tanveer19 · 5 years
Bowling with PACE and line - Tweaking Run up in Cricket
Bowlers ball without thinking about their run ups and particularly, how a smooth run up will enhance their line, length and pace. You also avoid many enjuries. I myself had frequent thigh, knee and shoulder injuries after a spell of bowling. After tweaking my run up, i no longer have to ball the "effort ball" and still can generate good pace. It is worth making a change and seeing for yourself.
Starting with the run up, always go with what you feel comfortable. How do you figure out what you are comfortable with? I remember watching a video of Mitchell Johnson and he talked about wearing a blind fold, running from a specific point and bowling when he felt it was natural. He did this a few times and found his natural run up length by measuring the distance from the beginning point of the run up to the point of delivery. What a great way to figure this out!
Remember, you have to do this continuosly until you feel comfortable.
Try the above out and notice the difference. If you are having any trouble with doing this correctly, I can make a video tutorial demonstrating how to do this.
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