#zeryde azdaj
fate-bound-in-crystal · 8 months
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Ziero: Twelve, I don't trust him, gives me the Twelve damned creeps.
Ryde: Aye, he's like a snake, and I feel as though he will strike sooner rather than later.
Ziero: I won't let anything happen to Hien.
Ryde: I know, Z, I know.
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fate-bound-in-crystal · 6 months
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So I figured out what Ryde will look like post Light Corruption...
I'll need to mod her scales white though
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fate-bound-in-crystal · 9 months
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"... What troubles you?" she asks, watching him look out over the island below them. He glances at her and sighs; no getting past her keen senses, is there? He shifts forward, leaning on his knees.
"Something doesn't feel right about all of this," he says softly.
"The 'esteemed' ambassador... or the armor that Lord Hien gave you?" she replies, the corner of her mouth lifting with a knowing smirk.
Ziero glances at Ryde then, his cheeks dusted with pink, and looks away.
"... Both." When Ryde doesn't respond, he sighs again. "I have a bad feeling about Asahi and what he wants with Tsuyu. What I saw - we saw - leads me to think he's a much, much crueler man than we know."
She nods, the end of her tail flicking against the wooden planks. "He's a snake, and a vicious one at that. Yet, if she regained her memories - his methods aside - then by rights Lord Hien had to let Asahi take her." Ziero nods, shifting his arms from one knee to the other. A glance at the woman beside him leads to one more sigh.
"I am... grateful for this armor, do not get me wrong, I just..."
"Think you're cursed and won't let him close, yes we know," she says with a chuckle and grin. Ziero glares at her and rolls his eyes. "Two lost men a curse does not make, Z."
An ear flicks in irritation. "And yet those I become close to keep dropping like flies and Doma needs her liege if it is to survive. I won't rob them of him simply because he wishes to pursue something with me." Ziero flashes her a canine, lilac eyes hard. Ryde chuckles softly, reaching to squeeze his elbow. The gesture is gentle, and reassuring, and not for the first time Ziero finds his chest fluttering at her touch.
"I've been with you since Titan and I've yet to fall. The twins---"
He cuts her off with a look. "Ryde, you are not like the rest of them, you know this. I... Fine, let us make sure this prisoner exchange goes well and maybe... maybe I'll... talk with Hien about. Things." Ziero looks over to see the bright glow of her limbal rings flare with encouragement. They dim almost immediately, the seriousness of their task settling into Ryde's face.
"Yes, let us make sure the 'honorable' Ambassador does not murder all of us. With a sword in his gut."
Ziero snorts and shakes his head. "C'mon Scaley. Let's go."
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fate-bound-in-crystal · 3 months
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"You were reckless."
"So were you."
Cue mutual glaring and rising sexual tension.
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fate-bound-in-crystal · 4 months
So I just got Ryde past the Titan fight and onwards to Garuda and I uh... forgot... about the attack on the Waking Sands that happens RIGHT AFTER TITAN
So Zeryde meets Ziero just before Titan is summoned, bc she got her ass captured by the goblins for sneaking around
And then Ryde just... tags long as they return to the Waking Sands, with the intention of Ziero going to Minfillia and making introductions
Except the Scions are attacked and all but annihilated, right? So while Ziero is grieving for the sylph and the Scions, Ryde is just standing in the corner going
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And then when they're in the church and Alphinaud shows up demanding Cid rememeber who he is and that they need to go deal with Garuda and need his air ship, she just leans over to Ziero and goes
"... why is this child bossing us around??"
And Ziero just sighs in tired Sharlayan Gleaner and pats poor Cid on the shoulder
And that's how Ryde gets introduced to the Scions, with the attack, having to go fight Garuda and then breaking them out of the Castrum.
By the time she's actually inducted in the Scions, they've moved to Mor Dhona and have to deal with the Ultima weapon.
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Twin Stars Bound in Crystal
Here are some information on Ziero and Zeryde, my current Warrior of Lights, and 'twin' Azems (in which the seat of Azem was held by two ancients and the stone split in half).
They exist in a canon-adjacent timeline that follows the MSQ almost exactly, with some alterations (mostly that Estinien's dragonblood is woken up by Nidhogg possessing him and changes him physically)
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Ziero Gahjewesfv - Gleaner of Light
A Veena from Sharlayan in his early thirties who just wanted a simple life, damnit. When Ziero was sent out on a gleaner mission, he did not expect to take several years to go home to Sharlayan.
Dutiful to a fault, Ziero is a caring man who falls hard for those who look at him like he's the sun in their sky. He often tries to bottle up his anger and frustration, until his darkside rises and he explodes in rage. He also believes he's cursed with killing his lovers; his lovers keep dying off on him and he's very sick of it.
First Encounter With the Scions: Post Killing Ifrit
Notable Relationships:
Zeryde Azdaj: Found family, something more than 'adoptive sister'
Alphinaud: Found family, little brother who he's very proud of
Alisiae: Found family, little feisty sister that is helping him dabble in magic again
Haurcefaunt Fortemps: Ex-boyfriend/support network, GODS DAMNIT WHY DO MY BOYFRIENDS KEEP DYING
Notable Storybeats:
Meets Zeryde mid Titan fight
G'raha's sacrifice almost breaks him, but Ryde keeps him sane
He becomes very protective of Alphinaud during Heavensward
Haurcefaunt is sort of a rebound relationship that affects him VERY hard
He takes up dark knight post Vault
Ziero handles most of getting Hraesvelgr to fight Nidhog while Ryde is kidnapped by said dragon
He forces himself to keep Hien at arms length bc he's sure that Hien will die if he gets with him (yes, he thinks he's cursed)
Alisiae starts teaching him red magic once she's well enough
Ziero takes the brunt of the light corruption, and Ardbert is one of his shards
Primary Classes: DRK, RDMish
Formerly: SCH, SMN
Non IC Classes: WHM
Currently in-game: Shadowbringers patch content, currently dealing with Elidibus.
tags: #gleaner of light
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Zeryde Azdaj - Scalebound in Light
A monk of the Radiant Host, and unwitting spy for her shatrap in Eorzea. An ancient Allagan experiment long put in stasis, Zeryde isn't exactly sure when she 'woke up', and generally will tell you she's around 20 to 25 summers in age. She is sent to Eorzea to 'learn and grow' and stumbles into the limelight almost by accident during an Adventure Society mission in Outer La Nosaea.
Ryde is stoic and quiet for the most part, keeping her desires and wants to herself. Overtime she learns to open up, and becomes aware that she's incredibly naive to the way the world works. She can be jealous and greedy when she lets her baser instincts take over, and absolutely vicious in combat. Estinien is the one outlier, the who seems to be able to read her at all times and brings out something primal in her soul.
First Encounter With the Scions: Mid Titan fight, quite literally
Notable Relationships:
Ziero Gahjewesfv: Found family, more than a brother though she's not really sure 'what' they are, really
Alisiae: Found family, will protect with her life, kinda has a thing for her
Alphinaud: Found family, also will protect with her life, has less of a thing for him than his sister
Estinien Wyrmblood: It's... complicated. They're bound together in a way she can't explain, and he awakens something in her blood that roars for his presence.
Haurchefaunt Fortemps: She loved him, though tried to not get in the way of him and Ziero's relationship. Until he made the first move.
Notable Storybeats:
Meets Ziero and the Scions mid Titan fight
She encounters Estinien one evening on a walk in Corthes while they're dealing with the heretics (he pins her in the snow, all snarls and sharp edges, and all she can say is "by the twelve you're gorgeous")(yes that one scene from princess monoke)
She finds G'raha mildly annoying, but is amused with how enamored he is with both her and Ziero
Midgarsomrs' blocking access to her blessing actually wakes up her blood -more-
The Crystal Braves' betrayal comes at no surprise to her, and while she's furious with Alphinaud for his naivete, she also can't fault him for it (bc she's naive too)
She falls HARD for Haurchefaunt but keeps it to herself for moons
Traveling with Estinien is a whole experience for her
Nidhogg kidnaps her when he over takes Estinien and she essentially is his prisoner for most of the post HW story
Nidhogg - and by extension Estinien - lay claim to her and awaken her dragonblood
Estinien going AWOL does not help her as they go into Ala Mhigo and Doma
Being shunted through time and space ALSO DOES NOT HELP. Raha summoning her into the First breaks the soul bond between herself, Estinien and the reminants of Nidhog inside Estinien
In doing so, she ends up rejoining with her shard from the 13th, and goes reaper/monk
Her voidscent manifests as her dragon half
Her voidsent is a sassy little dragon
Primary Classes: MNK, RPR
Non IC Classes:
Currently IC: There's a lot of brooding going on and she is sticking close to Ziero as they try to bring their friends home. She was notably absent when Estinien did his check in
Currently in-game: ARR, lead into Titan
tags: #scalebound in light
Other WoLs that are being played on an off:
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Kakaji Kaji - Shortstack
Smol popoto who stabs with a spear bigger than she is. Not sure where she fits in or if she's in a different AU yet. But she's got purple and white hair in a punky undercut
Retired, more or less:
Arym Neim'leif: Tbf she's just stuck at the lead into to Ultima Thule but I haven't had a muse for her in a year
W'eleneill Bernd: I have a complicated relationship with her and her FFXIV character, and she's happy to sit on her island retreat with her giant wolf. I haven't even done recent patch content with her, though will probably revive her briefly to go through the next expansion (as one does)
LAST UPDATED: April 11, 2024
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