tangleds-stuff · 1 year
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right,
There is a place where we'll unite,
A field where love can freely grow,
Where we can meet and let our hearts show.
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tangleds-stuff · 1 year
In a world askew, where truth is concealed,
Aching souls hold their thoughts, never revealed.
Behind masks they dwell, in silence they reside,
Suppressing their pain, their tears kept inside.
Beneath their smiles, a whirlwind of despair,
Buried happiness yearning to break free, to share.
But fear holds them captive, shackled by shame,
Denying their essence, extinguishing their flame.
They tiptoe through life, heads hung so low,
Unaware of the heavens, their radiant glow.
The sky's tapestry, a masterpiece divine,
Unnoticed by many, as they cast down their line.
Yet, there is hope amidst this somber scene,
A chance for authenticity, to intervene.
Let honesty rise, like a phoenix in flight,
Unleashing emotions, to bask in the light.
Sing out your joys, let them cascade like rain,
Dance with abandon, unburdened by disdain.
For vulnerability breeds a richness untold,
A tapestry woven with threads of bold.
Speak your truth boldly, let your heart be heard,
Unveil the depths of your soul, let it be stirred.
For in authenticity, we find true release,
Embracing our flaws, discovering inner peace.
So, cast away the chains that keep you confined,
Embrace the beauty within, leave no truth behind.
Let the world witness your authentic display,
For in being yourself, you'll light the way.
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tangleds-stuff · 1 year
As fate would have it, after fights and misunderstanding
They knew their love was true, but time was demanding
Ten days they gave to each other, to love and create memories
Before they part, before their love falls to its knees
Nine days went by in a blink, filled with love and laughter
Caring for each other, their bond getting stronger, and deeper
They knew they couldn't live without each other, but still had to part
For they believed it was for the best, even though it broke their heart
On the tenth day, they attended a fest, hand in hand as a couple
The air was filled with magic, and her heart began to ripple
The spark she felt was just like the first time he kissed her
Passionate and deep, their love was like a burning fire, no one could hinder
As they danced close, their passion was intense and strong
The whole world faded away, and they were the only ones along
Their love was like a flame, no one could ever extinguish
If anyone dared to touch her, he would burn them to ashes
In his arms, she realized that no one could love her like he does
And she decided to stay, to never let their love turn into rust
For fate had brought them together, and it was meant to be
Their love was pure and true, and it would set them free
With every passing moment, their love grew stronger and pure
Their bond was unbreakable, and their love was a cure
For all the pain and heartache they had endured
Their love was their sanctuary, a place that they had secured
And when the time comes, and fate decides to do them apart
They'll take solace in knowing that their love will never depart
For in each other's heart, they had found a love so true
A love that would stay with them, forever and anew.
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tangleds-stuff · 1 year
In the depths of their love, they find a place of peace,
A bond that's unbreakable, a flame that will never cease.
Her heart yearns for him, his arms her sanctuary,
A desire to drown in his love, and never feel contrary.
One day, she spills her truth, drunk on love's sweet nectar,
Her words pour out like rain in a storm, unguarded and unfettered.
She tells him of his beauty, his eyes like molten amber,
And of the nightmares that haunt her, of him leaving and her heart's surrender.
He holds her tight, his heart clenching at her pain,
As she cries out the fear and sorrow from her soul's domain.
His love for her, a flame that will never quench or die,
Willing to burn the world if it means she'll never cry.
Though fate may have other plans in store for them,
And society may never let their love stem,
They hold each other, in love's sweet embrace,
Knowing their story will be beautiful, despite the race.
For in the depths of love, they find their truth,
A bond that will last till the end of youth.
And though the road may be rocky and wild,
Their love will always remain, deep and mild.
In each other's arms, they find a haven,
A place where their love can freely awaken.
With each passing day, their love grows stronger,
As they hold onto each other a little longer.
Their love may be a challenge, but it's worth the fight,
For nothing compares to the feeling of being in each other's sight.
In a world that may not understand, their love will prevail,
For their bond is strong, and their love never frail.
With each moment they share, they cherish and adore,
Their love growing deeper, and stronger than before.
For in the depths of their love, they find their peace,
A bond unbreakable, a flame that will never cease.
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
After him, nobody will ever meet......this version of me.....he's the last one...
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
She's practical....he believes in destiny......
She goes with his belief......
Maybe it won't work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
I want to be the song that plays whenever you feel lonely, the word that relieves every pain you feel and the drops of water that takes away every headache you have.
I don't know how much time we have ?
Till then...
I want to be your everything.....
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
"I once had a thousand desires,
but in my one desire to know you ,
all else melted away."
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She was fascinated by stars,
but immensely fell in love with full moon,
his tendency to dissappear & reappear start making her insane.
little did she know that the course of her life was about to change....
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
She is in love with mythology........
He believes in facts......
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
I know I'm not easy to love....but could you try anyway??
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
When Margaret Atwood said, "there is something in your throat that wants to get out and you won't let it" and then Franz Kafka wrote, "And what I really intended to say in the end remains unsaid"
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
One day I'll forget your last name......
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
I want to speak....I want to talk...I want to hear you....I want to have conversation....but I don't know from where to start.... I want to hear about those moment that makes you smile....& laugh a little harder....I want to hear about all those mess....where you broke down.....I want to hear about those tears....which are no longer part of you....& I also want to hear...how you gather yourself again............I want to know everything about you.....
& I promise...I won't judge.....coz I don't care what your past consist offfff....I just want you to know that....you can keep your guards down...atleast in front of me.......you can cry and weep...I'll hold you tightly...until your tears get dry... you can scream...as loud as you want....I won't complain....
I know you are strong enough to handle everything...but you don't have to always act like.....Iron Man ....
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
& the mystery is...those deep brown eyes....it's a painting......where the definition is yet to be known...
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
& yaa.....his silence...makes my heart ache.....a little harder...
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
All my fairy-tales thought are awakened by him.........
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tangleds-stuff · 2 years
having depth and dimension and being in denial...
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