#zoro is also very cool and i think hes very amusing but luffy takes the cake
nerosdayinanime · 1 year
The Horrors started creeping up on me so i started watching one piece- ive only ever passively absorbed it through my dash until now and i thought zoro would be my favorite but no actually, Luffy is fucking adorable and i love him So Much actually
protagonist of all time<3
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togenabi · 1 year
pick me up
roronoa zoro (opla) x reader
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♡—zoro never paid your jokes or pickup lines any mind. that is, until something happens that makes you stop.
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word count♡— 3.2k
genre♡— mild angst, fluff, straw hat!reader
content notes♡— opla zoro, fem!reader, reader wears a dress and tells very bad jokes, creepy dude oc, don't be creepy be cool yall, reader pulls off a heist with nami, zoro gets jealous, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, barely proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— this is a request from anon! I'm sorry if I tweaked a few things, I'm not the best at angst hhhh I hope you still like it!
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“Okay, okay. Wait. I got it this time.” You say, already trying to keep from laughing. 
“Why were the kids having trouble in pirate class?”
Zoro only side-eyes you with his arms crossed, vehemently unimpressed. 
“Because they were overbored!” 
Watching for his reaction intently, you keep your eyes focused on his face... Nothing changes. 
You tsk, but aren’t seriously discouraged. This is how he always reacts to your jokes, after all. “I’ll get you one of these days, Roronoa Zoro.”
The swordsman only sighs, leaning back into his seat to take a nap. “You do that.”
“Don’t listen to him, love.” Sanji says from the other side of the kitchen as he cleans the counter. “I thought that joke was good.”
“You’re lying, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sanji.” You grin at him. Focusing back on the book you were reading, you miss the amused, challenging look Sanji sends Zoro.
Everyone hears Luffy approaching the kitchen before he enters. “Guys!” He bellows. “We’ll be reaching land soon. Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes!”
The majority of the day is spent restocking supplies. You were all split up into pairs, but before you left, Luffy pointed to a restaurant with a flashy, illuminated sign on top that reads: ‘Bistro of Light’. How cringey of them.
“We should meet there for dinner! You don’t mind taking a break, right, Sanji?” Luffy asks eagerly, and you think that no one could say no to him when he’s so enthusiastic. Sanji nods, and you all go through the town until the sun starts to set.
The inside of the restaurant is just as ridiculous as the sign outside. Chandeliers of every color hang on the ceiling. Huge fish tanks and fountains lined with lights almost blind you. You laugh when looking at it all causes Zoro to wince. 
“Hey Zoro,” You call for him. “You know what’s faster than the speed of light?”
“My heartbeat when I think of you!” You wink at him, proud of the joke even when he only sighs and looks away.
Usopp walks up to a receptionist standing behind a desk. “Hey. Table for six, if you would be so kind.”
“I’m afraid we’re at full capacity at the moment.” They respond. “You’ll have to wait, is that alright?”
Everyone shares a look. Except for Luffy, who looks dead set on eating here, you all feel unsure about waiting.
“When’s the next table going to be available?” Usopp asks. “We’re actually a really big deal. It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you guys if you don’t let us in.” The person frowns, face screaming, ‘is this guy serious’?
But before they can reply, a booming voice enters the restaurant. A tall man, dressed in a pristine white suit and wearing jewels on every finger, pushes you out of the way to yell at the receptionist. You stumble, but thankfully Zoro is there to catch you.
“What on earth is going on here?! Why are there so many people crowding the entryway?!” He fumes, angrily gesturing to your group. 
“If they’re not going to eat, then I strongly suggest—” The rich man freezes suddenly, his eyes trained on you.
You keep your face as emotionless as possible, but you die laughing inside when Nami swipes a brooch from his jacket while he’s distracted with you.
“Ah,” The man says. His tone softening a considerable amount as he walks over to you. “I thought I had the best jewels in my treasury, but you're the most radiant gem I've ever laid my eyes on.” It takes everything in you to not back away. Zoro tenses beside you.
“Why haven’t these guests been guided to a table?” He asks, turning back to the receptionist.
“We’re at full capacity, Sir.” Oh. He must own the place. It makes sense that the owner is as gaudy as everything else in here.
“That won’t do.” He looks back to you, and you swear you could feel your skin crawl under his gaze. 
“I am Helios. Welcome to my establishment.” The man introduces himself with a flourish, bowing to you. His jewels and gold accessories glint in the light. “What might your name be?”
Reluctantly, you introduce yourself. Had this been a normal situation, you would have turned around and walked away from him the second he saw you. But, you could feel the crew going hungry, and you’re sure Nami will want to snag another ring or two—so you play nice.
Helios smiles, repeating your name. He was probably trying to sound romantic, but he’s not doing anything for you. Not when Zoro says your name much better.
You keep Zoro’s voice in mind, remembering how nice it sounds. It’s easier to smile at Helios that way. Time to lay on the charm, “I was really looking forward to having dinner here. I don’t suppose you could help us out?”
“Follow me, my dear. You deserve to dine upstairs. The view is simply spectacular at this hour.” Helios holds out his hand to you, but Luffy—bless his soul—grabs it to shake it zealously.
“Thanks so much for letting us eat here, Mr. Helios!” Luffy claps him on the back. Helios looks dumbfounded, and the crew does an impressive job keeping their composure. 
Helios tries to walk beside you as he guides you all upstairs, but Zoro is steadfast on your right, and Nami smartly positions herself on your left. Luffy and Usopp tug the restaurant owner along, chatting his ear off. You almost feel bad for him. 
Nami murmurs, her voice carefully silent so only you can hear. “Treasury, huh?”
You smile. “Of course you’d be curious about that.”
“Think you could get us to his mansion?” She dares you, eyes aglow at the promise of a good heist.
“I know I can.” You pause walking to check your reflection on an ornate, sun-shaped mirror. After fixing your hair, you grin at your friends. “I’m irresistible, after all.”
Maybe if you weren’t busy buttering up your host, you would have noticed that Zoro wasn’t eating properly. Normally, you would force him to eat. You would pile food on his plate, telling that joke about fake noodles being impasta that always cracks you up.
Zoro frowns at the meal in front of him. The fish seems to frown back. Sighing, he decides to just order another drink. But no matter what he consumes, a bitter taste always blooms in his mouth afterwards. 
The glass in his hand almost cracks when he hears your voice sucking up to Helios again. “So, you own this place? Do you live around here?”
Helios leans far too close towards you, but you grin and bear it. “Would you like a private tour, my gem?”
You place a hand on his arm, he may read it as affection, but you hold him so he keeps that distance. “That sounds wonderful.”
Zoro huffs under his breath. He needs another drink. 
Thankfully, Helios serves good booze at his manor. Zoro almost didn’t want to drink any of it, but he needs alcohol in his system if he has to watch you flirt with this idiot so Nami can rob him blind. Whatever she steals better be worth all this, or else he might punch something. Or someone. Preferably Helios.
You share a look with Nami and give her an imperceptible nod. With that signal, she passes by and pretends to lose her footing. Wine seeps into your clothes, staining the fabric and sticking it to your skin. Did she really have to pick red wine? You liked this shirt.
“Oh, my dear!” Helios gasps. “You should get cleaned up. I’ll have my servants draw you a bath and bring you fresh clothes.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” Nami loops her arm through yours. “Let me help you with that.” 
And so, with another fake smile sent Helios’ way, you rush with Nami to find the treasury.
“Be quick.” Nami says once you enter the luxurious bathroom prepared for you. 
As tempting as the bubble bath is, you only take a few wet towels to tidy up. You step into the curtained area, about to strip when Nami holds out a hand to stop you.
“Wait.” She says, her tone serious. A teddy bear holding a rose is propped up on a shelf behind you. Tapping its eyes, Nami scowls before throwing the bear into the trash bin.
“A camera?” She nods. “Seriously? What a creep.”
You and Nami inspect the room. It’s not clear if there are other hidden cameras, but she stands guard in front of the shower curtains just in case.
“Hey,” She starts. “Did you notice Zoro acting weird tonight?”
You frown as you change into the dress Helios prepared. “What do you mean?”
Nami hums in thought. “He’s just…” A dumbass, she wants to say, but doesn’t. “He seems extra grumpy.”
That causes you to laugh. “I guess I should prepare more jokes for him when we get back.”
She winces. “...I’m not that sure he likes those.”
“Hm… Maybe not, but,” You pause to think. He may not laugh loudly as Luffy does, but he never shot you down for being bubbly around him. “Zoro would have told me to shut up by now if he didn’t, right?”
“Huh.” Nami says. “You got a point.”
You push the curtains aside, grinning at her. “Come on, let’s break into that treasury.”
“Of course, my gem.”
“Oh my god, if that sticks I’m going to be so mad.”
The treasury was a vault full of everything from jewels to ornamental weapons. Nami playfully crowned you with a diamond tiara, and she put on dangling emerald earrings that looked stunning on her.
After filling your bags and pockets with the most you can carry, you and Nami head out to find the others. You run into Usopp on the way back to the lounge.
“I see you two cleaned up well.” He jokes. “Luffy and Sanji are in the kitchen. I was just on my way there.”
“Where’s Zoro?” You ask.
“With Helios. You know him, still drinking.”
“We should leave soon.” Nami insists. “We risk getting caught the longer we stay.”
“Right.” You hand Usopp your bag, his eyes widen comically when he feels how heavy it is. “I’ll just go say goodbye, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Before you even enter the lounge, however, you hear Zoro speak your name. Are they talking about you? You press your back against the wall, straining to hear their conversation.
You almost wish you didn’t.
“She tells the worst jokes and doesn’t know when to quit it. Thinks she’s hilarious but she’s really not.” Zoro speaks in that deep voice that would usually be comforting to you—but his words now pierce through you painfully.
“What exactly is your relationship with her?” Helios asks, and Zoro is silent. It feels like your heart crumbles for every second he doesn’t answer.
You’re friends! You’ve been dreaming of more but, you’ve always been friends.
…Aren’t you? Doesn’t he think so?
“I don’t know.” Your heart fully shatters. What does he mean he doesn’t know? “She just sticks to me a lot. It can get annoying.”
“Well. That’s unfortunate, but it’s nothing to sob over.” Helios kisses his teeth. “I don’t care about her attitude. All that doesn’t matter as long as she has that pretty face.”
You wait for Zoro to say something. Anything. You want him to cut Helios where he stands.
But he doesn’t. The silence drags on. The air feels like it’s pushing you down, crushing your lungs. You have to get out of here.
You burst into the kitchen, trying your best not to cry. Nami immediately rushes to you, holding your shoulders to steady you. “What happened?”
Letting out a shuddered breath, you whisper, “You were right.” It’s impossible to think straight right now. “I want to leave.”
You look to Luffy, still shaken up. Your captain’s expression is serious as he nods. “Go ahead, we’ll get Zoro and catch up.” Not needing to be told twice, you head out the door.
Before she follows you, Nami hisses at Sanji, “Talk some sense into that dumbass, won’t you?”
The entire walk back to the Going Merry is silent. You’re grateful Nami doesn’t immediately press you for what happened, but you know that you should answer her questions. You finally get the words out in the safety of her cabin.
You sit cross-legged on the bed, and everything comes pouring out. “He called me annoying.” 
“Zoro?” She asked, offering you a box of tissues.
“Yeah.” You sniff, taking the box.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of him to say.”
Unsure how to properly comfort you, Nami gets up and retrieves extra pillows from a storage compartment.
“Why don’t we have a girl’s night?” Nami asks, offering you a smile. It pulls a smile out of you too, the first one you mustered since Zoro crushed your spirit. 
“I’d like that.” 
Zoro is confused to find that you and Nami had left before them. Luffy gave Helios some lame excuse that you weren’t feeling well, but Zoro knew better. If you were really sick, the whole crew would be panicking and rushing to get to you.
He stares at Sanji and Usopp, trying to piece together what really happened. They both turn away from him, refusing to say anything.
In the next second, a maid rushes out, panting and screaming, “Mr. Helios! The treasury has been robbed!”
Fine. Answers can come later. For now, they need to run.
Once they’re back on the ship, Sanji follows Zoro into his cabin. He stares at the chef blankly, “Get out.”
“Did you do something?” Sanji leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Get out.” Zoro repeats, about to push him out of the room when Sanji speaks your name.
“She was upset. Asked to leave as soon as possible.” Sanji’s gaze is almost menacing, and his frown deepens when Zoro’s face falls. So, that’s what happened. You had heard him.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Everyone noticed you getting bitchy over Helios.” Sanji notes “Did you confront him or something?”
Scoffing, Zoro sits on his hammock, the fabric dips under his weight. “It was something, all right.”
Wanting Zoro to explain himself unpromptedly, Sanji just watches him and lets the silence hang in the air. After a solid, suffocating minute, the swordsman caves.
“I called her annoying.” Zoro breathes out deeply. “I said her jokes aren’t funny and that she sticks to me a lot.”
“Man, that’s screwed up.” Sanji gapes. “I thought you cared about her?”
“Of course I do, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Zoro defends. “Luffy’s the only one who laughs at her jokes, and she’s always by my side.” 
Sighing, Zoro continues, “...but I never minded any of it. I learned to care for those parts of her a long time ago. I was only trying to get that shithead off her back.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sanji concludes. “You have the emotional depth of a sink, sometimes.”
Zoro, surprisingly, doesn’t insult the chef back. He stares at the wall, slouched and looking the most empty Sanji’s ever seen him.
“What should I do?” He asks. “How should I make it up to her?”
Sanji’s eyes light up, he beams and claps his hands together in excitement. Even if Zoro hasn’t heard it yet, he already dreads the chef’s suggestion. 
“I have an idea.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had every intention of avoiding Zoro like the plague. It was still really difficult to look at him, the hurt you felt still stings your heart. 
But unfortunately for you, he had other plans. 
You’re gazing out into the sea on the forecastle deck when you hear a familiar set of heavy footsteps. You sigh. “I don’t want to talk, Zoro.”
“I’m not here to talk.” You turn to him questioningly, but you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. Wasn’t he the one who complained about you clinging to him?
You don’t say anything. Only glaring at him and hoping he sees how disappointed you feel. Zoro stands here, appearing strangely vulnerable. If you weren’t so hurt, you would have hugged him by now. 
But you are. So he has to wallow in the awkwardness of the consequences of his words. He—wait. What’s that on his face?
“I…” Is he… blushing? “I’m sorry I wasn’t around in the past.” 
You make a face and blink at him. What is he up to?
“...Can I be part of your future?”
That knocks the wind right out of you, your jaw practically falls to the floor. Did Roronoa Zoro just use a pickup line? On you? You can’t help but glance at your surroundings to check if the sky is still blue.
No—hold on. He can’t win you over just like that. He needs to explain why he said what he did. 
“You said my jokes are the worst.” You grumble.
“They are.” Zoro looks straight into your eyes as he speaks. “But you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
“You said I always stick to your side.”
He doesn’t miss a beat and answers earnestly, “You do. And I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else.”
“…You said you didn’t know what our relationship is.”
That causes Zoro to pause, searching your eyes as if he’ll find the answer in them. “…I don’t.”
Oh, this impossible sword-brain of a man. Your lips quiver, and you realize you can’t fight back your smile anymore. “I love you, Zoro.”
His expression shifts from anxiousness to shock, relief, and a bit of something else... 
“I love you, too.” Ah, of course. Love, that too.
Slowly, tentatively, he raises his arms, inviting you to an embrace. He’s adorable, looking a teensy bit nervous that you wouldn’t want to hold him. Giggling, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he envelops your shoulders. 
“I bet Sanji taught you to apologize with that line.” You murmur into his chest. “If you tell me another one…” Zoro cringes, his frame tensing. 
“...I’ll give you a kiss.” His expression lifts, seriously considering it.
After a minute, Zoro clears his throat. You almost squeal in excitement.
“Roses are red, violets are blue…” A classic. This is going to be good.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just want to have dinner with you.” You gasp, squeezing him tighter. 
“Yes! That was perfect.” Laughing, you reach up and hold his face to keep your promise. 
You plant a sweet, short kiss on his lips. When you pull away, he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone for you. He probably would, if you’re being honest.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, mouth against yours and then he’s kissing you again.
Hiding behind a pile of crates, the rest of the crew whoop and cheer. (Silently.)
“That was such a good line!” Luffy whispers.
“I still think he should have used the ‘I don’t speak angel’ one.” Usopp whispers back.
“What are you talking about?!” Sanji angrily, quietly mutters. “That was perfect because he apologized and delivered the line.”
“Shut it, you guys. I was right, he didn’t last a day with her mad at him.” Nami holds out her palm. “Pay up.” The others groan, handing her some berry. All’s well that ends well.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
taglist: @songsofadelaide-archive @amitydoodlez @sweetexistentialism @msmisasoup @writingmysanity @hotchocolattee @dimplewonie @hearts4zoro @kenkenmaaa @appalost @hi3431 @akakaze @lownna
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crezz-star · 10 months
I can't help but wonder about your One Piece OC! I know you've mentioned that he's a mature person in the crew, but do you see him as more of a sibling/parental role to Luffy, or is he part of the shenanigans with usopp/chopper/luffy, or is he like tired uncle like Jinbei (or secretly amused like zoro) ? I am eager to hear about where he meshes in with crew especially luffy
I also can't help but wonder if our first mate gets jealous of him often. You mentioned that you do, but I think about like what if some days luffy just misses Ace, and luff will stare at Jean a lot more sometimes or just hover around him just to relive being with his brother *cries*
✨Kira kira yoho!✨
Ahhh!! Im so happy and excited every time I get question about my OCs (❤´艸`❤) Thank you for taking interest and being curious about Jean!
To answer. He is more of big brother type. Not just to Luffy but to everyone. Even the older mature straw hats. Jean just have so much love to give, growing up not knowing much about the world, isolated and thinking himself to be a slave until death. It really is Luffy and the strawhats who saved him and his fellow slaves so, he's enthusiastic in showing them how much he cares for them. how thankful he is to them for saving him, and along with that, his life. So he spoils everyone like this cool doting brother.
I'm actually planning to make one paged comic series ( kind of like 4 koma? ) in his interactions with the strawhats. As well as discovering more of the world. little sneak peek with Sanji ( ignore the cross. i changed that to a locket )
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Here, Jean becomes the big brother Sanji dreamed and should have had. At first it annoys Sanji to no end even saying stuff like " gross, dont touch me. its weird! " but Jean is so gentle towards the crew, even helping Sanji wash the dishes, even cleaning the kitchen at night to surprise Sanji that eventually, Sanji accepts Jean. And finally allows himself to be spoiled. Even bringing out that side of Sanji that longs for a caring brother. One he only dreamed back then.
Jean has that ability to let everyone's hidden side of wanting to be spoiled and Jean is all to happy to do so. He is just so happy to be there with everyone. That he never really asks for anything in return.
As for Zoro being made Jealous by Jean. Yes he does that. but there is a moment only the three of them knows. Its when Luffy gets nightmares about Ace every now and then. most of the time he can deal with it, but there are times he's so shaken. When Jean wasn't around yet, it's Zoro trying to calm him down. But when jean arrived, the three of them found out that, despite being freaked out by jean and Ace looking alike, Jean helps Luffy calm down due to his voice being exactly like Ace's. Along with it, Jean's hugs is just one of the best. Even beating hugs from Jinbei. There's a strange therapeutic effect.
Here is a comic I doodled quickly just now to show that.
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I still wanted to emphasize the eerie feeling from Jean and Ace's similarities are so the comic ended up a bit off. (laughs) please forgive me!
Every time this happens, Luffy does apologize to Jean for asking him to 'talk' like Ace. He knows it's wrong, but honestly, Jean would do anything to calm Luffy. and He knows Luffy doesn't mean it and that he's just suffering, So Jean is very patient with him and never really feels offended at all.
And that is all the answers I have!
Thank you for being interested in Jean!! 💖💖
✨Have a sparkling day!✨
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baby-xemnas · 6 months
Who’s the most jealous type of the captain/first mate trios?
from most to least
kid (insecure and easily pissed off in general)
zoro (insecure and overprotective but also knows luffy gets in everybodys face so he is Almost used to it. almost)
killer (he is Overprotective. would curb stomp a mob character for sending kid vibes~ however he finds great amusement in how flustered and pissy kid gets at strawhat's aggressive friendliness. he is an exception tho theres nothing to be jealous about)
law (he is never under threat because bepo is of little interest to most randos However trip to zou Really tested him with how much attention bepo got...law was very calm and cool about it (jk everybody but bepo noticed his barely contained sour mood)
luffy (hitting his "there are reasons to be jealous" point is like dvd screensaver logo hitting a corner - rare and random. i Could put him in number 1 if I could imagine it to happen more often but no, hes too easy going and safe in knowing he is the center of zoros universe. but when by a crazy chance luffy thinks of someone having The Fucking AUDACITY to think they can take His zoro - he is very scary. i think it happened like 2-3 times the whole time they known each other and zoro got so turned on by luffys sudden terrifying possessiveness he considered turning into a hoe just to provoke it again. he didnt of course because happy luffy is still his most favorite luffy...)
bepo (in my head he doesnt let himself consider jealousy because if he does he will turn into a black hole of insecurity, suck into himself and simply perish. thought of being challenged is so terrifying he blocked it out of his mind like a character in a lovecraftian horror)
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aceopmari · 3 years
If the Straw Hats Had a Reality Show Dedicated to Pirates Headcanon! Ft: Law!
With how infamous the pirate crew gotten, it was only natural that they were soon granted the rights to have their own reality show, like other famous pirates in the Grand Line and the New World.
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Get ready for Keeping Up with the Straw Hats!
Luffy: Whether it was his strength, or his childlike innocence, Luffy was a fan favorite!
He often ignored the producers suggestions to make the show more interesting.
Luffy didn’t like when the producers told him to punch a random person on the street when they were visiting an island.
Was not getting paid, as he owed the producers over 10,000 berris for punching the camera one time in anger, when the director attempted to take his meat away. The director was only making a suggestion for a much healthier diet for the star of the show.
Luffy also skipped out on a lot of confessional sessions. Mainly because he really didn’t have much to hide to begin with. But if he did go, it was mainly to either show appreciation for his crew or to make public declarations:
“Sanji’s cooking the BEST!”
“Do we get free meat with this show?”
“I’m going to kick Mingo’s ass!”
Zoro: The viewers found Zoro amusing! Whether it be him constantly getting lost, or his heated arguments with Sanji. The producers would rush over to him, cameras and all whenever they caught the two together.
Zoro was surprisingly popular with female viewers. They enjoyed watching him sweat whenever he would work out in the crows nest.
Zoro didn’t care about the show really. Just as long as he gets to work out, drink booze, and sleep, he’s good.
The producers always looked forward to his confessionals after he fights with Sanji:
“That damn shitty cook! Just who the hell does he think he is?!”
“That curly brow dumbass is gonna get himself killed one of these days!”
Sanji: Was angry that Zoro was racking in more views from the female viewers than he was!
Why him?! Why not me?!
He kicked the camera man straight in the chin when he told him that Zoro was naturally more popular than he was.
Sanji desperately tried to win over the female viewers by showing off his fighting skills or his culinary expertise.
He was excited when he finally got some fan mail from the fans!
It turned out to be from the okamas though…
If Sanji went to the confessionals, it was usually to cry about why women weren’t interested in him…or to talk shit about Zoro:
“Just what does he have that I don’t on this show?”
“Why aren’t all the beautiful ladies watching me?”
Little did Sanji know, he caught the eyes of Violet and Pudding.
Nami: An absolute slut for the camera! The producers LOVED her!
One couldn’t tell who was using who more. All that mattered was what would bring them more views and more money.
Whenever it was filming time, Nami would purposely wear a bikini without the jeans to draw in the male viewing audience.
Add the extra seductive act she would put on, and nosebleeds would cover millions of transponder snail television screens.
Loved to give tours of the Sunny and show off her designer clothes.
Would parade around the islands, using Momonosuke as an accessory to manipulate the fans into loving her more.
Nami LOVED to take advantage of the fanbase, often subtly asking for gifts mainly money through the fan mail she receives. Next to Robin, she had the most.
Nami became very vain and strict with the crew on how to present themselves for the camera and had to keep members like Luffy in check to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid to cause the show to be cancelled. But just in case, as a backup, she could always start an Only Fans.
One might say that the fame and fortune was getting to her head, as she would purposely start up drama whenever she was out on an island. Would probably steal from a city mayor if it meant she could get the fans taking for weeks.
Whenever she was in the confessionals, it was mainly to complain about Luffy’s or Zoro’s antics.
Would probably shit talk about Robin, although faking it the whole time, to get some drama started:
“Honestly! I wish Luffy would just use some common sense for once!”
“Robin thinks she’s all that! But everyone knows, I’m the prettiest girl on the show!”
“I’ll let you film me in the bath. It’ll cost you 1 million beri!”
Franky: Loved the camera! One sided on the producers part since they didn’t enjoy Franky’s sense of…ahem…style.
He would dance, be loud, or show off his cool body.
If he was in the confessional room, it was to complain openly to the producers on why they did him dirty.
“Hey! I saw last weeks episode! Why did you cut my scene out, bro?!”
Ussop: Although not nearly as popular as Nami, Ussop was interesting enough to get some viewers watching the show, even unintentionally.
Ussop used the show to make himself seem cooler, mainly through the confessionals.
The lies he told caught the attention of viewers worldwide, though very few could sees past his lies.
The producers didn’t care, so long as there were viewers.
“Yes it was I! The Great Captain Ussop who defeated CP9!”
“Wait wait! Cut that out! Cut that scene out! I meant SniperKing!”
Chopper: The Worlds Favorite Cutie Pie!
Choppers looks alone were enough to win the hearts of viewers! Mostly the female reindeer mink.
Combine that with his child like innocence and he’s instantly a popular household name!
On top of that he already has many sponsorships from multiple sweet brands. (Mainly cotton candy ones.)
Choppers pretty shy on camera and often does his usual dance when he’s nervous. The audience eats it up.
He doesn’t gossip. When it comes to confessionals, he’s usually talking about Zoro’s recklessness when it comes to bandages, or Sanji’s nose bleeding habits.
Jimbei: Not particular interested in TV or fame, but used being on TV to his advantage to spread his word and try stop discrimination against fishmen.
The producers found him boring and didn’t look forward to filming him, especially at confessionals…but at the very least, he was able to bring in views due to his former status as a warlord.
Robin: Had many admirers! She enjoyed being on the show. Often is seen on screen on a lavish shopping trip with Nami.
She does her part to make the show more interesting, whether it is be her dark sense of humor or putting her devil fruit powers to good use.
She once used it on a producer when he asked her to do something suggestive for views. After that, the producers never messed with her again, out of fear for their lives.
Not much for confessionals though, except when she’s expressing how amused she is at Luffy’s antics.
She may appeared to be calm and quiet but you better believe that the rumors she would stir up, would get the people talking!
Piers Morgans was having a field day with the headlines:
“Did Cat Burgler Nami Get Breast Implants?!”
“Roronoa Zoro: Honorable Swordsmen or Man Thot?! Gets Caught Sleeping with Wano’s Most Beautiful Woman!”
“Is Monkey D Luffy, Secretly Seeing His Crewmates Sister From the Germa Kingdom?!”
Brook: Fans loved seeing Soul King on screen. In some episodes he’s either playing music or he’s attempting a panty raid in Nani’s room. Which often results in him getting beat up by her every time.
Anything he says in the confessional‘s ends up with his signature laugh.
Law: Made a special guest appearance since starting hiw alliance with Luffy.
You can imagine his look of surprise, when the crew showed up on Punk Hazard with a camera crew and all.
He wasn’t at all interested in being on TV. His famous “I hate bread” made him an instant fan favorite. And meme along the fanbase.
He didn’t like that…
Law hated being followed around by the camera crew on the Thousand Sunny or when he simply just wanted peace. He frequently scolded the producers to stop or told Luffy to call off the cameras, but neither listened.
He only wanted to discuss the alliance plans in private with the crew and didn’t want the producers to catch any of it for the world to see.
As time went on, and Law was getting sucked into the Straw Hat shenanigans. He found himself wandering into the confessional where he would frequently complain about the crew. Mainly the captain.
“Mugiwara-ya will be the death of me…”
“Rorona-ya has no sense of direction…”
“How has the crew survived this long? They don’t ever strategize when it comes to making a plan!”
Viewer Reactions:
Sabo: Enjoys watching his little brother on screen, and always has a good laugh. Koala would often scold him for abandoning his duties to go watch the show.
Hancock: Would briefly abandon her duties as Pirate Empress for the whole day if it meant, she could watch Luffy on screen.
Took up most of his fan mail, and gifts that had meat.
Hancock would be envious of Nami and Robin on her screen, wishing she was their with Luffy.
Mihawk: Reality shows weren’t his usual choice of television entertainment, but he did watch, soley to watch over Zoro’s progress as a swordsmen. He would lie if Perona asked him if he found what he saw the slightest bit amusing.
Ace: He got a kick out watching his little brother on screen. Often laughing at Luffy’s antics. He saw that Luffy’s crew was slowly riding in more views on the reality show The WhiteBeard Pirates had. Ace wasn’t too worried but he knew he had to step it up.
Shanks: Often shaking his head and smiling in amusement at the sight of Luffy on screen. Would sometimes watch the show with Ace as the two spoke fondly of him.
Big Mom: Was furious that Luffy was racking in more views than her crew combined. Everyone used to love Big Mom’s wedding cake special episodes.
Garp: Nearly choked on his crackers at the sight of his crazy grandson invading his screen.
Smoker: If any marine soldier was caught watching, Keeping Up with the Straw Hats, you better believe that he’ll would be raised at HQ. in secret though, he would watch it. Not for entertainment, but more so to study the Straw Hats moves.
Buggy: Screeching out in jealously seeing Straw Hat Luffy was popular enough to be given his own show and not him.
Kid: Was sitting at a bar one night and spat out his drink in anger at the sight of Straw Hat on his screen.
Nearly popped a blood vessel when he saw Law on screen.
“The hell?! Even Trafalgar?! How come those bastards get their own show?!”
Killer remained silent. He knew the reason why the Kid Pirates never picked up the rights to a pirate reality show was because of how scary Kid was.
Dragon: Used the show as a way to keep up with his son. Although in secret, since he didn’t want his army to notice.
Germa 66: Mixed reactions.
“That’s no son of mine.” Judge would say.
Reiju giggled at the sight of the screen. After a mission, she would look forward to watching the show to see her brother.
Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji expressed annoyance and criticized Sanji. Although would never admit that they were each jealous that Sanji got to be on a reality show instead of the Germa Kingdom itself.
Yamato: Wants to be on the show. Not for the fame, but mainly to spread the word and tell the world what a horrible father, Kaido is and spread Oden’s legacy to the world.
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missallsundayyy · 4 years
Breaking Boundaries
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First oneshot for my first post here and there’s no better ship/pair i’d rather write than Nico Robin & Roronoa Zoro
Things were lively on the Sunny Go as usual. Franky was upgrading the canons on the ship, Chopper and Ussop were being...well...being them as usual. Luffy was bugging Sanji in the kitchen asking/whining when was lunch going to be served and in his words.
"foooooooood SANJIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" the famous straw hat captain yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
Nami was focusing on the weather and the sea behavior, navigating the crew to their next destination whilst Brook was beside her asking if he could see her panties in which he received a punch that sent him flying through the ship's walls. Thus starting a fight with the shipswright that was just beside the wall that was destroyed.
"WATCH WHERE YOU LAND ASSHOLE!!!" Franky screamed out.
"Yohoho!! don't get your panties in a twist Franky-sannn"
Aside from all the chaos was the crew's infamous swordsman, Zoro whom was doing impossible training once again. Lifting weights that no humans could ever lift.
He grunts out in training, muscles flexing, his body coated with sweat. He did this everyday at the same spot the moment the sun starts to rise until Sanji calls them for lunch. Not far from the green-haired man.....well in fact maybe 5metres away from him was the ship's beautiful archeologist Nico Robin. Seated as usual on her umbrella armchair with a book on hand. 
She was wearing her spaghetti strap purple tank top that did no effort to cover her large breast and a very small tight fitting jean shorts. It was a very hot day at that, she had put her hair up in a ponytail which was rare because usually she prefered her hair down. Even though it was scorching hot outside and she could just retreat into her room where it would definitely be cooler but it was out of habit that she situated herself here when she read.
She’s elated to be where she was right now. Doing what she loved and surrounded by nakamas that accepted her, cared for her, protected her and loved her. She would give her life 100 million times over for the Straw Hats without a second thought. Back at Enies Lobby she was afraid that that they would find her a burden, a thorn in the flesh even when they proved that they will fight the whole world fearlessly for her. Comparing then and now she was flabbergasted at how many things have changed. Everyone has gotten stronger, more matured. The bond Robin shared with the crew was strong that not even God can sever it, that she was certain for.
Her mind wandered everywhere and anywhere, she wasn't even focusing on the book she was reading anymore. She summarised everything in her head with a content look on her face.
The sounds of Zoro's grunting and counting snapped Robin back to reality, her eyes diverted to the green haired crew member. Her eyes shamelessly stared at his god like body that was now glistening in sweat due to the monstrous work out he does everyday. His muscles was amazing, his abs was rock hard and his chest looked like steel plates had been implanted in him. His face was fierce and focus, never losing concentration.
Zoro was a very very veryyy handsome man, that was what Robin had always thought even when she first joined the crew. She knew he was a very powerful man and a dangerous one at that, the crew was blessed to have such interesting and indestructible members and Roronoa Zoro was one of them. He had many cons to him...well according to Nami and Sanji's list. He sleeps too much, he was too direct with his words so more often than not he always comes off as an "asshole". He drinks too much when he isn't sleeping or training and to top the icing on the cake, he couldn't find his way to the ship's toilet even if his bladder depended on it.
Robin however found him to be interesting as hell and even charming most times. How he was always the calm one amongst all of them and he was a very wise man that stick by his words. He was a strong man with honour and pride. He will no doubt be the type to keep a promise even if will be his demise. Robin didn't know she had a type until she met Zoro, the more time she has with the swordsman the larger her attraction for him grew.
Having a lover has never came across her mind, not that she wasn't interested in intimate relations before, it just never came up until she found herself glancing at him more than she should. Also the automatic position of their area happened to be beside each other every day so there was not much of a choice in that matter. She snapped back yet again to reality still staring at the handsome swordsman, she wouldn't admit it but internally she was swooning over his very very shredded body.
"Oi oi Robin, your staring is bothering me. You should read at your room today, your face is red from the weather right now."  Zoro called out to Robin who was unintentionally caught gawking at him although being the dense man he was, he of course would have not though that she was checking him out.
Zoro had placed all this training equipments down and was now walking towards the self fantasising historian that still had her eyes glued onto him. He walked a few steps towards Robin and stood beside her, taking her lemonade drink right from her side table and gulping all of it down with greed-thirst sounds.  This was another normal thing between them, she would have her drink but she would never drink any of it because before she could, he would always finish it up unless she had coffee. He never did understood how she could swallow the damn bitter beverage. She also was starting to think that subconsciously she would bring the drink for him instead of her.
"Zoro-kun. Sorry for bothering your training  but I don't mind a little heat today and besides the weather has been quite gloomy these past weeks, don't you agree?" Robin held her face with her palm, her usual signature posture. She now sat upright never breaking her stare.
"Rain or shine won't hinder me from my training." Zoro stated simply.
"Fufufu, yet my staring has disturbed your workout?" Robin teased him.
"Tch. You've been doing that a lot lately woman." he turned his head away, folding his arms. Ever since the crew reunited after being seperated for two years, Zoro had noticed Robin's change the most. She had gotten stronger, wiser and more matured in many different aspects.
She would tease him or outsmart him in their little chats which irate the man but in a good way.
"I was thinking if I could company you on watch today if you don't mind." Robin asked hopefully.
Zoro turned his head back to her "Sure. You can do can do whatever you want woman. Let's go to the kitchen already, bet that love cook will start yelling for us anytime soon." he was already walking towards the kitchen but in a pace that told her that he would be walking with her and not just leaving her like that. She smiled and followed him.
"ROBIN CHWANNN! You're looking veryyyyy SEXYYY TODAY!! The lunch I have prepared for you today is just as hot and spicy as you are!!!" Sanji greeted Robin that had walked in with Zoro whom by the way Sanji had not scoop his share onto a plate yet.  Robin smiled at the flirtatious cook.
"That's very kind of you cook-san, this looks delicious. As always your culinary skills are impressive." Robin replied politely, frankly only Robin would acknowledge Sanji's aggressively manic compliments. 
"Tch. Stupid love cook." Zoro muttered under his breath which didn't went unheard by the cook of course.
The fight between the two men continued while the crew watched on amused, nothing new on the ship.
"Cmmonnnnnn Chopper give me some, I'm lazy to go refill..."
Chopper and Luffy both had their hands on the cup that was filled with the cool drink and they both were playing tug rope with the cup and well unfortunately for them the cup had tipped and all of its contents is now spilling at the person that was sitting in the middle of them. That person was......Robin.
The room was now silent, Sanji and Zoro's bickering was on hold because of the light spill sound that interrupted everyone.
"Oh shit.." Franky muttered
The red beverage was now seeping through Robin's tank top. Her chest and thighs was now covered with the sweet drink and it was dripping. Robin looked down at her now soiled clothing.
"Oh my.." was all she said.
"Robinnn....im sorry!! I didn't..we didn't mean to ruin your clothes!!" Chopper started exclaiming, feeling guilty. "OI LUFFY! This is your fault you know!! APOLOGISE TO ROBIN NOW!"
Luffy had one hand behind his head, scratching while having a goofy grin "Sorry Robin it was an accident...please don't be mad"
"SERIOUSLY. Why can't the men in this crew behave like proper men in FOR ONCE! You guys are barbaric and I don't know how two beautiful women like me and and Robin got stuck with you guys!!" This time the screaming and yelling was now coming from the ship's navigator.
Robin wasn't mad, in fact she enjoyed all their shenanigans. The crew made life fun, they make her feel alive and everyday she will always have a smile on her face. "It's okay Luffy its okay Chopper. I will go and change into a new shirt." she said with a laughter.
"Well there you go Nami, you heard Robin. She's not mad so I don't see why you're all worked up." Franky joined in to which he received a death glare from the money obsessed pirate.
In the midst of the whole conversation Zoro had been staring at Robin's wet stained shirt accident. Everyone was too busy bickering with each other they had failed to notice that the water just made Robin's voluptuous figure even more prominent. The outline of her huge breast could be seen through the god damn tank top and the fruit punch was still dripping down her cleavage and most of it had splashed onto her thick thighs.
He didn't know what he was doing but he liked what he was seeing. Robin was a beautiful woman and he knew that. She had the perfect curves and her assets were anything but small. She had matured into a sexy woman and he could never deny that. The sight that she had unintentionally presented him with was very fucking pleasing to his eyes. His eyes glued to her soft skin and the way the water would drip down her cleavage because she was laughing and causing her chest to move tentalizingly. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose but she was sexy without even trying. He shook his head and tried to clear the dirty thoughts that was now forming in his mind 'Why the hell am I thinking about her like that' his mind yelled at him.
"Well excuse me, I am going to take a bath since the punch has made my body all sticky now." Robin stood up and walked towards the door. Sanji on the other hand had knock both Luffy and Chopper's head while yelling something like 'Look what you guys did!' 'Robin-chan's lunch is ruined' 'assholes'
A loud crash was heard 1 minute after Robin had exited the kitchen. Zoro and Sanji both had dashed out of the door in a fighting stance-run. 
"Whats' going on now!!" Nami yelled.
"Looks like Luffy fell asleep" Franky muttered in half disbelief and half lazed tone.
"ROBIN CHANNN!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Sanji yelled frantically.
Zoro had drawn his katana out ready to slice anyone whom had dared to attack their ship and more importantly Robin.
"So this is the infamous Strawhat crew everyone has been talking about?? You don't seem much if i managed to cuff your deliciously beautiful crewmate here. If i know you guys had such a sexy pirate lady, we would have attacked you sooner!" The malicious voice came from Captain Deck from the Sink Pirates; notorious for sinking every ship they come across with. He was however not interested in woman and was quick to carry Robin and throwing her off the Sunny Go to everyone's horror.
"ROBIN NNNN!!" Chopper and Nami's voiced chorus together,
Zoro of course had already jumped in right after Robin was thrown into the sea. His first priority was definitely saving his nakama. Slicing every last one of his enemy would later be the second priority. He dived deep and because he immediately jump in right when Robin was thrown in, she hadn't sink too far for his vision. She was still conscious, eyes wide with shocked with everything that has transpired. He could understand her fear, you can be the strongest fighter with the best abilities but its all over if you get thrown into the water. Her hands was desperately reaching for Zoro. She knew she was safe, drowning in the sea or not, she had her nakama protecting her and always having her back.
He grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her into his body and quickly swam back up in full speed. When they reached the surface, he found himself swimming to an island, the Sunny Go and his crewmates were no where in sight. Now he was just confused, how the hell did he got all the way here now. He now carried Robin bridal style whilst walking on shore since she was weakened by the effects of the sea water.
He lay her down on the grass part of the island and stood up to survey their foreign surroundings.
"Oi woman you okay?" he asked her with concern although he wasn't facing her. Robin who now had herself up on her feet.
"Thank you Zoro-kun, i'm better now." Robin said smiling even if he wasn't looking to see it. "However, seems like we're stranded in here. How did you find this island?" she was already walking around surveying the flowers, sand, grass and anything that might tell her where they were. He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know how we end up here, my priority was only getting you out of the sea and next thing i know, i got us here." he said with a tone of frustration.
'ara...so this is how he looks like whenever we get seperated' Robin's amusing thoughts caused her to laugh behind him. He snapped his head to her "What's so funny woman" to which Robin smile "Nothing. Lets explore this island together, i'm sure Luffy and the others are already nearby." she suggested to which Zoro just grunted in agreement.
The both of them then ventured into the thick jungle of the island.
Meanwhile back at the Sunny Go.
"Geez you can definitely count on Zoro to be lost even when the ship was right above him." Franky grumbled while the crew set sailed for the island Ussop had spotted.
"That shitty asshole took Robin-chwann away! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME THAT SAVED HER AND WOULD PROBABLY BE ON THAT ISLAND WITH A VERY WET RO-" Sanji fainted from nose-bleed before he could finish his sentence.
"SANJIIIIII!!!" Chopper ran towards his perverted nakama.
"Leave him to die Chopper, he propably don't mind dying" Nami said while shaking her head.
"YOSH! FULL SPEED AHEAD TO THAT MEAT ISLAND MEN!" Luffy yelled to his crewmates.
"Oi oi what do you mean meat island" Ussop replied, "And we can leave stupidity to our captain. Zoro and Robin are missing and there he goes thinking about food" he finished leaving Nami and Chopper nodding their heads vigorously. Luffy laughed "Don't worry! They're strong and i'm not worried."
"Perhaps the plants here spit poison that could kill you in a second or maybe the soil might swallow you whole the moment you step on it." Robin said voicing her thoughts outloud.
"Oi Robin stop saying things like that." Zoro chastised the historian for always saying dark things.
"Fufufu sorry Zoro-kun." Robin giggled into her palm. 
"By the way......” he started “Robin,i'mgladyou'refineafter2years."
Zoro managed to choke all the words out as fast as he could. He was not one with sweet words but he somehow felt that before the seperation he was very cold with Robin out of all the members of the crew.
It had to do with the whole ‘Miss All Sunday’ business but now when he looked at her, it was as if everything in the past didn't matter anymore.Robin on the other hand was taken aback by his words, she would be lucky to get a grunt out of the swordsman but he was initiating a conversation first and to top that off, he was telling her how he was glad that SHE was okay.
"I'm happy to hear that. You've grown handsomely in two years Zoro-kun" She replied him with a genuine smile. His face instantly reddened from embarasssment. There she goes again, he thought. Always saying things like that and now he looks like a cat just bit his tongue.
"W..we..well you'vegrownbigtoO!"
Robin laughed aloud "Are you saying that i’m fat Zoro-kun?" she stopped abruptly nearly making him crash behind her.
"What!" he panicked. Now these are one of her antics to get him all flustered.
"You said i've grown big, so does that mean I’m fat to you Zoro-kun?" She asked him with an innocent smile, teasing him was her favourite things to do.
"You know what I mean woman." Zoro grunted frustratedly, face still heated up. She? Fat? Farrr from it he thought. Her figure was amazing, perfect if he may be so bold to say.
"So after 2years of not seeing me, thaaat....is the only thing you noticed? I think cook-san has influenced you abit." This has got to definitely get THE reaction Robin was waiting for.
“IM NOTHING LIKE THAT SHITTY BASTARD OF A COOK AND YOU KNOW IT WOMAN!!" Robin laughed at his predictable reaction. "I'm joking Mr Swordsman." And there the nicknames comes again, this woman knew how to push his buttons well.
Then Robin did the unthinkable, she put her hands on her waist and came closer to Zoro and with a low sultry voice with a pose that would drive Sanji into his grave from nosebleed.
"So am I big enough or is there anything else I can change....for you Zoro-kun" Robin said suggestively. She have to admit whilst she finally have people to call her nakama she needed more. She wants that intimate attention just like every  woman. Intimacy wasn’t something she even had time for in the past, it never crossed her mind to romance with men. Now that she’s comfortable and know she has a place to call home, why the hell not.
Now he was just as red a beet, he didn't know why Robin was being flirty with him. She was usually the quiet one, calm, collected and only commented on things when it was necessary. Then again she was the only woman ironically that he didn’t mind invading his personal space. She and him was always in the same room in the ship every damn time and it wasn’t even planned nor did they ever agreed to always have each other’s back. He had always protected Robin, he would be there, ready to cut her enemies. Just like on sky island and fishmen island, as long as he’s around her he will put his life on the line for her
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t do the same for the crew but when he does save her, he feels something for her, he don’t know what he felt but he felt his pride and ego semi boosted from it. It was as if he wanted to impress her and show off how strong he was when she was around him. Maybe because all her life she was used to everyone betraying her or maybe she never had anyone protecting her. If she needed him to tell her that she wanted his protection, he would proudly declare that he will always protect and care for her.
Since she was graciously being so near him, his good eye clearly did not miss everything Robin had to offer. She was obviously testing the waters like this and eventhough he wasn't THAT type of man but he will be THAT if she wants it so bad. He will gladly play along with her game afterall he didn't enjoy being dominated like this.
Zoro grabbed Robin's waist roughly and pressed her figure with his hard and he brought his mouth against her ears.
"You better stop that Robin because i don’t think I can stop myself after this " Zoro growled with his grip tightening on her waist and back. That was an indefinite warning, he was ready to drop the whole ‘nakama’ thing and fuck her right there if she insisted on being a minx. Amazing that they had the whole island to themselves, amazing that his bad sense of direction got just the both of them alone, amazing that his crew wasn’t here to interrupt this moment and lastly Nico Robin was and amazing woman. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her and he thought he was going insane.
“I don’t want you to stop Zoro.” Her voice was filled with want, need, lust and when he looked into her eyes he knew that she only wanted HIM and he was the only one she trusted her body with. Right now her eyes was an open book and he could read every thoughts she had going through in her head.
Mentally he was battling a war, he shouldn’t be indulging in this but he knew he wanted this so bad he could kill someone.
 “Not here Robin.” It had took all of his will power to seperate him and Robin, all that lust and need. Trust him he really wanted to take her right there and then but... “Fufufu, that’s very considerate and sweet of you.”
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gildedmuse · 4 years
SWORD: A Kenshi To English Phrasebook
Take Two.
Again, understanding the language of swordsman is all about context. Let's take this situation.
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Summation: You remember how you were in hiding from the government for like over a decade? Yeah, hope you retained all those skills. You gonna be needing them.
The premise here is that people are going to come after Robin for her ability to read the Poneglyphs and not just to hang out with Actual Deity Nico Robin, which I think is pretty absurd. Like, of all the reasons to kidnap Robin - and I'm not saying there are none! - the Poneglyph thing is not in my top ten.
I've never kidnapped anyone.
ANYWAY, being told that you're about to be the target of some of the richest, most powerful people in the world must be fairly upsetting. Let's see how Robin takes that news.
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Oh, that's right. She got that Robin Chill™.
"Excuse me, giant Cat Monster King, I think you'll find these idiots were willing to declare war against the World Government. That's the Government of almost the entire World. I mean, if anything it's going to be amusing to see them try and kidnap me. I wish them luck."
And now we get to compare those reactions.
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I love you, but you would kick anyone's butt for almost any reason. You would kick anyone's butt for lunch. If you told Luffy that Zoro was keeping meat from him, Luffy would immediately slingshot himself across this cave and kick Zoro's ass. And like, they are besties. Not gonna save Zoro from the impending ass whooping.
But also I love how everyone knows how real the compliment is because it's Robin saying it. Luffy's usual reaction to compliments is "Hmm? Am I?" But if Robin says it, you know it's serious.
Unless it's about cannibal tribes. Do not trust this woman when it comes to cannibals.
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"What? I didn't take that as a compliment. In fact, you shouldn't even trust me to keep you safe. Appro if nothing here are some new karate moves I've been practicing."
Turns out it's really easy to speak Reindeer.
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"They can take Robin-san away over my dead body. Except... I'm already dead."
No, I'm not going to stop.
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I was going to say that I love Franky's energy and commitment here, but then I literally always love Franky's energy and commitment. This man does not do anything where he hasn't packed fireworks just to show his level of energy and commitment.
But seriously, because I'm sort of a FrankyxRobin person, I couldn't help but notice that everyone else is like "Yeah, I'll totally protect you" while Franky is over here legitimately announcing to this whole cavern, "Yo, [City Name], I'm Franky and I am here to do anything for Nico Robin! Just anything! Coupon Does Not Expire."
I feel like if the rest of the crew did not think these two were in a relationship they probably do now.
(I'm also pretty cool with RobinxZoro and RobinxNami, not that it's relevant.)
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[Oh wait it totally is]
Okay, so first, good energy from Usopp although I think we just witnessed why Franky might have an issue with the "no touching" rule. It's just... It's going to make their relationship very difficult.
Sex, Usopp. I'm saying your Team Parents are having sex.
I mean... Damn.
Nami rising from a pit of flames. "Look, Robin, I know these losers have all sworn to protect you, but let me just say, I am the only one here with the goddamn balls to commit willful homicide in your name."
"Love you bestie. xx"
Also, is it weird that I'm more attracted to Nami knowing she is full ready to rob a corpse. I mean, I always figured she'd rob a corpse. Survivor types don't tend to get caught up on those types of details. Her, Jewelry Bonney, and Trafalgar Law; they are all pretty prepared to steal off a dead man. In the first two cases, don't even need that solid a reason. Law is probably saving that one for a rainy day. Some point in the future when he needs it to survive.
Nami and Bonney, they see a corpse and their first instinct is, "Does he still have his wallet? Not anymore. Sucker." And that is what I love about them.
And Now For Our Swordsman
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Be honest. You didn't realize this was a gif, did you? Like if I hadn't said anything you'd be all, "huh, weird that she choose to make gifs for every other character and then just used this still frame photo for Zoro."
Nope. That is fully animated. That is the entirety of Zoro's reaction captured in multiple sequenced frames. That gif is made up of 24 different images.
Yeah, well, the important thing is the smile.
See, with a couple exception (like screaming it out while bleeding to death of the deck of a ship cause someone was stupid enough to go after a goddamn Shichibukai not even a full arc into the journey) Zoro's reaction when someone (ie Luffy, it's mostly Luffy) commits the crew to something - something that could very easily end in death - this is Zoro's go to respond.
In Kenshi, Cocky Smile = This sounds like it might be incredibly dangerous. Good. I've got your back, captain.
Or, you know, in this case "They could be sending some really dangerous guys. Good. I've got your back, you strange, morbid woman."
Like I said, it's context.
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[Look at my girl smile. She's so happy to have these idiots. These idiots are hers. She has adopted these idiots and she loves them and all their idiocy.]
In case your curious about our other swordsman, he's not pictured. Presumedly because his reaction hasn't actual changed from the last scene ie frowny face. Probably because he's thinking about all the possible added dangers Mugiwara-ya is taking on by keeping this woman on his ship and how that might effect his plans for their alliance. Also, he'd definitely would have kidnap Nico Robin should he have acquired all four shiny Poneglyphs and found out she could read them. So, yeah, best to skip showing his reaction in this otherwise really sweet moment.
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darthchic · 4 years
Character War: Zoro vs Sanji
Trying to put my own bias aside, and because I’m bored here in quarantine, I was thinking about how I could fairly break down parts of Zoro and Sanji’s characters and compare them. I want to see if I can analytically decide which character is more well realised or well written (just because there’s always that rivalry between both the characters and the fans, you often can’t help but ask yourself these kinds of questions).
EDIT: OH, and SPOILERS if you wish to read this and are not up to date
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If the question was “Who’s the more popular character?” though, Zoro wins hands down, no contest.
 So, I broke the two characters down into categories:
–    Design
–    Fighting Style
–    Fights/Achievements
–    Coolness
–    Backstory
–    Gag
–    Development
 Design: Neither Zoro or Sanji have designs that particularly stand out to me, not within their own universe or in anime in general. Seriously, think of some crazy-ass looking characters you've seen in other anime and Zoro and Sanji simply pale in comparison. Heck, they pale in comparison to some of their fellow crewmates (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Brook etc.) and over time their designs have probably been... how to put this... made more attractive as time goes on? Cause you know, you gotta let the female fans have some eye candy too. And with attractiveness tends to come more “normalness” (not a word but whatever) cause you can't go too crazy with the overall design in case it becomes off-putting. The only thing that really stands out for Zoro and Sanji respectively is hair colour and eyebrows.
–    Still if I had to declare one of them the winner... I'd have to say Sanji, just for his more 'unique' eyebrows. We've seen plenty of anime/manga featuring characters with hair colours that match every colour in the rainbow, so it's commonplace for someone to have green or pink hair and no-one really bats an eye. Peculiar eyebrows however are less common, although not rare (as far as I can tell), but for anime fans, it's something I think people still instantly notice more so than a character's hair colour. So.... point to SANJI! But barely, and it’s not much of a win.
 Sanji 1/0 Zoro
 Fighting Style: Again, neither a sword fighting style or kicking fight style is exactly uncommon, but I am edging towards Sanji's fighting style and I'll try to justify why, even if it is due to my own personal preferences. To me, sword fighting is often the go-to 'bad-ass' method of fighting, cause, come on, SWORDS ARE COOL (can't help but think about the overwhelming popularity of Pokemon Sword vs Pokemon Shield for example). Sword fights/fighters are iconic and that’s the issue at times for me because I feel like I've seen enough sword fights at this point, and not just in anime. So, while they're fun, their overexposure makes me appreciate something different a lot more.
–    To me, Sanji's style has a bit more 'kick' to it (oh yes!) and his reasons for using a kicking style are a bit more unique and interesting as well (being that he’s a cook and can’t damage his hands, the tools to his craft). His style is fun to watch, requires a bit more imagination when designing his moves, but it also has a strange kind of elegance to it which I appreciate. Not that sword fighting can't look elegant (Hello, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’), but I love that people often joke that some shots of Sanji make it look like he could be a dancer which I find amusing, because it’s true. Plus, I admire the fact that he's the only Straw-hat that fights without either a magic power/devil fruit or a literal weapon (though he has now grown accustomed to the raid suit, so…). But, for the majority of the story so far, the dude has just used his legs and that’s it. And is the 3rd (or fourth if you count Jinbei now) most powerful member of the crew, and still impressively strong overall amongst a massive cast of crazy powerful characters. Also, dude can fly. Actually fly. He can fight in the skies, sing “Walking in the Air” and it would not seem completely ridiculous. So, people reading this may not agree, but, point to SANJI!
Sanji 2/0 Zoro
 Fights/Achievements: I feel that most fans prefer Zoro's fights as he tends to take on the second strongest villains of each arc (with Luffy obviously taking on the strongest), which is automatic epicness. I know some fans even argue that Zoro would have no problems taking on the strongest villains in Luffy's place anyway, though I would disagree simply due to the fact that if Luffy were weaker/equal in strength to Zoro then why would he even be captain? The guy who's gonna be the Pirate King can hardly be weaker than one of his own crewmates, it ain't right!
–    Anyway, Zoro's battles tend to be straight-up badass one-on-one feats of strength, while Sanji's can be a mix of badass and sometimes plain goofy (thinking of Sanji vs Mr. 2 here or Sanji vs Wanze). And I do think Oda makes it clear that Zoro is the more powerful of the two, making his wins a lot more impressive, awe-inspiring, and show how physically far he’ll go in order to succeed (man should really have no blood left in his body). For me personally though, I often found many of Zoro’s fights a bit dull, like his fight with Mr. 1 for e.g. (ha, ironic), and when I watch his big battle with Kaku, while I like Kaku as a character, I had a hard time taking the image of Zoro fighting a sword-wielding Giraffe seriously. Sanji fighting a wolf with a moustache often looks goofy as well, but at least wolves come across as a bit more threatening (unless you have been on a scary Safari tour o__O…).
–    Alas, I would give Zoro the point for fights simply because I know how much the fandom appreciates them and the effort he puts in, BUT.... as for achievements... Maybe I'm being sneaky with this, but for me, while Sanji's fights maybe aren't considered as iconic as Zoro's, his actions towards helping the crew solidified Sanji's usefulness to the crew as not only a fighter but a tactician, and without him at a certain point, there wouldn't be any epic Zoro fights to appreciate. Sanji's rescue of the crew in Alabasta was pretty damn awesome, the fact they wouldn't have even reached Alabasta in the first place if Sanji hadn't gotten a hold of the Alabasta eternal log pose is hilarious, his saving of Usopp and Nami in Skypeia, his enabling of the Merry to escape without being blown to smithereens in the Enies Lobby arc, it's all just undeniably awesome. And to me, just as equally iconic and important as Zoro's fights, sooooo... I'm calling it a TIE!
 Sanji 3/1 Zoro
 Coolness: HAHA! Ok, come on, I love Sanji, but Oda's portrayal of him can get a bit ridiculous at times and sometimes rob him of his dignity, whereas with Zoro, Oda really doesn't humiliate him that much. He's usually always cool and epic and never seems to leave a negative impression in the eyes of fans. So, no question about it, point to ZORO!
 Sanji 3/2 Zoro
 Backstory: Ok, maybe it's just me, but I don't think many are gonna argue that Sanji has the better backstory? There's just more of it, it's better fleshed out, it establishes his character relationships and motives far better, it's just... better? Zoro's backstory perhaps is still to be further developed, but as it stands...
–    Zoro = Wants to become the greatest swordsman because of a promise he made to his dead rival/childhood friend. Nice, but doesn’t feel very original or special. Where did he come from before all that? Where/who is Zoro's family? Why did he want to be a swordsman in the first place? Cause it's cool? It just leaves me feeling annoyed because there’s these gaps and things left unanswered within his story and I can't tell if Oda's even going to give us any answers! But with a possibility that Zoro is from Wano, maybe something is eventually going to be explained? Still, I feel like Oda needs to be careful he doesn't make a repetitive tragic backstory, cause I worry that at some point he's going to run out of ideas on how to make each new backstory more uniquely depressing than the last, to the point where it's gonna be a 'been there, done that' kind of deal. Or maybe he’ll actually reveal that Zoro has a DUN-DUN-DUN living mother. I mean, that’s rarely done in this series, so that would be pretty shocking.
–    Sanji = Born as a quadruplet (still so weird to me) to a royal family, kind mother but douche-bag father. Mother dies saving Sanji's humanity because said douche-bag father violated mother and children by tampering with them before birth in order to make his children into sociopathic weapons. Sanji grew up emotionally and physically abused by father and brothers because he had kindness and compassion, and the abuse got so bad that he was even locked in a jail cell with an iron mask on his face because his father was ashamed of his existence. Mother, of course, dies, leaving Sanji with only an older sister to turn to, who could only be nice to him in secret and laugh at him in public. He decided to become a chef during imprisonment due to his mother giving him the only praise he had ever received and he enjoyed making her happy. Finally escapes douche-bag family thanks to decent sister freeing him, but only after promising to never admit he was related to his douche-bag father, further destroying him emotionally. Next, the ship he worked on was destroyed in a tidal wave, killing all his friends at the time, and left him alone on a rock with little food and a pirate who recently kicked the crap out of him. Went months without food only to find out that the pirate he hated had given him all the food, forcing him to cannibalize himself to survive. And all this happened before he was just 10 years old. So, from then on Sanji grew up with a fixed dedication/appreciation for food, but a clearly messed up self-image due to years of abuse and being told he was a failure by his biological father. Not to mention the man who saved his life, while a good man at heart, kinda has a messed up moral compass of his own, and kinda f**ked up Sanji's head in his own way (seriously, Sanji can't bring himself to hit a woman to save his own life cause he can't bear disappointing/disobeying Zeff, the man who actually loved him like a son? Jeez).
–    For real, Sanji's story is a doozy, and Zoro's just doesn't compare (at least not at the moment). Sorry, but clear point goes to SANJI!
 Sanji 4/2 Zoro
 Gag: Possibly debatable again, but I honestly do prefer (and the fandom majority seem to prefer) Zoro's whole getting lost gag to Sanji being a looney tunes pervert (some of the faces Oda draws, I swear!) I don't mind anime perverts so long as they have some substance to their character, but Oda places ‘Pervert Sanji’ in some situations where you're left screaming, “NOW'S NOT THE TIME DAMMIT!” Some moments can be thrown off kilter by the perverseness and/or fanservice to the point where you're just left face-palming. Arguably, the same can be said for Zoro, especially with his wandering off and getting lost in Wano right before Luffy faced off against Kaido (not that Zoro could do much about that anyway if he hadn't gotten lost), but just how easily he gets lost is so ridiculous that it veers right around from being annoying and returns straight back to being hilarious because of how mind-boggling it is. xD So, point to ZZZZZORO!
 Sanji 4/3 Zoro
  Development: Once again, another debatable one. Too debatable! There's no way around it; some may say Sanji's ‘self-rediscovery’ arc in Whole Cake Island made him the better developed character (or didn’t develop him at all) and some will say that Zoro's “Nothing happened” moment is the pinnacle of character development in One Piece, and to me, too much of it comes down to preference and I find it hard to justify why one is potentially better developed than the other. Especially when there could still be further development for them to come. So.... yeah, another TIE!
 Sanji 5/4 Zoro
So, there it is, I killed some great time in quarantine with this(!) Maybe there’s more ‘categories’ I could have added, but with what I came up with, I really did try not to be bias here. I do think it’s important to have a character that can hit ‘all the beats’, deliver in terms of action scenes, comedy and the emotional hard-hitting moments too. I can’t help but appreciate the male characters who are more in touch with their emotions and show vulnerability, which is what I appreciate with Sanji, and why I probably don’t connect with Zoro as much as I’d like to?
Going through all of this however has made me think that I'm actually fairer than I thought I was. No? Yes? Close call anyway.
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sparda3g · 5 years
One Piece Chapter 945 Review
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Take a look at the Stampede color spread. It is hype calling. Not just for the movie, but as well as this chapter. Going into this chapter, I was excited for an all-out brawl. Even the first panel has someone screaming for it. After reading through, I was disappointed in Oda for teasing the fans one more time. To make the matter worse, there’s a good reason for it when you reach to the last page. But enough about my disappointment, because this chapter was still pretty entertaining; a second part of the hype train.
Don’t let the anticipation distract you that the greatest douchebag, Orochi, is still around with his punch-able face. I know I shouldn’t judge by their looks, but he’s one exception. If you were hoping for Zoro versus Kyoshiro, well sadly, that won’t happen here. Instead, the Oniwaben arrives, thanks to the alarm, and break out the fight. It’s like witnessing Naruto versus One Piece with jutsu or ninja arts in play. Actually, that’s a lie (for now), because one “ninja” uses a damn gun, yet call it a jutsu. So, Naruto then.
Sanji does have a quick exchange with Drake, and so far, it’s looking good. The thought of a chef going against a dinosaur intrigues me to no end. Speaking of intriguing, I’m always laughing at the sight of Brooke’s ghost and his goofy acting. It works very effectively against Oniwaben. Maybe if you tell them it’s a ghost pokemon and not a ghost, they will change their way. To recap, it appears Zoro versus Kyoshiro would have to wait and Sanji continue his fight with Drake, though the last part may suggest otherwise.
The one battle that has me interested instantly is the two Worst Generation members, Law and Hawkins. The appeal is the consequences. Hawkins’ Devil Fruit is quite something else; actually make straws threatening. That’s One Piece alright. The real kicker is he possessed four lives, including himself, and he let Law know by cutting his arm. That’s messed up. It’s even more messed up when you realize if he dies, three of Law’s comrade will follow. Not Bepo as well! I’m intrigued to see how he’s going to handle it; perhaps use his doctoring skill to the test.
I mentioned about the last part with Sanji may detour to somewhere else. I’m referring to the next scene, which is pretty hilarious. I got a good laugh at the startup with Sanji’s eyes turning into an alarm detector for damsel in distress. It even has lock-on feature; that’s funny. Too bad for him, because Zoro ends up saving Hiyori. Sanji was infuriated by the sight. Not only his chance to be Prince Charming was stolen, but out of all people, Zoro, the man he despise, was the guy. That face is priceless. I love his train of thought resort to Zoro knowing her and bragging rights about the bounty. Even with the increase, he still can’t outclass Zoro. That made up for the small interaction when grouped together; wish to see more next time.
We have a new scenario to look forward to, and it revolves with Kin’emon and his continuous journey to reunite the Samurai. He finally confronts with Ashura, though it doesn’t go smoothly. Eventually, Ashura settles down but after Kin’emon kneeled down for forgiveness after years of struggles. You can’t blame them; they did literally time-skip and didn’t begin to apologize for their mistake. At least they managed to bury their hatchet, I assume at least, but the curiosity stems from what Ashura is going to show them. I don’t know if it’s more historical piece of Wano Country or something else, but I’m looking forward to it.
Easily the best part of the chapter is Big Mom on the main floor. I mean the chapter’s title is named after her; well, traditional sense, but still her name. I was waiting for this moment and despite the rampage is saved for next time, I was very amused. The reactions toward her arrival are priceless, just priceless. Queen is losing his mind; nice knowing you, guy. Luffy got me laughing badly, because he believe he was tracked down from far deep in the ocean for the sake of revenge. It’s like a nightmare as he called it. Sounds like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2 to me. I also laughed at Chopper for not expecting his plan to work almost too well. He’s like, “Oh damn. I actually got it right.” Oh, that was just fun.
I’m a little surprised that Chopper didn’t reunite with Luffy, but priority has him going for elsewhere, so it’s fine. I like the jab at the handkerchief being the perfect disguise. It’s like ninja turtles wearing a trench coat; it’s very convincing. I’m more surprised that Queen didn’t back out and has the kintama to take on a Yonko. It’s what happens when you have two food huggers dueling.
Everyone thinks it’s crazy of him to take on Big Mom, but he was angry enough to transform into Brachiosaurus. I didn’t expect that form, but it works to his human design somehow. You would think this battle may be on equal level. For now, nope. Big Mom freaking slams his head hard to the ground right before the chapter ends. Wow! Now that’s a Queen Slayer. Spoke too soon about her being bullied, Chopper. I don’t know if he’s really down, but whatever the result is, this was a glorious way to close.
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It may not be the chapter that had me excited in the first place, but its content has its own value of entertainment and interest that forgive my disappointment. Honestly, I was only acting spoiled, so it really didn’t effect anything from my enjoyment. Anyway, the build-up continue to be intriguing with a possible new battle and a new discovery to see. Everything at Udon was hilarious and the last panel was glorious. The only cruel part is the break; not a cool move, Oda. In due time, we’ll see if On-Lin has become Queen Slayer or the battle is only getting started.
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generaldevi · 5 years
Chapter 7: Giving in
Rating: Mature Pairing: Law x Luffy
Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp, Donquixote Doflamingo (mentioned), Donquixote Rocinante (mentioned, Dr. Kureha (mentioned), Sanji (mentioned)
Warnings: References to Depression, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Dependency
My part for the @lawlu-events BigBang 2018/19
The story got illustrated by the awesome artist @novicecomics
“Zorro! Nami! Usopp!” Luffy called his friends, while waving with his free arm. “Got him!” He flopped down on the free chair, pointing to the other one next to him. “Sit down Torao!” He cheered, grinning broadly. “It took you longer, then I expected” Zorro said with a smirk, scrutinizing the other one. Luffy had a talent to get what he wanted, whatever he wanted.
“Yes, I was starting to wonder, if I should have betted against Nami!” Usopp said with a little nervous laughter. He still felt weird around the doctor. He had a weird aura to himself. Something Usopp could not put his finger on. He was calmer than the first time they met, though. If Luffy trusted the doctor, he would do so too (even though a little bit of caution would harm nobody).
“Sadly, you did not~," Nami said with a playful sigh, before smiling at Law. It was a warm smile. She could very much understand how the other must feel. It was always weird being the new one to a group of people, who already knew each other and were close friends. “Do I want to know what bet this was?” Law said in a gruff tone of voice. He already guessed it was about him, and he was sure, that he would not like to know… whatever it was about.
“Nami wanted to bet, if I get you before the trip ends! But no one wanted to bet against her!” The voice of Luffy was cheerful. “Nami never loses a bet! If you want to keep your money, do not bet against her! Or play with her!” “Oi!” Nami raised her fist. “Do not warn the new one!” Now the chances of milking the new one for easy money were gone. Damn Luffy being nice and social.
“You took out enough people on this ship already! No need to also take out one of us!” Zorro said, before looking at Law, who seemed rather confused.
“You! Silent! I did not forget how much money you still owe me! You understand me?! One day I will come to your apartment and snatch all your liquor and sell it!” “No way!”
“Are your friends always... you know... like this?” Law said. One moment the others seemed like typical adults and the next second they acted as if they were bickering teenagers. They all seemed to know each other very well.
He despised it. He missed it.
“Yes! They are funny!” Luffy hummed and looked over to the dining area. “The evening buffet opens soon! I am starving! I want chicken, pork, the lobster…” Law frowned. How could the boy be starving? He had witnessed what the other one devoured for lunch! He shook his head. “Get used to it.” Zorro leaned back in his chair, observing Luffy and Usopp for a moment, before closing his eyes. “Wake me up, when the buffet opens. I wanna get at least some meat before Luffy eats it all!”
Somehow Law got the impression that this was not only a figure of speech but something must have happened in the past. “Oi!” Luffy grinned. “It is not my fault! They should not name it All-You-Can-Eat if they only have a limited amount of food!”
Usopp grinned. Oh god. He remembered the face of the poor cooks and waiters. He pitied them. The way the waiters face had twisted in surprise, disbelief and horror.
“I am pretty certain they did lose a week worth of profit with you. You ate for ten people at least.” “Nami did not have time that evening! I had to eat for her too!” “As if I eat that much!“ Nami scolded him. “Just because you represent the epitome of a glutton!”
Their bickering went forth and back. Somehow, Law felt himself relax more and more. It almost felt, as if the others were not bothered by his presence. “Oi! Torao! Come on, get something to eat with me! Zorro! Wake up!” Luffy did not wait for an answer. He practically ran towards the buffet. It was half amusing, half disgusting to watch. The word gluttonous Nami mentioned before was rather fitting in Laws opinion. As cheerful and happy as Luffy seemed most of the time, considering food he seemed more like a greedy pig. And he ate like one. He chewed with his mouth open, talked while having his mouth half full. It was not exactly a delightful thing to watch and still… Law was amused. Zorro had started to keep up with Luffy’s eating tempo but gave up promptly after. Usopp had overloaded his plate with food. Law had begun to wonder, why the other one had so much food on his plate, when he ate like an almost normal person. He observed Luffy snatching half of the food, so it made sense… Was it a tribute for their friendship? Apparently. Nami was the only one eating and behaving like a proper ordinary, decent and sane person (at least concerning eating behaviors). The only weird thing about her was the force she used to ram the fork into one of Luffy’s fingers, whenever he tried to steal something from her table.
“Get your greasy fingers off my plate! You do not even like fruit salad that much! Oh Law, I hope you are not bothered by these guys behaviors. They got no manners!”
After talking for a while, she had found out, that his name was Law. She had wondered where the Torao was coming from… since on his name tag was written Dr. Trafalgar D. W. L.
“My family had been rather unique too, so do not worry.” Not so greedy, not so animalistic and seeming like starved people fighting over some fiber… but weird in other… places. Luffy sitting next to him, eating like a maniac (and mauling his food in a way, that Law found some pieces of it, on his own plate), was still better than Trebol with the always running gooey nose. Disgusting…
“Oh your family? You mean the man from the picture?”
With a quick swipe of his tongue, Luffy fetched the piece of chicken sticking to his lower lip. Even though he seemed focused on eating, he had watched and observed Law the entire time.
“Yes. Father, well-“ Law tilted his head a little bit. “Adoptive father.” Law loved Corazon, had cherished him … but it still felt inappropriate to say, that Corazon had been his only father. The few memories he had about his blood family. Law was fond of these fragments of happiness and joy.
“Adoptive or not. Family is family.” Nami smiled softly, blue painted nails clicking against the cocktail glass Sanji had brought her. “True!” Luffy grinned. “Who cares who is born by whom, or whose blood is in your veins! Family is what you feel!”
He nodded before shoving another enormous piece of meat into his mouth. If Laws thoughts were not occupied by the family talk, he would probably wonder if Luffy had a gag reflex at all. He was certain, he had seen pieces of non-chewed meat sliding down his throat. “I guess that is one way to put it.”
Law remained quiet for the rest of the dinner. The way Strawhat looked at him, knowingly. There was something powerful in this look. Determination.
“Come Torao! I show you my favorite place!”
Law looked up with a frown. How could the other one be this active and eager again? How did he have this much energy?! Did he not want to relax after such a substantial meal and relax a bit? Law was pretty sure he could a little bulge in his stomach from all the food. But no, apparently the other one did not need to rest.
One evening. Their deal had been one evening spent together. Just a few more hours and he could crawl back into his cabin again. He just had to survive this evening. Was it what he desired? Isolation. Loneliness. Luffy led the way through dining area. Once again, he was babbling and babbling.
“We are always the last people in the dining area! The others finish their food so quickly! They eat so little.”
“You are the best doctor here! You took care of my friends.”
“Sanji is our friend too now! He cooks awesome food! Nami likes his Cocktails!”
“The old hag is a cool doctor too! Are you two friends?”
“You are our friend now too!”
“Tomorrow you must try the eel! The way Sanji prepares-,“ “What did you say?” Law had ignored most of the things the Strawhat said. Did he mishear him?
“You must try the eel!”
“No, before that.”
“That you belong to us now!” Confusion was written all over Luffy’s face. Law was acting in a bizarre way. It was clear, that he did not want to be alone, so why did he isolate himself? If he wanted friends, why wouldn't he make any? It was not so difficult! “Don’t worry! The others like you, cause I like you. If Zorro is hurt again in training, I can bring him to you, right?”
Law took a deep breath.
“You know I only accepted the invitation because you kept coming every day to my office. This, whatever you believe this is, it is not a friendship.” “It is!” “… How do you think it will work out, after the trip? Only a few days left. You will go to your place again, and I will go to mine. Are you even living in the same city as I am?”
Probably not. Hopefully not. Hopefully yes. No-, he should not get his hopes up.
“Why should distance end a friendship? I am still friends with Vivi! She was in our class for a year! She is now back to Alabasta! And yup! Same city!” “And why do you think, that you know where I live and work?” “Heard the nurses talking! You work in the hospital in the city I live!”
There was it again. The big, knowing grin. It made Laws toes curl in, and his breath accelerate. Big, knowing grin. Threatening. Dangerous. No. The last two things were not fitting. There was no sheer endless row of teeth, no gum revealed. Eyes hidden. Instead, there were warmth and joy. Law sighed. It felt like he was talking to a wall.
“Awesome.” It did not sound honest, but Luffy did not seem to care.
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graveyard-tales · 6 years
Just Everyday Things.
“Sugar?” Robin asked, holding out the small porcelain container, the little white cubes all aligned neatly. Brook held up his hand and politely declined. As she knew he would. Morning tea, before the rush of breakfast started, was becoming a nice routine with Brook. “It’s quite chilly this morning.” Robin held the cup in both her hands, letting it warm her fingers. This particular set, with it’s purple and blue floral design, thin green stems in a watercolor style paintings, was her favorite. “We must be passing near a winter climate.”
“Indeed.” Brook agreed taking ahold of the cup, bringing up the small plate with it in his other bone hand. He hummed after his first sip and set the set down again. “Ah, fine tea on a cool morning really warms the body.” Robin smiled softly knowing the joke that was to follow. “Or it would if I had a body to warm! Yohohohoh!” It wasn’t the first time Brook made this joke. Robin just sipped from her own cup, closing her eyes and basking the warmth that flooded her chest.
“Isn’t it too early for your cackling.” They both nodded towards Sanji as he stepping within the room. “Good morning Robin, love. Did you sleep well?”
“I slept so soundly I didn’t even wake to anyone farting in their sleep.” Brook laughed again and Robin couldn’t help but chuckle along.
“Not you, you uncouth, undead, musty bastard!” Sanji turned to lock the door he just entered, muttering about Brook’s answer before making his way to the kitchen. “I’d offer to make you some tea but I see you’ve already beaten me too it. Is there anything you’d like to request for breakfast?”
“Ah, I would like ice cream with hot fudge, please.”
“Dammit Brook I wasn’t asking you. And like hell I’m gonna be surviving that for breakfast when it’s cold as hell.”
“It’s a shame it’s not a hot morning then.”
“I’m not serving ice cream for breakfast at a-” Sanji was cut off by a loud noises thumbling along outside, footsteps storming their way towards them.
“Seems our captain is awake.” Robin commented needlessly which was followed by a loud smack of the door. Luffy whining on the other side. She could picture the pout perfectly at Luffy’s realization the door is locked.
“Breakfast will be done in a bit, go aw-”
“What about before breakfast, breakfast?”
“You’ll eat when everyone else eats Luffy. Go wash up.”
“No buts!
Brook and Robin shared a look, smiling and quietly laughing at the argument across the room and beyond the door. It was nice to have routines.
Zoro always found the perfect places to nap. On hot days it was always in the shadiest part of the ship but also where the breeze was still flowing through. On cool days, like today, he was the against the stairs, protecting him from the winds but also basking in the sunlight. No matter where though, Zoro had a particular position to sleep in. Chopper could never understand why, it never looked like a particularly comfortable way of sleeping.
However it did have one advantage. While it may seem like an uncomfortable position for Zoro, his lap was always open. And no matter how much Zoro would grumble, he never pushed Chopper away. The others had remarked about how cool it was today but to Chopper it was perfect, if not little warm. Perfect napping weather he thought. Of course to Zoro all weather is perfecting for napping. So Chopper made his way towards their swordsman.
But just as Chopper crossed the grassy flooring Luffy swung in from upper deck. Zoro grunted and cursed as Luffy fell right into his lap, laughing carelessly as he did so. But like Chopper, Zoro never pushed Luffy away either. So Chopper just watched as Luffy snuggled in Zoro’s lap, head on his shoulder and Zoro relaxing as he did so.
“Did our captain steal your seat?” Chopper looked over his shoulder at Robin. She had her nose in her book as she sat at the small table, an amused smile on her face. Chopper tried not to pout.  “I’m sure there is room for one more don’t you think?” And before Chopper could even answer her, hands sprung up beside him.
He squealed as he was tossed from one pair of hands to another and another, and lands right in Luffy’s lap. His cheeks were warm, feeling a little embarrassed being tossed around like that. Aside from a small giggle, Luffy or Zoro opened their eyes. But, on his back with his head laid against Luffy’s chest, Zoro gently placed his hand over on Chopper. And with the warm, comforting weight of Zoro’s hand and Luffy breathing evenly, he couldn’t find it in him to even think about complaining.
“Hey Nami?” Usopp found her among the small cluster of trees. The green orbs hanging off of them, barely noticeable among the leaves. She just hummed, acknowledging she heard him as she continued to water the tangerine trees. “I’m gonna plant some of these along the edges if that’s alright with you.” Nami looked over to him and frowned at the basket he was carrying.
“They look like vines.” She remarked flatly.
“They crawl but I’ll post them and keep them trimmed back.” Nami arched her brow curiously, setting down the hose as she walked over to him.
“They’re not going to bloom into some cannibalistic, fanged monster plant that’ll bite at me every time I walk by, right?” Usopp just snorted and shook his head. While he did grow several plants that had various battle uses. It wasn’t the only thing he grew. While away, Usopp had grown quite fond of gardening and loved tending to many different plants. Plus, he made sure to keep the bed of “dangerous” plants away in fear of Nami’s wrath.
“They help ward off some insects. I think it’ll help keep them from coming for your tangerines as they ripen.” Nami aw’d, her hands gently brushing along the leaves while examining the plant.
“Alright” she agreed, stepping back and picking up the hose to continue her watering.
“Great! I’ll set them along where I want to plant them and see if you have any prob-”
“However-” Usopp looked over and shivered as she glared at him, familiar threatening smile gracing her lips “if you fail to keep them in place and they strangle my trees, no one on this ship will be able to save you.”
“R-right. Gotcha. I’ll make sure they’re on the very edge of your tangerine bed.” Usopp chuckled nervously. Nami just smiled, pleased he understood before moving her attention back on the trees. If there was one thing Nami was protective of, aside the belis she got her hands on, it was her trees.
“Hey Soul King.” Franky called out to Brook, holding up his guitar as he got his attention.
“A duet? How exciting.” Book stood to face him and brought his violin into position.  “Do you have a song in mind?”
“It’s your pick, musician.” Franky winked and sat down. He had modified his guitar after they reunited. Made his bigger so he didn’t have to use the smaller, interior hands. It was tricky getting the cords right but he was able to get it tuned the same way a normal guitar was, the sounds was a little different but not so much it bothered Franky. Of course seeing the giant guitar, at least in comparison, Luffy, Chopped and Usopp had marveling and chatted excitedly over it.
With a nod, Brook began without saying anything. Franky picked up as soon as he recognized the tune. And as expected, as they played, the crew started to gather around. Luffy swooped in with a holler, tonight's dessert smudged on his chin. He probably batted those big brown puppy eyes at Robin. Not that he needed to, she was always willing to share all her food with him if he asked.
Usopp and Chopper were quick to join Luffy as he danced around Brook. They musician laughing merrily as they fumbled about. Brook was always happiest in these moments. He lacked everything that was required to show it facially but there was never a question about it. The very air around him spoke of how content he was.
Franky smiled at Robin as she sat next to him, her book in hand as usual. Nami cried in protest when Luffy’s rubber hand snaked up and dragged her into their dance but she didn’t pull away. Chopper laughed away when Sanji lifted him in the air after he was dragged in as well. Zoro, of course, rested back with his eyes closed and arms cushioning behind his head. But he was smiling that soft amuse smile of his.
To Franky, it was by far his most favorite way to end the day.
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Arc Headcanons // PRE-SKIP PT.1
I’ve been encourages to make headcanons for each of the arcs Anita would be part of starting from Jaya, and I intend to! They’ll be under a readmore because long ;; Will also have mention of Anita x Sanji ship because I’m trash.
— After becoming a Straw Hat, Anita is immediately met with stories about Vivi. She’s told everything, and she’s fascinated because she’s a sucker for stories. That, and they knew a real princess! She’s given descriptions and was told how Vivi was as a person, but the images in her head probably don’t compare.
— It takes days for them all to tell her what’s happened before she joined. Along with Vivi, she’s eager to meet Laboon and wants to eat at the Baratie. Big whale and good food!
— Anita, like Nami, is skeptical about there being an island in the sky, but she’s hopeful. She likes being up high and can’t even imagine how thrilling it might be to be high above the ocean.
— Anita knows about the story of Nolan because her ringleader, Gerald Spectacle, was born and raised in the North Blue. He had no problem sharing stories about his life there, so she recognized the title immediately and is giddy.
— She totally snorts at the name ‘Knock Up Stream’ like the mature person she is.
— When the group splits to search for the South Bird, Anita goes with Chopper and Luffy. Unafraid of bugs, she too gets sucked into the intrigue of finding rare beetles.
— Anita’s already familiar with Luffy’s off-brand kindness but is surprised that he will go through the trouble of recovering the gold Bellamy stole from Cricket. Being the selfish person she can be, she doesn’t get it.
— As much as Anita wants a bounty of her own, she isn’t surprised or offended that she doesn’t have one. She only just became a pirate not long ago. But, boy, is she eager to get one. Sort of snickers at Sanji being disappointed about not having one. He’s kind of adorable when he’s not being swoony.
— Being sucked into the whirlpool before the Knock Up Stream is both thrilling and terrifying for her. She thinks it’s cool, but not being able to swim plus still being new to the whole constantly sailing thing means she’s not used to all of the awful weather yet.
— Part of what she loved about being an acrobat is the rush you get when you’re flying through the air. Traveling up the Knock Up Stream is no different. It’s one of the best sensations she gets and she wishes it hadn’t ended when it did.
— Anita’s outfit during the arc
— She’ll never be part of the Monster Trio or even up to par with those three, but she still attempts to fight Wiper with them and fails just as hard. SHE ALWAYS TRIES TO GET TO THE ENEMY FIRST! I know that probably sounds OP, but it doesn’t mean she’s super strong. The point of her role is to be the tank, to distract and take the brunt of the damage while the ones that deal actual damage do what they do best.
— Anita joins Luffy, Usopp and Chopper in screwing around on the clouds. She takes first to tackling them into the clouds in her bear form knowing the clouds are plenty soft and she won’t crush them because of it. And because a bear’s jaws are extremely powerful, Luffy asks her to try to bite open. She fails cause it’s even too hard for her, but she does leave small dents in it.
— She’d eventually get bored and want a little peace, so she’d lay out on the clouds on her own for a little bit. If Sanji gave her a flower like he did with Nami, she will be genuinely surprised and confused because no one’s given her a flower before. He’d likely run off after to find more flowers to give, but she’ll just sit there with it between her fingers and gets this weird, familiar feeling in her chest. Nope, gonna knock that shit off right now. Last person she felt that for was an asshole. This isn’t going to turn out any different. Keeps the flower. Hides it later in a little box she has in the girls’ room.
— Su ( Conis’ pet ) sniffing at Anita because she smells weird. Anita changing into a bear and scaring the poor thing. Laughs about it.
— When the White Berets start accusing them of crimes, can we please throw one in where they’re accused of not having leashes for Chopper and Anita? PLEASE? And both of them being indigent!
— To make it even, Anita joins Luffy, Sanji and Usopp in the trials.
— I realize the impressions Luffy does is likely only in the anime, but I need Anita laughing about it and being the only one not beat up for it. So when Luffy and Usopp are banged up, she’s laughing even harder.
— Laughs again when Sanji kicks the orb and it explodes even though she was hit by the sooty blast too.
— Anita attempts to fight Satori are fruitless. She can’t pull his attention away like she’s meant to. Once they’re back on their little ship, she’s oddly quiet in a fit of feeling useless.
— Only thing that breaks her silence is the fact that the plains surrounding the milky road have skulls. “Oh, I want one.”
— Side note, sort of: Anita isn’t religious. Her parents were. They were the One Piece’s equivalent of Christian, and attempted to force Anita into sharing their beliefs. So any mention of Gods irritates her greatly. She needs proof, and even then she can’t be sure that it isn’t just someone with powerful devil fruit powers.
— Thanks to her fear of fire, Anita doesn’t join in on their little campfire party and sits quite a ways off from the rest of the crew. Part of her worries that joining might have been a bad idea. She didn’t realize that they would be getting mixed up with powerful people like Satori that can predict movements. Keeps it to herself because she doesn’t like to talk about it. Not sure if anyone would notice her sitting on her own.
— Nami says Anita will join her, Usopp and Sanji when they sail Merry around to the nearest shore so they have two people to protect them. Anita doesn’t argue.
— Usopp’s request for Sanji to be his bodyguard while they sail is denied, and I bet he’d ask Anita after. She denies him too, saying she only works for food.
— Anita is highly amused when Sanji can’t break the shell when told to by Gan Fall. Is just as surprised as the rest when Sanji uses it. Immediately wonders if having some attached to her paws would make for a good attack.
— Sanji becoming incapacitated by Enel almost causes Anita to panic. Losing someone has only happened once to her and she didn’t respond well to it. Usopp getting zapped afterward enrages her, her temper flaring and causing her to attack in bear form. She is fried as well despite Gan Falls warning for her not to attack Enel.
— Nami, be glad you didn’t have to drag Anita’s bear form around. I think she’ll become mostly human when she’s severely injured or knocked into deep unconsciousness.
— Anita climbs Ark Maxim with Sanji and Usopp. She was probably told to stay and protect Conis, but she is stubborn and doesn’t want to be a babysitter. Sanji’s insistence they they save Nami is annoying. Very, very annoying. She doesn’t like being so annoyed over it, but?? It’s alright, her and Usopp can rag on him while they’re running through the ship.
— Regrets insulting Sanji when he takes another blow from Enel to help them escape.
— Feels pride for her captain for the first time when he rings the bell. She isn’t sure why, but.  .  . she feels like it might still be a good idea that she joined him of all people.
— I really want Usopp to at least attempt to make her some sort of gauntlet that Anita can wear in her bear form that uses impact dials. Doesn’t matter if he can’t actually succeed in creating them, but I want her to have asked.
— Anita’s arc outfit, except with Taurus
— Anita is excited about the games despite learning that some of their crew may be picked off and made to follow Foxy.
— She loves sports of any kind, so she’s entirely too loud and cheers enthusiastically for her crew. She’s also enraged at the amount of cheating and is probably one of the ones made to calm down before she gets them in trouble. But, like Luffy, she gets distracted by food when it’s offered.
— Is upset when Chopper is taken. Is too distracted by losing their doctor to really cheer for Zoro or Sanji during the Groggy Ring game. But laughs when Sanji is made to be the ball. What a cute dork.
— Two things Anita severely hates; bullies and cheaters. Her, Sanji and Luffy lash out the most when bogus cards are thrown out. Threatens to eat the referee.
— You bet your bippy she’s into that afro. OH, YEAH. Wishes she had one.
— Is overpowered by Aokiji but is relieved he uses ice and not fire. She has her maw frozen shut and has to soak in the water like Sanji and Zoro. Sanji’s the first to offer to support her in her human form, since being in the water weakens her. Sanji has to touch her face and rub at her cheeks / lips quite a bit to get the ice to melt and blood to flow and SHE IS REGRETTING SO MUCH. Please stop looking so concerned, it’s making her hurt inside.
— She’s far too flustered after being helped to help Zoro and Sanji find Luffy, so she says behind to help thaw Robin out. Side note; Anita’s not as close with Robin. Robin is extremely smart and experienced, and Anita knows she’s probably the dumbest crew member. She can’t even read properly, so Robin intimidated her. But she’s part of the crew and helps as best as she can.
— Robin and Luffy will get plenty of bear snuggles to keep them warm if they want.
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luffylaws · 7 years
A Million Ways To Feel
10 Days of Lawlu Day 6: H is for… Heart
Summary: Luffy gets injured and in an attempt at getting him to rest, Law explains to him all the ways in which he could have died.
[read on AO3]
Luffy was bleeding profusely. Good that he knew not only one, but two doctors – or so he said when Nami dragged him into the operating room on the Polar Tang.
Law was neither impressed with nor happy about the situation.
The cut was on Luffy’s chest – not low or deep enough to have hit his heart or aorta, but bleeding badly enough to have completely stained his blue shirt and Nami’s hands on the way.
“One day,” he said while he gently pushed Luffy – who was by now feeling light headed and “very funny”, according to him – onto the operating table, “one of you is going to need a new heart and then what am I going to do? Just steal one.”
“You could,” Luffy slurred. “You’re good at that.”
Zoro – who had come in to supervise in Nami’s place, who wanted to get all the blood off her hands –  snorted behind them and Law shot him a dirty look. “Help or get out!”
Zoro stepped closer, obviously both ready to help and deliver more comments. “Didn’t you give a bunch of hearts to the government to become a Warlord?”
“That’s a rumor,” Law scoffed, his hand raised to create a room.
“’S the truth,” Luffy said.
“Jeez, do you think I’m that ruthless?” Law assessed the damage. The cut was deep, but clean, and hadn’t hit the subclavian artery either, and if he sutured it properly it would heal quickly – given that Luffy didn’t move too much and rip it open again. “I didn’t give them a hundred hearts, I just collected some from a couple pirates I came across who were particularly rude, and the rest was from cows – which they never found out about. And they were all alive. When I sent them, Sengoku still had enough pull to ensure that none of them got killed, and I didn’t tell them who they belonged to anyway.”
“Still, that’s hardcore.”
“I’m not above ripping the hearts out of chests of people who deserve it,” Law said, cleaning the wound with practiced motions, “but I’m definitely not sending them to the government. Fuck them.”
“I’d totally have thought you would do that, if I’m honest,” Zoro said and Law was about to roll his eyes again, when Luffy said: “Not me.”
“You overestimate my moral compass,” he said gently. He knew the sedative had to be kicking in by now so he wasn’t going to take anything Luffy said for granted.
There had been a time in his life when he would have ripped the hearts from everyone who stood in his way. He wasn’t as angry anymore, but he had no qualms to tamper with organs either. He chose his subjects carefully, sure, but it wasn’t ethical – his parents would have hated it.
Maybe they even would have hated him, he mused, as he carefully stitched Luffy’s skin back together.
   Luffy recovered slowly. Keeping him in bed was a struggle, so of course he tore his stitches open on the very first day. Which in turn led to Law putting him on bed rest until the wound started mending.
There was a lot of whining.
 “I’m so bored,” Luffy complained, loudly.
Law sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He had half a mind to just let Luffy run around again and let Chopper deal with it, but he knew it wasn’t right – it was just his annoyance. So he sighed and sat down on the bed next to Luffy, making the mattress dip a little. Luffy scooted sideward to make room for him almost automatically and that was incentive enough for Law to kick off his boots and pull his legs up onto the bed, too.
“I know,” he said. “But you really have to take better care of yourself.”
He ran a hand up Luffy’s arm, marred with scars – he didn’t even want to look at the old one on his torso, its upper edge disappearing under the bandages for the new wound. Getting hurt was part of the life of a pirate, Law was all-too aware, and he had fought time and time again to make his crew take enough time off to let their wounds heal. He wasn’t going to stop with Luffy now.
“I always either sleep for a few days after a big fight, or the wounds aren’t bad enough to need much recovery time,” Luffy said.
“You’re an idiot,” Law said but he smiled. “And I’m surprised you’re still alive.”
“Pure luck,” Luffy said, very seriously and now Law had to laugh.
“See, you’re even self-aware.”
Luffy shrugged half-heartedly. “It’s worked out so far. I’m tough.”
“And you heal quickly,” Law said. “But that doesn’t guarantee it’s going to work forever.”
The unspoken I don’t want to lose you hung heavy in the air. Law had lost too many people to be able to say it out loud, though. Because he felt like that would jinx it, like he would doom Luffy to the same fate that had befallen his parents, and his sister, and Cora-san.
“Hmm,” Luffy made and then fell quiet. Uncharacteristically quiet.
Law had to stop looking at him after the silence had stretched on for more than a dozen seconds and fiddled with a loose thread on his shirt instead.
As much as he was in favor of Luffy thinking about things for more than a second for once, he wasn’t a fan of uncomfortable silences. He liked knowing what was going on in Luffy’s mind – at least vaguely, because sometimes Luffy made no sense even to those closest to him – and it was proving hard right now.
Finally, Luffy broke the silence: “But could it have been my heart?” He was still speaking softer than he usually did, obviously aware of Law’s discomfort.
“So you do remember what we said,” Law said.
Luffy shrugged. “I’m used to pain. I was probably more aware of what was being said than you thought.”
Law grimaced. “It could have been,” he said, answering Luffy’s original question, “but only if you had been stabbed right here.” He put his finger on the spot between Luffy’s fifth and sixth ribs. “And only from the side, otherwise they would’ve had to go through your left lung.”
“Huh,” Luffy made, sounding a little breathless.
“Or,” Law continued, “they would have had to shatter your ribs, which a lot of people are strong enough to do around here, but that would have been harder than with other humans because of your rubber body. Or of course if their blade had been sharp enough to just cut through your ribs…”
“Okay, okay, stop!”
Law pulled his hand away and looked at Luffy apologetically. “Did I freak you out?” To him it was cathartic to talk about all the ways Luffy could have died – and didn’t – but he realized that he had gotten lost in the feeling.
“A little? It’s kinda cool too, I guess, but you really know a lot of ways to kill someone.”
Now it was Law’s turn to shrug. “I’m a doctor. It’s my job to know all the ways to kill someone – and how to treat them.”
“Okay, what’s the easiest way to kill me then?” Luffy asked.
Law laughed a little. “Probably if they’d cut your jugular vein here,” he put his finger on the juncture of Luffy’s neck, feeling his pulse speed up. “Or the external carotid artery – it’s close to there, too. You’d bleed out so quickly not even I could help you if I wasn’t with you.”
Luffy reached up and pulled Law’s hand away from his neck. “I just won’t get cut here,” he said decisively. Law wished it was that easy.
“Do you understand now why you need to be more careful?” he asked instead.
Luffy nodded. He was tracing the tattoos on the back of Law’s hand that was now resting on his leg.
“I can’t promise to stay out of trouble, but I can at least try to heal up properly.”
Law sighed. “Guess that’s the most I can ask for.”
They lapsed back into silence, both looking down at Law’s hand where Luffy had now taken to running his fingers over the letters on Law’s fingers. D E A T H.
The quiet didn’t last as long this time, barely a few seconds, before Luffy spoke again.
“Can you show me the heart thing?” he asked.
Law frowned and his hand twitched with the impulse to pull it away. “Why?”
“Because it always looked so cool,” Luffy said. Law sighed.
“It’s an extremely delicate thing,” he said. “It’s not something I do for amusement. I’ve always only used it for two things: tactics, and actual treatments.”
Luffy scoffed. “You’re telling me switching out our hearts and personalities was a hundred percent tactics?”
“…yes,” Law said and squinted. Maybe not a hundred percent, but a very solid ninety.
Luffy, seeing right through him, grinned. “Are you sure?”
“It was mostly tactics, anyway.” Law rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t just do it to you guys here on the ship now, just for fun. I think that’s what counts here.”
“If you say so,” Luffy said and laughed, but he sobered quickly. “But I really wanna see you do it. I’m curious. I’ve never seen a human heart.”
Law hesitated. If it was for educational purposes – at least kind of – it was alright, too. (And Luffy did seem genuinely curious, not just because he was bored, but because he was interested.) And if it served to keep Luffy in bed and resting a little longer, even better.
“Fine,” he said finally. “But I’m not showing you your own heart. I don’t think your wound is stable enough.” And without much more preamble he pulled his hand out from under Luffy’s, summoned a room and removed his own heart, cased in a protective bubble.
He had done this countless times before, to test and practice the technique, because he didn’t want to subject too many animals to it and certainly not his crew, but it was still a weird feeling to have his own beating heart in his hand.
“Wow,” Luffy made. “That’s awesome.”
Law slowly offered the heart to Luffy, who had sat up straighter to look at it.
“Can I touch it?” he asked.
Law shrugged. “Sure, just don’t squeeze it or anything.” Luffy grinned mischievously as he took the heart from it – much more carefully than his expression would suggest. “I swear, I’ll cut your head off and switch your heart with a turtle’s.”
“You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be cool.”
“I’m pretty sure both of you would die after about a week,” Law said drily.
“Have you tried?”, Luffy asked. He was inspecting Law’s heart closely now and Law wondered if he could also focus on the conversation they were having.
“I’ve tried switching different animals, yes,” Law said. “They usually couldn’t stay alive for very long. Humans and animals are okay, but the human body would need to be monitored because the animal has no idea what to do with it.”
“Hm, okay,” Luffy mumbled. “Makes sense.” He slightly poked Law’s heart and Law flinched.
“Ouch.” He slapped Luffy’s hand. “What did I tell you!”
Law looked up at him with big eyes. “Sorry! I didn’t think you’d feel that.”
“You literally just poked one of my most important organs, of course I’m going to feel it somehow,” Law said.
“Sorry,” Luffy said. Then: “It’s smaller than I expected.”
“You’ve seen me extract hearts before…”
“Yes, but not up close.”
“Fair,” Law said and looked at the heart himself now. “It is pretty small for such an important thing.”
“Is the brain just as small or is it bigger?” Luffy asked.
Law almost had to laugh, but he successfully held back – it was a valid question after all. “It’s bigger,” he said. “But not much. A few centimeters at most. The lungs are much bigger.” He spread his fingers out over the right side of his chest to indicate where his right lung was – he didn’t want to demonstrate on Luffy’s body, since he had just changed the bandages a while ago. “But I’m not taking either of those organs out.”
“Yeah, you need the brain to think,” Luffy said, very seriously. Law almost had to laugh. He needed his heart to survive, too, but it was alright out of his body by virtue of his Devil Fruit. But he didn’t correct Luffy.
Instead he watched him inspect Law’s heart, his eyes bright with wonder.
“It’s so delicate,” he said, holding it in his hand much gentler than before, only letting it rest on his flat palm. He was watching it beat. “Such a small thing, keeping all of you alive. And there’s a lot of you.”
Now Law did have to laugh. “Yours is doing the same job.”
“Yes, but I can’t see it,” Luffy said. “I can see yours now.”
Law took a deep, surprised breath and his heartbeat sped up a little, clearly visible in Luffy’s hand.
“Did you know there’s a legend of a pirate captain who locked his heart away in a chest, because he fell in love and subsequently got his heart broken?” Law asked.
“What?” Luffy gaped at him. “That’s insane.”
“And pretty much impossible, considering I’m the only one who’s ever had this power – as far as I know,” Law said. He did wonder often however if anyone had ever had it before him – Devil Fruits grew again. Was he just one in a long line of successors with the power of the Ope Ope no Mi? “It’s probably just a myth.”
“Why would anyone lock their heart away?” Luffy asked.
“He didn’t want to feel,” Law said and shrugged.
Luffy frowned. “Can you do that? Take someone’s feelings away by taking their heart?”
Law shook his head. “No, that’s not how it works. You are your heart, and your soul, and your feelings, no matter where it is.”
He stared at the heart in Luffy’s palm and thought about how often he had wished he didn’t have to feel, and about the times he hadn’t been able to feel – but not because he had removed his heart, but because his depression had overtaken him so viciously that he had come out the other end of feeling too much with nothing left to feel.
“I’m glad we have feelings,” Luffy said and Law tore his eyes away from his heart to look at Luffy’s face. “It’s hard, sometimes, but it makes us who we are, right? What would you be without your grumpiness, and your enthusiasm about medicine, and your love of soft things?” He handed the heart back to Law.
“Not me, that’s for sure,” Law mumbled. He hesitated, then said what he was thinking anyway: “It can be very hard. But I think… I think it’s worth it.”
Because with all the bad came just as much good. If Law had given in to his yearning not to feel – if he hadn’t been fueled by spite and revenge all these years – he would have never developed his deep friendship with Bepo, or met Luffy, or been able to talk to Sengoku about Corazón, or been able to experience what it felt like to have a beating human heart in your hands.
Law slotted his heart back into his chest, where it belonged.
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usopparchive-blog · 8 years
I had a dream that Usopp lost his memory & was turned into a child but immediately woke up. So can I get scenarios in who finds Chibi Usopp & how each straw hat will take care of him & their reaction plz (:
Such an adorable idea!!!LOL i hope this is good enough :D
So Usopp somehow manages to lose his memory and also turns into a child (around 3-4 years old)
The first straw hat to find him in this situation is Chopper.He has a MASSIVE freak out,running around the room screaming while Usopp is just staring at him like a dork.He is the one to gather the crew and explain the situation.Until he can make an antidote,he relies on everyone else to take care of baby Usopp.The straw hats are totally freaking out.Most of them are totally inexperienced with children.But they will do it for the sake of their nakama.So they decided that everyday,a different straw hat should babysit him.
Luffy: he takes responsibility maybe for the first time in his life and the rest of the strawhats are amazed by this.Or at least he tries.Usopp instantly becomes attached to Luffy and tries to copy EVERYTHING he does like a little brother would do.So naturally Luffy teaches him how to do every wrong thing in existence.He is really proud of himself for teaching a 3 year old how to cuss like a sailor.Nami is not amused.
Zoro: Poor Zoro doesn’t want ANYTHING to do with children.He is SUPER awkward around them and babysitting one is humiliating.Not only is Usopp at the age when kids are super curious about everything,but he is also highly energetic.This means everytime Zoro falls asleep he runs away and destroys something.Now Zoro has to carry baby Usopp on his back at all times,to not lose him.Also,Usopp asks WAY too many questions and Zoro is having none of it.Once,he tried to give him booze so that he would calm down.Again,Nami was NOT amused.
Nami: Nami is one of the more responsible people in the crew.She really likes kids,even though baby Usopp puts her patience to the test.He is NEVER calm and she must always have her eyes on him.Nami usually brings him in her office where she is making her maps and lets him watch.Sometimes she even gives him paper and crayons and lets him draw (she will charge him for the paper when he is back to normal).Nami thinks it’s cute..until she sees all the crayon smeared across her very important papers.Eventually she gives up and lets Sanji handle the rest.
Sanji: Sanji can’t tell no to Nami-san.So he usually babysits Usopp twice as much.They spend most of their time in the kitchen.Sanji cooks more than the usual amount now,regular food for everyone,special food for the ladies and baby food for Usopp.He doesn’t let Usopp waste any food and is very strict about him eating his veggies,if he wants any dessert.He also tries not to smoke around him too much.Zoro likes to mock Sanji,saying he acts like a single mom.
Robin: She is SO good at babysitting it’s surprising she doesn’t have any kids of her own.Robin is very calm about the situation and knows exactly what to do with baby Usopp.She is very loving and kind and likes to cuddle with him and read him stories.Baby Usopp loves the stories and can listen to them for hours.He always has many questions which Robin answers without getting tired.Those two get along really well and baby Usopp is unusually well behaved around mama Robin.
Franky: Franky is like the cool uncle baby Usopp looks up to.He absolutely LOVES spending time with Franky.When it is Franky’s turn to babysit,he brings Usopp into the workshop and lets him watch as he makes guns and modifications for the Sunny or himself.Needless to say,Usopp is HYPED about all the cool stuff Franky has.Franky is also hyped about Usopp thinking he is so SUPER.So these two make a good team.By the way everytime baby Usopp sees Franky he does the SUPER pose,which Franky finds hilarious.
Brook: Finally Brook is surprisingly good with kids,even though these two have a really big age difference.Brook turns babysitting time into a party.He plays music and baby Usopp likes to sing along.They also have tea together,even though Usopp doesn’t like tea so he has juice instead but whatever.They will still call it a tea party.then Brook tries to sneak into the girls room with baby Usopp to teach him everything about the panties,like the responsible adult he is.Of course he gets beaten up by Nami in the progress.Again,she is NOT amused.
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chapter 13- that’s my lucky number. too bad it’s wasted on what’s p much filler with Robin lmao
“... that's cheating, you know.” Law took note of the lack of soft thuds and paper sizzles a few minutes ago; that's what made him check on her eventually, turning on his chair sideways.
Kat ignores the remark, and continues juggling the pocket watch mid-air as she teleports it above the other paper pile. Then does it again, and again. After a few more, she responds:
“You say that, but... I'm doing the same thing. Plus wannabe telekinesis, minus property damage. It's a win-win, if you ask me.”
“While you are not wrong, it will also be impossible to tell when you get it right,” he notes, leaning onto the back of the chair.
She shrugs. “Honestly, it doesn't make a difference until I can put my finger onto what's right whenever it works out in the first place.” That, and she's also having more fun with this godforsaken task like this. She has no watch of her own and there's no clock in his room that she's aware of, but she's dang sure the bells rang for noon a while ago. Started doing this right after... a little surprised it took Law so long to notice the change, though.
“...” After some delay, Law sighs and gets up. “Well, do as you like. I'm off to eat lunch.”
“I'll be going, too, then...” she muses. “As long as you're in the hall it's less likely that I run into Shachi. Would be... awkward after yesterday.”
“That it would be,” Law drawls with an amused expression. Having shoved the chair back in its place, he puts a hand under his chest.
“You really are hungry, huh?” Kat asks, ambling direction door herself.
“Guess so,” he replies. “Even though I ate a bit more for breakfast than it would have been necessary for your size... also felt sick for a while. Guess that was your routine speaking.”
“Duh,” Kat rolls her eyes at that. “How were you not in that state yesterday before walk, anyway? Also... I'm surprised you are hungry again? My body is low maintenance, after all,” she adds, wondering. He's had a proper breakfast, and she can get by easily with two mediocre meals a day plus some snacks...
“Yesterday I was wide awake as early as 4 am. I have the suspicion it's your blood pressure fucking you over with breakfast, now that I'm thinking about it,” he says, donning his hat.
“I could see that. Either way... my 'wolf days' hit every other week and I downed a whole pizza, a big plate of soup and spaghetti the other day, so that...” She drifts off; there is one thing she sometimes mistakes for hunger or stomach ache, and that's... “Umm...”
“What is it?” he asks, noticing her vaguely worried expression.
“Actually... I don't think it's your stomach,” she concludes. As Law takes some time to catch on, she adds “I mean the problem is more likely to be here,” pointing at her lower abdomen. This could very well be her uterus making its usual ruckus.
Hearing that, he takes a deep breath and looks around with weary eyes. How conveniently he forgot about all that... first things first, the pads. God, where did he--- or actually, she, even put that stuff?
Before he could start looking for the oversized bag, Kat has already lifted it and peeled the plastic skin off the bunch of clothes levitating in mid-air; the package they're looking for is poking out from right between the layers of shirts and hoodies. Law doesn't even need to move as she's done getting it and repackaging her clothes within a few seconds.
“Godspeed,” she sighs, opening the door as he snatches the pads. Doing so she notes that her neck is getting antsy over such trivial tasks again. Oh well. As they part ways at the entrance, she shouts after him; “See you later, will be on the other ship today if I'm not back.”
“Noted,” he groans, picking up speed towards his private bathroom. Yep, hit the nail on the head.
Boarding the Thousand Sunny, she runs into quite a few of the crew hanging outside despite the cloudy day. Kat also can hear Franky and Zoro doing their thing somewhere unseen, too. It's quite chilly... she should get something warmer from one of those drawers.
“Hi, guys,” she waves, looking out for Sanji while at it.
“Hi, Kat,” is what the council of Usopp, Luffy, Carrot and Chopper say in unison while discussing something with quite some zeal at the railing. Nami and Robin, who seem to be on their way inside, wave back; without further ado, she joins them.
“Hey,” she greets them again upon catching up. Nami just nods and hums as she's already engrossed in the fresh newspaper she's been holding.
“How's it going, Miss Kat?” asks the archeologist with a gentle smile on her face.
“Out on food hunt,” she replies, also breaking into a smile. Seeing Robin being pleased has this... odd effect on her; it's almost as if she was proud of herself. A foreign feeling, but even if she thinks of it as undeserved, it's nice to have. “It feels rude to ask, but do you think I could join you guys today? I'm trying not to anger Law and things... have also gotten awkward on the other ship.”
“Well, we've already finished... but if you'd like, we could ask Sanji for something and you can join us for dessert at the aquarium,” she responds, sprouting an arm to hold the door for Nami, who sings a 'thank you~ ♡'.
“That sounds great, actually.” She does like the place quite a lot, after all.
Arriving at the seats, she stops and Nami plops down immediately, while Robin talks into a door on the middle of the pillar that's definitely part of the ship's main mast; Kat can hear Sanji's enthusiastic voice echo from inside. Whatever's going on, he's been waiting for her arrival.
“What is this?” she asks stepping up to the woman, pointing at the mechanism.
“A small elevator for snacks. Cute, isn't it?” Robin smiles.
“Can't argue with that.” Practical, too... thinking about it, this is right under the kitchen. She peeks a little up the hole. “That's cool... stuff like this has always fascinated me, but I never really took the time to get into mechanics.”
“You should ask Franky or Usopp, I'm sure they'd love someone listen to their rambling,” she says, sitting onto a nearby chair. “You spend quite some time over here now, after all.”
Kat hums; she's right. She could pick up some technical stuff from those two... even botany from Usopp, her mother has a green thumb, after all. Might as well hit up Brook for fencing lessons, she's always wanted to try her hand at that... Could even ask Chopper (or Law, to be honest) some questions about medicine and such, Sanji for some simple recipes while he's still calm around her... the possibilities on this ship are near limitless and so very tentative. The excitement over it tickles her heart.
She has to find the courage and energy to engage any of them, though. But she knows herself better than to wait for that.
On the other hand... “That's a pretty good idea... maybe you could also share some cool stuff I don't know about?” She has little to no qualms chatting with certain people who she finds just... always so easy to talk to.
A small glint appears in Robin's eyes. “And what is it that you would want me to tell you?”
Kat furrows her brows while thinking. “Hard to pick... you know basically everything there is to know know, you know?” With that, she also sits down.
She laughs. “That's a stretch, but a flattering one.”
Before she could continue, the mechanism next to them is put into motion and once the elevator hits their level, a muffled 'bon appétit, my fair ladies~' resounds through the shaft. Or just the floor... he must have been too much into it and made a pose facing away. Either way, that was damn fast.
Robin takes out two sets of cake slices and what appears to be cocktails and passes one of them over to Nami a bit farther away through some extra limbs.
Noticing that, she looks up from her newspaper. “Robin, you really didn't have to...”
She just smiles back at her, then returns her attention to Kat, who has carefully lifted out the glass of orange juice and a plate of what appears to be a dish consisting of a variation of mashed potatoes and some fish with dressing. The glass of white wine remains inside.
“You don't drink?”
“No. Well... at times I drink a cider in summer, and am willing to down a glass of champagne at New Year's, but that's about it,” she says, rather eager to dig in; the food smells really nice. “I don't like the bitter taste of alcohol, nor its effects.”
Robin leans onto an arm and watches her for a little bit, then hums. “Had some unfortunate experiences with it, I assume.”
Kat swallows the food she's been shoveling inside. “Eh, that too, yeah.” She's kinda thankful to her grandfather for trying to make her drink wine when she was about five years old. She's always hated bitter things, and that sealed the deal for a lifetime: one less alcoholic in the family.
“It's understandable. You know,” the woman starts after taking a sip of the reddish drink, “how about you tell me about yourself a little first?”
“Oh... I... already talk too much about myself whenever I don't pay attention, though,” she protests, settling her eyes on her plate.
Robin cuts a piece of cake, contemplating. “I've yet to hear one of your famous rants... Since you are unsure about what to talk about, it would make my job easier to decide where to start with this 'basically everything' I know, you know? How about this question instead: what kind of life would make you happy?”
Kat stuffs another spoonful of those delicious potatoes into her mouth. This sounds like a school assignment for children... not a terribly hard to answer one, either. “A simple one. With a small and comfortable place to live in, close to some settlement and next to the woods. I would earn enough to buy the food and drink I need, or the material for anything I'd like to draw or make. Maybe participate in fairs with my junk, and bake cookies for schools around some bigger holiday.” She nods. That's the basics. “A library of my own... and some animals would be nice, too. Chickens, a cat... some goats, maybe.” She's always found them rather charming. But she doesn't trust herself with taking care of anything, be it animals, children, or even plants, so it's all just fantasy. It wouldn't be so lonely with either, though. She wouldn't leave the house for human contact if she magically had everything at home that money could buy, after all. “All in all, just take up as little space I can... then disappear without a trace.” With noone to mourn her. As if she never existed.
She hums with another piece of sweet dough in her mouth. Those were more the words of a disillusioned child than that of a budding young woman technically co-leading a successful little business. “Quite a romantic image. That's not a whole lot, though.”
Looking back onto her near-empty plate, Kat takes a deep sigh. The air feels so heavy in her lungs. “It's not... that's why it always weirds me out when I think about it. That it's so little to wish for and yet seems unattainable, I mean.” External and personal hurdles notwithstanding. What she has now is likely the closest she could ever get, and it's fine that way.
Robin takes another long sip from her drink. “True.” Putting the glass down, she continues; “Would you like to see what kind of stuff I've dug up lately, then?”
The archeologist sees Kat's eyes light up before she gives some decisive and enthusiastic nods as the last remainders of her lunch interfere with a verbal answer. She smiles anew- children do love playthings, do they not?
“You'll love the panel painting and grail we've found hidden in a cave that turned out to be the entrance to an old burial place,” Nami chips in as she walks over with the empty dishes in her hand and the haphazardly folded newspaper under her arm. “Nice stubble, by the way,” she giggles before continuing her read, leaning against the counter behind Kat with one ear open.
Latter touches her face- welp, Nami's not wrong. Didn't seem to be that bad in the mirror and with soap on, but realizing how prickly she's gotten will annoy her on the long run. Will have to ask Law about that. Later. There's a much more exciting topic to pay attention to now.
“What are they like?” she asks, swinging the seat under her to the sides.
“They need a little restoration, but are fine and elaborate pieces from about three hundred years ago,” Robin states. “Long missing pieces from a monastery in the West; we must have found the stash of some long dead thieves or pirates,” the older woman sighs. “The actual graves were from a much earlier period than the artifacts, though, and still had human remains in them.” She can't help but wonder what else may have been there before the savages disturbed the bones...
Kat is all ears while slurping her juice. Sometimes she thinks about giving up archeology as soon as she started learning about history- keeping track of all the numbers and dates she acknowledged she wouldn't be able to do, after all. Even that wouldn't have changed dropping out of college, though. Either way, she wants to see this.
“I'm so skipping the sucky training for this tomorrow,” she states with enthusiasm to both of the girls' amusement.
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generaldevi · 6 years
Chapter 3: Travelsick
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Law x Luffy
Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp, Donquixote Doflamingo (mentioned), Donquixote Rocinante (mentioned, Dr. Kureha (mentioned), Sanji (mentioned)
Warnings: References to Depression, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Dependency
My part for the @lawlu-events BigBang 2018/19
The story got illustrated by the awesome artist @novicecomics
“W-what was that noise?” Usopp frowned, looking around while turning paler and paler the more minutes passed.
“What noise do you mean? There are many noises!” Luffy looked at his friend, a big and cheerful grin showing on his face.
Over them seagulls were mewing.  They were flying in circles, staying close to the boat. Their high squawking a permanent background noise to the peaceful cruise. Whenever a gentle wave hit the cruising ship the babbling and burbling water could be heard.
“Birds, water, wing, people. They all make noise!” Luffy continued to talk. He was by no means impressed by the frightened Usopp. Sometimes Usopp was scared. That was nothing new to Luffy. That was how his friend was!
“That sounded like a m-metallic noise! Are you sure, that this b-boat is save?” “No!” Luffy said with a laugh. He knew, that travelling by boat could sometimes be dangerous. There was also a couple earlier, that seemed rather angry. Something about the handrail being low enough for their child to climb on. Luffy had not seen a child with them though...
//This is dangerous! //
//You could have fallen and hurt yourself//
//We should report this to the manager and tell them, that his boat is dangerous for children! //
“N-no?! What do you mean by that? Did you notice something odd?! Luffy?!” His voice began to raise in panic. He looked around, little beads of sweat forming on his forehead from pure fright.
“No.” Luffy said again, grinning at him. “No, wait! You remember the captain! He has odd hair! I like it!”
Usopp just frowned. That was not, what he had meant, but he knew that further questioning his friend would be futile.
With a little sigh he looked to Nami and Zorro. They seemed rather amused by the situation. “Why are you scared? You and Luffy were burning with passion for this trip as soon as we had the tickets. Do not tell me you regret it now.” Nami said, with a cocktail in her hand. One of the cooks was rather fond of her, always bringing her special cocktails with delicious fruits and a light amount of alcohol. Something refreshing in the rather hot sun. Luffy also liked the cook. It seemed like they made their first new friend.
“Y-yes! But that does not mean, that I can not worry about this situation?! What if the metallic screeching was something of the boat breaking? The captain said, that it will be two days before we arrive at the first island! How are we going to survive by swimming around in the sea?! Luffy cannot even swim!” He gesticulated wildly, pointing at his dark haired friend. Luffy did not worry.
“Metallic noise?” Zorro slowly turned his head towards Usopp, showing a vile grin. “You mean, as in something breaking in the engine room. Yeah, I think I heard something like that. Oi, Nami. Did not one of the passengers earlier say, that wild sharks could be sometimes seen from the ship?” “Yes, now that you mention it!” Nami looked rather thoughtful, enjoying the little prank they pulled on Usopp.
“W-what?! Sharks?!” Usopp's panic got fueled.
“Sharks? Where?!” While Usopp got paler and paler, Luffy seemed quite eager about the sea-creatures.
“Can we see them? Can I pet them? Sometimes they look people in cages and put them into the water! I wanna do that too!”
“Luffy, you can’t swim!” Nami reminded him, before sighing.
“As if that would matter to him” With a frown Zorro looked into Luffy's direction, before grinning at Usopp. “Oi, Usopp, maybe take Luffy to the railing. I am sure you can see the sharks from there!” Of course he knew, that Usopp did not want to do that, but it was enough to make Luffy go excited. He took the hand of his friend and pulled him towards the railing.
“C'mon! Let us see! I hope we see big sharks! Their eyes are always so cool! So dark and black. And their teeth!” While rambling on about the animals, he leaned over the railing, trying to take a good look into the water. Sadly there were no sharks. Maybe under the boat? “Usopp? Don’t you want to look too? Usopp? Oh.”
With a pale face and shivering hands, he gripped the railing, staring into the open sea before slowly leaning over the railing. Just water. No sharks. There were no sharks? Good, but what if they were under the cruiser? He suddenly felt very sick. Hot and cold at the same time. His body continued to shiver and he had problems standing up. Black little dots were glimmering in his sight. Oh no-
Come Usopp!” Luffy had one arm around his friend, supporting his weight, while looking utterly confused. Why did Usopp throw up? The food had been wonderful, so it had nothing to do with that. (Even though Luffy never had experienced it by himself, he knew that sometimes people could get sick from eating the wrong things, or eating too much. Weird.)
He also had not eaten too much. On the contrary! He had scolded Luffy for stealing his shrimps!
“W-Where are we going?” Usopp seemed a bit confused. He was not sure what was up. He had felt panic and fright, and then turbulences of the sea. Bigger waves had hit the boat. Everything had moved. The boat, his friend, his head. Sharks. Suddenly he had felt sick. At least he had managed to not throw up on the middle of the boat, but over the handrail…
“The doctor! Nami said, there was one!”
It did not take long for them to find the doctor office. Luffy knocked loudly before opening the door. “Hello!”
Law had not been able to answer the knocking, before the door had been ripped open by a young man, half carrying his friend. He quickly scanned them, noticing the off-looking colour of the long-nosed person. His fore-head was shiny from the sweat and his hair looked soaked. It was hot, but not humid enough to sweat like this. He seemed pale, nauseous. The way he was clinging to his friend, as if his own two legs could not support his body weight. The way his chest raised and fell, uneven, no perfect rhythm, too quick. There were stains on his shirt. Sweat and probably vomit.
“Lay him on the cot in the side-room. There is a bucket, in case your friend has to throw up again.”
Not the first travel-sick person, that came to visit today. This would be a quick check-up.
He was annoyed, seriously annoyed. In general, he disliked someone looking over his shoulder. Now it was tenfold worse. He could feel the breath of the Strawhat behind him. Every few seconds the other one asked him questions about what he was doing, why he was doing that. How could a single person be so annoying?
“How long till Usopp is fit again?! We wanted to play hide n seek in the evening!”
He did not even sound embarrassed while talking about a children’s game!
“It depends on him. It is just some nausea, caused by travel sickness. If your friends rests a few hours, drinks enough water and takes the medicine against the sickness, it will be fine. Let him rest here for a while. Moving him around will make things worse.”
“Hours?! But, can’t you do something, that he is like.. ready in a few minutes?!”
Usopp would later be disappointed! Luffy was sure about that! “No.” Law said, with a frown. This boy was grating his nerves.
“But Torao!” He sighed, sitting down the cot Usopp was lying on.
“Torao?” What did the other one mean now?
“Yes! You! You are Torao! Your name sign on the table!” Luffy had just looked at it for a second, when they had entered the doctor’s office. Trafalgar D. Water Law. Too long. Too complicated to say. So Toraoit was. It sounded much more friendly anyway.
“The name sign? My name is not Torao.” He introduced himself, but by looking at the others face he knew it was of no use. “Yeah, as I said. Torao! I am Luffy! And this is Usopp! Zorro and Nami are outside! Nami wanted to be with the cook and the cocktails and Zorro wanted beer and naps!” Too much unnecessary information. Why was the boy, Luffy, like this? As if he was interested in getting to know him. “Okay.” Was all he said, before looking to the long-nosed person. Usopp was his name? Apparently.
“You should let your friend rest now. You can go to your other friends and come in two hours again to check on him.”
“Two hours?!” “Yes, two hours. Let him rest. If you push him, it might get worse.” “Mh, okay!”
“If he is awake before that and in better condition, I will sent him back to you.” “Okay! Till later Torao!” With one last glance towards the sleeping frame of Usopp, he walked outside, all energetic.
Something about that doctor was off. He did not feel like the typical doctor. Something made Luffy skeptic. He was going to find out what made him feel this way!
One and a half hour later Usopp walked back to the deck, humming as he sat down next to his friends. “Feeling better?” Nami asked, smiling at the other one. “Yeah, mh, got some herbal stuff, apparently that helps with the nausea.” “Good. Mh. Luffy is at the buffet. He said, he will eat for you…” “I bet he does.”
Ten more minutes and the night-shift would take over. There were quite a few medical people on the ship. They were working in shifts, so that everyone could enjoy the trip from time to time.
Law was not sure, what was more annoying though. Todays patients (number one, the weird boy with the Strawhat) or knowing, that he had 24 hours of doing nothing after this. Some hours of sleeping, or trying to sleep, would be enough. Why 24 hours of pause, when he could also work fine after four to six hours of break?
But arguing was futile. He knew that by now. Instead he leaned back in his black chair, staring at the clock and waiting for that old hag to come. The woman, taking over the night shift, was an old lady. She seemed skillful, but some patients seemed intimated by her gruff manner. Probably the reason, why she only worked at night. Less patients. She also seemed to be rather fond of alcohol. He had seen her sipping one wine whenever he met her, but well. It was her decision, not his.
Law knew, that doctors were one of the professions prone to alcoholism. Then again, as long as you did not do any mistakes (at least none, that get noticed) everything is fine. In their family alcohol had always played a rather big role. Doflamingo as well as Cora-san had enjoyed the casual drink. Dark red wine. He did not even want to start talking about the drinking behavior of Diamante or Trebol. There were things he had seen, that he did not want to remember….
Sinking deeper and deeper into his thoughts, he flinched when he heard a loud bang on the door. It opened a mere second later.
“Oi!” The boy from earlier with the weird Strawhat popped his head right in, all grinning and being happy, too happy. Law disliked it. “Oi Torao! Thank you for taking care of Usopp! You gonna join us for barbecue tomorrow? The cook said, he will make something super awesome and special for Nami!” And that meant, for all right? He could not just cook for Nami!
Law frowned, looking at the boy.
“No.” Not only did he take over the dislike of Cora-san and Doflamingo regarding Barbecue, he also did not want to spend any time with the Strawhat. They did not even know each other. Why did he approach him like this? What was wrong with that boy?
“Why? The old woman with the wine bottle had said, that tomorrow is your free day!” Luffy had talked to her after befriending her protégé Chopper. A young boy, who was traveling and leaving the country for the first time.
“Come! Enjoy your day with us! I am sure it will be funny!” “No. I got things to do. I have to make the office ready now for Dr. Kurehas shift. If you need medical attention, please take a seat in the adjacent room and wait for her.”
The way he talked nearly sounded like on automatic. Declining friends invites. Fake friendliness and politeness in doctorism manner. Some people decided on make-up as a mask, others choose to wear a big grin, hiding their intentions. Big grin with teeth and gum and hidden violence.
Luffy frowned. He opened the door completely, entering the room, before closing the door behind him. With slow steps he walked towards the desk, looking at Law.
“You do not need to fear us! We are nice people! I will show you!” Slowly a nice smile appeared on his face again. It did not feel threatening, it felt somewhat reassuring. Warm and comforting. Since Cora-san died smiles were not comforting anymore.
“Have a nice night and sleep well! You can come to my cabin, in case you cannot sleep!”
With these words he left the room again, leaving Law to his confused thoughts.
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