cypr24 · 9 months
Zivania jest z winogron!
Na rynku pojawiają się różne odmiany Zivania - ta oryginalna jest robiona tylko i wyłącznie z winogron. Posłowie interweniują. #Cypr #zivania
Na rynku pojawiają się różne odmiany Zivania – ta oryginalna jest robiona tylko i wyłącznie z winogron. Posłowie interweniują. Ziwania, ziwana (gr. ζιβανία, ζιβάνα; tur. zivaniya) – tradycyjny cypryjski napój alkoholowy, destylowany z wytłoków winogronowych oraz wytrawnych win z lokalnych szczepów Mavro i Xynisteri. Zawartość alkoholu wynosi ok. 45%. – taka definicja cypryjskiego trunku jest…
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rockattitudegr · 2 months
Οι Zivanished είναι ένα τριμελές σχήμα από την Κύπρο που παίζουν «Κυπριακό Metal» δηλαδή Metal, ένα συνδυασμό Thrash/Hardcore/Punk με κυπριακούς στοίχους.
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tequilaqueen · 5 months
My little ouzo Queen. Zivania royalty
I’m zivania Queen ffs. I should change it…. But I’m emotionally attached to tequila Queen
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theprettieststarfr · 5 months
Never recovering from you calling the tag ‘jokingly and lovingly’ millennial core because I WAS THE ONE WHO FOUNDED THE MF TAG
RUNAR IM SORRY (I think that's you, if not ZIVANIA QUEEN IM SORRY)
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why-even-ask · 2 years
I headcanon J. S. Steinman as a Cypriot. And it works.
Aphrodite's birthplace is in Cyprus and we all know how much Steinman loves Aphrodite. You know, make him a Jewish Cypriot. His family might as well come to Cyprus during the Ottoman period (late 16th century onwards) or even the late 19th century.
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It very much works. Look at him. He looks like some Nicosian you'd see in your uncle's kebab shop or something. Just some guy you'd drink zivania and KEO with.
Wanna read more? Click on.
I say he has a mixed family of Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, and of course his Jewish roots. I mean, Cypriots are kind of chill with religion; for example, the Linobambakis would have both Christian and Muslim traditions and celebrations. Nothing conflicts with anything, you just have a personal relationship with religion over there.
So, here's our favorite Jewish (and Greek and Turkish) Cypriot who worships Aphrodite.
[Using the "There's Something in the Sea" data to build a 'canon' background here.] So, he vanishes from the US around the late 1940s, right? Apparently, he had a friendship with someone for 32 years. Let's say that their friendship started around 1918. Steinman was known for his face reconstruction work at a young age, and it makes sense because it would line up with the First World War. If we say that Steinman took only a few years of education to get to that degree with extraordinary success, it would mean that he was in the US at least by 1914.
It means that, in the game (Bioshock 1 - 1960), Steinman is at least 65 years old.
And, well, building a headcanon here: Let's say that his family left Cyprus because of the British occupation getting stricter with taxes and even hinting at conscription if/when the war broke out.
Now, imagine him.
He still misses home during his studies. He complains about not being able to find zivania (Cypriot drink) to drink. His family sometimes visits Cyprus and sends him some halloumi cheese over. He even visits Cyprus at some point and brings some cattle bones from the empty fields over Nicosia, say, Kythrea. He has them in his student dorm on his shelf.
I mean, don't think of a city when I say Kythrea or something. Think of a village, a very small one. Imagine him growing up there. He steals from the melon fields of the neighbors. He knows which wild weeds to pick to eat. Hell, he even experiments with which herbs are good for healing purposes, as his grandmother is a village elder who people go to for that kind of stuff. He learns that the branch of pharmaceutics exists just for that. Then, though, his focus shifts to medicine. Most importantly, surgeries --face reconstruction and all that. He's around 15 or something, they leave Cyprus.
Now, it's around the 1930s. Steinman is well over 30 at the time. His family had gone back to Cyprus at some point because they couldn't handle the US. His father picks the field up, and his uncle and his mother are running the barns & farm. Sometimes when Steinman visits, his uncle asks him to check the health of the cattle. "I'm not a vet!" doesn't work for Cypriots, you gotta do what you gotta do, lol. He stays there for half a year as a break and thinks about staying and working there as a vet because he really misses home... but the Second World War breaks out. The Brits are trying to draft up people for the Cyprus Regiment to fight in Europe or Northern Africa, especially those who know English being very much preferred... and Steinman has to flee once again. He tries to take his family to come with him as well, but they refuse. They cannot part from Cyprus once again.
Hell, the Brits manage to "convince" his father and uncle to join the Regiment. His mother goes to the US to stay with Steinman because it's hard being so lonely there. Steinman is making good money but you know, his father and uncle are deep in the war already and were as stubborn as mules about not coming to the US.
By the end of the war, his father gets injured, and they get a residency permit for the UK as a "gift" or something. His father decides to live there because he cannot work in the field easily anymore. His mother follows suit. Only his uncle remains in Cyprus. Steinman is alone in the US again.
He also read about Cypriot mythology, by the way. He learnt that Cyprus was Aphrodite's birthplace and now he believes that it's all fate that he is the best face reconstruction surgeon. He believes that he should work with "beauty" as well, and starts worshipping Aphrodite in the private and takes up aesthetic surgery.
He briefly visits Cyprus every once in a while. It's not horrible, but it feels lonely as hell. At least he has his uncle still running the farm, so they hang out and all that. When his uncle dies in the late 40s, though, he permanently goes back to the US.
He's now over 40. He expects to have a feeling of home, right?
The US doesn't feel right, though. There's business, yes, but he wants a home. He wants a place he can belong in. He feels like he needs to erase his name and face off the earth to ever belong somewhere, which feels impossible.
Until... Rapture happens.
Does he miss Cyprus? A bit, of course. But he knows he couldn't have lived there. It's a memory, but quite a strong one. At some point, he manages to convince Fontaine to smuggle him some zivania. For Fontaine's surgery (the Atlas thing, you know), Fontaine brings him soil from the fields, some molohiya (a cookable weed also called Jew's Mallow), and crates full of zivania and a new brand: KEO. When Steinman asks what it is, he tells him that it's the new fad around Cyprus, established in 1949. It's good beer, truly.
And, well, Fontaine had brought him so much zivania and KEO that he doesn't run out of them until his death.
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bigeqcom · 2 months
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Horse For Sale: Zivania’s Mist, 7 year-old, 16.2 hand, Trakehner Mare - Jumper. Located in CA. http://dlvr.it/T9xx86
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calatoreste · 1 year
Descoperiti Frumusetea si Diversitatea Insulei Cipru: O Vacanta de Vis
Cipru, situata in Marea Mediterana de Est, este o insula fermecatoare si diversa care atrage turisti din intreaga lume. Cu o istorie bogata, plaje spectaculoase, orase medievale, gastronomie delicioasa si ospitalitate calda, Cipru ofera o experienta de vacanta de neuitat. In acest articol, vom explora ce puteti vizita in timpul unei vacante in Cipru pentru a va bucura la maximum de aceasta destinatie minunata.
Nicosia, Capitala Divizata
Nicosia este capitala Ciprului si singurul oras european impartit in doua, cu o parte greaca si o parte turca. Puteti vizita Piata Ledra din centrul orasului, care este un punct de trecere in zona turca si va permite sa explorati ambele parti ale orasului. In partea greaca, veti gasi muzee interesante, cum ar fi Muzeul Arheologic si Muzeul de Arta Leventis, in timp ce in partea turca puteti vizita Moscheea Selimiye, o capodopera a arhitecturii otomane.
Limassol si Castelul Kolossi
Limassol este al doilea cel mai mare oras din Cipru si ofera plaje frumoase, promenade la malul marii si o viata de noapte vibranta. In apropierea orasului se afla Castelul Kolossi, un castel medieval bine conservat, care a servit drept sediu al Cavalerilor Templieri. Vizitati castelul pentru a intelege istoria fascinanta a insulei si pentru a admira arhitectura sa impresionanta.
Paphos si Situl Arheologic
Paphos, un oras situat pe coasta de vest a Ciprului, este celebru pentru siturile sale arheologice, care sunt incluse in Patrimoniul Mondial UNESCO. Aici puteti vizita Casele din Dionysos, Thesseus si Aion, care gazduiesc unele dintre cele mai bine conservate mozaicuri romane din lume. De asemenea, puteti explora ruinele vechiului oras si Teatrul Vechi, care gazduieste evenimente culturale si concerte in aer liber.
Troodos Mountains si Kykkos Monastery
Muntii Troodos ofera o oaza de liniste si frumusete naturala in inima insulei. Aici puteti face drumetii si excursii in natura, admira cascadele pitoresti si explora sate traditionale. Un punct culminant este Manastirea Kykkos, o manastire ortodoxa cipriota celebra pentru icoana sa a Fecioarei Maria, care se spune ca a fost pictata de Sfantul Luca.
Ayia Napa si Plajele Sale Uimitoare
Ayia Napa este cunoscuta pentru plajele sale frumoase si pentru viata sa de noapte animata. Plaja Nissi, cu nisipul sau fin si apele cristaline, este una dintre cele mai populare plaje din Cipru. Aici puteti practica sporturi nautice, sa faceti scufundari sau sa va relaxati la soare. O alta atractie din Ayia Napa este Manastirea Ayia Napa, un loc linistit de reflectie si frumusete arhitecturala.
Gastronomia Cipriota
Bucataria cipriota este delicioasa si plina de arome autentice. Nu ratati ocazia de a gusta mancaruri traditionale, cum ar fi souvlaki (mici de pui sau carne de miel), meze (o selectie de aperitive), halloumi (branza cipriota) si baklava (un desert dulce cu nuca si miere). De asemenea, incercati vinurile locale si lichiorul zivania pentru o experienta culinara completa.
Circuitele de Biciclete si Drumetii
Cipru ofera terenuri variate pentru iubitorii de ciclism si drumetii. Puteti explora muntii Troodos pe bicicleta sau puteti alege un traseu mai usor de-a lungul plajelor sau prin satele traditionale. Muntii Akamas sunt un alt loc superb pentru drumetii, cu peisaje naturale spectaculoase.
Festivaluri si Evenimente Culturale
Cipru gazduieste numeroase festivaluri si evenimente culturale pe tot parcursul anului. Unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente este Festivalul de Arta si Cultura de la Pafos, care prezinta spectacole de dans, teatru si muzica din intreaga lume. Festivalul anual al vinului, care are loc in diferite regiuni vinicole din insula, ofera oportunitatea de a degusta vinuri cipriote excelente.
In concluzie, Cipru este o destinatie de vacanta plina de farmec si diversitate, cu ceva de oferit pentru toti calatorii. Cu plaje spectaculoase, situri arheologice impresionante, peisaje naturale pitoresti si bucatarie delicioasa, Cipru este o alegere excelenta pentru o vacanta de vis in Mediterana.
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worldly-diversity · 2 years
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@al-hazen ○ 𝕒𝕝-𝕙𝕒𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕞 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕕𝕠 ○
          ⤷  『  "What? You act like you've never seen anyone spike their coffee with alcohol before." The poison of the day to spike his coffee with? Zivania, a grape-based liquor from his native Port Ormos. Although it would seem like a heinous combination, he was able to modulate an unpleasant reaction and enjoy the benefits; after all, alcohol dulled any jittery reaction. Whether Albedo would approve or not felt like a moot point. "Relax. We're all big boys here, aren't we?"  』
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He hadn't meant to stare or give any impression of disapproval or other judgement at the sight of Al-Haytham pouring what he presumed to be some sort of liquor into his drink. At the very least he could tell such a flask from other substances, and indeed the scent was strong enough for him to catch it, which was what had turned his head in the first place.
It was a strong scent, but he wouldn't dare guess at its sharpness or concentration. He can, however, deduce by its scent that it is made of grapes, albeit not any grapes Albedo is familiar with. Undoubtedly a sub-species native to Sumeru. Hm, perhaps he could mention it to Diluc at some point, he supposes as a winemaker, the other would enjoy the new material to experiment with in a similar fashion to Albedo receiving or discovering new samples to work with. After all, Mondstadt's premier wine maker doesn't actually drink, and neither does Albedo.
"I haven't, actually." He murmurs, returning to shuffling his papers into some semblance of order before the comment about being 'big boys' draws yet another confused frown from him. He supposes they are both adults, if that is what the other is referring to, but what an odd way to phrase it…
"Though I must wonder what occasion has necessitated the imbibement of alcohol." A thought occurs to him, eliciting a glance towards the as of yet still flickering fire. "Could it be because you are cold?" At the very least he can understand that, even if Albedo himself has long since grown used to Dragonspine's climate and is not so affected by the ever present frost that seems to root many visitors to their spots, especially if they slip and land in water.
To be fair, even Albedo might freeze if he were to be here while wet. Come to think of it, he hasn't heard from Bennett in a while, he can only hope the boy had remained in Mondstadt where it was warm and safe, rather than attempt to venture up the mountain to find him. Not because rescuing would be an inconvenience, but because Albedo genuinely likes the boy and doesn't want him to get hurt.
"Perhaps I should fetch some blankets from the city or the nearby camp if you're suffering too terribly from the mountain's climate?"
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innerdesigner · 2 years
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"Agri(n)os" - My Cypriot skater for design competition set by @cysk8clips 🛹 . #souvla #skateboard #zivania #agrino #sea #sun #mouflon #moufloncyprus . #art #artist #artwork #sticker #illustration #drawing #digitalart #digital #originalart #originalcharacter #characterdesign #illustrator (at Limassol, Cyprus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiFkWprN-bN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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milomeri · 3 years
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Agros Village
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napanre · 5 years
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Bakın mizahın izahı olmaz dedik! Zivaniasprey ile günde 3 defa el ve yüzünüzü dezenfekte ederek koronavirüs'ten korunabilirsiniz! #napanre #kibris #korona #kktc #cyprus #zivania (Cyprus) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jfa0GJUE2/?igshid=zfasaxmtgxxl
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traveliadapl · 6 years
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Prosto z Cypru. Kto lubi? #zivania #alkohol #drink #allinclusive #vacations #holidays #trip #travelbolg #travelagency #travel #shop #photograhy #photo #travelphotography #travelagency #traveliada #blog #like #followers #followme #likeme https://www.instagram.com/p/BvEeA3lAwGJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17k0y55tjh8zn
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cocoonhome · 7 years
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My T-total mum is making alcohol using zivania, which is a pure alcohol Cypriot spirit. Times are a-changing. #cocoonhome #alcohol #homemade #zivania #booze #drink
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Top-notch Restaurants in Larnaca Cyprus
Staying at Larnaca for a vacation and want to know the best places to have a mealat? We got your back! Direct from the city's greatest chefs and culinary pros, and strongly recommended by the natives, we're going to make sure you indulge in the best dishes only Larnaca can give you while you're in town. Here's a list of the finest 5 restaurants you should dine in while you're in Larnaca!
The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room
Conveniently based at the heart of Larnaca, The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room is the best and most popular Wine Cellar and Tasting Room among travelers and locals alike! Visit us at 9 Drousiotis Street Larnaca, 6021 and experience The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room’, located in the old part of Larnaca city center, was brought to life by the Katodritis family who have a history in the wine trading that dates back in the 1950's. The wine shop, throughout the years has created a reputation for accommodating wines of very high quality at reasonable prices. The wines are selected for their unique character coming from the most famous wine regions all over the world and with a section of the best Cyprus wines. "The Wine Cellar, offers a wide range of services like: retail sales of wines from Cyprus as well as from all over the world, daily tastings of 10 Cyprus Wines @ euro 12/per person, wines by glass with cheese platters, online sales, worldwide delivery of wines.. Schedule a reservation with us at 24 815044 and savor an authentic Larnaca dining experience at The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room.
Alonia Tavern Livadia
Searching for a fantastic Mediterranean, European, Greek Restaurant to eat at while you're in the city? Alonia Tavern Livadia has the one of the greatest food selections in Larnaca, found in Larnaca 7060 Cyprus. Give us a ring at +357 24 634642 and enjoy a Our tavern is located at the Livadia village in Larnaca. Our specialising personnel is in your disposal, offering to you generously hospitality and service. Daily you can enjoy quiet evenings and on Fridays and Saturdays you can have fun with our live band. We are in your disposal for any kind of Party with our own personal care. For more information and reservation please contact at 99 345680 that you can only find in this part of town!
To Kazani Traditional Tavern
Found right in the heart of Larnaca, this Mediterranean type of restaurant lets you savor all the different flavors of the city. To Kazani Traditional Tavern is a Our specially selected Cypriot mezes combined with our excellent traditional surroundings will lead you to a unique journey through time gone by. There is a story behind the name... 'ΤO KAZANI'(caldron)... It all started at the end of 19th century in this Historical House with the procedure of distilling Zivania which lasted until the mid of 20th century... During the building of the structure has been found this Historical Caldron with the rest of the tools and with much care we have assembled and till now saving it with care in 28th OCTOBER, No 5, Aradippou, Larnaca 7104 Cyprus, recommended by Larnaca's top-notch chefs and numerous culinary sites. Call us at +357 99 313236 and dine at one of the best local restaurants in the area!
Red Pepper
This is another excellent Italian restaurant to eat at while you're in Larnaca. Based in Kritis & Ellispontou, Larnaca 6030 Cyprus, Red Pepper is a RED PEPPER IS A fresh style restaurant for Larnaca. Located in Drosia behind Alpha Bank. We offer a warm welcome & relaxing atmosphere, serving modern European cuisine that will amaze you with flair, value and passion. Our menus are changed daily; created and prepared by Chef owner Dean Simmons. Dean is proud to use local suppliers and strongly believes in seasonal food that is seen throughout and lets you enjoy flavors and meals you'll only be able to get in Larnaca. Call us at 357 24 333484 and book a reservation at Red Pepper!
Special Kebab House
Whether you're in Larnaca for a couple of days or having an extended getaway, you positively have to include Special Kebab House on your itinerary. Stationed at Pavlou Valsamaki 9 At the municipality parking lot, Larnaca 6026 Cyprus, this Greek restaurant is a Dine-in or Takeaway restaurant. Schedule a reservation with us at +357 24 626290 and enjoy one of Larnaca's best restaurants!
Read our blog about Larnaca at Glance
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alikazivania · 4 years
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Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is my favorite singer. I really idolized him with some of the songs he delivered. When I listen to the song I always feel happy. Therefore, when I’m sad I will hear one of Justin’s songs.
Justin is a handsome and accomplished man. With blond hair, thick eyebrows, and a sharp nose that adds to my admiration for him. Besides, his performance in the music world is also very good. This was proven by the first time I heard him sing the song ‘Baby’ in a beautiful voice that made me wonder at him. Besides singing and having a handsome face, he can also play all kinds of instruments that I like, such as: guitar and piano.
- Alika Zivania -
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bigeqcom · 4 months
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Horse For Sale: Zivania’s Mist, 7 year-old, 16.2 hand, Trakehner Mare - Jumper. Located in CA. http://dlvr.it/T7H7HM
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