taylinreviewsthings · 4 years
Zine rough drafts round 2 (2)
Here’s the roughs for the second zine! I’ll also be posting pictures of The Office references to each of my spreads so it shows the inspiration behind it all!
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taylinreviewsthings · 4 years
Zine rough drafts round 2
Hey bros, gals, and pals. Here again with some more spreads and content for my Zine, Talks of a Clusterhead!
Here’s what I added to the beginning before the cat literature spreads to help introduce the zine itself! I also did an ending to the literature section as well!
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And the Ending Spread
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I also did a few spreads for the second section of my Zine! I changed it up a bit to be some helpful self love tips brought to you by cats and office references! I’ll be showing that in a separate post to not make things too long!
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taylinreviewsthings · 4 years
Zine presentation Part 3
Here’s my mood boards and content concepts for my zine!
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Next is the concepts!
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taylinreviewsthings · 4 years
Zine presentation 3 Part 1
Here’s my next progress on my Zine project in design class!
We were told to make some moodboards as well as some spreads so I will share as much of those as I can!
In my first part I have cats sharing poems of self love and positivity! They are initial ideas and will be refined later on, but I wanted to see if I could get a feel of what I wanted to put in the Zine! 
Here are my 10 (9) Spreads
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taylinreviewsthings · 4 years
Zine Project Presentation 1
Here’s more of my Zine project I’ve been working on. We’re supposed to intersect out top 3 (ish) ideas and find a way to ‘intersect’ them. The Zine is to be made at any size format and has to have at least 24 pages PLUS Front and back cover. 
Top Topics
Here are my topics I ended up choosing to start on my Zine! Do they really relate to each other? Not really. But thats the point! 
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Mood Board
Here’s sort of the in general aesthetic that I want to show off. I want it to be fun, quirky, illustrative and linear. I always enjoyed the energy that was put into little fun not-so-serious zines. They’re probably my favorite kind to be honest! Not sure whether I want to add color to mine or not but we’ll see once I start getting more into it! Here’s some of my research that I’ve done on Pinterest. I’ve also done article research and some here on Tumblr too.
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Cover and Title
I chose to do the title Cluster Head, because that’s sort of what I am. It also relates to the many random and crazy things that I like and combining them into something fun or inspiring! I even dare to add, entertaining? We’ll see how it goes! I also doodled a little doodle of myself to get the illustrative blood flowing. I also used the font Louisville, which is a lovely hand written type that I got and it fits so perfectly with the mood I’m looking for!
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First Intersection
Cats sharing essays/poems of positivity
I thought during these weird and frustrating times, we all need some kind of uplifting and encouragement. Things that uplift and encourage me are any sort of wonderful and unique writing and literature and of course, cats. The cutest, fuzziest, sassiest animals around. And they want to share some good ol’ TLC with you. Yes you! Sit back, put on your favorite music or TV show and read these small parts with goodness being given to you. 
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Second Intersection
Choose your favorite office character and I’ll tell you what type of tea beverage you are. 
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And yes, this is a parody of a typical BuzzFeed Quiz that you randomly find on social media and dig yourself way deep into a never ending hole of quiz after quiz. What’s wrong with knowing what pair of funky socks represent my personality? Nothing. Nothing at all. 
I decided to take the beloved and crazy show The Office (One of my favorites) and do something with the iconic characters. They’re all so funny and unique that I feel we can identify with some of their craziness deep down. Even if you’re not a tea lover, there’s still funny things you can find and relate to your personality based off of the hilarious characters alone. 
Spreads So Far
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They’re small and not best quality on here for some reason but that’s okay. They really do need more touching up and adding a lot more pages for context! Right now I’m working on what color I would like to add as well as the poetry/literature that I want to add with the awesome cats. I’m also figuring out with my other The Office fans to making a list to really make sure beverages relate to the iconic characters of the iconic show. 
That’s all for now, I’ll update when I get the next HW done. Thanks!
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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Corona has got me stuck at home out of school :(
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
Zine Research! (Part 2)
HItsa me, Taylin. Another Design student trying to figure things out in the world. Onto my second part of my research! We look up 50 Zines (Online or in person, but since the world is a bit limited right now all of them are online sourced. I’ll put a brief two word explanation of their topics or themes and then I’ll show one that I really enjoyed in particular!
Here we go!
Top 50 Zines Tay thought to be interesting!
Shabby Dollhouse
Motherlands Zine
Wonderfair Dave Zine *personally own
Got a Girl Crush
Gut Feelings
La Liga *Latinx Culture
The Cosmos *Science fiction and space
Home Zine *Feelings of home
Bed Spread Zine *Sleeping and Beds
Record Culture Magazine *Music and records
Polyester Zine *Embrace Bad Fashion
Yo Sick Zine *Patch designs and photography
Subjectively Objective 
Editorial Magazine
Conveyer *Wacky subjects like time travel
My Keanu Zine *Fan zine of Keanu Reeves
Post comment Below Zine
Too Much magazine
Birkensnake *Fiction
½ Zine
Pink Mince 
Buffalo Zine
Limner *Illustration without intention
Illuminati Girl Gang *Feminism
PentaPrism *Black and white photography
F Word Zine *Feminism
STATIC Heal and Grow Zine****
Bossier *Empowering Female Artists
Farid the Zine *Youth Culture
The Eye Creative
The Moon Zine
AJ Breaker *Collage
Bossy *Feminine graphic magazine
Lot's Wife 
Ginger Zine
Holy Glitter *fun aesthetics 
Margot Terc Zine
The Art Gorgeous
I’m Not Perfect
Fan Club
Candy Zine
Violet Summer Magazine *Urban Magazine
Haiku Zine *Poetry and language
Paints and Pens *illustrations
Taylin’s Top Zine
The one I really enjoyed was from the list, a publication called Static, specifically the first Issue of the first volume called Heal & Grow. It contains different essays and poetry as well as illustration and encouraging words through the issue. Now, there is sensitive content within this particular Zine, so I’ll go ahead and but a TW (Trigger Warning) for this content just in case!
I enjoy the emotional rawness in both the writing and the illustrations themselves. You can really tell it’s coming from the deep emotions coming from the thoughts of healing through something tremendous. Helping find self worth while also knowing you’re not alone in the process of it all. I really found this insightful and so important since I keep the topic of healing and growing close to my heart. I guess you could say the personal portions of the issue really got to me in a personal way too, I could relate since such crazy ways and it was nice to see in something endearing and creative like a zine. 
I hope you guys can check out some of these Zines, they're extremely creative and thoughtful and simply beautiful to look at while sending awesome messages!
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
Zine Research! (Part 1)
Hello again! Here I am, stuck at home as most of you others are with the current world on fire situation :| ANYWHO
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I still have my design course going online and will still be researching and creating things! 
I will be sharing some things I looked up and found interesting related to a Zine project I’ll be starting :) I’ll show my lists and inspirations and show it all off here!
Firstly we were told to make a list of top 100 things we enjoy, and our top 10 things we find interesting in that list. We were also required to do a deep dive of the 10 things which I’ll reblog multiple things on this blog as research. It would be a lot to put on one post!
So, what is a Zine? 
Zine: (/ziːn/ ZEEN; short for magazine or fanzine) is a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier. Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation. (Source)
Now I’ll share my list really quick! I’ll put a * for my top 10-ish things I enjoy!
Top 100 Taylin Things
Fine art
Historic Documentaries
Local businesses
White Wine
Stationary things
Art prints
Soft things
Buffalo wings
Creepy stories
Making lists
Interior Design
Bon Appetit
Coffee shops
Wholesome quotes
Lemon Water
Rainy days*
New shoes
Grocery shopping
Video games
Watching people play video games
70’s aesthetic*
Graphic Novels
Jack box TV
Bath Bombs
Hispanic culture
Art museums
Small Jewelry
Going to the Zoo
Final Friday
Late night phone calls
Trying something new
Going to sports games
Murder Mystery
Online shopping
Thrift stores
Make up
Pet outfits
Travel Souvenirs
Fourth of July
Nail art
Wedding dress designs
A full night's sleep
The Office*
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
Review: Labyrinth
Hey ya’ll! Welcome to the first post that I’ll be making for this project I’m currently working on! Quick intro before I get into talking about the movie and my thoughts from it!
I’m making this tumblr account for a project of my Design class at my university. I’m going to visually create a poster that shows the symbols and concept of a cult classic movie in a unique way.
Any who, enjoy my thoughts on the movie!
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Movie: Labyrinth
Director: Jim Henson
Film Date: June 27th 1986
Primary Themes: So the ones that I had thought of myself are just more of my interpretations. This film is a very strange and almost silly in its manner at times. But I love the mystical elements, which is where I get my first theme.
The first theme I will mention is Childhood, or rather the complexity of it. I feel as though Sarah traveling to the Goblin Kingdom to save her brother through lots of trials, puzzles, and riddles shows her journey of her trying to experience the world in a naive and childish way while still trying to figure out the problems in front of her. This world that she wonders in becomes seemingly more dark and more puzzling as she goes through it, trying to reach the goblin king while still wondering what his true motives behind his actions are. The word and subject of a Labyrinth itself is a puzzle/maze that is utterly complicated and frustrating when trying to achieve your goal to the middle, and this shows in both the literal sense and the sense of Sarah trying to grow confidence and bravery while saving her younger brother.
Secondary theme I had thought of was the theme of Control. In this movie the most prominent example is the Goblin King (David Bowie) trying to control Sarah from reaching him and the baby while also having secondary motives behind his actions. As the tale tells in the beginning, he starts to grow fond of Sarah and falls in love with her. He starts to try and entice her and eventually once confronted in the end asks her to join him and rule the kingdom together. Even in the beginning, he reminds her that Sarah herself did technically ask for the goblins to take away her brother to the kingdom.  Which now brings me to the second example of this, is of Sarah and her control of her free time and childhood. In the beginning you see Sarah start off dressing up in her costumes, reciting a tale and playing pretend, and when see comes home her stepmother and father lecture her on coming home late right before they are about to go out on date plans and had told her to baby sit her baby brother Toby once again rather than her spend her time else where. This of course frustrates and upsets Sarah to the point where when she trying to soothe her brother in a crying fit before bed she starts to recite her story again. Then is where the goblins come in, and are hiding, waiting for her to say the words for them to take Toby away.
Now, some cool and iconic things I enjoyed of the movie...
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I absolutely loved the crazy Rock Ballad music soundtrack in this movie, especially the whole “You remind me of the babe” sequence. I love the strange dark yet playful atmosphere of the movie, and the friendships that Sarah makes are absolutely adorable and really made me love the characters. The plot was sort of wacky and lost at times, but I didn’t mind it too much because the atmosphere was so fun and goofy that I enjoyed it either way.
Another thing I enjoyed was the way they made the maze and puzzles in so many different things. When you thing of a Labyrinth you think of the most generic one, and wonder “Is this movie just going to be this girl walking around wall to wall the whole time?” and of course they made it so much more. From riddles to different environments, it really shows different aspects of the problem solving that Sarah has to face. It’s almost a dark 80′s version of Alice and Wonderland.
I love the bubble scene as well, and Sarah being in that iconic dress at the masquerade ball. The Goblin king succeeding in keeping her in a dreamland while taking away her needed time to save Toby. It really shows the fantasy aspect of the atmosphere and the characters themselves. I also really enjoyed when they meet in the end and she finally remembers to recite the tale, and specifically the line of “You have no power over me” and how that crumbles the entire fantasy of it all and frees her from the kingdom and saves her brother.
I really enjoyed this movie, it was really cute and fun. I also enjoy watching anything from the 80′s, it has a certain charm to it somehow that I always enjoy usually, no matter the genre. I really look forward to working with this movie more and figuring out different concepts for a visual representation and movie poster!
Thank you all for reading!
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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Horror films of John Carpenter
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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Mamoru Oshii, “Kôkaku Kidôtai” (Ghost in the Shell). 1995.
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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“Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose.”
Beetlejuice (1988) dir. Tim Burton
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
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Netflix’s Stranger Things recreates 80′s movie posters.
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