taominx · 3 years
Kinda fucked up and nasty how vampires drink blood, imo. Like. Pepsi costs a dollar seventy five
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taominx · 3 years
You want to know how to find your power of perseverance?
Find that thing...
That one thing that means more to you than anything else.
Then keep that thing in your life always. Put it in your pocket. Keep it beside your bed. Next to your heart. Touching your skin as it hangs from a chain around your neck. Tied around your wrist. Keep it in your back pocket.
As long as you have that thing, you'll never have to worry that your not worth it.
That thing is magic - it's safe - it'll will keep you grounded and allow you to fly.
Hold it in your hands when you feel down and watch as that thing fills you with the strength to keep going.
Everyone needs that thing
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taominx · 3 years
I often wonder what happened to authors of unfinished fanfictions.
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taominx · 3 years
90% of writing advice can be thrown out the window for your first draft.
Show don’t tell? Ignore.
Basic grammar and punctuation? Unnecessary. 
Physical descriptions of characters? Don’t need to bother. 
Solid plot? That’s for later. 
The words don’t come as fast when you’re thinking of the best way to put them together. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or much more than inconsistent nonsense.  The point is to have it exist.
Effective storytelling is for subsequent drafts! Go write some nonsense! 
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taominx · 3 years
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Here's a ball
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taominx · 4 years
the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” is actually not the full phrase it actually is “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back” so don’t let anyone tell you not to be a curious little baby okay go and be interested in the world uwu
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taominx · 4 years
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taominx · 4 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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taominx · 4 years
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taominx · 4 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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taominx · 4 years
The Sims.....Star Wars!!!!!
My husband literally covered his ears when I squealed and then proceeded to mash his mind with my hyperactive, unrelenting tirade describing the Simming a REYLO relationship and babies. It went for so long that to shut me up he told me that he would create The Emperor to seduce Kylo/Ben from Rey......
Unfortunately for him this excited me more. He had now introduced a battle of seduction to my fanfiction sim reality. My fangirl damn near pissed herself in excitement waiting to begin our very own Star Wars Saga!
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taominx · 5 years
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I try on hobbies like new jeans.
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taominx · 5 years
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3 years of Reylo kisses ❤
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taominx · 5 years
I am a people pleaser
I am a people pleaser
Yep, I said it. It's out there. And we all know it now.
I am a people pleaser.
I bend myself backwards and tie myself in knots to help everyone and anyone until I'm nothing but a husk. An empty shell of stress, anxiety and depression. I will not fight you. I will not challenge you and I will not blame you.
But even with that; I will resent you, I will hate you, I will distance myself from you.
I will cry, I will rage and then after all that I will smile and say sure!! And you know what? You'll think it's great, I'm an awesome friend. Always there, always reliable, always steady. Still you haven't noticed that my smile drops with every favour, my eyes glaze with pain with every conversation. You haven't seen me break because I don't think you'd handle that. You've never seen me weak because that's not our relationship.
And I let you take of me at will because I've made myself believe it's a noble and unselfish way of being. I'm a caretaker – I say – a mothering figure. I have a large kind heart and I should help people.
And eventually that's all I became to you and everyone else. That steady caretaker that holds your secrets, let's you tell your lies, and will forever do the work for you.
The worst thing is that I enabled you to treat me this way for so long that when that proverbial straw breaks that back. You will think that I'm crazy, that I am being mean, that I don't love you anymore. And then it happens. You look all depressed or angry and say something like “ it's was only a small favour don't have a cow about it” or “fine, I won't ask for help again” or “come on it's not that big a deal. You're so dramatic”
Then my mind becomes your ally. "It really isn't that big an ask" it'll whisper. "They'll think you don't care", "How can you be so selfish?"
It's seriously sickening. I have literally taught my brain and body to put your needs above mine! It's crazy and you still haven't noticed. So with a sigh, I take your task and I do it. I die a little more inside and I hate you a little more and yet it continues.
You're not the first or even the only person. Family, friends, colleagues, hell even strangers take advantage of this personality trait of mine. Take take take and I give give give. I stand quiet where you would be screaming. I stand strong where you would bleed out from the stress and I do it all with a smile and a silent scream.
Then I begin to change. I learn that saying no is ok. I learn that I don't have to explain. Most of the time these things still happen I will still explain, I will still say yes even though I shouldn't. I will not say anything because I'm learning a 30 odd year old habit and way of thinking is hard damn work to change. And so you'll notice that I don't really get along with someone that I spoke to everyday. Or that the texts you send me get answered a little less quick then before; or you won't and I'll eventually fade out of your life like a forgotten childhood toy. You are, after all, so busy and have so many things going on that the quiet friend that doesn't go drinking with you becomes a memory.
Or maybe it'll seem like I'm dispensable. After all the next person probably has more to offer you then what I did. The point is that eventually I won't be there and wether you noticed or not. I will most definitely feel it.
I gave you my loyalty, I loved you, I put you first every time and then I was nothing to you the very second I honestly needed you most. After all, that time you lost that promotion or that loved one I took that burden from you. I held your hand and caught your tears but you thanked someone else. That's ok, I know I helped you.
But I said no, so I deserved it, right? My brain thinks so. My heart hurts and I hear you telling the new friend that I didn't help you when you needed me to. I hear them tell you that I was an awfully selfish friend. That I obviously didn't care. They are so sympathetic to you and your needs. I'm now nothing but a bitter memory. It's ok I understand. Life isn't fair and I should've been a better friend, right?
You never saw how I handled that family members death, Did you even notice? I bet you never knew my daughter was sick? Did you know I had a daughter? You probably did after all we were friends. Best friends as you would tell it.
So I sit alone with my thoughts, my emotions swirling. I feel all that anger and resentment. I want to scream and hate you but I honestly can't. If you called me tomorrow and said “help me” I probably would. Because I would need to prove to you that I'm still good, that I still love you, that your important. But I won't call you now as I lie in my bed with the worst thoughts and an emotional storm. Because I wouldn't want to burden you. I wouldn't want you to deal with my pain. I'm stronger then that anyhow. People suffer more then me on the daily. I should feel grateful for what I have.
But, I'm changing now you know. I'll probably always want to help everyone and work myself into that empty husk again to do it. But I'll also learn that I can't give something from an empty cup without first filling it. I will learn that you don't need an explanation. I need a break that's it. That's all. I owe you nothing. I will always want to give it because I don't want you to hate me. But I don't need to anymore.
Because all this has taught me is that the friends worth having, the people worth keeping. They won't care if I can't make it. They understand that life can be a bit much sometimes and we all need some space. The best thing about these people. When I decide to talk about it they will listen with understanding and they will accept that I need to be alone. They will hold my hand, or get angry on my behalf, or even plan the ultimate weekend away to help. Because we get it.
So really, after all that pain I'm here to say "thank you for teaching me how to be me better"
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taominx · 5 years
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‘‘You are not alone.’‘
Here is the Kylo/Ben version of my Illustration yesterday! Here you can see the Rey version of this!
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