talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Shadows At Dawn Reprint Goes Live
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Every world starts with a simple idea.
The Tales Of The Frontier universe began in 2016 with a short story called Shadows At Dawn about two cowboys roaming a dark fantasy landscape.
The publisher who took a chance on this short story was Aurelia Leo and I wanted to thank them again for choosing to republish the story in a new anthology.
Uchronia: An Anthology Of Alternate Histories & Alternative Worlds is a collection of weird and wonderful stories from writers who think differently and have the balls to put themselves out there (my blurb)
The official blurb is:
Uchronia: An Anthology of Alternate Histories & Alternate Worlds features twenty cosmic, uncanny, and macabre fantasy and science fiction stories.
A marine navigates close quarters in his wheelchair and the threat of joblessness due to mechanical men. Gremlins battle a bounty huntress in the Weird Wild West. When the Soviet Union invades Mexico, a U.S.-Mexico war veteran rallies Samalayuca refinery workers to fight back. Onboard the Current of Eagles, a disabled Native-American pilot confronts prejudice and radio warfare. You are a lone radio jockey after the apocalypse.
Curated by award-winning editor Zelda Knight, this collection of reprints will transport readers to diverse retrofutures and realms beyond their imagination.
In the Festival Tent” © Dennis Mombauer ✓ (Jeremy Lloyd)
“Heartless” © Krystal Claxton
“The Wizard of the Woods” © Tyler Bourassa
“In the Shadow of Fire” © H.R. Boldwood ✓(Jeremy Lloyd)
“The Tribute” © Rhidian Brenig Jones ✓✓ (Julious Z. Dyer)
“Scripto Inferior” © Victor H. Rodriquez ✓ (Jeremy Lloyd)
“Shadows at Dawn” © Jamie Ryder ✓(Jeremy Lloyd)
“End of the World Talk Show” © Rachel Brittain
“Tickie-Tockers” © David Castlewitz
“A Better Life” © Lawrence Dagstine
“Hell on the High Plains” © C.W. Blackwell ✓ (S. C. Childs)
“The Revolution Engine” © Pedro Iniguez
“A Dusty Arrival” © KC Grifant ✓ (S. C. Childs)
“A Slow Inoculation” © Dale Carothers
“A Song to Charm the Beasts” © Wendy Nikel ✓(S. C. Childs)
“The Last Night of Pangea” © Emma Culla ✓ (S. C. Childs)
“Los Lunas” © Nicole Givens Kurtz
“The Colossus at Blue Sands” © Gregory L. Norris
“A Fifth World” © Matthew Maxwell
“The Passion of Her Sleep” © T.C. Mill ✓✓ (Nyamukandawiri)
You can purchase the anthology through the following links:
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
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In this AT THE DEAD OF DUSK Wombo art piece Clay McNab stands on the shores of The Underealm watching his son Rueben in a dream.
No matter how much he wants to reach his boy, McNab can't and he contemplates the course of his life.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Canurif
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Canurifs are a species of lycanthrope that fall in line with the traditional idea of a werewolf. They are men who have the ability to shapeshift into large wolves and are bound to the Cartwright witch clan.
Canurifs act as personal attack dogs for the Cartwrights and have done so for generations. Men who’ve chosen to be canurifs are often power hungry and have violent tendencies. They are enslaved to Cartwright magic and in wolf form they are little more than mindless animals and puppets.
As a result, they are more resilient than other lycanthropes and don’t have the traditional weaknesses of werewolves e.g. silver bullets. They are more likely to be harmed with iron and rune marked weapons that counteract Cartwright magic.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Cordovile.
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The cordovile is a crocodile-like sea monster that hunts whales and other types of large water creatures. A voracious eater with multiple mouths, it has been known to capsize ships and is particularly feared in Frithland Province.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Aramu
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We’re all prone to bad dreams and a creature straight out of a nightmare is the aramu. A shadowy demon, aramu feed on fear and nightmares, often visiting sleepers when they are at their most vulnerable.
There are even times when aramu are summoned specifically to take away bad dreams. This is a slippery slope, as once the aramu has been allowed to feed, it will consume positive dreams and take away hope.
Aramu kill slowly and victims are left as emaciated shells.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Skelis
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They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that certainly rings true for Skelis. A feminine demon, Skelis prey on vanity and often appear as beautiful women appealing to the most prideful aspects of human nature.
For example, they can bewitch handsome men and enslave them into carrying out violent acts. Skelis may also promise women the opportunity to become beautiful by making sacrifices e.g. killing their partners or mutilating themselves.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
7 Deadly Demons Of The Frontier
In the world of The Frontier, monsters are everywhere and travellers should take care on the road day and night. And as bad as some monsters are, there’s nothing quite as dangerous as the demons that are waiting in the darkness to prey upon humanity’s weaknesses and cause destruction.
Demons are among the most feared and chaotic supernatural entities on The Frontier and here’s seven of the deadliest demons to run like hell from.
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1. Nukelavee
The sea is a dangerous place at the best of times and there are many creatures lurking in the depths. The Nukelavee is one of the most hideous beasts to encounter.
This sea demon has the appearance of a giant flayed horse with the torso of corpse stitched onto its back. Long, grasping arms help it glide through the water and reach out to yank sailors down to its lair.
The Nuckelavee is also a plague-spreader. The noxious fumes it secretes can bring famine and pestilence to seaside communities and if you thought you were safe on land, think again.
The demon can survive on land, due to a pair of lungs located on the underside of the ‘horse.’ On land, Nuckelavee gallop in bursts of speed to eviscerate their victims.
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2. Aramu
We’re all prone to bad dreams and a creature straight out of a nightmare is the aramu. A shadowy demon, aramu feed on fear and nightmares, often visiting sleepers when they are at their most vulnerable.
There are even times when aramu are summoned specifically to take away bad dreams. This is a slippery slope, as once the aramu has been allowed to feed, it will consume positive dreams and take away hope.
Aramu kill slowly and victims are left as emaciated shells.
3. Vileg
Vileg are a type of evil spirit drawn to people who display violent tendencies. Once latched onto a host, vileg transform the body into an animal-like state. They change hosts into blood-sucking lycanthropes who have a taste for children.
Vileg will often roam The Frontier, posing as respectable people and try to charm new mothers to give up their children. If that fails, they will try to insinuate themselves into their target’s life and gain access to the infant so they can strike.
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4. Brurow
When walking in the forest, take care to avoid brurow. A woodland demon, brurow are masculine in shape and have the power to command animals, cause hallucinations and bend nature to their will.
While not traditionally ‘evil,’ these demons are still a force to be reckoned with and become particularly violent when their homes are threatened. Some believe them to be servants of Hob, the god of nature.
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5. Skelis
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that certainly rings true for Skelis. A feminine demon, Skelis prey on vanity and often appear as beautiful women appealing to the most prideful aspects of human nature.
For example, they can bewitch handsome men and enslave them into carrying out violent acts. Skelis may also promise women the opportunity to become beautiful by making sacrifices e.g. killing their partners or mutilating themselves.
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6. Orcan
Revenge is a complicated feeling and there are entities that are fuelled by it and embody the sensation. Orcan are the personification of vengeance.
A humanoid demon with bat-like wings and blood-stained armour or clothing, orcan are thought to be the souls of warriors who died recklessly or unfulfilled in battle. They were cast out of The Underealm or chose to linger in the gap between worlds until their revenge was sated.
In some situations, orcan may be summoned to wreak vengeance by proxy. In this case, orcan are relentless and will hunt their target until their purpose is complete. Sometimes this can backfire and the person who originally summoned the demon may be killed if they try to interfere.
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7. Dullahan
The Dullahan, or headless horseman, is a demon that rides the land on a ghostly steed and carries a whip made from the spines of its victims. A horrific creature, dullahan are known to be soul collectors and instruments of punishment.
It’s said the dullahan can open any gateway and door and that nowhere is safe to hide once it has your scent.
The creature has an infamous reputation among the monster and witch hunting Order of the Questers. Old stories tell that Questers risk being turned into dullahan if they stray from their righteous paths or fall into black magic.
Ready to enter the world of The Frontier? Check out AT THE DEAD OF DUSK, a horror novella that focuses on the infamous Quester Clay McNab transporting a young woman across a land of darkness.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Brurow
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A type of forest demon, brurow are masters of their domain, commanding wildlife and the vegetation around them. While not inherently evil they are extremely violent when threatened and it's always better to avoid getting too close.
Some believe brurow are servants of the god of nature Hob and mete out his justice to those who disrespect the forests.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Caladrius
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A snow-white bird with mystical healing properties, the Caladrius is said to be able to take sickness and disease into itself and fly away and cure people.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Orcan
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Revenge is a complicated feeling and there are entities that are fuelled by it and embody the sensation. Orcan are the personification of vengeance.
A humanoid demon with bat-like wings and blood-stained armour or clothing, orcan are thought to be the souls of warriors who died recklessly or unfulfilled in battle. They were cast out of The Underealm or chose to linger in the gap between worlds until their revenge was sated.
In some situations, orcan may be summoned to wreak vengeance by proxy. In this case, orcan are relentless and will hunt their target until their purpose is complete. Sometimes this can backfire and the person who originally summoned the demon may be killed if they try to interfere.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Howling At The Moon: Lycanthropes Of The Frontier
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Lycanthropes are a common sight on The Frontier, with werewolves being among the most feared monsters. Stories of men turning into beasts to satisfy their bloodlust is a story shared around fires and to frighten children into staying inside at night. However, not all werewolves are created equal and there are several species to be aware of when travelling the land.
Here’s an overview of the most prevalent lycanthropes of The Frontier.
Wulvers are sentient wolf humanoids who evolved from wolves and live in small communities in the wilderness. Most wulvers are peaceful and will actively help humans, though they are often mistaken for traditional werewolves and treated with fear and suspicion.
Within wulver society, this persecution from humanity is a complex subject and some bands have taken to fighting back, fueling more hostilities.
Canurifs are a species of lycanthrope that fall in line with the traditional idea of a werewolf. They are men who have the ability to shapeshift into large wolves and are bound to the Cartwright witch clan.
Canurifs act as personal attack dogs for the Cartwrights and have done so for generations. Men who’ve chosen to be canurifs are often power hungry and have violent tendencies. They are enslaved to Cartwright magic and in wolf form they are little more than mindless animals and puppets.
As a result, they are more resilient than other lycanthropes and don’t have the traditional weaknesses of werewolves e.g. silver bullets. They are more likely to be harmed with iron and rune marked weapons that counteract Cartwright magic.
Rigests are women who have been cursed with the ability to shift into wolves from a young age. There are several theories for how a rigest is created. Some stories tell of the women suffering great abuse in childhood, while other tales focus on rituals performed centuries ago and families being cursed by the gods.
While in wolf form, rigests retain their intelligence. Some are violent, while others prefer to live a quiet life.
A Gaulour is a type of swamp dwelling lycanthrope recognised by poisonous spines and long claws for paralysing its prey. They are active during the night and will relentlessly hunt prey once they have tasted blood.
An old superstition for keeping a gaulour out of a home is to place thirteen coins on the doorstep. The theory is that a gaulour will be preoccupied with counting the coins until dawn and then be forced to retreat to its lair with the sunrise.
A type of blood-sucking lycanthrope, vileg are humans who’ve been possessed by an evil spirit and turned into nightmarish creatures. They have a fondness for children’s blood and often trick new mothers into giving up their babies.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
The Pop Culture Pub Crawl: Clay McNab
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The Pop Culture Pub Crawl reveals the favourite hooch of fictional characters and this edition is about passing the glass to Clay McNab from Tales Of The Frontier. An infamous Quester and witch hunter, Clay McNab has dedicated his life to stopping supernatural creatures and along the way he’s drunk his way through countless saloons and bordellos.
Witch hunting is thirsty work and here are some of the bottles McNab would be partial to.
Gun Fighter Bourbon Whisky
A spirits and whisky man, McNab would have an appreciation for bourbon and he’d pour himself a glass of Gun Fighter from the Golden Moon Distillery.
He’d see himself reflected in the label and while sipping the whisky, McNab would be reminded of all the gun fights he’d been through over the years and the actions that earned him the nickname The Hammer Of The Witches.
High West American Prairie Bourbon
The next bourbon on McNab’s list is American Prairie from the High West Distillery. With spicy, sweet notes, this whisky would appeal to his taste buds. It’d also remind McNab of all the times he’d rode across the sprawling planes of The Frontier, evoking a rugged individualism and romanticism that he felt in his younger days.
Maker’s Mark Whisky
When it comes to whisky, McNab likes reliability. A good, solid spirit that he can sip in a dark saloon and listen to music with. Maker’s Mark is the right whisky for the job. Savoury and sweet, this whisky is something McNab would drink like water.
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Cask 88 31-Year-Old Nuckelavee Single Malt Whisky
After knocking back bourbon, McNab would want to change it up and select a whisky that had bite and resonance. He’d choose the 31-year-old Orkney single malt from Cask 88. The whisky also carries the symbol of the Orcadian demon Nuckelavee, a foul creature that looks like a giant flayed horse with a man attached to the body.
One of McNab’s most difficult contracts involved him stopping a nuckelavee with the help of his mentor Bram Fitzgerald. Bringing the demon down was one of McNab’s finest moments and drinking the whisky would be a way to remind himself of the triumph and to be vigilant against other creatures of the dark.
The whisky itself was distilled at Highland Park distillery. Starting life in a refilled sherry cask, the spirit was finished in a Rivesaltes fortified French wine hogshead.
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The Norfolk Parched Single Grain Whisky
Another whisky McNab would gravitate towards is the well-respected The Norfolk Parched Single Grain. Distilled by The English Whisky Company, The Norfolk Parched is a rich and complex spirit with peach, toffee, grapefruit and dry notes.
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Appleton 12-Year Rum
As well as being a whisky fan, McNab is also partial to rum. Especially rum that has a good reputation and he’d find plenty to enjoy with a bottle of Appleton 12-years. Matured in oak casks, this rum has fruity and sweet expressions of chocolate and molasses.
It’d be a worthy palate cleanser for The Hammer Of The Witches.
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Marsh House Rum
On The Frontier, rum is classed as the drink of the common man and the highest concentration of rum distilleries is found in Deepstead Province. A marshy, tropical region, Deepstead has the ideal climate for producing rum and McNab has had many adventures throughout that part of the world.
A rum to remind him of Deepstead would be Marsh House. This rum has bright, floral notes that crackle with cola, caramel and vanilla.
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Cazadores Anejo Cristalino
For a sipping tequila, McNab would be partial to the Cazadores Anejo Cristalino. Made from blue agave harvested in Jalisco, Mexico, the tequila has been aged in American oak barrels.
The result? A heady drink with spicy notes of apple, wood and nuts. McNab would also enjoy the packaging, as the stag is an animal he associates with strength and speed.
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Espolon Blanco Tequila
When it comes to alcohol, McNab is open-minded and he’d certainly have an appreciation for tequila. A good choice is Espolon Blanco, a blue agave spirit distilled in Los Altos by The San Nicolas Distillery.
With an eye-catching label, Espolon would agree with McNab’s taste buds. Zesty, citrusy and potent.
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Kariu Shochu
As a Quester, McNab has roamed all over The Frontier and been exposed to all kinds of cultures and drinks. One culture he’s very familiar with is the kamuni, who have their own indigenous drinks called tinek and burash. 
Over the years, McNab has drunk plenty of tinek and burash with his friend Itsano and a spirit that would remind him of burash is shochu. An ideal shochu for The Hammer Of The Witches is Kariu, a barley spirit produced by the Bungo Meijyo brewery in Japan.
Elegant, mild and soft, the Kariu would be a suitable finishing drink to help McNab take the edge off.
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See Clay McNab in action in AT THE DEAD OF DUSK, where he’s forced to help a young girl find her father in exchange for completing a final job. There’s monsters, magic and teenage angst galore. Buy AT THE DEAD OF DUSK today!
Originally published on The Comic Vault.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Saurgrun
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Saurgrun are demonic bovines that come into existence during times when cattle are slaughtered incorrectly or when herds are desecrated.
They are considered to be vengeful spirits that belch fire and hunt those responsible for killing cattle indiscriminately. Saurgrun can be hard by the rattles of the ghostly changes worn around their necks.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Monster Of The Week: Wulver.
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A wolf-like humanoid, wolves are sentient beings that evolved from wolves. Wulver have strong community bonds and are considered benevolent towards humans unless provoked.
However, wolves are often mistaken for werewolves and that has caused many of them to be hunted and discriminated against.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Flights Of Fantasy: Itsano
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Flights Of Fantasy examines the drinking habits of characters from fantasy and horror fiction and in this edition the spotlight is on Itsano from Tales Of The Frontier. A kamuni battle conductor, healer and warrior, Itsano would have a great love for sake because it has similar characteristics to tinek, the drink of his people.
Let’s take a closer look at the kind of nihonshu Itsano would drink.
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Okuhida Junmai Nigori
Brewed by Okuhida Shuzo in Gifu Prefecture, this junmai nigori (cloudy) sake would be an ideal drink for Itsano. With notes of oatmeal and cream, it would remind him of some of the food of his youth and the produce that his clan traded with frontiersmen. The rich, bitter qualities also mirror the consistency of kamuni tinek.
The Okuhida brewery has a proud history that dates back to 1720 and is located in Kanayama. Okuhida is well-known for using local Hida Homare rice to brew its sake and Itsano would have great respect for the traditions of sake brewers.
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Kaho Genshu Junmai
Another type of sake that Itsano would go for is Kaho Genshu Junmai from Kanpai Brewery. The first reason is because the man knows how to drink the strong stuff and genshu sake is undiluted. Secondly, the rich, earthy texture would appeal to his taste buds.
Thirdly, the story behind Kaho is a story that would speak to him. In Japanese, kaho means heirloom, which refers to the heirloom Omachi rice used to create the drink. It’s about honouring traditions that have lasted for centuries and Itsano would be reminded of his own people through this sake.
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Miyasaka Yawaraka Sake Matinee Junmai
In line with his enjoyment of added alcohol style sake, Itsano would finish off his flights with a sweet variety. A good choice is Miyasaka Yawaraka junmai from the Miyasaka brewery in Nagano Prefecture.
Fruity and vivacious, this nihonshu tastes of wild plums and oranges. For Itsano, it would be like tasting nature itself and bring him closer to communicating with the daiku (spirits) that inhabit the world.
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You can follow the exploits of Itsano and his comrade Clay McNab in AT THE DEAD OF DUSK. A horror western, the novella focuses on themes of monsters, duty, alienation and family. Buy the novella here and here. 
Originally published in Yamato Magazine.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
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That moment when your baby cousin has her first experience with a horror book and it's your novella. AT THE DEAD OF DUSK is available now and it's definitely not recommended to young children.
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talesofthefrontier · 3 years
Comic Kitchen: Clay McNab
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Comic Kitchen brings together food and fiction, creating a three-course meal based on characters from popular culture. This edition is based on The Hammer Of The Witches, Clay McNab from Tales Of The Frontier. 
A rover, gunslinger and witch hunter, McNab’s taste in food can be described as rustic and simple. Read on to discover his menu.
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Starter: Scotch eggs and mushrooms
As an appetiser, McNab would start off with something filling like Scotch eggs and mushrooms. This kind of dish is nostalgic for McNab, who grew up in poor conditions and was taught by his parents to savour every part of an animal.
The combination of pork, breadcrumbs and egg would make for the ideal breakfast fuel. It’d give McNab the energy to make the long rides across The Frontier, plying his trade as a witch and monster hunter.
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Main course: Texas BBQ marinated pork loin steak, carrots and cheesy potato skins
McNab’s identity as a cowboy and gunslinger served as the inspiration for this dish. It’s the kind of slap up meal he’d have when he’s flush with coin.
I can imagine McNab rolling up into a small town somewhere in The Frontier, going to a saloon and ordering himself a similar dish to celebrate completing a job.
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Dessert: Apple crumble and whisky
After finishing the steak, McNab would have room for dessert and he’d want to wash it down with something warm and sweet. Apple crumble and whisky is the ideal combination.
The Hammer Of The Witches is partial to Merais whisky, the tipple of his home Province. Merais whisky is made from corn and has a sweet, spicy quality that would pair well with the tartness of the crumble.
Want to find out more about Clay McNab? Be sure to buy AT THE DEAD OF DUSK and see him take on monsters, magic, mayhem and teenage angst.
Originally posted on The Comic Vault.
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