talvlah · 4 years
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Of course I made some corresponding art of Wildcat, because she baby
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talvlah · 4 years
Sorry haven’t been too active here, was caught up in the ArknightsLovesU RP group over on twitter and been having a blast there rping as Nian and Blaze. Though I do bring back an OC I made.
Meet Operator: Wildcat.
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talvlah · 4 years
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It’s ya boi Goose again with a roleplay blog for an Arknights Doctor OC. Can you reblog this if you’re interested in interacting with her?
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talvlah · 4 years
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Good news, I managed to convince my pal to make a Kal’Tsit blog. Better news, he convinced me to come back to the Arknights fandom and make a Doctor OC, so expect a promo fo that soon
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talvlah · 4 years
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❝The only thing that you gotta know, is that I I do what it takes.❞
 sᴇʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ, W (Arknights) - ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ Goose
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talvlah · 4 years
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indie…Hellagur of Arknights series! written by nugget. 
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talvlah · 4 years
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Hey, if you’re interested in interacting with a Mostima from Arknights, like or reblog this post and I’ll check your blog!
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talvlah · 4 years
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It’s ya boi Goose, this time with a roleplay blog for Texas from Arknights. Can you do me a favor and like/reblog this to spread the word?
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talvlah · 4 years
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“When your face is plastered over the news, it’s difficult not to know who you are.” How strange. She was far too level. Her eyes weren’t nearly as wild as on the news. The wyvern did not lower her guard, but her grip on the shield  loosened slightly. “You may call me Saria.” 
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“Saria.” Yeah she heard about the other, but kept the surprise off her face. “I see, so you’re the famous wyvern of Rhine Labs, or rather were, no?” It was hard not to hear of someone so strong, but that only made Talulah that much more surprised. “Regardless, it is pleasant to meet you, Saria. I know you’re not a draco like myself, despite the similarities, so may I inquire; What race are you?”
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talvlah · 4 years
She has a ranged advantage. All she has to do is pull the trigger and fire straight through the skull. The way the leader looks… could she even reliably use her arts in this current state? The light clang of steel against concrete reachers her, observing the now unarmed women. Quickly she draws her arms up, aiming down down the mechanism. Yet her finger feels like lead, slowly squeezing against the trigger. The bolt whizzes through the air-
It entirely misses. Three feet off the mark, the ammunition snaps against the ground.
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An exasperated sigh escapes her lips, the crossbow lowering from her sights. No, she doesn’t have the courage (nor cruelty) to strike an opponent who cannot fend for themselves. There’s no telling what kind of trouble this would wreak forth into the future, but her heart can’t follow through. It didn’t matter if Talulah was lying or not. She hadn’t been sent out here on Rhodes Island behalf anyways. This was merely her duty to witness the damages done.
     “I’m a Catastrophe Messanger. Dealing with these aftermath’s is why I’m here. You’re not my objective but I must ask one thing. Why would you still choose to stay while the rest have left? Wouldn’t it be better to rest in safety?”
The lupo relaxes. She yearns to be civilized with her for now. Despite the circumstances, she has a beating heart like her. She has suffered like her. So she wishes to speak for the moment on equal footing. There’s no attempt to reload the weapon, only staring silently at the weapon that lies at the dragon’s feet.
The bolt wasn’t what she was scared off. It would just pierce her skin and she’d continue on like always. It wasn’t too apparent with how she was dressed, but Talulah had plenty of scarring from battles. But enough of that, the other’s missing had surprised the dragon, who quickly grasped the blade once more, the adrenaline helping her keep steady and on guard.
“You’re a Catastrophe Messenger, huh? Makes me wonder if I should create one right now for you to deal with.” Not that she was in the mood, nor condition to really make one. Still the other just had to ask, but Talulah would only lie, not wanting to admit she had lose the red tie around her arm amidst the battle and was now searching for it.
“I was holding back some other forces, aside from Rhodes Island, to let the rest of Reunion escape. As you can see I was in need of some rest and you just were lucky enough to come across me. Still, it was foolish of you not to shoot me down while you could, but I will thank your generosity and not kill you either.”
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“I am graetful, so ask whatever is on your mind. I will answer a few questions and then let you live. Unless you prove to be interesting, in which case I’ll likely take you with me.” At the very least Talulah was honest.
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talvlah · 4 years
She lands on her butt.
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“… I’m not asking for the world… I just wanna… Mm… Zzz…”
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Looking down, Talulah decided to simply pick her up again, this time like a baby. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Yeah time to deliver the other back to Rhodes Island...anonymously.
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talvlah · 4 years
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“Wait what? Why? I’m just the night watch! I have no ransom value or anything!”
Rope doesn’t actually think anyone would come for her. Not because she thinks ill of them, but rather because she doesn’t think such a risk would be worth it. It’s only practical.
“I’m not useful to Reunion in any way.”
Seems she’s come back to reality at least.
“Why are you so interested in me anyway?”
“Exactly, which is why no one will be sent after you. In other words, you’re my prisoner now.” Not that the other had much of a choice, but Talulah still kept the other in her grasp, simply answering.
“You’ll be useful in more ways than one. You can give us information and in turn we’ll give you weapons, and a place to live, among fellow infected. You will be treated as an equal, not as someone less.”
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“I’m interested in you because you caught me off-guard. Your talents and skills could prove to be useful, so let me ask you now; Would you like to join Reunion under my lead?”
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talvlah · 4 years
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You gripped your secondary weapon, but controlled yourself. No, it’s too early. You look at Taluah’s crimson eyes, before narrowing your own eyes, “Yes, I am Ch’en Partner, Talulah.” You controlled your tone, there was no need for toxic spiting. One move could cost your own life, but you knew better than to be careless.
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“Were you surprise by her ‘tastes’? Tell me, what are you doing here?”
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“Oh my, you know my name, that makes things easier.” Talulah spoke, her hand on the handle of her blade. She was ready to strike down the oni in-case the other decided to retaliate. The other’s shield could prove to be a bit of a hindrance, but in the end the draco would simply melt through it ilke she did with Chernobog.
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“Yes, I’m surprised by her tastes, who knew they included someone as pleasant and pretty looking as yourself?” Still, she circled the oni for now, like a predator with its prey. “I’m here to ask Ch’en something, but she doesn’t seem around; Therefore you’re the next best option, Hoshiguma.”
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talvlah · 4 years
rhodesphalanx :
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Summons a clod of dirt to slap Talulah in the face.
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“Ouch.” Yes it did hurt a bit, which is why she dropped the other. “I have half the mind to burn you right now.”
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talvlah · 4 years
[ DURIN ] "Talulah-saaannn... You're too loud..." She rubs her eyes, staring blearily at the revolutionary that stood before her. Durin doesn't much care for revolution, because it doesn't enhance her naps in the slightest. "Can't you go have a revolution somewhere else...? Liiike... The Far East...?" A big ol' yawn follows.
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“...” Yeah Talulah had to take look around, before finally spotting the other. The lack of height did make it amusing, but also left her a bit flabbergasted. Still, finally gathering herself, she picked up the Durin, holding her up with one hand by the back of her shirt...mantle thing. “Did someone lose their sassy child over here?”
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talvlah · 4 years
Patriot Boss Fight and Amiya is very useful for it.
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talvlah · 4 years
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It’s ya boi Goose, this time with a roleplay blog for Texas from Arknights. Can you do me a favor and like/reblog this to spread the word?
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