#zevran arainai x reader
sxrensxngwrites · 1 year
headcanon requests!
i’m feeling like trying my hand at some headcanon requests! send in some general ideas/prompts and i’ll probably do a bunch for different characters :) definitely for dragon age, but also check out my request posts for other fandoms i vibe with.
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gotta get that motivation to write/post dragon age origins stuff on here.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Zevran Arainai: injury.
Fandom: Dragon Age games
For #ZevWarden week 2020, day 6 on @zevraholics​
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In Zevran's line of work, there is no shortage of injuries one might get on any unlucky day. All it takes is one slip to get a nasty little surprise. 
Zevran doesn't even count any of the small cuts or bruises he gets along the way, traveling with the Warden or before that. 
He tries to stay as safe as possible, of course, because there's nothing fun in getting injured and weakened. Sure, he gets hurt badly sometimes, but always handles it on his own. He's got enough experience to know how to take care of himself in order to get back on his feet as soon as possible. 
What he doesn't have much experience with, is someone getting genuinely worried about his health. 
The first time Zevran earned himself a cut nastier than the usual sort, he cleaned it, bandaged it, and got back on his feet. 
He did not expect to get scolded, tackled back onto his bedding, and promised a very violent end if he left bed in the next few hours. 
Zevran tried to laugh it off at first, calling the Warden a mother-hen for worrying about such a thing. It didn't change anything. He wasn't able to talk his way out of that one, and that's how Zevran ended up with the Warden fussing over him for the whole night, changing his bandages and making sure he didn't sneak out anywhere. 
That was… an interesting experience. A pleasant surprise under unpleasant circumstances. 
Zevran would never admit how unwell he felt, for fear of making you worry even more. He was grateful for all the attention and care you granted him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He'd never admit how much he appreciated that either. 
Zevran wasn’t used to having someone care about him without them gaining from it. But as his feelings for you grow over the course of your missions, he realizes that it feels good to be an important person in someone else's life. 
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 5 years
Nightmares (Zevran)
I’ve been playing Dragon age Inquistion again, and its reminded me how much I love the characters in it!.  
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Zevran short.
Camping out was beginning to take it’s toll, after spending your whole life inside the circle was a guaranteed bed, food and warmth.  Nothing was chasing you, nothing wanted you dead and you didn’t have to fight anything.  Sometimes you wondered what possessed you to become a Grey Warden, in truth though you wouldn’t change it for the world, you were put on this path for a reason and you were surely going to walk it, it would nice if Alistair took control, however, after all, he was much more experienced in the matter.  Yet he was happy enough to allow you, the newbie, who had been a grey warden for no longer than two days when everything went wrong. Thinking about the past now was going to help.  So you decided to get up and go for a walk around the camp.  All but the watch rested sleeping peacefully in their bedrolls.  Walking passed Ogrhens tent you heard him loudly snoring.  ‘Thank the maker I’m not closer to his tent’ you thought.  Passed his tent was Alistairs, he was talking in his sleep about cheese you gathered from the mumbles,  a smile formed on your lips as you continued onwards.  There was a particular tent you were aiming for.  Even if it was subconscious. Zevrans.
Usually the only time you headed to his tent where for some adult extra-curricular activities. Tonight you hoped just to sleep next to him, but would he accept the proposal?.  You hadn’t even reached his tent before he popped out his head.
“Ah my dear warden, on a midnight stroll?” he asked cocking his eyebrow and bring this mouth into a mischievous smile.  
“Don’t go getting excited Zevran, I simply couldn’t sleep, and thought the fresh night air would help” you explained.  
“Perhaps some company might help? I’m sure I could, tire you out” he offered, his words sounded innocent enough, but the hiding meaning was obvious.  
“I know you can, but not tonight” you sighed,  
Zevran fell quiet, he understood no meant no.  he would not ask again.
“Then perhaps we could talk?” this suggestion wasn’t anything new either, but it made you smile, nodding in response.  The assassin moved back into his tent, clearing space for you to join him.  The two of you sat silently, for a moment.  
“So what is keeping you awake?” Zevran asked breaking the silence.
“Falling asleep is easy, I’m exhausted” You sighed, “Staying asleep is harder”
You nodded in response.  
“Do you wish to talk about it?” Zevran asked, his tone was soft and gentle and inviting.
You shook your head, allowing silence to fall between you again.  It was you who broke it this time.
“I was wondering, well, would you mind if I were to sleep here tonight, no funny business” you whispered so softly, you weren’t asking for affection or the likes, just company.  
At first, Zevran looked bewildered, then his expression changed to uncomfortable, then it softened.
“My dear warden” he whispered “Of course”
He moved himself allowing you to get comfortable first, then he settled down beside you.  You both kept your distance, which in reality it was strange considering you two had been pretty close before, plenty of times.  Even with your distance, you could feel his body heat radiating off him. It always seemed so warm, but it was never uncomfortable, it caused your eyes to close quicker than they ever had before.  
The sound of birds stirred your mind, but it was the weight on you and warmth on your back that woke you fully.  It took a moment though to finally realise what was happening.  You were still in the position that you had fallen asleep, tight against the side of the tent, but Zevran had drifted over to you, his chest was pressed against you, with his arm tightly holding you.  It was only now that you felt the tingle of his breath on your ear.  This feeling was new, but you liked it.  So you decided to pretend to be asleep just to lay there a little longer in his embrace before he woke and excused himself.  With the moment to think, it finally occurred to you that you hadn’t woken up once, you slept for most of the night.  You had no doubt it was thanks to Zevran.
It wasn’t long after when Zevran began to stir.  He groaned in your ear before suddenly sitting up, the shock of his movement made you sit up swiftly too.
“Can’t keep away I see” he jested. “Oh, says the one who traveled over to me” you joked back.  You never thought you would live to see the day Zevran blushed.  It was sweet.  The sound of the others stopped anymore conversing happening, saving Zevran any embarrassment and awkwardness.  
For the next week, they only time the two of you spent together, was when you were out on the road fighting darkspawn or doing some ‘adult’ thing, but tonight you were craving something else, you wanted his arms around you again.  Since the last time you spent the night like that, you had been ‘craving’ his affection.  With that in mind, you clambered out of your tent, heading in Zavrans general direction.  Hoping he would take the initiative and invite you again.  No doubt he would hear you wandering around.  
Sure enough, he popped his head out again.  
“Can not sleep again dear warden?” he asked,
Before you could reply, Zevran moved back in, making space for you and without talking the two of you settled down to sleep, keeping your distance.  This time Zevran woke first, finding himself having traveled across the tent and wrapped his arms around you.  He flinched at the affection he was expressing with you was shocking to him.  He was used to only having physical relationships, yet he found himself settling down again, maybe it couldn’t be bad too to enjoy this little moment he thought.  You were still sleeping soundly, feeling safe and comfortable in his arms, and Zevran was enjoying the closeness.  Maybe it was time to take your relationship further?.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
tell me lies, sweet little lies
Day 5 of ZevWarden week with angst 💔 also read here on ao3
Cw: canonical character death
You promised.
He holds the fresh bouquet in his hands. He was not present when the rest had gathered. It wouldn’t be real to him.
You promised.
The king was commended for such a lovely speech, albeit the words he chose gave rise to whispering rumors that Alistair beheld her in a certain light.
You promised.
She was a force of nature. Determined. Fierce. Cunning. Strategic, and never yielding. To see her fight reminded Zevran of why he joined the Warden against the Blight.
You promised.
It was going to be a new life for them. A new start for him, and a new chance at a love he never felt that he deserved.
You promised.
Zevran stood before the memorial, the likeness captured intimately in her statue and the memorabilia still left in her honor. Placing the floral display down, he stared at the Warden for what felt like the last time before he tried to have some semblance of living without her here.
“You lied.”
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Please could I have a romantic ship with Vikings, Dragon age and the Witcher Games. I’m a straight female aged 22, I love reading all genres and I love all genres of music also especially metal. I love being outdoors as much as being indoors and partaking in sports. I’m 5’4 and normally dress in dark clothes and I have dark hair. And I can be quite shy when I first meet people.
Thank you and have a great day :)
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Clearly you're not the only one around here to enjoy good music. Getting to know Sigurd would be a long and difficult process on both sides, since the two of you appear to be rather shy at the start. The first few conversations may surely be filled with a bit of awkward silence, but as soon as you discover your shared love, you'll be over the moon. Over time, you realize that you actuay share a lot of similarities.
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Zevran is the type to probably make you a bit uncomfortable at first, especially when you're on the shy side, but he means well. He doesn't hide his interest in you, or his intentions, being very open with his feelings and his wishes. He is exceptionally good to make you laugh and has good taste in books, even though you will never catch him read a thing. He is attentive even when he appears to be casual, and his presence will help you feel more at ease around new people.
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Dandelion has a fine taste in tunes, rhytm and words. As soon as he notices you to have a similar affection for his favorite topics, he makes it one of his missions to get to know you. Dandelion is the one to fall at your feet, he knows a great deal about being romantic, so prepared to be wowed by candle light dinners and romantic picnics with a great view. He'll treat you like a princess and make you laugh with his antics all the same. He is very precise about remembering your likes and dislikes and choose you over every other human alive.
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dandelion-person · 4 years
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You know, I absolutely adore playing as a dwarf. I have a heartfelt connection to them. But aside from my personal preference, I find the character development to be wonderful. In Origins, when you play as a noble, my favorite part about the backstory in general is how warden develops. He/she starts as royalty, some wonderful person who very well may absolutely hate being rich. Hates the way they are looked at, but knows no other way. Someone who does their duty unquestioning and loyally. Who thinks of battle as something as simple as dusting the house. Perhaps they are even in a forbidden love with their second. These things: hiding relationships, knowing your death is tangible on any given day be it by darkspawn or relatives, never getting to be seen as a simply normal dwarf, are just a normal part of life. Until everything changes. And you’re thrown into this world that is ever so bright and scary. Something totally different. And you, young warden, are so practiced in the ways you have lived that people often mistake you for being callous. Monotone. Unfazed. They’re not wrong. At this point, it takes a lot to rattle you. But this is your life now. And you must learn.
I love thinking about the various situations Aeducan finds themselves in. Stumbling out of the deep roads barefoot into the wardens, who are visibly shocked, battering you with questions that should have been comforting, only to be so numb and hardened that the only thing you can muster is a very formal “it is good to see you again, Duncan.”
Then, meeting Alistair, watching the conversation with a mage and apparently something to do with these odd human religions and traditions with the most resting bitch face imaginable. As is your habit. You’ve grown accustomed to never showing emotion. Dwarves are accustomed to battle and honor and tradition, not emotion. And Alistair, thinking you’re offended or something and you simply replying with “You must be Alistair.” You didn’t mean to sound so scary, wow.
Then Duncan, briefing you on your joining tasks, and you, switching automatically into army general mode, asking the strategies and alternative solutions should problems arise. Duncan finds himself smiling internally. Your level head will surely balance Alistair’s emotional panic in the future.
On to Morrigan. These humans never cease to amaze you. She has nearly no clothing on. How can she survive a battle? None of this shows on your face of course. The never changing diplomatic hardened expression masks your internalized thoughts. It is at times a blessing, not allowing others to see your confusion and fear and curiousity as you learn this new world.
Battle at first is a bit distracting. You’re caught off guard by the fear and disgust the other recruits show. It’s as if they’ve never seen darkspawn...but wait. They haven’t. And you’re reminded again of your people (of whom will never speak of you again) who have faced these monsters for centuries. You find yourself wondering if these humans had experienced the hug of their mother. Harmless games with their fathers. Bonding with their siblings. You consider your own personal family life. You suppose in your own dwarven ways, your family had been very close. But you know if you were to ever try to explain that to these humans, that your version of bonding with your brothers had been training so harshly and brutally that you had sometimes had to spend days in the medicinal wing, they would think you a monster or a war machine. Perhaps...perhaps that’s what you are.
Then waking up in the hut. A pounding headache and intense body pain. You shift into automatic response. Is my duty completed? Are my men safe? What must be done to finish the assigned task. You walk outside to find Alistair. Who expresses some strange sort of gratitude, for what you don’t understand. You consider that humans take death very personally. Death is not something humans are ready and willing to face at any moment. How strange. You think your face must display some sort of confusion, because you swear you see Alistair give a small sad smile. Almost like he’s pitying you. The very look of it makes your stomach turn. Pity is for the weak.
Then there’s Leliana. The most odd creature you’ve found yourself encountering in this new strange land where the sky seems like it can swallow you. She speaks of some man in the sky. You presume a human. She has tried to explain it to you, but it makes no sense. Your body will one day return to the stone from which it came...but then you think further. Perhaps you won’t be returned to the stone. You’ve been exiled. There is no longer somewhere for you to go after you die. For the first time in your life, dying in battle doesn’t seem like a desirable choice.
Sten, oh Sten. Sten quickly becomes one of your most trusted companions. You and him understand each other. Sten is not blinded by emotion and vengeance. Sten exists. And you can appreciate that. Sten has a purpose. Long ago, you were a lot like Sten. Now, you have no idea of your purpose. This world confuses you. You take each day as it comes. Something you’re not used to and find quite annoying. You do not know what to expect. The one thing you can appreciate though, is duty. Duty you took upon yourself. You pride yourself in it really. For the first time, you are doing something that you chose to do. Something not assigned to you. Something you control. It is comforting, and when you look at the sky and grip your toes into the ground so it doesn’t swallow you, you think of this one piece of your culture that will always stay with you: your duty. Sten helps you realize this. And with Sten, you find yourself talking strategy. In some ways, Sten reminds you of Trian. In other ways, Gorim. You cherish Sten. He is a rock in this strange floating bright world.
Then comes Zevran. One of the first elves you’ve ever spoken to in depth actually. Among the first you’ve ever encountered. You find yourself considering him almost to be charming? The word sounds foul to you. He’s a piss poor rogue. Of this you know. At first you find him rather annoying? Almost angering? A piss poor rogue and an even poorer assassin, he turns his back on his duty immediately. You find his desire to avoid death deplorable. But for some reason, the idea of killing him (for the first time in your life mind you) strikes you as being morally wrong. Why? You weren’t sure. Perhaps it was your vacancy for tendencies of vengeance. You did not even seek to kill Bhelen after all. Bhelen had simply done what any dwarf would’ve, had they been smart enough. Bhelen’s act did not provoke hard feelings. You still loved him even. Your little brother had grown into an outstanding noble and you could not deny that. He had simply beaten you at a game. Once again, if you expressed this opinion to your human companions after they learned your story, they considered you to be insane. Apparently, vengeance is a common thing amongst humans. Humans, you feel, are incapable of accepting that which they do not enjoy. You find this odd. Relating back to Zevran, Zevran is not human. And though he acts nothing like the odd elves from the trees (the first trees you’d ever seen by the way), Zevran is refreshingly morally corrupt. The more you get to know him, the more he reminds you of your people. And this is comforting. He tells you of Antiva. Perhaps you even ask him if he will someday take you there. Maybe there would feel like home. It certainly sounds like the politics are the same. Zevran’s moral instability and cowardice are exactly what makes him so comforting. He makes you feel at home.
Sorry, I suppose those are just some ramblings/drabbles that go through my head when I play as a dwarf. Let me know if you’d like me to write any other background stories. I’ve played them all. The way my brain can spin their personalities and character development affects the way I build each character. I’d love to share more if anyone liked this!
PS: I have played all 3 games. The only backstory I haven’t played so far is the Qunari and it will have to wait because I just upgraded from 360 to One and now I have to buy another inquisition.
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ohthatsviolet · 4 years
Cold Water (1,069 words)
Zevran X Reader 
(Reader’s gender isn’t specified. Contains mentions of nudity. Ao3 link in the RBs).
Zevran is filthy after a day of travelling and needs help washing his hair.
The coolness of the water was a brief shock to the system, to say the least. It took all of his willpower to force himself to stoop, down allowing it to soak his shoulders. He was filthy, having lost his footing on a slope they were traversing, sending him tumbling into the nearest mud puddle. Leliana and Alistair had gotten a laugh out of it, of course. But that was in the past now, the elf deciding to place all of his focus on his current task. It was such a relief to be able to finally remove his armor and under garments, leaving them near the edge of the lake to deal with later.
He scooped up a small amount of water in his palm, using it to run along his shoulder and bicep, washing away some of the dirt. He bit down on his lip, as he splashed it onto himself, still trying to adjust to the cold. Perhaps coming to bathe in the lake at night wasn't the smartest decision he'd ever made, but it wasn't like he had many options; they'd been travelling for most of the day and were planning on leaving their makeshift camp early the next morning. Zevran rubbed his hands together creating gentle ripples, using his nails on one hand to pick the dirt out from under the others. He returned his attention back to his arms, washing away the dried mud that was clinging to his elbows. Now came the part he wasn't looking forward to: his hair. He lowered his head downwards, grazing the ends of his hair against the lake’s surface. Zevran ran his hands through the golden strands, watching with mild interest as murky droplets began to rain down into the water below.
It wasn’t common for the assassin to let his guard down, but in this instance he was blissfully unaware that anyone was watching him. You’d decided to take a walk to clear your head after a long day of travelling. Zevran had informed you that he planned to do the same, but you hadn’t expected to find him bathing, his tanned skin glistening in the moonlight.
“Are these yours?” you asked, gesturing to the pile of clothes near the lake bank. “Quite careless to leave them lying here, no? What if someone came by and stole them while you weren’t looking?”
The elf rose from the water, at the sound of your voice, leaving himself covered from the waist down, beads of water trickling from his collar bone down to his stomach, disappearing into their source once again.
“Then our battles would be much more interesting,” he quipped, with an almost smug smile. “How would our enemies ever focus, with all of this Antivan greatness to gaze upon?”
You laughed, though he may have had a point.
“Would you care to join me, my dear Grey Warden?” Zevran asked, barely making a sound as he tread through the water, coming closer. “I might require your assistance with something.”
“Aren’t you cold?”
“No. It feels marvelous. I assure you.”
He waited by the water’s edge while you disrobed, offering you a hand as you jumped into the water with a small splash. Your arms instantly moved to wrap around yourself, though it did little against the harsh bite of cold you felt around your legs.
“Zevran!” you gasped. “This is freezing!”
“It’s not so terrible once you’ve gotten used to it,” the assassin replied, with a chuckle. “Surely someone as ferocious as yourself, is not going to allow themselves to be overcome by some numb knees.”
He took both of your hands and led you further in, encouraging you to move your limbs around.
“Has anyone told you what wonderful eyes you possess, my dear?” Zevran said, placing one cool hand against your cheek. “The way they sparkle in this light, rivals the stars themselves.”
Your face began to feel warm under his touch, and it took a little too long for you to realise you were blushing, leaving the elf feeling completely satisfied with himself. He always did know how to charm.
“What was it you needed my help with then?” you asked, eyeing your companion curiously as he began to sink under the water again, until it was covering most of his torso.
“Would you mind helping me get this filth out of my hair?” he requested, almost innocently. “A great many things look good on me, but I doubt this hairstyle is one of them. I thought about diving under the water to rinse it off, but I simply do not wish to risk drowning today.”
You could tell he was merely poking fun at the situation, and probably just wanted your company more than anything else. Still, you decided to indulge him. There were worse things to be subjected to than washing the hair of a handsome man under the stars.
You began by undoing his braids, allowing the pieces of stray hair to fall naturally by the side of his face, tainted with sweat and dirt. Placing a light hand on his shoulder encouraged him to lean back into your other waiting arm, supporting his weight as he lay back enough for you to be able to work with. You started with handfuls of water, trying to get his hair as damp as possible before massaging your fingers along his scalp. Zevran let out a contented sigh, his eyes falling closed as you began running your hand through his hair repeatedly, washing away anything that didn’t belong. It didn’t take long until he was back looking presentable again, and he offered you a warm, grateful smile as you finished up, making sure his locks were cleaned as thoroughly as possible.
“I must say, I feel much better,” Zevran said, as you both made your way towards the edge of the lake, and back onto dry land. “Thank you, again.”
“It was no trouble,” you told him, stooping down to collect your clothes. “We must look after one another whilst we’re travelling together.”
“Of course,” the assassin agreed, with a coy grin. “I am in your debt, afterall.”
He began to walk away, but paused for a moment, looking up at the stars and then back to you.
“Which of course means, if you’re ever looking for any assistance of your own...Well, you know where to find me, Grey Warden.”
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high5nerd · 4 years
My Top Favorite Dragon Age Fanfics!
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This includes all three (soon to be four--aaah!!) games including DLCs! The list is ever growing, and because I’m a nasty little dirty ho I’m including smut fics as well, at the very end tho in case no one is interested!
Also if any fanfic readers recognize any works I’ve listed with all of my love, affection, and disgusting obsession for more, please feel free tag them so I can immediately follow them! <3
Here we go, my Top Five Favorite Dragon Age Fics!
Trust by The_Tevinter_Biscuit
Rated G, Fenris/Male!Hawke, hurt/comfort, mentions of blood, part of series
I love me a broody elf, and I also love the relationship Hawk and Fenris have if pursued in DA2. The_Tevinter_Biscuit captures the struggle of acceptance of love in this relationship inside Fenris’s perspective, which I’m such a sucker of! 
Project Elvhen: An Elvhen Lexicon by FenxShiral
Unrated (does mention genitalia terms and phrases for sex), linguistics
Does this count as non-fiction? I think this counts as a non-fiction fanfic! As a writer (and a reader that hopes to teach future kids how to speak Elvhen) this was a very interesting read on the structure of the conlang language and how it differs from English (or whichever language you programmed your game to audibly speak). I would also love to list FenxShiral’s second project on Elvhen names, but I figured one is enough! As a nerd that lives for world building to the point of speaking the language, this was definitely the first I bookmarked.
Assassins Make Good Pillows by danceswithhamsters01
Rated G, Zevran/Fem!Amell Warden, fluff, nightmares, marriage
Apparently I really am a sucker for romance. I really love this post-Origins snippet of a married life between Zevran and Amell, and how calm, quiet and comforting the tone is even when she’s struggling with nightmares. (ALSO FANG IS IN IT. DOGGO.)
Once Upon A Dream by love_in_nature
Unrated (eets got smut, HELL YEH). Slow burn, Solas/OC, Modern Girl in Thedas, Elven Inquisitor, fluff and angst I cannot stress how difficult it is to both write a modern oc in thedas fic and also read in some cases, but love_in_nature really sells it through Emma Carpenter’s struggle to accept where she is. Love_in_nature is actually one of my many fic role models to this day!
The Revelation of All Things by EllenEmbee Rated E, Graphic depictions of violence, OC Mage Fem!Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford, slow burn, PTSD, angst, addiction, fluff
Any fic really has to sell to me well to adore someone’s OC, and EllenEmbee succeeded. Evana’s questioning of religion and her reluctance to become a leader of a massive cause is not only engaging and grips you to binge the entire fic, but also you can sympathize with every struggle she goes through. And the amount of times she and Cullen give hints they like each other and don’t get it are INFURIATINGLY ADORABLE.
~And now, reader inserts, because I’m CHAOTIC~
It’s mostly Solas and Cullen cuz I couldnt find any of my boys Fenris and Zevran sowwy
Endearing Curls by  Proxinge
Rated G, Cullen Rutherford/Fem!Reader, fluff
Before Dawn by EarlGreyWardens
Rated M, Cullen/Reader, morning snuggles, slight suggestions of previous sex
I often like to pretend I’m all for bed fun and then run away like Fenris but I’m a goddamn sucker for snuggle time stories. There’s literally no plot in these types of fluffy gold nuggets but the whole point is a moment to just be, and I love how well EarlGreyWardens did with this.
Dreaming With You by fatale_distraction, Keturagh, Ladyayla121, lehavashadowsun, RedInkOfShame, Tress13, serpenstone and @dragynfox​ Rated E, Solas/Fem!Reader, smut, angst, fluff
The choice of choosing which outcome after the initial chapter is phenominal. Also congrats on writing an awesome smut fic together! Writing compilations with multiple authors can be super tricky, and these fic writers knocked the roof off the house (is that the phrase?) My ultimate favorite is the fluff chapter.
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Am I wrong?
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defiledtomb · 7 years
Evenings in Antiva
So, let me explain first. This is an excerpt from my, erhm, highly personal archives that I just normally don’t share because of who I am as a person. But, I’ve had both you and outside forces being so incredibly encouraging I thought why the heck not. There is no real reason I want to keep them to myself, I’m only scared of feedback (funnily enough it’s also the only thing I crave. Anyway) So this is something that is both part of my ongoing zevran romance fantasy, but also a shameless, shameless, self insert/ “x reader” piece of smut. It’s also a practice piece so those of you who read it will find it very descriptive and very… explicit. But maybe not in the right ways, always.
He comes to you by late afternoon, when the sun is as tired as your limbs. He pours you a glass of wine, brushes a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Long day, mi amor?” It’s a murmur against your temple as his lips still linger, cinnamon and cloves heavy on his breath. The gentle breeze from an open balcony and the heady scent of antivan jasmine fills up the room and the mood is almost tangible, golden honey and ripe peaches of evening sun.
“If only the night lasts as long as my day,” you purr, “I won’t complain.” It elicits a heartfelt laugh from Zevran and his eyes glimmer with mirth, he settles down beside you and kisses small letters of love on your throat.
“It can be arranged,” Zevran smiles, his nimble fingers already unbuckling the armor you wear as a second skin, smothering every inch of you that he reveals with open-mouthed kisses; growling in pleasure as the taste of you reaches his tongue.
The last items of clothing is ripped from your body as his patience reaches its limit; you are naked and loved and he is not afraid to show it.
“Amor,” he whispers as he takes a step back; it is a vain thing to think of himself as a lucky man and that you are finally his, after the years of pining and hoping you are his, and his alone: that notion fills him not only with pride but an undying gratitude; the kind that bring men to their knees and is also most likely the force that keeps his heart beating.
“Amor,” he says again, although this time it’s more of a breath and a distant kiss, you blush and your knees nearly give out from the force of his devotion. Not that you ever doubted it; but to see it, feel it, in the sparse words he uses in moments like this… It is, you decide, the very definition of divine.
The space between you is closed quickly as he sinks to his knees before you, hot breath on your navel and his calloused hands running smoothly along the outside of your thighs.
He whispers still and it’s almost like a spell; you feel the words he whispers are promises, lingering and of longing. Laughter bubbles in your throat, from sheer happiness and excitement, and it smoothes into a long moan as Zevran drags his tounge through your slit.
He spreads your legs wider as you grasp handfuls of his hair to anchor yourself against the warmth of his mouth, he draws sweet sounds of pleasure from you as he gently circles your inner walls. You can’t help but to close your eyes; he drives you nearly mad with desire as he focuses on everything but your already throbbing clitoris, but when you open them again you see him looking up at you through lidded eyes. Neither can you help the low moan that drags through your throat from seeing him like this; you’ve watched him for years and memorized every detail about him, yet seeing him with his face buried in your cunt is like seeing the sunset for the very first time. You bite your lip and your brows furrow from withholding your orgasm, futile as it is when Zevran latches on to your clit and sucks while still maintaining eyecontact.
The world goes white and you fear you’ve might actually gone blind, the force of your release shakes the very foundation of what you deem as lovemaking. It will never be this good again, ever.
Then again, you thought so last time too.
The high that rushes through your body and the gentle lapping of Zevrans still moving tongue brings you back to reality and now you are free but highly wound up; if you don’t get more of him you are sure you will dissolve.
“You,” you breathe and beckon him up with your hand on his cheek, “bed.” It’s the most you can muster with your head still spinning, yet you sqeal with glee as Zevran lifts you and carries you over to the bed. His erection presses against your sopping wet centre and it’s enough to make you go mad with lust yet again. 
“I love you,” you tell him inbetween the passionate kisses you share, “I missed you so much.”
His laughter at this statement of yours makes you laugh as well, and you blush furiously as he presses bubbling kisses against your heated cheeks.
“We eat, sleep and work together, mi bella, yet you miss me?” He laughs, and places you on the bed.
“Every second.” You answer, proudly, while working on the laces of his breeches.
Zevran has no chance to answer before he is swept away, his mouth slants open with a breathless gasp as you grip his shaft and suck the precum off his tip. The heady musk both from tthe taste and scent of him fill your nostrils as you breathe deep, plunging his cock into the back of your throat. He knows you like this and his hands press on the back of your head; forcing his cock down to hilt. Your hands are planted firmly on his muscular butt and you feel the slight shiver in his legs as he sucks a sharp breath through his teeth. He keeps you here and your tounge presses against his shaft, moving ever so slightly until you gag and it’s removed; a string of saliva still connects you two before it drips down your chin and down your heaving chest. Zevran drags his thumb under your eyes to wipe away the tear that escaped, still running the head of his cock around your plump and wettened lips.
“You are so beautiful,” he says with a reverence normally saved for outside of the bedroom, smoothing your hair back into a ponytail as you take him into your mouth again. This time when he drives in to the hilt, you swallow and mewl to let him feel the vibration of you; his head falls back in bliss before he playfully growls and pushes you further back on the bed only to crawl on top of you.
He kisses you as if your mouth was a delicate spring flower, tasting himself before turning his attention to your breast; one hand kneading the soft flesh before closing his mouth over a stiff and yearning nipple. He does this like so, because he knows what sounds it derives from you; the gentle gasp as he sucks on it first, then the slow, dragging moan as he circles the nipple with the tip of his tongue. He knows this too, when he blows a small stream of cooling air where he licked; the combination of saliva and his tentative breath makes your whole body break out in gooseflesh.
“More,” you plead as you shiver beneath him, his erection pressing against your swollen vulva. “Please let me have you.”
Zevran returns to kiss you on the mouth, hungry as he is, but he stares deep into your eyes as he presses inside you. Its broken for but a second as both of you roll your eyes to the back your skull; he for feeling your walls clench around him, pulling him in, and you for the way this fills you, excrutiatingly slow; described with words like ‘heavenly sin’.
He rocks steadily as your nails rake along his back, his mouth back again with open mouthed kisses along your throat. Every movement sends this rush through your spine, you suck on his earlobe and press your heels into his back. He knows this too well and rises to his knees, places his arms around your waist so that he can press himself as close as he can; you can’t help but scream as your pleasure reaches its height.
The length of his cock fully buried in you as his arms lift you into an arch; the way you clench around him like this steals your breath as well as his. He rides you through your orgasm sliding lazily out and in, but as soon as you go limp his pace invigorates until he’s pounding you into the matress; his hands now clamped like vices over your hips, sure to leave small bruises; small marks of his love imprinted on skin. The breath he chases becomes as erratic as his thrusts, then he finally pushes in with some force and a grunt; he breathes heavily now as his cock twitches and pumps his thick seed into your womb. Zevran always does this, and it excites you to no end; he pulls out and watches it trickle out of you, before he gets up and wettens a rag to gently wipe it up.
Beads of sweat still roll down his abdomen that glistens golden brown, and he lays down next to you when he finishes. A kiss is placed at your temple before he wraps his arms around you, resting your head on his chest. This song, the one of his pounding heart to the drag of his exhausted breath, it pulls you both into deep sleep; you even beat the setting sun.
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kissmybf-blog · 7 years
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" there is nobody who could ever capture me the way you have." Alistair would never have thought he would be spending his 23rd birthday as King, or his 22nd or his 21st for that matter. "It would be wise if you looked for a wife this evening, Alistair." Arl Eamonn advised earlier that day as they walked through the palace courtyard. "On my birthday?That's just unfair really, if this is your idea of a gift you could have just gotten me ch-" "Alistair this in no time for games. You are King, with no heir but enemies. I beg of you to think of this seriously.It is vital you marry soon." The grey warden turned king nodded slowly. "Does love not come into this?" "You can learn to love." "Like Cailan and Anora? I cannot do that. Not when-" "You pine for someone else. Someone who has a duty to Thedas. You know her Alistair. Would she leave her duty for you?What if she didn't feel the same anymore.It has been three years" Alistair scowled and clenched his fist. Eamonn was right. "I will see you tonight." The King snarled before turning on his heel and marching back into the palace. ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Laughter, chatter and music filled the ballroom. Alistair was of course unimpressed by this, his attention had to be directed towards the women who flocked to him in attempts to woo. His mind wandered as an Orlesian woman giggled and flirted with him, he had no interest in her but could see Eamonn from the corner of his eye. "From Highever and house Cousland-" Alistair almost jumped- Cousland. It couldn't be- could it. He turned his head to look at the entrance, heart hammering in his chest. "Teryn Fergus Cousland." Alistair's heart dropped. Of course it wouldn't be her. "Mmh, excuse me your highness! Awfully rude of me but would you care for a dance?" The red haired orlesian girl asked, fixing her mask. "Oh..not at all." So they danced, he managed not to step on her toes - thank god. Then suddenly something caught his eye. The flash of blue and silver, gliding across the room with more grace than an average noblewoman. The dance finished and Alistair excused himself before moving towards the buffet. That's when he saw her again. Her long neck was adorned by a silver amulet, her (H/C) hair was up in a low bun with a braid wrapped around her head and disappearing into the bun and she wore a beautiful blue gown and a sliver mask. A glass was in her hand but she had seen him. He gave an awkward smile but he received a big one in return. She placed her glass down- was she going to come over? Should he be doing this? 'Remember what Eamonn said, she wouldn't give up her duty.' Alistair decided to meet her halfway. "I hope you don't mind," he said when she stood in front of him "but I'm going to ask you to dance." The mysterious woman nodded and took his hand. The two twirled around the ballroom in silence and with ease- his dance lessons had come in handy. "I never thought I'd see the day that my Alistair would be able to dance without stepping on toes or stumbling." His heart stopped. Those eyes, god those eyes, how had he not recognize them before now? How did he not recognise the warden amulet around her neck? How did he not recognise his love? "(Y/N)" He breathed, shock evident on his face. "Long time no see Alistair.Or should I say King Alistair? Or bastard?' He chuckled as the dance ended and lead her out to the balcony. (Y/N) removed her mask and blew a strand of hair from her eyes. "I forgot how bloody uncomfortable dresses are." She grumbled, rolling her shoulders. "I can imagine, look, I was forced to wear these pants. They're so tight and this crown is a dead weight." She laughed and leaned against the concrete barrier. "Here, birthday boy. A little gift from me." The warden lifted her skirts, causing the King to blush.However, from her skirts she presented a toy golem. "Hey! This is great, at least someone got me something I've always wanted!" For awhile the King fiddled with the golem, proud of his present. For 23 he was still quite childish at times it seemed. He didn't look her in the eye when he spoke again. "Where...where have you been?I went to Weisshaupt many times but you were never there. I tried to contact you also." "Life as the Warden Commander is demanding, I spend the majority of my time in Orlais and recruiting members." "You didn't answer my question.Why did you never contact me?I was worried, (Y/N)." Her smiled faded from her face and she turned her face away. "I couldn't interfere, you're king after all and the whole grey warden thing would distract you from your duties.And....you need to look for a wife Alistair." Alistair placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know I can't do that. Not when you still have my heart. You know I could never forget what we had...what you mean to me. Of course it's been three years but there is nobody who has captured me the way you have. But I understand, your duty is to Thedas. I just need to know, do you feel they same way you did all those years ago?" "After these years..my feelings never changed Alistair. I love you just as much as the first day I told you." His heart pounded violently against his ribcage. There was no way he was letting her get away again. "Then marry me." "What?" "You heard me." "But you need an heir Alistair, we're Grey Wardens. There's a slim chance of one grey warden having children after the ritual but two grey wardens together?" "I don't care. We'll try and if we don't produce one, the throne is Connors.You're also a Cousland, nobility. They will accept this- us." She chewed her lip- thinking. "I...I hope you're prepared to be stuck with me for the rest of your days then, King Alistair." A burst of laughter came from the king and he swept her into his arms, placing his lips against hers. "Maker,I love you."
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a-still-small-vox · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game
Tagged by @mathclasswarfare​. Thanks! :D
What’s your all-time favorite ship? I don’t have an all-time favourite ship that reigns over every fandom, but I do have an OTP within each of my fandoms. My top OTPs from each of my most-written fandoms are Prompto x Noctis (FFXV), Nepeta x Karkat (Homestuck), Nezumi x Shion (No. 6), and Ciara Tabris (female city elf archer) x Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age: Origins). How many works do you have on AO3? 142, although not all of those are fic. A few are translations or collabs.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 839,723 words. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. You Know The Fic - A One Punch Man Saigenos fic which was a remix of a smut fic by Sandywolf. It somehow became insanely popular, with 1,609 kudos.
Saitama rescues a robot who turns out to be a pirated sex-robot. Then it falls in love with him. This is not what he needed in his life. (Or maybe it was.) Disclaimer: This is not your average smut fic. Come for the smut, get hooked by the comedy, stay for the feels. Trust me.
2. Her Own Beloved - A fun Miraculous Ladybug Adriette/Ladynoir reveal fic. Like YKTF, this one definitely got this popular because the fandom is freaking huge. It has 476 kudos, a big step down from YKTF. People did not stay with me after reading that fic.
Marinette has finally achieved her dream of moving in with her boyfriend Adrien Agreste. But something seems fishy in their relationship, and Marinette fears that Adrien could be preparing to break up with her. As usual, her problems have an unconventional solution.
3. Everything To Me - An FFXV Promptis soulmate AU, written for the Book Club Discord’s spring exchange in 2020. I think it got so popular because Mysteriousbean5 illustrated it as a gift for a different exchange. And the premise is a little more basic than some of my other FFXV works, so it has more universal appeal.
“So, I think we’re soulmates,” Noctis said.
4. Apartment-Warming - A One Punch Man Saigenos uh... adult fic. Its popularity is definitely due to riding on the coat-tails of You Know The Fic.
Saitama finally moves out of the Hero Association HQ and goes back to Z-City with Genos. They do some housewarming.
5. Fateswap - My No. 6 magnum opus. Of all the ones on this list, I think this one most deserves to be here.
Nezumi grows up in his village... sort of... while Shion is captured and taken to the Correctional Facility at a young age. How will events play out with the roles reversed? And what will happen to the third option?
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? I aspire to, but I prioritise longer/more meaningful comments, or ones with questions in them. It’s not that I don’t appreciate short comments - I do! I just don’t have much to say back aside from a standard, “Thanks for the comment; glad you enjoyed the fic” and I don’t like being so repetitive.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? What Prompto Gave - In a motel room during the road trip one night, Noctis comes out as gay to Prompto. The problem: the terms of Noctis's marriage contract with Luna prevent him from taking any lovers. Despite believing himself to have no romantic feelings for Noctis, Prompto offers him the chance to experience intimacy with a man - himself.
The ending implies this will be the only time Noctis gets to honour his real sexuality, and also that Prompto might have feelings for Noctis neither of them will ever get to explore. I really wanted to wring out some reader tears with this one, which is very unusual for me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? It’s impossible to pick just one. Almost all of my fics have happy endings, and I also write a lot of fix-its. Do you write crossovers? Not really. I will write fics that are inspired by another story, but not a straight up “characters from X world are put into Y world” story.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? No, although I have received some tiresome comments, such as rude grammar commentary. I welcome all comments, but those are the ones that made me roll my eyes.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Unfortunately, yes, lol. It’s always pretty vanilla. I find writing it boring, except as a manifestation of deep intimacy and love. So I guess the kind is “with feelings”.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. There was a website called ebooks-tree that once upon a time stole some of my Homestuck and No. 6 fics and was selling them to people, even though you can read them for free on AO3 =_=
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As you can see, here are my fics Alliances and Ace Crackshot Harleys (now Feathers & Firearms) on their blasted webbed site. Fortunately this site is gone forever now.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. I translated Eve’s Secret, one of my own No. 6 fics, to French, and my fic The Faithful Servant was translated to French in a trade with @riotbrrrd​.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. One of the No. 6 Discord’s Halloween events in 2018 was a round robin fic which ended up being called A Dark And Stormy Anniversary. I wrote 1/6 of it. I also have co-author credit on cry havok and kick up your heels, a fic that was written by @ninemoons42​, but planned and brainstormed by me as well.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Luckily for you all, all of my published WIPs will one day be finished. Forever unfinished ones will never see the light of day. Of those, the one which I think had the most literary potential is a Kaworu x Shinji AU where Kaworu is a normal human boy with a terminal illness, who comes into Shinji’s life for the length of one summer. That could’ve been a real tear-jerker.
What are your writing strengths? I’m good at writing description, and also at designing and world-building AUs. I like to think I’m good at writing fix-its and romance as well.
What are your writing weaknesses? Action/adventure type stuff. I find writing fight scenes boring. I also don’t know how other people do this, but a lot of my characterisation is done on instinct alone, which makes writing distinctive voices for them difficult sometimes. I also don’t like writing long conversations very much.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Well... I’ve done it before. I wrote all of France’s dialogue for my Hetalia France x England fic Harmony And Contrast in French. I would be happy to read more bilingual French & English fics. However, I think doing this alienates monolingual readers, so providing an all-one-language version is essential, which is what I did with Harmony & Contrast. There’s an all-English version bundled on the same posting as the English & French version.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Homestuck, for which I have 25 works. It was my most prolific fandom until I got into FFXV, which has 38 works.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Whichever fic I’ve written most recently tends to be my favourite. If I had to absolutely pick one, though, it would probably be Perchance To Wake. The version on AO3 is a wip, but I have the whole thing written already. It’s very personal to me, being about Noctis and Prompto’s journey with their respective chronic illnesses (although set on a backdrop of action, friendship, and romance!). I think it’s really well constructed, if I do say so myself.
I tag @riotbrrrd​, @ninemoons42​, @revasnaslan​, @yuneyn​.
No pressure to do the meme, just if you feel like it :)
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silence-burns · 4 years
Zevran Arainai: hair.
Fandom: Dragon Age games
For @zevranstattoos​ - the one who doesn’t let me forget about Zevran <3
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Zevran was used to wearing his hair braided in a certain way. He spent a lot of time figuring out what looked best on him while also being practical enough not to get in his eyes during a fight. 
That being said, Zevran absolutely didn’t mind experimenting with something new if only there was enough time. 
He'd be delighted if you ever asked him to allow you to braid his hair, or even just brush it. Zevran was very proud of how silky his hair was naturally, and would definitely flaunt it in front of his less lucky companions. 
He'd generally try to keep it clean, but there wasn’t much he could do when the journey was long and lacked the fresh water to spare for hair washing. He'd take a bath the first chance he got, though. 
Zevran would absolutely love the feeling of your fingers on his scalp, and would sit very patiently when you tried your best to learn new braids on him. 
He'd be patient, but not quiet. Zevran would run his mouth continuously, commenting on every brush and encouraging you to try a few more things. He'd constantly twist and turn to wink at you or to watch your face after he made a particularly cheeky comment. 
He'd spend a good few minutes watching himself in the mirror after you were done, assessing his new looks from every perspective. 
He'd make it very obvious that you had been taking care of him, walking deliberately right in front of other companions, crossing their paths so that they had no way to avoid noticing his hair. 
He'd be really happy that you chose to spend the time together like that, and share those moments with him. 
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 5 years
The Calling (Zevran)
Suppose this is sort of a second part to [Nightmares]
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Years had passed now since the blight and the architect.  Ferelden had been rescued twice by you and now it was safe.  The hardest part of it all was being apart from Zevran for so long, but you had your gray warden stuff, and he had to deal with the crows.  Of course, you two had seen each other during the years.  They were short.  Now that there was peace the two of you decided to make it a more of a permanent thing.   
You were on your way to meet up with him in Orlais, a little cabin near Val Royeaux.  Zevrans idea, he had come across it whilst hiding for a while.  According to him, it was the perfect place to settle down, as committed as Zevran was, you had never expected him to be the one to suggest it.  Now you had no intention of giving up on being a gray warden completely, and should they ever need you, you wouldn’t hesitate but after everything you have done, you were entitled to a break and some happiness. The more you thought about it the faster your feet carried you.   You had never in your life thought that this would be possible after spending the first years of your life in the circle, then your time as a gray warden.  The more you thought about it, the quicker your feet carried you.  
The night was falling by the time you spotted the cabin, it was run down, needing some TLC.  It was clear no one had lived there for a good while.  Except for a small flicker from a candle.  Just in case you approached with caution,  entering the slightly of centered doorway.  The floorboards creaked under your feet, it was unavoidable.
“Amour” the voice was coming from behind you.  Zevran grabbed your hand, gently pulling you round to face him.  There was a softness in his eyes that would normally seem so out of character had anyone else seen it.  
“You weren’t joking about this being in need of some TLC” you joked, stepping a little closer.
“It’s going to take a long time fix her up”
“Well, I’ve made a good start in the bedroom” Zevran smirked.   He took your hand, leading you to the bedroom.  Sure enough, he had managed to make it cozy, pillows and blanks were strewn around in a make-shift bed, the actual bed was being used for kindling, there was a bottle of Antivan wine, two glasses and a tray of food.  Little candles were the only source of light.  It was pretty romantic.  
“Come, My Love, let's get that armour of you,” Zevran said.  He didn’t say ‘love’ in your native tongue very often, but when he did it always seemed a little more special.  
Zevran helped you with most of your armour, but while you were taking care of the rest, he suddenly pulled out a comfortable looking nightgown hidden amongst the pillows.  It looked expensive and rather Antivan.   It was also pretty sheer and sexy.  You would expect no less from Zevran, but not that you were complaining of course.  You were happy to slip it on.  When you lifted your arms up the hem barely covered anything.  So you decided to tease Zevran a little lifting arm your arms, pretend stretching.
“What do you think?” you asked innocently.  Zevran said something in his native tongue, you didn’t understand it clearly, but you could tell it was working.  
“It pales in comparison to you”  he finally said.   Causing you to blush.
Zevrans lifted his hand up to your cheek, brushing loose hair out of the way.  
“Nothing compares to your beauty my dear warden” he continued.  
“Zevran, you flatter” you smiled.   The smooth-tongued elf always had a compliment for you and no matter what you would always blush.  
Zevran led you to the pile of pillows, wrapped a few blankets around you both, then handed you the glass of wine.  
“I’ve missed you” you pipped up, after a while of simply watching the fire crackle.  
“I’ve missed you too, but we finally have time to ourselves, I’m not going anywhere” Zevran assured.
“No, the world can sort itself from now on” you jested.  
With the glass of wine empty, the heat from the fire and comfort of being in Zevrans arms you fell asleep pretty quickly, not waking again until the morning.
The next morning.  Neither of you decided to get up,  staying in bed for as long as you could. You both talked about your most recent adventures.  Today was nothing but relaxing together.  The following day, however, was when you both got to work on the little cabin.  You were up on the roof, while Zevran helped you from the ground.  Admittedly you hadn’t expected him to be so ‘handy’  
A week later of constant working, the outside was secure from the weather. It was much nice sleeping with a secure roof, even though you were still sleeping on the floor.  
Months passed now since you started renovating your little cabin and it was perfect.  There were a few little projects to deal with, but it was home.  It had been a long time since you had a real bed, even is Zevran was a bit of a blanket hog sometimes.  
Everything was perfect, nothing could go wrong.  Right?.  It hadn’t occurred to you, but you were getting on, in years now.  You wouldn’t be able to grow old with Zevran, not with the calling coming for you.  What would happen then? what would happen when you were losing your mind when you would be forced to travel the deep roads until the darkspawn kill you or the calling takes you?.  You hadn’t told Zevran about this yet.  That your time together was so limited, you wanted to pretend that everything was fine, that you would be okay, but now that the two of you had settled down, you had to tell him.  You decided to break the news to him gently as possible, dinner, wine the whole ‘9 yards’  you wanted to get it over with, so the next morning you headed of to Val Royouxe to pick up the necessities.  
In your casual clothes, no one knew who you were, and you kept your name to yourself.   
You had overheard a few conversations about your cabin, nothing of note though.  In fact, for a place famous for the ‘game’ no one said anything interesting, you had secretly hoped to hear some juicy gossip.
When you returned home you spotted Zevran out on the little porch, he was sharpening his daggers.
“My dear mage, how was your shopping trip?” he asked when you were in earshot
“I did, and you have to wait here until a call you in” you chirped, kissed him on the cheek then headed into the start cooking.
It was already getting late when you had gotten back from the city, so by the time you had finished cooking it was dark.  You lit just enough candles to see, set the table then headed out to get Zevran, he was beginning to look a little bored.
“You can come in now!” you smiled, a little amused at his pouting face.  
Zevran stood following you in.
“What is all this for?” he asked sitting down ready for you to bring the food over.
“Do I need a reason to treat the man I love?” you asked.  The two of you had become rather domestic, like in those cheesy romance novels the woman of Orlais read but you didn’t care.
The dinner and wine went down well, considering you hadn’t cooked a proper meal ever.  Afterward, the two of you settled by the fire with the rest of the wine.
“So, my dear mage, is there something on your mind?” Zevran asked.  He had noticed your silence.  Now was the time.  You had to tell him.
“Well, you know how the gray warden initiation is well there's no escaping the whole thing, not really?” you started.  You didn’t want to give too much away, after all, you were sworn to secrecy.  Zevran waited patiently for you, and with his encouraging expression, you started again.
“Well, it during the initiation, you are to drink a glass of, stuff, well it connects us to the darkspawn, its how we sense them, well there is a downside.  It will kill me, eventually, its’ called the calling” though you could see Zevrans expression change, you didn’t give him the chance to speak. “There will come a time where I will, either I will succumb to it and lose my mind, or I can head to the deep roads and die fighting off the darkspawn I’m sure you can tell most choose the deep roads”
Silence fell between you.  You could see the concentrating in Zevrans eyes. He was in deep thought.
“There must be something we can do to stop it” Zevran spoke, his voice broke.
“I don’t know, and I am sorry I never said anything sooner” you noted.
Zevran pulled you tightly into an embrace.  
“We can figure this out” he continued.  He sounded sure of himself this time.  Maybe he was right, maybe there was a way to stop the calling.  You would just have to do some research, and you have Zevran to help.  
“Okay, I’ll contact some friends tomorrow” you smiled.  
Maybe this was going to be okay.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
many lives, one love
Day 4 of ZevWarden week, also read here on ao3
An assassin and a Warden. A vampire meets a vampire hunter. A mermaid who fell for a human that washed on her shores. A lord and lady.
All of these and more were the many lives Zevran had shared with her, and here she stood before him again. Still a vision after all these years.
He saw her in his classes, always distracted and always doodling. The little stretches of her back and arms whenever she was bored during lectures or fiddling with her hair whenever a hair tie broke.
Little glances here and there brought back the memories that he chalked up to nothing but dreams, but the longing looks weren’t enough. He had to meet her, see her, just hear that voice and make it known to himself that he wasn’t going insane.
Setting his plan into motion as soon as the lecture was over, a casual bump and drop of the books did the trick. As both scooped down to collect their things only then did their eyes finally meet.
“I apologize, my dear, but it would be rude to not introduce myself. Zevran Arianai, at your service."
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