talkwith13 · 5 days
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rip woozi's lil fangs :(
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talkwith13 · 6 days
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Woozi in Going Seventeen Ep.114 - BOSS #1
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talkwith13 · 8 days
Seventeen with a s/o who works on an animal farm
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Synopsis: what would seventeen’s reactions be like when you tell him you work/ live on an animal farm in the countryside. Svt x gn! reader | fluff | approx. 3950 words | no warnings | requested by anon
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🍒 Seungcheol is extremely fascinated when you tell him. 
Two thoughts immediately come to his mind. First, what do you do on the animal farm and is it a lot of work? Second, he thinks of you lying in a field being surrounded by fluffy animals. You’re already the cutest bean ever but you and animals? He doesn’t think his heart can take that sight. 
When you do get a chance to bring him back to the farm, seungcheol follows you around to get a sense of what you do. What needs to be done, which animals need more care, how do you feed them. He knew you worked hard but seeing you in your element and how much work goes into working on an animal farm? He falls in love with you all over again. To help, he becomes your handyman. It’s a farm, equipment and fencing can break down. He fixes everything for you. He even builds you a whole new chicken coop. He doesn’t want you to get hurt by the stiff wires. 
Seungcheol’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The chicken coop. He built it. You can find him there gathering eggs in the morning. He even starts feeding them with a special blend of food. He did research on what would be best for the chickens to keep them healthy. So, the chickens adore him. The rooster? Not so much. It tried asserting that the coop was its territory and flew at seungcheol. He just grabbed it in one swoop and now the rooster is really scared. Anyway, of course, the coop is called coup’s coop. 
😇 Jeonghan lets out the most adorable squeal and giggle when you tell him. 
Listen, jeonghan loves anything cute. Pet rocks, dino, fishes, animals, you. He’s so excited when he finds out. He asks you a million and one questions on what life is like working there. What kinds of animals do you have? Are there baby animals? Can he go visit the farm? Actually wait. Can he move there? You can become that animal farm owning couple. 
Jeonghan actually hops and skips out of the car when you arrive. He makes a beeline for the animals. His excitement is so contagious because you both skip around the farm hand in hand as you give him a tour. He looks at you with stars in his eyes when you tell him about each of the animals and what their names are. You’re just so caring and gentle. You even manage to notice the tiniest details like how petunia the pig has a flower shaped mole on her right leg. His days with you on the farm are some of the most relaxing days of his life. He’s surrounded by adorable animals and you! 
Jeonghan’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The brooder! It’s where the baby chicks are. He actually got to witness the chicks hatching and fell in love there and then. He goes to check in on the chicks at every chance he gets. They’ve actually imprinted on him. When the chicks get a little older and they can roam around, they follow him in one straight line. The happiness on his face makes you forgive him for abandoning you when you’re doing chores to go play with the chicks. It’s one of the most adorable sights you’ve ever seen!
🦌 Joshua makes heart eyes at you when you tell him. 
He knows you have an incredibly warm heart, but to know that you work with animals? It does something to him that he can’t explain. You’re like an angel. He listens so attentively when you tell him about your life working on the animal farm. Joshua’s from LA so there is a pretty big difference in your lifestyles. He wants to be able to mould himself to your lifestyle.
He is a gentleman. He carries all the heavy pails and other things that needs to be carried when you go about doing your chores. The feed, water, milk from the cows, barrels of hay. He’s doing it for you. He knows you can do it since you do manage it when he’s not around. But you don’t have to when he’s around. He loves being around you and watching you in your element. The gentleness you exhibit when tending to the animals, the way the animals adore you. He loves that you just walk up to the fence and the fluffy animals are running towards you. He learns about your life and how he can help you by observing you. He sees the animal farm in his future afterall, one he sees with you. 
Joshua’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The bunny enclosure! Joshua adores bunnies. They are so small and cute. They run around, they can act crazy. Best of all bunnies love snuggles. Joshua spends his time feeding the bunnies. He hops around the field with them. He lays on the field surrounded by the pretty flowers cuddling the bunnies. You have to say though, as adorable as that sight is, you’re kind of jealous at how much attention the bunnies are getting. 
🐱 Junhui starts smiling like the Cheshire cat when you tell him.
You live somewhere with animals. In the countryside. Where there are vast open fields. THAT’S PERFECT! HE’S BEEN WANTING TO PERFECT HIS ANIMAL IMPRESSIONS. He shows you his many impressions of the cows, alpacas, horses, cats etc. Definitely would ask you to rate them and give him feedback. 
He’s like an excited child when you arrive. He’s also so inquisitive. Besides doing his animal impressions, much to your amusement, he asks about everything. He wonders what food the animals eat and if it’s tasty. He wonders how you take care of the grumpy bulls and if they will charge at him if he wears red. He has that childlike wonder when he’s exploring your farm. He coos at all the animals because everyone is cute. He finds all the nooks and crannies of your farm that even you didn’t know about. He also falls in love with feeding the animals. He basically takes over your job of feeding them. He even bottle feeds all the babies for you. You do have to pull him away from taking bites out of all the carrots though. 
Junhui’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The pasture where the sheeps graze. He fell in love with the fluffy sheep and the shepherd dog. He starts trying to pick up all the sheep and the shepherd dog like how wile e coyote picks up sheep. He just wants to spin them around. He manages to do it with the smaller, lighter sheep somehow. Why he does it? You never know. It’s junhui, his actions don’t make sense half the time so you let him be. But one day he finds himself being watched by your neighbours. He just stares at them with the o.0 expression before putting the sheep down slowly and running away. 
🐯 Hoshi lets out the loudest scream of excitement when you tell him.
His s/o? Working on an animal farm? You’re the coolest person ever! Can you talk to the animals? Are you an animal whisperer? Are there tigers? You chuckle at his enthusiasm and his pout when you tell him you only have an orange cat that has a few black stripes. He does light up when you tell him that you’ve named the cat Soonie. 
He’s vibrating in excitement when you bring him to the animal farm. He’s a tiger. He can speak to the animals. He goes around introducing himself to all the dogs, cows, cats, horses, fishes, pigs, rabbits etc. They look at him questionably and expectantly. Usually people pet them, feed them, and coo over how cute they are. But this crazy person is just growling at them softly and using his hands like a paw. He tries his best to learn their names and have conversations with them as he follows you around when you do your chores. You could be milking the cows and hoshi would be trying to talk to the cows about how he thinks tigers and cows could be great friends. Like those lions and dogs! It’s funny and really endearing. 
Hoshi’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The alpaca and llama enclosure. To be honest, it’s not his favourite spot but it’s where he is a lot of the time. You see when he was growling at the alpacas, one of them took it as a challenge and spat at him. Hoshi was so offended so now he makes it a point to go back there and scream (softly) at the alpaca who spat at him. Don’t worry at end of the day, they are best friends. Right? That is, until the alpaca spits at him agaim…
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo smiles at you adoringly when you tell him.
He can see the passion in your eyes as you tell him about the animals on the farm. How you’ve raised them from when they were little, to the losses that you’ve had to endure. The good times and the bad. You embrace all the experiences with an open mind. You learn from the past to make sure that your animals can lead the best lives. 
Okay, he’s not going to lie. He’s a little apprehensive when you bring him to the farm. It’s not that he doesn’t like the countryside or animals. It’s more that he doesn’t know how to help you. This is your territory, your area of expertise. He just feels out of place, that's all. So. You take him by the hand and guide him around the animal farm. You explain all your chores to him and reassure him that he’s there to watch and relax. He doesn’t need to help you. That gets him to loosen up a little. He loves watching you go about your day. He even starts taking photographs of you and the animals throughout the day. His favourite is the one where you smile at him, half covered in mud after tending to the pigs. It just shows your love for your job regardless of how messy it is. 
Wonwoo’s favourite spot on the animal farm? Wherever the cats are! It’s no secret that wonwoo adores cats. You don’t really own the cats? However you do have a little area where strays can come for shelter and food. Wonwoo might not be able to help with other parts of the animal farm, but he finds comfort and solace in taking care of this area for you. He practically adopts all the cats as his own and becomes the cats’ father. The only thing is that you do find your cat area overflowing with strays after some time. Still, wonwoo looks so happy and fulfilled that you can’t bear to make him shoo some of the cats away. You simply expand the cat area after this. 
🍚 Woozi nods along silently taking in your words when you tell him. 
Don’t get him wrong. It’s not that he isn’t supportive or proud of you. He really is. When you tell him you work on an animal farm, it’s more of an “ah okay” moment for him. It’s just a part of who you are and he’s going to accept that. He’s not one to overreact (ahem unlike some people). Of course he is interested, who wouldn’t. Especially since you’re both complete opposites in this respect. His job requires him to be indoors all the time and he hardly sees the sun. But you’re outdoors all the time.
You definitely drag him to see the farm and your animal babies. One, to get him some vitamin D. God knows his skin is as pale as a sheet of white paper. Two, to get him away from the hustle and bustle of his everyday life. Working on an animal farm isn’t easy and you are busy. But to some extent life doesn’t seem so overwhelming or fast paced when you’re surrounded by animals. You get him to enjoy the surroundings, listen to the sounds of nature. You get him to help you out when you’re milking the cows and feeding the baby lambs. You help him to take a step back from his technologically filled life and to enjoy a different way of life. 
Woozi’s favourite part on the animal farm? Surprisingly? The barn. You can often find him sitting under the trees next to the barn watching the horses run free across the field. There’s something liberating and freeing about watching them gallop. Bonus, the barn has great acoustics. He will go there when he finds inspiration to record a short piece of music. He’s practically made a nest for himself in the corner of the barn among the hay and saddles. Yea, you might have to drag him out again before he locks himself in, and the horses out. 
⚔️ DK literally beams when you tell him. 
You swear you were blinded at dokyeom’s smile when you told him you work on an animal farm. He said he could tell you have an affinity for animals the way you always stopped by at the animal shelter near his house to say hi. He’s so enamored by the way you interact with animals and the way they always calm down when you’re near.
Dokyeom practically drags you back to your animal farm. He’s more excited about it than you are. He’s so ready to get suited up to help you. And he does! Specifically, he’s the designated lucky charm of the farm. He visited during the season when several animals were going to give birth. He witnessed the birth of several sheep, two calves, one donkey, and one horse. It blew his mind, and yours. There hadn’t been a time when there were so many births at once, and everything went smoothly? There were no complications at all. So, he gets to name all the new babies. He is the official godfather. He actually hangs around the babies more because he likes watching as they start to walk. It’s cute and funny. You can hear him laughing from across the farm on most days.
Dokyeom’s favourite spot on your animal farm? Anywhere the baby animals are! He is a sunshine baby. The animals adore him and they love his presence. Usually the parents of the baby animals are quite protective, but they will let dokyeom, and only dokyeom near their babies. There’s even a little lamb that keeps following him around. You’ve definitely sang dokyeom had a little lamb to him more than once. 
🐸 Minghao smiles knowingly at you when you tell him.
There’s something about living in the countryside that is so peaceful. When minghao watches you describe your life, surrounded by lovable animals and nature, he understands why you love it. Life in the city is so hectic and you’re surrounded by so many people. It gets overwhelming and it is good that you get to step back from that by physically removing yourself from that environment.
He looks forward to visiting your animal farm. He goes on strolls to take in the scenery. He loves that your day starts and ends early. You can enjoy the morning sunrise and evening sunsets together. While you go about doing your thing with the animals, he’s by your side taking pictures or painting. You are his muse. Seeing you in your element surrounded by nature is inspiring. Of course, he participates in some of the more exciting activities too. If you have to ride on a tractor to tend to the grass patches, he’s right next to you. If you have to ride the atv across the pasture to herd the sheep, he’s clinging onto your back for dear life. Life is about embracing all the new experiences whether it’s restful or life-threatening exciting. He enjoys watching the sheep being herded. He enjoys watching you run after the chickens and gather eggs. He enjoys it so much more since you’re here with him. 
Minghao’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The field in front of where the sheep graze. The light that shines on that area and the scenery behind it against the hills or the vast emptiness of the fields is beautiful. He is entralled by the feeling of tranquility that being there brings him. 
🐶 Mingyu’s smile and eyes get wider with each word you are saying when you tell him. 
This overly excitable puppy of a boyfriend you have adores animals. Despite his large, large frame. He’s just a big ol’ softie inside. Plus, he imagines you all dressed up in overalls, dirt smeared on your cheeks wearing a straw hat. He can’t help it, you said farm. That is the image that is going to be in his head. 
You bring him back to the countryside to see the arm. His eyes are so full of stars when he looks around. He pokes at your arm and grabs onto you tightly as you show him all the animals. He coos at all the smaller animals. But he’s slightly frightened by the larger animals like the bulls, donkeys and alpacas. He insists they are out to get him. Nonetheless, he goes with you when you’re doing your chores. He wears mud boots, and overalls. The only issue is he’s so excited to help you that he is extra clumsy. He runs after you and keeps slipping on the muddy fields. You end up having to abandon your chores to help him clean up. He’s so sulky and whiney that he’s so clumsy. Still, he tried helping and that’s what counts. He made all the mundane tasks of feeding the animals, gathering the eggs, milking the cows more enjoyable.
Mingyu’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The pond! Listen. Large mingyu x tiny things is my roman empire. I imagine that he’s just so fascinated by the ducklings. He waddles after them in a line and it’s so adorable. His affections are definitely returned because you will see him sitting surrounded by the ducklings. 
🍊 Seungkwan has mixed feelings when you tell him.
On one hand, he’s fascinated and so happy at the fact that you work in the countryside because it’s similar to Jeju Island which is where he grew up. You have that in common. Plus, he’s really excited about you being an animal whisperer. Maybe you can tame Hoshi? On the other hand, he’s kind of scared. He is a natural worry wrought and he is worried he won’t be able to adapt to your lifestyle.
You put his worries at ease when you bring him to the animal farm. He finds the routine and the scenery really healing. It’s a break from all the unknown that comes with his life as an idol. He’s incredibly interested in how you administer medication to the animals and how you can tell when one of them isn’t well. Also, he’s not going to lie, he was scared that the animals wouldn’t like him or that they will spit at him, god knows Hoshi has done it before. But he comes to realise that he is really good at handling the animals that do spit - alpacas, llamas. They are somehow just drawn to him and he loves feeding them. They also kind of remind him of seungcheol when they are eating so he can’t help but take a million pictures to send to the seventeen group chat.
Seungkwan’s favourite spot on the animal farm? The fields right at the far end of your farm. It’s a big open area where you sometimes let the animals run around. Most of the time, it is just empty space because it backs up onto someone else’s property. He loves strolling there. Actually, he will 100% suddenly break into song singing the hills are alive with the sound of music. It’s hilarious and it brings him so much joy. 
🐻‍❄️ Vernon’s brows furrow when you tell him.
You don’t have to be worried though. He’s deep in thought about how much fun he’s going to have with all the animals. He wants to ride the horses, play among the sheep, maybe even roll around in the mud with the piglets. You laugh at the serious expression he has on his face, and you promise that he can be one with the animals.
Vernon is actually one of the best people with the animals on your farm. He’s a natural. He learns the ropes quickly during his time there. When he’s around, you don’t need to take on so many things. He soon takes charge of going with the shepherd dog to herd the sheep. And he milks cows really well. He even helps your neighbours when they are really busy. Your whole community has practically adopted him by the end of his time there. You’ve probably joked that he might be better at this than you are. Like, how is he able to get that one annoyingly difficult, fat sheep to stay still enough when it was time to be sheared you will never know. It’s probably Vernon magic. 
Vernon’s favourite spot on the animal farm? Everywhere! He just loves the entire place. The only thing is, he gets easily distracted by all the animals that actually aren’t yours. Obviously, it’s a farm, there are going to be wild animals randomly coming in. Mostly birds, insects. Vernon makes friends with all of them. He’s practically best friends with this one loud bird that loves to squawk early in the morning. 
🦦 Dino decides that this is his chance to show off when you tell him.
Dino is really confident (maybe overly confident?) in his ability to help you when you tell him. He swears that he will be able to help you with all the chores and how much the animals will love him. He says that he’s been living in a zoo for the past 10 years. If he can deal with his 12 members, he can deal with the animals.
He definitely listens so intently when you explain to him what you want him to do on the animal farm. It’s nothing too major. He’s still new at this. So all he has to do is go around, get acquainted with the animals, check on how much water is in their water troughs, and how much food the animals have. Especially those that actually need to be fed some kind of grain or food mix like the birds and bunnies. He takes his task so seriously and returns with no problems. So, you give him some extra responsibilities like taking the grain to the different birds. You have geese, chickens, and ducks. Dino soon realises that these birds do not like him. He swears it is an alternate universe like during the debate night gose when seungcheol said he would become a bird to haunt dino. Because, the geese love to chase him for some reason? Everytime he goes remotely within 10 meters of them, they start honking and flapping their wings aggressively. Maybe he isn’t cut out for this?
Dino’s favourite spot on the animal farm? Your farmhouse. He’s safe from all the geese there. He’s been pecked at, gotten feathers stuck in his hair, and he’s been pooped on several times. You have to reassure him that geese are naturally territorial. He insists the geese are out to get him. Sighing, you just have to leave him wallow in his own self-pity. But on the day you are supposed to leave the countryside to go back to the city with Dino, a goose suddenly appears to attack Dino. Maybe they are really out to get him? 
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff
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talkwith13 · 8 days
my baby is a freak-
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he's beauty
he's grace
he's –
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310 notes · View notes
talkwith13 · 8 days
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SEVENTEEN - 12th Mini Album Official Photo Ver.0 (EDITED)
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talkwith13 · 10 days
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going seventeen out of context :)
insomnia zero iii #1
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talkwith13 · 13 days
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my favourite genre of seventeen is when they're straight up lying
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2K notes · View notes
talkwith13 · 13 days
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until next time, jeonghan. you've worked so hard ♡
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talkwith13 · 13 days
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WOOZI ✯ 240908 Darl+ing, Ready to Love, Rock With You ↪ for anon
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talkwith13 · 13 days
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WOOZI 12th Mini Album Official Photo 𝗩𝗘𝗥.𝟬
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talkwith13 · 13 days
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That pretty waist only exists for me to mark him with my pretty hickeys 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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talkwith13 · 13 days
If You Want Me
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Lee Jihoon x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1,881
Warnings: lots of crying. (y/n)’s not the sharpest tool.
[Established Relationship AU] You find a strange box in your boyfriend’s drawer and it brings forth a life-changing event.
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You were buzzing with unburnt energy, itching for something – anything – to do.
It was just one of those days where you couldn’t sit still. It wasn’t that you hadn’t already done much: the standard 8-hour work day was already finished and you still felt like you needed to be useful. There was so much to do and you were excited to get to it.
It was a blur of productivity. The speakers filled the apartment with the melodies of a playlist Jihoon had once made for you (you had lost track of what he made the playlist for; he had simply made you so many) as you practically waltzed around, finishing chore after chore at near magical speeds: the dishes, the laundry, the windows, the curtains. You watered the plants and gave their big green leaves a good wipe-down.
Around 11 pm, a text chimed on your phone. It was Jihoon, a heart emoji proudly on display by his contact name. 
“Want anything to eat?” he asked, ever so thoughtful – or perhaps trying to avoid the awkwardness of eating alone.
You gladly replied to him, practically begging for your favourite noodle dish, and returned to organising your wardrobe. Even that task was done soon and you were once again left with a strange itch to just do something else. Literally any chore. But you had done them all already.
Well. Except Jihoon’s side of the wardrobe. 
The half-wrinkled black and white t-shirts on the shelves and a random pair of sandals shoved in there was an eyesore compared to your perfectly folded blouses. He wasn’t the messiest person you had met, but he rarely had time to actually keep his closet as neat as he or you would’ve liked.
Usually you left his side for him to deal with, but – you thought to yourself – there’s no harm in helping out.
You folded his shirts properly, throwing a few stained ones to the laundry bin. You organised his jackets and sweaters by colour. You began organising his underwear drawer – the messiest of them all – when you found something curious. 
It was a box. A very small one, covered in a velvety material. You thought, perhaps in a tired daze, it looked like something a piece of jewellery might come in. Earrings? Or a ring perhaps? 
But why would he keep his rings in a box? He had a perfectly good jewellery tray on the nightstand – one you had handmade for him in a pottery class on a double date night. And the box couldn’t have been for you either – you rarely wore rings or jewellery of any kind and he knew that.
So what was in this box?
You tried so hard to fight the curiosity and just leave it be. You loved and trusted your boyfriend. You knew he wouldn’t hide things from you. Maybe it was a gift from someone. Maybe the box was empty and he had simply forgotten to throw it out.
But you had come this far and you were getting tired and you just had to find out. One little peek wouldn’t hurt, right? It surely couldn’t.
Against the warnings of your last rational braincells, you opened the box. Your jaw dropped in surprise. 
It was, indeed, a ring. A pretty one at that. With an intricate golden band and a heart-shaped ruby in the middle. You thought to yourself that even you wouldn’t mind wearing something as beautiful as this.
But it wasn’t your ring. And, frankly, you wondered if it was really his either. Suspicions and curiosity grew and when you snapped back to reality you had already sent a photo to your friends’ chat, asking what they thought it was.
The answer was immediate and loud: “??? THAT’S CLEARLY AN ENGAGEMENT RING, YOU IDIOT?!”
Your heart dropped. Your body felt hot all over. You worried you might faint from shock. 
Could it be? Was this really what they thought it was? Had you just accidentally ruined your boyfriend’s plans to propose? 
And even more importantly – you thought, brain fully going into overdrive now, not even caring that the box sharply closed on your thumb as you clutched it to your chest and sunk to sit on the floor, tears burning in your eyes –, your boyfriend was going to propose? He actually wanted to marry you? It wasn’t just a tired fantasy he joked about with you late at night, giggling and joking about growing old together. He had bought a ring – an engagement ring.
Overwhelmed by your joyous feelings and the guilt of ruining what was clearly meant to be a surprise, you began to cry. Tears blurred your vision, mascara you should’ve washed off hours ago was smudging off your lashes, snot ran down your nose – you were certain you looked absolutely horrendous but you had bigger things to worry about for now.
Practically sobbing, you didn’t hear the front door opening and closing or Jihoon calling out to you from the front door, his melodious voice so full of love as he greeted you. You didn’t notice the rustling of the takeout bag or tired footsteps echoing in the apartment, nearing your location.
He walked into the bedroom, expecting to find you soundly asleep or maybe scrolling on Tiktok, ready to show him some nonsensical meme again. Even if he made fun of you for showing them to him, he greatly cherished the fact that your first thought was to share these things with him. 
Instead he found you curled up in front of the closet, sobbing with a velvet box in hand. He froze. "Fuck."
Realising he’d come home, you scrambled to put the box back where you had found it and wiped your tears and runny mascara and apologised and hid your face and said, "Sorry. Don’t look at me. I’m a mess."
Jihoon only chuckled somewhat uneasily and slowly came closer, reaching out a hand to place it onto your shoulder before pulling you into a gentle hug. It was comforting. He was always comforting. 
“Why are you crying?” he asked as if he wasn’t fully aware already.
"You found the ring, right?"
"How'd you know?" you worried, eyes wide. Was he upset with you? Was he disappointed? Angry? Sad? You couldn’t live with yourself if you had made him feel bad when he had put so much thought into a future with you.
"I saw you put it away,” he pointed out so calmly that it almost lulled you into a false sense of serenity.
"Oh. That was something else,” you lied horribly. You were never a great liar, at least not to him. “What ring? I don’t know about any ring–"
"I think I know what the box of the ring I had made for you looks like, baby," he told you with a slight laugh before reaching into the drawer with his free hand and taking out the very box. Hesitating for just a moment, he then held it out for you, nodding for you to take it.
With shaking hands, you did as told. "It's for me?"
"If you want it," he shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant but his bright red ears and oddly glimmering eyes say he's about five seconds away from a mental breakdown of his own. He coughed to clear his throat before adding, "If you want me."
"I– This wasn't how I planned this but," Jihoon ran a hand through his hair, “but I guess the cat's out of the bag.”
He let out a nervous laugh – the one he always did when Soonyoung or Jeonghan convinced him to do something dumb or embarrassing – before dropping to one knee right there, in front of the closet, in front of you – his girlfriend who he thought looked like a sad panda in the best way possible. 
He closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath as you waited, holding your own breath. When he spoke again, his voice was hushed and gentle, as if he feared speaking any louder would give away how nervous he was feeling. 
“I know this is kind of sudden and you probably weren’t expecting it,” he started, voice wavering, “but I feel like I’ll go crazy if I avoid my feelings for much longer. When I first met you, I knew I’d want you in my life for a long time – whether as a friend or as something more I didn’t know yet.
“But now I know,” Jihoon had begun crying, wiping his tears between anxious giggles when he saw your tear-stained but bright smile – an encouragement –, “I want you as my home, as my everything, as my wife. I’d sooner go insane than live a single day without calling you mine and myself yours. So,” he took the ring in one hand and your hand in his other, “I'm asking you to make me the happiest man alive and accept this ring and marry me. Will you have me?"
There was not a single doubt or even an echo of one in your mind. 
“Yes. Yes!” 
Nodding rapidly, almost frantically even, you semi-patiently watched him smile the brightest you had seen him do in weeks and gently place the ring around your finger. Before he could even admire the jewellery on your hand, your arms were wrapped around him, lips reaching for his to kiss him as flustered and silly as he had made you with his words. 
“I love you,” you heard him whisper against your lips as he pulled you closer until there wasn’t even a molecule of air between the two of you.
You hummed and pulled back just enough to whisper back, “I love you too, future husband.”
He groaned at the words, a dumb grin on his face. “I can’t wait to marry you, seriously.”
“There’s a chapel down the street,” you half-joked (half- because you were so overcome with love for him that you wouldn’t have even mildly protested if he had gone along with the joke and made it a reality).
To your amusement, he was the one to protest, a grumpy frown taking over his previously bright and awestruck face. “I had an entire picnic planned with fairy lights and cake and live music and I even had Mingyu convinced to take photos for us, and instead  I ended up proposing to you,” he glanced around the room almost judgmentally, “crying in front of the closet in our apartment, with my underwear drawer open.” He forcefully shut the offending drawer, earning a chuckle from you, before letting out a firm loud hum of protest and pulling you back into a tight hug. “I’m not letting the same happen to our wedding. You deserve the world and I’ll give it to you.”
“... So we’re not eloping then?”
“Not a chance,” he insisted, face scrunching up as if the very idea was offensive, and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “We’re already missing out on engagement photos. Imagine how upset our moms will be if they don’t even get wedding photos.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” you chuckled, pausing before adding on, “future husband.”
He tensed for a moment. Then he spoke, “So about that chapel – do you think they take last minute walk-ins, or…?”
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talkwith13 · 14 days
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Dokyeom and Mingyu 🫶
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talkwith13 · 14 days
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seventeen parallels
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big buff 27 year old man acting like this smh
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