tarot-noob · 3 years
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King of swords
Wheel of fortune
Foundation: 3 of swords
The foundation to this reading it's all about loneliness, isolation and emotional pain.
The king is all about logic and analyzing. He wants to cut to the heart of the problem not allowing these emotions to drag him down. Changes coming. It is inevitable. It's time to use the Kings analytical skills to make sure this change has the best outcome for yourself. You need to find the balance. Temperance shows that it is possible to find that recovery. Leave behind those negative emotions brought on by the three of swords and look for a healthier balance. Don't wallow in your emotions but find that balance between heart and mind.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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Did a spread for the year. The main theme of my year is the Emperor. I am reading this as a return to structure after 2020 where everything changed.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
Really liked this spread! Gave me some insight and was easy to interpret for myself!
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This Past Year - Tarot Spread
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Always start by doing a grounding and protection ritual to ensure that you are having the right energies and also that your energy is protected.
Tarot Spread:
1.Card that represents me during this past year. 2.My mind this past year. 3. My body this past year. 4. My spirit this past year. 5.Lessons I was learning this past year. (x4)
6. How did I grow from these lessons?
7.What blockages did I have this past year? 8. What things did I avoid this past year? 9. What lesson do I need to learn before the new year?
10.One thing that I can be proud of from this past year.
Deck used in this layout:
The Wild Unknown Tarot
If you have problems understanding this layout or your own reading, please feel free to contact me in my dm and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Source: @thenoaidi​
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tarot-noob · 4 years
Done! Did all 31 days. I found this to be very insightful. I hope those that saw some of my posts got something from it too! Happy Halloween!
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A 31 Day Tarot Challenge for The Month of October, Inspired by The Major Arcana.
I’m bringing this challenge back because it did a lot of good for a lot of people.
If you participated in the past, I invite you to participate again, with the intent of helping you see how much you’ve grown.
If you’ve never taken this challenge, I believe it will provide you with a great amount of personal insight and growth.
Each question has been written with the hopes of helping you gain greater insight into yourself, and the world around you.
Remember, each question may be answered with as many or as few cards as you feel are required. Some answers will easily come from one card, some may require several cards.
I encourage you to photograph your cards and journal your answers with the tag,

1. As I begin this journey into self, where would it be best serving for me to initially focus my energy?
2. What can I expect to creatively manifest within the upcoming days ahead?
3. In order to have prosperity, and a nurturing love for self and others, where should I focus my energy?
4. As I gain greater stability and balance, what should I remember to guard myself from?
5. Is there anything I am considering that I could perhaps make a better decision on later?
6. What is it that my soul craves the most right now?
7. As I draw my focus outward, what do I need to keep in mind in order to maintain a positive outlook?
8. I wish to conquer my fears and live within a state of harmony. In order to make this my reality, what should I focus upon?
9. I will allow myself a day of rest, retreat, and sanctuary. As I remain within quiet refuge, what shall I let be my mantra?
10. What do I need to do I order to be released from that which no longer serves me?
11. At times it can be difficult to find a balance between our desires and our needs. What is it that I desire, and what is it that I need?
12. I release control, and in doing so I am rewarded with new perspective. What is the first thing I notice?

13. How can I be more prepared to deal with loss?
14. In which ways do I connect to my higher self already? Which areas have I yet to venture upon?
15. The journey of healing requires dedication and an open heart, what is the first step I need to take in order to allow myself to heal from the past.
16. Fears flourish within the darkness, what is it that my fears have to reveal to me?
17. That which I do, is that which will come back to me. How can I remember to always keep this in mind?
18. Through the moonlight my intuition radiates, what is it I am not seeing?
19. What are my daily allowances to refresh my body, rest my mind and nurture my spirit?
20. A mirror reveals more than just my reflection. How might I be a negative influence to myself?
21. Have I achieved things in the past year that are in accordance to my life plans? Am I on the right track for success?
22. Change is upon the horizon, what does the future hold for me?
23. How can I use that which the future holds to strengthen myself through the unknown?
24. As a being of peace, and serenity, I make the choice to know only love and light. How can I best maintain this outlook?
25. How do I feel about my image and how other people respond to it? In which ways am I setting examples for people to follow?
26. My shadow self is an extension of my inner layers; how can I begin to peel through to reveal the source of my pain?
27. What ignites my desire to look beyond that which my eyes allow me to see?
28. The veil is thinning this time of the year, what message do my spirit guides have for me?
29. What should I look for in order to connect better with other people?
30. In what ways can I best inspire others around me?
31. I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy?
These questions were written by @leelahel, @thecacklingmo0n, and @tarot-dreams.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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31. I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy?
I need to focus on finding comfort in my circumstances, while they may change I should grow in positive ways and less on what is negative in my life. Focusing too much on the negative and my fears of what might happen distract from the good a s keep me from seeing the big picture. Follow my intuition to the positive path and steer clear of the fears and worries that drag me down
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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30. In what ways can I best inspire others around me?
I need to be more intuitive. Don't focus on making the right choice, but focus on how I feel when I approach someone. What would I feel in that situation, how would I be inspired? Focus more on the emotions and intuition and less on the logical data driven side of my brain. It's hard to inspire with logic
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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29. What should I look for in order to connect better with other people?
I should look past other people's defensiveness and let down my own guards. Everyone has been through it and everyone deal with it in a different way. Approach people wholeheartedly and with self assurance, not everyone is dishonest or only focused on what they can get. It's about giving people the benefit of the doubt and not assuming the worst.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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28. The veil is thinning this time of the year, what message do my spirit guides have for me?
I have been on a place of poverty and needing help, but I am on the path towards better things. There has been conflict and disagreement to get where I'm going and those battles aren't finished yet. Keep steady and keep growing in self assurance and discipline to get there.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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27. What ignites my desire to look beyond that which my eyes allow me to see?
My drive for understanding. I feel the need to know what's coming, in part to deal better with the choices that will be presented. But also to help me cope with changes and determine what my values are and how they affect my world
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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26. My shadow self is an extension of my inner layers; how can I begin to peel through to reveal the source of my pain?
I need to look at my choices that took me down the path of being alone and hiding from people and hard lessons. Looking at the bottom of deck the five of swords shows my foundations are based in conflict and only thinking about myself. I need to make new choices.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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25. How do I feel about my image and how other people respond to it? In which ways am I setting examples for people to follow?
People see me as responsible and decisive. I am viewed as an original, someone who is wholey them selves. I set an example of someone who works hard and is reliable, even when things are tough. Perhaps I am showing too much weariness of late and need to take better care to set that example as well
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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24. As a being of peace, and serenity, I make the choice to know only love and light. How can I best maintain this outlook?
I need to acknowledge that not everyone shares my views. While I may be comfortable in my thoughts and feelings, trying to look at a situation from other perspectives is always valuable. Finding people who can help support me and challenge my views will help me grow.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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23. How can I use that which the future holds to strengthen myself through the unknown?
I need to merge my emotions and my control so that I can fully embrace what comes rather than only partially participate. The unknown isn't bad, I need to let go of the control and focus on what I have and how I can adapt. I can grow through the unknown, rather than fight against it
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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22. Change is upon the horizon, what does the future hold for me?
My typical path of following logic and being direct is leading me towards confusion. Not everything can be solved logically. I need to embrace my emotional awareness and focus that inwards to solve my powerlessness.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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21. Have I achieved things in the past year that are in accordance to my life plans? Am I on the right track for success?
Yes I have made progress this year. Mostly focused on my mental health. But it has taken a lot of hard work and tenacity to get where I am. I used to be very overwhelmed by my emotions, but I've reached a good equilibrium that will benefit me in the future
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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20. A mirror reveals more than just my reflection. How might I be a negative influence to myself?
I avoiding working with others whenever possible. Allowing the past to influence me now too much. I allow myself to focus much more on planning and controlling every outcome instead to enjoying spending time with others and relaxing with people. I function out of fear of past circumstances instead of looking to the present for what I have already resolved.
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tarot-noob · 4 years
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19. What are my daily allowances to refresh my body, rest my mind and nurture my spirit?
I need to find time to celebrate my successes. Not just focus on the next goal, but enjoy that moment of success. Allow time for little luxuries, they have been earned.
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