possibly an obvious one given the succubus thing but have you ever had a threesome?
“Fortunately, no. My being a succubus does not mean I enjoy sex.”
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This blog is being moved to @tcmptress! I’ve yet to finish it up, but all rps will be moved over there as well.
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Reblog if you are willing to do toxic ships
Not every love is sweet and kind Sometimes, love is dangerous Poisonous, addictive, obsessive Leaving emotional, mental and physical scars Don’t want to walk away, refuse to let go To need, no matter how much it hurts To know the same pain is returned Because some don’t want just the sweet They crave the bitter too
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I don’t want to fall, fall away
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if i die, i die on my own terms
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Live as a villain, die as a hero.
Banksy (via banksyarts)
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how drunk can you get my muse? send me “have you ever”s and for every one my muse has done, they’ll take a drink.
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the world’s been trying to turn me into a MONSTER                                                       for as long as i can remember
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   ~ ℋis response to her request       irritated her. It was denied, and       the fact that it was made her       discomfort grow not only because       she couldn’t see his hands, but       also because her charms were       failing… he wasn’t supposed to       deny her in any way.
      She couldn’t slip up, he was too       fragile apparently. No aggression,       no seduction, pull him back with       kindness and try again.
      Or… Walk away, perhaps?
      Just the thought made her blood       stir beneath her skin, pressing up       and stabbing against her like needles       desperately trying to break through.
      “I did not ask because I intend to       have you cheat on him, simply be-       cause it is uncomfortable for me to       have them hidden.” Another try, this       time simply speak nicely, and if this       one was as unsuccessful as the last       She’d try another charm… if that failed       then…       Just please don’t let it fail…
Her small flinch at his touch nearly went unnoticed. It did catch his attention, but the effects of their contact completely drowned out any concern for the action. All that mattered was the soft feeling of her light hold and the sensation it left in him. It truly was a blissful ignorance.
The sudden shift in tone caused the trance to waver though. Hints of the charm still lingered on and he still found her near irresistible, but now he was allowed to think properly again. And such a sudden fascination for someone he could swear he’d never met before was alarming.
“Sorry, but I’m not about to cheat on my boyfriend again so I think it’s best I keep my hands to myself.” Alex finally spoke up. His tone nearly fighting itself as it mixed between mild hostility and being genuinely apologetic.
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Put "No offense, but..." in my inbox, and my muse will insult yours!
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Tfw you really want your muse to be friends with someone else's muse, but they are both little bitches who won't give the other a chance
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  ~ She first flinched in response to his      touch. It was just instinctive, really.      But she quickly shoved it aside and      shook his hand.
     Her grasp was gentle and soft, and      as their hands parted, she let her      fingertips trail along his palm, just to      have the contact linger a little longer.      Not out of any want for it, but a small      way of drawing him in and taking more      of what she needed, even if what she      got was minuscule.
     She’d managed to hide her discomfort      quite well until his hands were shoved      in his pockets and out of her view. She      very nearly became aggressive, but she      choked it back and instead made it into      nervousness.
     “Would you be so kind as to keep your      hands in my view?” The politeness was      forced, and that was obvious. Whether      he’d have control enough of his thoughts      to respond in a like manner was yet to      be seen, but it did worry her slightly.
     She’d been in a few situations where      anger spoke louder in the victim’s mind      than her charms did, and she didn’t      want to be in another.
Usually he’d be pissed to be talked down to, but right now he didn’t mind. Such a change was alerting and left him feeling as though he should get away. The calm that had invaded his mind forced him to stay put though and keep his suspicions to himself; nearly hidden from his own mind even. If anything was left of the feeling, it was just a hint of it that was easily pushed to the back.
Despite being in a rather calmed state, he didn’t reply to her. Being nice to someone who had just insulted him didn’t make sense to him even through her charms. Regardless, he did keep his rather content smile and shook his head again. It was the only response he could manage but it was something at least.
Out of obligation and odd respect, he shook hands with her. It was strange to do that with someone he felt he already knew, but he didn’t care. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
During the small interaction, he decided to answer her question only to hesitate upon making contact. It felt as though the familiarity suddenly made sense. The woman before him wasn’t just that anymore though, she was more. She was enticing. 
It was strange still, and as much as he wanted to hold her close and kiss her, he had to remind himself that Tim was still his boyfriend. He had already been caught cheating before after all, so as tempting as being with her was, he chose to refrain. 
“I’m Alex.” The proxy muttered softly after a few seconds, immediately forcing his hands to his pockets to keep from following through with his desires. 
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  ~ 𝒞rimson stained lips twisted upward      into a devilish smirk. So it had worked.      How convenient, to find such a vulnerable      fool wandering about, just waiting for her      to drain them...
     "What a wonderful question. Tis nice to      know you can see reason. I worried you      may be too stupid to do so, but I am      fortunate." She started again, toward him      this time. Slowly, she slid a glove off then      extended the bare hand out to him.
     “Tell me, what is your name? Mine is      Sage.“ Though she shown no hesitation      on the outside, the simple thought that      she had to touch this man was sickening...
     It wasn’t for long, she just had to get through      it. A little bit of touch for a week or two of      comfort. Maybe just enough to get it to stop      fucking crawling for an hour. No, the more      she does, the longer it lasts, get it over with.     
After a few seconds, the sudden peace died down a bit. It was still enough to prevent him from becoming hostile again, but not quite enough to disable proper thought.
No matter how suspicious Alex felt he should be regarding the woman, he couldn’t manage. His slight glance that kept after her wasn’t for being cautious, but simply because he couldn’t seem to help himself. It was strange but not entirely unwelcome. 
Nothing could be deduced before another surge of comfort and tranquility forced their way into his mind. With them, he easily directed his complete attention to the woman, finding her to be more of someone he’s familiar with rather than a stranger. Someone he found no reason to be wary of. 
Again, it was odd and his apparent struggle to come to terms with it moments before alerted his companion once again. The proxy didn’t care though. He had no reason to after all. 
“Nothing.” Alex replied simply, forgetting what he’d previously intended to do. A small smile graced his face as he shook his head in response to the second question. “Why would I do that?”
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Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco
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  ~ ℋis first response was brushed      off when the second came. That      one told the temptress her words      worked.
     Her head slowly tilted once again,      raven locks cascading quite dram-      atically to the side as those pred-      atory steps slowed.
     Black eyes flickered to his hands as      she recalled the movements they’d      made moments before. She seemed      to study them carefully, and then him,      trying to see what it was he'd been att-      empting to grab.
     Finally, though, that suspicious gaze      locked with his, and she spoke again.
     “Tell me, Dearest, what is it you were      reaching for?” Her tone retained that      soft, sensual tone and a gloved hand      gave a graceful motion toward him bef-      ore drawing  back to rest on her own      misshapen waist.
     “Do you wish to hurt me?” And again,      her voice changed with no forewarning.      That haughty tone returned, this time      as a test-- A challenge. If he'd fallen to      her spell, he'd likely be much too comfort-      able in the demoness' presence to react      with any enmity. At least, such had been      the case with previous victims.
“And you spoke to me like I was a fucking idiot so I guess we’re even.” Alex spat. As if the condescending statement weren’t bad enough, her tone just made it ten times worse. If she weren’t another god forsaken creature, I’d easily just be able to kill her and be done with this obnoxious conversation. 
Actually, who was to say that she wouldn’t be vulnerable to bullets. Just because she had black eyes, that didn’t necessarily mean that she was immortal. It might actually count as some kind of bonus points to fuck face too.
Refusing to deal with such a bitch any longer, he reached for his gun only to hesitate right before successfully grabbing it. In an instant, his anger and fear of the stranger disappeared, leaving behind a calm feeling; as though everything would be alright after all.
No longer seeming to need the weapon, he ceased his retrieval of it and instead dropped his hands to his side. The sudden, strange behaviour caught his companion’s attention warranting a quick question of his current state. A simple statement of “I’m fine” proved to be barely enough reassurance to the fox but he didn’t mind. All that mattered was dealing with the woman before him.
“I know these woods well enough to get back home whenever I need to.” The proxy replied, somewhat shocked at the more in depth response he chose to give. Usually it would be a short mockery towards the other, but for once it was a legitimate answer. It was definitely strange but he couldn’t exactly complain. Being free from constant anger was always appreciated, so much so that he failed to notice her movements.
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