of them, a citizen of the Galra empire made me so happy because he’s truly accepted himself now 
. Like Keith was offered to be the Galra’s leader and representative?! He’s got the respect that he deserves 
. Shiro got to move on and be happy with a beautiful man who will love and cherish him 
. That episode of Kinkade making that documentary was absolute gold
. Slav was fucking gold in every scene he was in
. Seeing Sal in the kitchen on the Atlas, and him working with Hunk, awesome
. Hunk being able to do what he loves
. Mama Holt is nothing but a yes from me
. Seeing Shiro having fun when doing that arm wrestling competition was awesome
. Seeing the warden forgive Shiro and the others were nice as well
. And his beloved Yupper (is that what its called?) still with him was cute as hell
. Zethrid and Ezor? That’s some good shit right there
. We got to see some more of good Zarkon
. Young Lotor was so fucking cute
Yes, there were moments or things in the season that confused me and didn’t seem like they fit in the series but can we also remember all the good things that happened in the season?
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mochiwrites · 4 months
omg hi zera my most beloved best friend <333 I just woke up so I’m incredibly sleepy dvdvfvf how are youuuuuu
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