#zonerunners spoilers
magnetothehedgehog · 2 years
Magneto In Sonic Frontiers
So not that it makes sense to most people since its hard for me to get out official sonic x dimensions ridge lore but as part of a character progression thingy I have for Mag here is the rundown for prime mag (so main universe mag) character progression so like most characters he’s shaped by the decisions he’s made, the events around him, and the choices he makes now. He basically started at the beginning of this chart at the start of the story and lands between lawful evil and neutral evil at this point, probably leaning more toward lawful evil only because  he still holds to certain beliefs despite what has happened, even if his views on it has changed
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So that lead into his current design DarkStar Mag.
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Most people don’t know this but Mag was initially an energy user. Had a rare form of energy called freeform energy that could change its properties based on the user and their needs. This allowed him to do incredibly things like copy abilities, use his energy for flight, etc. Coming from a long line of prominent figures in past wars known for their fighting abilities and prowess, his power was nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately in a spite fueled revenge plot against the grandfather, Magneto’s dad, Gambit plotted to train Mag and warp him into a being capable of pulling himself out of his grandfather’s shadow, and also forcing his essence on mag to warp his mind like his.. Kinda like endeavor. This fell through when mag caught on to what was going on and refused to continue being a part of this ploy to erase his grandfather’s legacy as well as not wanting to be forced into being a pawn practically brainwashed into Gambits bidding. Yeah Gambit didn’t like that. Gambit originally wanted Maverick for the same purpose but switched to mag when that plan had fallen through. Through some events eventually  Gambit sought out Mag’s sister pinky for the same purpose but both mag and Ellen, his mother stepped in and managed to force him to back off. This was back when they lived in tipple town, a disturbing town overseen by essentially a cult. They then moved to jump junction along with some of the other Tipple town residents for a much better life. However Gambit would soon return seeking Pinky’s power which they had inherited from her mother, both toon force users. Mag, not one to stand idly by went to intervene why Pinky ran off into the forest in fear. Gambit mocked saying how would Mag ever even have a chance at stopping him. Evidently though they threw major hands like never before.  Mag had been suppressing his powers because they had been gaining considerable strength and he was also hoping by suppressing the power it would make it harder for Gambit to find them again. At this time his energy color was blue. It changes through the story. Gambit’s energy is purple. This is somewhat important. This event is also what created Neo. I’ll make a separate post on that. here is the fight theme btw if you’re interested as they fought through the forest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw912ZHKj8w Mag ended up overcharging his ability to blow them both up after Gambit tried a move to drain his power away from him. This move, was not the best for either as it badly damaged both of them. Some of the other townsfolk along with Ellen managed to force a battle damaged Gambit to retreat. The damage caused by overcharging had left its mark on Mag too however as he proceeded to be unable to use his powers up until a year or so later. Even then it didn’t manifest the same way. It turned orange, and was magnetic but only at the lowest setting. Later he manifested metal as a defense mechanism. Yeah Mag wasn’t originally born a metal user, but it manifested after he saw Jonathan’s dad, Disk, fighting off a battle damaged Gambit.
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I thought I had better art of disk but I don’t. Here he is. He needs an update so he can look more like his son.
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That’s Jonathon in the middle. So mainly what I want to talk about is that at this point the main conflict has been over for a little while now, and things have calmed down from a little fiasco involving mag and friends trying to split the planet a little earlier because they are trying to prevent a bad thing they say from happening and also the alt mags got together to try and use all the power sources they could to revive prime mag who is being preserved in a crystal. Sonic and friends have gotten used to the planet fuse and try to stop them. Even after finding out whats really going on there is some minor conflict but eventually they work it out. Mag is woken up and one of the alt mag’s lends him the new Darkstar mag form. Darkstar Mag or Oblique, is basically Mag if he had accepted the training from Gambit before and honed in on his dark powers, however, Oblique overthrew Gambit using his new power as he wasn’t too fond of the idea of being a pawn. Oblique had come to be the same way as neo, during that event created another universe. Since he had been honing his skill and wasn’t held back by the same moral code, he easily dealt with the gambit of his universe. However in normal mag fashion, he sought to resurrect prime mag and get him on his side as well. Gathering up as many universe mag’s as he could, he formed a coupe of the main universe with the help of DewDrop who was trying to heal prime mag and also wake him from his slumber. She also found out about the vision of something bad happening and wanted to prevent it. well in my version of frontiers Sufferous, who they had recently imprisoned in a dimension where he had no power, got out thanks to a remnant of his power crossing dimensions and letting him out. Prime Mag, who was recently awakened and granted Darkstar form  but lacks the power he originally had to deal with Sufferous, sends out a distress signal and harness cyberspace to keep Sufferous sealed up until the other can arrive to help. Sage was meant to assist with this however due to corruption accidently mistakenly sees sonic as an enemy and him trying to stop her from her main objective, protecting the residents of the planet. Sonic then has to work with DewDrop,Katie and the M.A.G. system, and ai Prime mag created to stop sage and also find out what prime mag really intended.
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I did a what if like if Mag had to fight the titans which could have been corrupted at first while he was trying to use cyberspace to seal Sufferous enemies not knowing about the other entity the END being at play as well. Seeing as the spirit gems are mostly powering the system he’s using as a seal he has to rely on other power sources, right now he is using the dark power he originally rejected using, but its gonna take more than that since he’s already been fighting earlier. So I have him unlock forever force as companions on that Island with the knight since its theme has aspects of all of them, Enigma,s laugh, Eternity pushing past his limits, and infinite not backing down drowning the pain respectively.
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this is them forever force. Infinite has illusions, Eternity polarity which he uses to manipulate gravity and Enigma was evolution. They each have a stone respectively and a weapon. Eternity a spear and the dark opal, infinite his blade and the phantom ruby, enigma the evolving peridot and a futuristic blaster. Since they are on Mag’s side at this point they could give him pointers and lend him power for the fight against the knight titan. He’d be able to use their powers and weapons to aid him as shown here:
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Illusions to help fight off the knights minions, gravity to hold down the sliding knight, infinites sword to meet him in combat similar to black knight, you could throw Eternity spear to counter act the titans shield throw and you could switch to enigma’s blaster which would evolve to be strong enough to damage the titans. You could also combo attack by using illusions to multi blast or just evolve eternitys gravity spear to throw even more attacks. all while this theme plays:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL0Z9UvDW3c
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jadeykitties · 2 years
ive been reading fleetway’s sonic the comic recently, half because it’s shorter than archie sonic (in the 500s) but longer than idw sonic (in the 50s) and also half because i want to understand tekno as a character and i’ve got soooo many thoughts about it even though honestly i’m... only 77 issues into a 200+ ordeal. honestly i’m not really enjoying it but i also am? it’s complicated. as a story i’m finding it kind of ... banal? the stories are just kind of whatever so far. maybe that’ll change. but at the same time i have been spoiled on a few details regarding the story that i’ve found aspects of the comic that i would have otherwise ignored fun to analyze in preparation for those spoilers, and though the dialogue isn’t anything i’d write home about - a lot of it is exposition or battle banter that serves a narrative purpose, but for narratives that aren’t anything to write home about, with very little breathers - BUT at the same time the characterization is thus far not... too terrible? i mean they got remarkably close with knuckles, though i don’t love how irrelevant and Nothing tails is but whatever. and amy’s kind of just there after a while? but it’s not... the worst
fleetway sonic is just... soooo psychologically complex, hes mean in a teenager who is mad as hell about the situation hes in kind of way. just beyond fucking peeved. he cares a lot about other people and at the very least how much he cares about johnny is obvious from the very beginning (maybe less obvious with the rest of his friends, imho, but it does become clearer over time) but hes also easily frustrated and constantly lashing out because of it - i’ve always had the impression that he was mean for no reason whenever i saw people talk about how rude he is in stc growing up but its so clear to me now that i’m an adult reading it for myself he’s just constantly frustrated and lashing out because of how little control he actually has. afaik fleetway is the only continuity where the sonic bible has any degree of ... canonicity? where eggman and sonic created each other, and are essentially father and son - where sonic has basically lost his father figure to a stranger who wears his face and is nothing but violent and cruel. how frustrating and maddening it must be to have to lead the fight against such a man, to have to be relied on, when you’re only a teenager. but even though im only 77 issues in i can really see the way sonic is slowly developing, possibly into a character that might resemble an average of all sonic continuities at the very least if not being faithful to his game counterparts, and trying to ease up on his friends, lashing out at them less, and trying to apologize to them when he does, and it’s.... fascinating. i am otherwise not caring for stc if i dont focus on sonic and johnny’s friendship that inevitably ends in tragedy while waiting for amy and tekno’s thing to begin but i’m also so fascinated in fleetway sonic. there’s something fucking wrong with him it’s awesome
oh also sab from the tails the zonerunner issues (emotionally twirling my hair) omg hiiiiiii they made a butch sheep in a trench coat just for meeee
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ohimtherebabey · 4 years
So I just listened to danger days (only listening to it now cuz I recently got into mcr and slowly listened to each album so I wouldn’t go too fast, don’t bully me 😭) and idk the story in the album, like I know it’s about the killjoys but what r the details? I’ll read the comic soon btw
so i dont know everything about thr killjoy universe because danger days is Not My Favorite but i know enough to give you the basics. i strongly suggest bowsing the danger days wiki for a more detailed explanation.
anyway. the comics pick up after the events of the album. spoiler (but not really because it happened in the save yourself mv and traffic report literally says it) but the killjoys are dead by the time the comic start. im not going to say anything else about the comic so you can experience it for yourself.
the killjoys are zonerunners (rebels) fighting against the corruption of the megacorporation, better living industries (BLI), that took over battery city after the bombs were dropped in 2019. BLI has scarecrows who are like. hired assassins who are supposed to capture and convert zonerunners to the BLI cause and. destroya is the android god. theres a lot of lore and i dont really understand a lot of it but it seems really fun. im sorry i couldnt be more detailed but i really only know what ive pieced together from the album, mvs, and the comic: i dont know the entire canon
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