werewolfcandy · 2 years
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excuse me????
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wwo0w · 3 years
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But What About the Blood Trolls?
...Yeah, what about them? Where do they fall in lore? Do they still exist? And what about the other tribe that worships the same entity... The one we don’t really talk about, anymore? We’re gonna talk about it. See, the blood trolls are an interesting breed. They fall undoubtedly within the realm of chaotic evil, serving loa and gods with the intent to corrupt the world and its inhabitants. Under Princess Talanji’s authority, it’s assumed that Nazmir will eventually be purged, or at least their numbers will be culled to such an extent that another march onto the Golden City wouldn’t be possible without some sort of twisted, divine intervention. But even though the blood trolls of Nazmir worshiped G’huun, championing the tainted and now fallen blood god... G’huun isn’t the only one who carries that title. To be honest, he’s pretty small fry compared to the big blood poppa. Hakkar the Soulflayer is responsible for the initial creation of the blood trolls. No one knows the origins of this god (though he has been canonically accepted as a loa), and there are no records of his presence on Azeroth before a troll tried to summon him to Zandalar. This was an ancient event, one that predates the Dark Portal by hundreds if not thousands of years. What followed was the great plague-- An incurable blood sickness that killed an absurd number of trolls. It’s what prompted the golems to be constructed for fear of more becoming infected, and it is also an event that prompted the infamous “Path of Blood”... Hence, the birth of the blood trolls. You’re probably familiar with Hakkar in Gurubashi history. A once great civilization turning to the utmost dire measures to preserve their empire. Most trolls were alive during the Cataclysm, when the world shook to ruins. But the Sundering, when the world split, was a death sentence for the majesty of the troll empires. It was a slow death, riddled with hunger and desperation, and eventually the Gurubashi turned to their last resort. The empire grew, so much so as to prompt a reaction and many, many questions from the Zandalari. However, the price of their prosperity came in the form of blood sacrifices. Each day that passed, more and more were demanded. ...Basically the trolls were killing their people to save their people... You can see the problem here, right? I don’t need to explain why this caused such extreme civil unrest that the tribes once united under Zul’Gurub would eventually split up into independent, xenophobic tribes... Just put two and two together, you got it. What’s interesting, here, is that during his time in Zul’Gurub, Hakkar was behind the creation of another tribe-- Not through blood, but through zealotry. These sacrifices didn’t just happen blindly, or for no reason. They happened under the influence and prominence of the Hakkari. These were the priests of Hakkar, his lieutenants... And even they would turn on the insatiable god. All would, except for the Atal’ai. If that name sounds familiar, but you can’t place it... Remember the Sunken Temple dungeon? The one in the Swamp of Sorrows that got blasted by Ysera? Remember all of those green dragons, and dragonkin? The reason those temples were full of them is because they were used as ritualistic sacrifices. They went through torturous treatment by the Atal’ai for, quite literally, blood for the blood god. Putting them down wasn’t extermination... It was euthanization. That’s how deep the corruption spread. It should be noted here that the Atal’ai are universally despised by the entirety of the troll empire, much like the Nazmani blood trolls. The tribes of Stranglethorn are often described as hating the Darkspear with a burning passion. That hatred exists exponentially higher for the members of the Atal’ai. They are considered to be less than dirt... Because even dirt can produce something worthwhile. So at this point, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of... “This is all a very interesting story and a cool lesson on lore, but what about those blood trolls?” Well, the thing is... Hakkar keeps coming back. No one really knows where he originally comes from, but his presence in Azeroth has made an impression on four separate occasions. Someone, somewhere, for some reason ultimately and inevitably seems drawn to him... And apparently, he’s coming back for Shadowlands and he’s bringing some Atal’ai Devoted with him. Those that would worship the blood god, Atal’ai and Nazmani blood trolls alike, still absolutely have a presence in troll roleplay. Now, their place is wrapped in centuries of disdain and hatred by the other tribes... And for reasonable cause. If you roleplay as a blood troll/Atal’ai and receive these reactions, hopefully this will give you a little bit of an idea of why that is. These tribes are the product of corruption that took countless lives, caused unspeakable tragedies, and brought thriving empires to ruination. (I shouldn’t have to make this part of the essay clear, but I’ll say it anyway. Out of character, and as a person behind the computer, no one has any right to treat you poorly based on what you play. Just as in character actions do not necessarily reflect someone’s out of character opinion of you as a player. The purpose of this article is to provide an opinion about certain aspects of the story, as well as inform role players about the history and potential presence of these trolls... Not to condone the mistreatment of players behind them. Be nice. We’re all nerds looking to have a good time in our own way.) Article: Opinion Piece, Author: Vorzhal , Realm: WyrmrestAccord
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druidess-kiefie · 5 years
Loa bless Zul’gurub and all the beautiful troll women in it.
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smokinhotdaisy · 4 years
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gaming-grounds-de · 4 years
WoW Classic: Zul'Gurub öffnet seine Pforten
#WoWClassic Falls euch neue Aufgaben auf den Classic Servern von #WoW gefehlt haben, gibt es nun wieder reichlich zu tun. Mit Zul'Gurub hat der nächste große Raid abermals seine Türen geöffnet!
Während einige Spieler schon wieder die Nase von haben von WoW Classic, andere in Retail ihre Bahnen ziehen und wieder andere über mögliche “The Burning Crusade” Server spekulieren, haut Blizzard die nächste Content-Keule für alle aktiven Classic Fans raus. Am gestrigen Mittwoch öffneten sich auf allen Classic Realms die Tore des Zul’Gurub Raids.
In diesem müssen 20 Spieler auf der Maximalstufe…
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crypticzzz · 4 years
Soloing Zul'Gurub Naked for Fun and Profit as a Paladin
Youtuber Tedj is a Paladin main who has worked tirelessly to find the best way to farm gold in Classic WoW. A month ago, he was making 120 gold per hour soloing Zul'Farrak, but soon set his sights on even greater returns - soloing Zul'Gurub. In his last video, he soloed 10 packs in 15 minutes, netting around 300 gold an hour, focusing on the same Tiger and Crocolisk packs which Zeegers used to set a speed leveling world record. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=316440/soloing-zulgurub-naked-for-fun-and-profit-as-a-paladin
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crypticzzz · 4 years
Zul'Gurub Enchant Exploit Hotfixed
Blizzard has pushed a hotfix correcting the Zul'Gurub enchant exploit, which allowed players to trade class enchants between one another. While the fix does not stop the ability to trade them, the enchant effects will be disabled if the equipped character is of a different class or below level 60.
Our hotfix for this issue is now live. The benefit of a Zul’Gurub class enchant is canceled if:
The player is not the correct class to use the enchant.
The player is not level 60. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=312204/zulgurub-enchant-exploit-hotfixed
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crypticzzz · 4 years
Blizzard's Response on the Zul'Gurub Class Enchant Exploit
Blizzard has responded to reports about players trading ZG class enchants, which is unintended behavior as the enchants are BoP. They have called it an exploit and recommend players don't enchant gear in this way.
people are trading their class enchants because of spell batching in trade windows
It’s not actually batching, it’s a timing interaction between a macro and the trade window. It just seems like batching. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=312183/blizzards-response-on-the-zulgurub-class-enchant-exploit
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crypticzzz · 4 years
WoW Classic Zul'Gurub Guides - Overview, Tier Sets, Reputation, Boss Tips and Strategy
Zul'Gurub is arriving in Classic WoW today! We have released several guides to help you prepare for the first 20-man raid of Classic.
Zul'Gurub Overviews and Loot
We have guides that overview the entire raid, as well as loot guides and a guide detailing the entire Zul'Gurub tier sets! Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=312077/wow-classic-zulgurub-guides-overview-tier-sets-reputation-boss-tips-and-strategy
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crypticzzz · 4 years
WoW Classic Best in Slot Guides Updated for Zul'Gurub - Find the Best Loot in Phase 4 for All Classes
We've updated our Class Guides with Best in Slot for Phase 4, Zul'Gurub, and the Green Dragons of Nightmare! ZG contains several new pieces of gear to chase and very powerful enchants for every class. These guides will help you figure out which pieces of gear to go for, which enchants to use, and how best to optimize your character in the coming content while you work toward maximizing reputation with the Zandalar Tribe and taking down the Blood God, Hakkar! Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=312075/wow-classic-best-in-slot-guides-updated-for-zulgurub-find-the-best-loot-in-phase
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crypticzzz · 4 years
WoW Classic Zul'Gurub Raid Resets - EU Will Reset 9 Hours After Launch
Blizzard has clarified that Zul'Gurub in WoW Classic will have a 3-day reset timer, and the EU reset time will occur at 9am CEST on April 16th, 9 hours after the raid launches. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=311969/wow-classic-zulgurub-raid-resets-eu-will-reset-9-hours-after-launch
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crypticzzz · 4 years
WoW Classic Zul'Gurub and Green Dragons Unlock April 15th
The next WoW Classic content phase, featuring Zul'Gurub and the Dragons of Nightmare, unlocks 3pm Pacific on April 15th.
With this announcement, make sure to check out our related Zul'Gurub guides, as well as how to win the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=311872/wow-classic-zulgurub-and-green-dragons-unlock-april-15th
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crypticzzz · 5 years
Upcoming WoW Classic Content Unlocks - Arathi Basin March 10th, Zul'Gurub and Green Dragons April 2020
Blizzard has announced that Arathi Basin will open on March 10th, with Zul'Gurub and Dragons of Nightmare in April 2020.
Arathi Basin is a 15v15 battleground located in Arathi Highlands. This battleground is based on the conflict of the supply forces for both factions in central Eastern Kingdoms - Arathi Highlands is a critical zone for both the Alliance and the Horde. Both factions battle over the natural resources of the basin to claim said resources for their faction. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=311418/upcoming-wow-classic-content-unlocks-arathi-basin-march-10th-zulgurub-and-green-
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crypticzzz · 5 years
Weekend Content Suggestions: Zul'Gurub, Ahn'Qiraj, Bringing Dog in Dalaran
Welcome to the fourth edition of our Weekend Content Suggestions series! Every Tuesday we highlight new weekly content in Battle for Azeroth, but based on recent survey feedback, many of our readers want reminders about tried-and-true content from older expansions that's fun to complete, separate from character progression or competitive content.
Here you will find spotlights on content from older expansions in WoW, perfect to work on over an uninterrupted stretch of time over the weekend. Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=291369/weekend-content-suggestions-zulgurub-ahnqiraj-bringing-dog-in-dalaran
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