teggywrites · 5 years
Ikémen Vampire Cuddles Headcannons
-This man sleeps in random places and you think you are gonna get away from nap time cuddles?
-Honey no. He will snatch you up and take a nap with you, even if you aren’t tired
-So become tired
-When you are working to much and he and everyone starts to notice, he will somehow, magically, get you to his room to clean and then he will convince you to cuddle with him
-He is a big soft teddy bear. Love him, tease him, cuddle him
-Finds it super cute when you lay your head on his chest and he can play with your hair
-If you don’t like your hair touched, then let him lay on your chest and you touch his hair
-Likes being the big spoon. But let’s be honest, if you wrapped your arms around him and became the big spoon he would probably laugh at how cute you are.
-“Cara mia, why are you holding me like that?”
-“You do it to me!”
-He will turn over and bear crush you into his chest and kiss your head
-Man may have appeared kinda playboish, well i mean, he is-
-But he good at cuddling
-Bets his way into some cuddles or makes a game of it
-You probably get mad at him for winning
-Then you pout and try and get away from him
-“You smell bad”
-“I just bathed love”
-Good try though…
-Will wrap his arms around tightly and smother your face with kisses.
-Probably blow some raspberries on your cheeks
-Will blush if you do it to him
-Sometimes his cuddles lead to some other stuff (We keeping it PG ladies and gents)
-Is big spoon, wants to be a little spoon.
-The thought of your arms around him is so cute
-Again will smother you in kisses
-oh sweet lord
-softest boy
-His cuddles are like warm sunshine
-He really likes holding you outside.
-He thinks the sun and flowers and grass makes you look so lovely
-May hold you till you fall asleep just he can paint you
-“Vincent are you painting me?”
-“You were just to cute”
-Both of you will blush
-expect him to get on the ground again to kiss you
-Prefers being the big spoon
-He just wants to be the one holding and protecting you
-Loves it if you play with his hair
-Make little braids, curl it in your fingers, smooth it out, it will put him to sleep
-First of all
-Cuddles with him are hard to come by
-He is always busy making art deals and you are busy doing stuff in the mansion
-Having a night where the two of you actually cuddle either ends with you pouting over something he said or he falls asleep before you even get your sleep wear on
-“Theo wake up!”
-“Stop barking so loud…”
-You will need to wrap your arms around him
-Once that is done, he will turn and pull you into him
-His cuddles are possessive? Like, it’s either he doesn’t want you to breathe or he just wants to protect you
-Good luck moving around
-You can whisper things to him and he wont even hear
-But he does hear…
-“You make me so happy…”
-“I know I do. That stupid grin on your face when you see me proves it.”
-Just punch him in the side
- >.>
-You ever seen those videos where girls come and sit on their boyfriends lap while they play video games? They just stick themselves under their arms and hold them
-Do this when he is writing music and he is all yours
-Will just pick you up and place you on the bed and hold you to his chest
-Head kisses? Yes.
-Kiss his face please
-He will blush then nice things will happen o3o
-Can’t see him being a little spoon
-He just wants to touch you
-Will hum a tune to help you sleep
-Loves when you sing for him
-Even if you sound like a cow crying out for help
-Please just stay with him all night
-Doesn’t want you to go and I know you don’t either
-One word
-Has no fucking idea what to do
-yes that seven words and a cuss word
-But that explains how he is
-Doesn’t know where to put his hands
-Touches your butt ‘on accident’ a lot
-Wants to be big spoon
-He hates being the little spoon cause it makes him feel weak
-Will pout if you hold him so do it anyways
-Loves kissing your face and neck
-Probably will kiss your whole body
-“Isaac why are you kissing my ankles?”
-“They need my love…”
-If he has been doing whatever weird stuff he does for a while, please come and hug him
-“Come snuggle with me!”
-“I can’t, Ihave to finish this”
-Pout. He will give in >:)
-Sugar daddy yes please
-Will buy you a specific blanket for cuddling
-A nice big fluffy one
-Or a nice soft one
-Or any blanket you want honestly
-You like the fluffy one and the fleece one? You get both plus a pillow to match
-Enjoys spoiling you but can't get over you spoiling him with affection
-If you just wrap him and you up in a blanket and hold him he will melt
-Love's long cuddles and telling you stories about his life and the things he has seen
-He will shower you in kisses.
-If you start kissing him all over be prepared honey
-Loves it when you place your face in his neck, also likes yours (for obvious reasons)
-sugar daddy is big spoon
-let him hold you dammit
-Will get a new bed set if you aren’t comfortable
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teggywrites · 5 years
Fly Me to the Moon{Nobunaga}
A solemn darkness fell over the sky, turning the once sapphire blue sky to one of indigos and blue hues. A few stars poked their way out of the clouds, filling the sky with tiny little eyes that watched down on the people below that began to turn in for the night. Nighttime in Azuchi was breathtaking to Mc. Lights from a few open places gave the city its own little twinkle of stars, and being up in the tenshu gave her a perfect view. No one ever bothered to paint pictures of this time, leaving those in the future inadequate to the beauty of a world that doesn’t have such issues. Not to say people here didn’t have it bad, but in the future everyone is so focused on just making it to the next stop that they don’t enjoy the little things.
“You’ve been staring outside for a while now,” a gruff voice from behind said. A smile played on her face as she turned to face the ruling lord himself. Nobunaga hadn’t the slightest clue what the strange woman was doing sitting out here just staring at the city below. But the smile on her face sent his heart into a flutter of emotions and warmth, something that made his day much better. Of course the day was long. The war was still going on and his plans for Japan's unification was high on his list of to-do’s. Aside from the war councils, meetings, papers, and Hideyoshi breathing down his neck about not eating the sugar candies, Nobunaga was ready to retire and just spend quality time with Mc.
“Just reminiscing about my old life. It’s amazing how many stars you can see here compared to the future,” she spoke, turning her face to the starlit sky. The sun had finally set completely, leaving only millions of stars to bathe the sky in a heavenly and almost unearthly glow. The moon was just as bright as it’s friends, lighting the land below it. Hopefully it would give someone light on their journey to wherever they may go. Mc noticed a laugh the man behind her gave her own smile getting wider as she stood to wrap her arms around him. Greedily and readily, Nobunaga accepted, his own arms tightening around her waist and spinning the girl around.
“Such a strange woman,” he muttered into her neck as he took in a deep inhale of her scent. Truly he was curious of the future world she came from. How different was it truly from his time? He never asked much about it, there were other things in his life, and yes, making sure his love was fully satisfied every night was on the top of the list. But a world where people who are just like her live? It seemed impossible for his mind to wrap around. The very idea was delusional. But it was true.
The two changed their clothes, getting into more comfortable clothes for the evening and somehow found themselves sitting outside on the tenshu. Mc got up, after instructing Nobunaga to stay put, and went to get a few things. She came back with their pillows and a blanket or two. He was clearly confused, asking what it was she was doing with their bedding. She simply told him to wait and see before laying it all out for them to lay on. She was such a strange woman…
“Come lay with me!” Mc said in such an excited voice, how could he say no? She wanted to cuddle up to him and relish in the time she has with him, and what better way to do so when the stars were awake and the world was wrapped in a silent song of wind and flickering fire light. Sluggishly, he made his way over to the makeshift bed and took a seat. The thing wasn’t as comfortable as their bed, but it would do if she wanted him to sleep with her in it. The girl quickly made herself comfortable next to him, resting her head on his arm as he played with a lock of her hair. Everything was so perfect, just them and the sky and nothing more. She wanted this to last forever… Nobunaga was thinking the same thing as he looked at her. They stayed like that for a bit, just keeping one another warm and laughing and giggling at the little dirty comments he made to her.
“Mc?” His deep voice called out in the night. Her eyes looked up at him in curiosity, wondering if he was going to say another nasty idea he had about candies and her, which was not something she would ever talk about. “Tell me more of your future,” it was less of a question and more a demand with how his tone changed. Clearly he didn’t know how else to ask…
Mc was taken aback by his request. They hadn’t talked much about her past life before she chose to stay, but then again he didn’t really ask. God there was so many things she could tell him about! She could even tell him about all the other countries around the world like North America and Africa, or even basic things like skyscrapers and malls. The list was endless and Nobunaga’s curiosity was the same.
“What would you like to know?” She asked taking a hand through his hair as he leaned up, looking back at her. Mc, confused, sat up as well looking at him. Nobunaga sighed and laid his head on her lap, arms wrapping around her waist as he nuzzled into her stomach. Mc giggled at him as she played with his hair, smiling even more as he relaxed into her touch and closed his eyes. “Well it’s different than here… The only war we face is with ourselves most of the time. Food comes from a place called a market or grocery store. Aisles of food in packets and boxes, meat and produce at a fingers reach. And when you want to go home after paying with a plastic card, you can walk home or drive a car, which is a metal thing that moves faster than a horse.” As she spoke Nobunaga grew more and more curious, pleased with the information he was receiving.
The night continued on, Mc talking about anything and everything that came to mind. “Oh and guess what! We even landed on the moon! The United States was the first there, but Russia went to space first,” she explained with excitement. Nobunaga was bewildered by the fact that the moon was so far away and that humans, actual human beings had built something to fly through space and land on the moon! The more he learned, the better acquainted he became with this future. “Music is also a big thing. Things like jazz, opera, rock, and many many more genres are all performed by artists who get paid loads of money.”
“Sing me one…” he stated in his demanding tone, snuggling his head into her lap. Mc smiled softly as she thought of a good song to sing that was something this time would never have thought of. The song she chose was perfect for the night like this, being cuddled by the love of her life and wrapped in the darkness of night. The scene was almost from a book, to perfect to be real. Mc almost feared this was all a dream and she would wake up one day and see it never happened… The thought brought a sadness to her. But Nobunaga was here and in her arms, and her in his. Nothing would come between them. So, after taking a deep breath she opened her lips.
“Fly me to the moon,~” Nobunaga felt his body grow heavy with sleep as his ears filled with the heavenly sound of his love. As his body began falling asleep, he dreamed of a future where they would be together forever, never worried about death or war or other people. Only them and moments like these. And before his mind slipped into darkness, the three little words at the end of the song stuck to his heart and mind, filling his dreams with nothing but happiness.
“I love you.”
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teggywrites · 5 years
A Blind Kind of Love{Mitsuhide}
Mc knew full well the dangers she faced in this time of great distress and war. Her country, Japan, the one she grew up knowing only peace and worrying about if she wanted to eat cheap or get something actually good for dinner. Others here live their lives running off of what the earth provides and trying to stay out of the fighting, not wanting lives lost or pain to fill their hearts with great sorrow. But then there was the brave souls who chose to fight for their lords and country, being promised freedoms, food, and safety for their families. Who wouldn’t choose that? When things were hard and your families were struggling the men had to do what they had to do.
Mc tried her best to stay away from the fighting. Obviously not made or ready to get into any wars or fights after coming from a comfortable life. She wanted to go back home as much as any other person would, and if that meant staying away from danger, she would very well do that. But life with warlords meant she had a target on her back every step of the way. Many times people tried using her against Lord Nobunaga, calling her his concubine and trying their best to get him to come out of hiding so they could kill him, but none of the lords would allow that. It was rather sad that she was seen as an object to be used by others to hurt her friends… But the first incident happened when she first arrived, she was walking in Azuchi feeling some soft fabrics and invisoning kimonos and other things her skillful hands itched to make.
Before long, as the sun began to set and the moon shined down on the light filled streets, Mc felt a warm hand cover her mouth and rip her away into a dark alley. She kicked, screamed, squirmed, and tried her best to get away from the perpetrator, but growing up without the need to fight meant she was weak, and this man was clearly made for war. She continued to fight against, breaking away for a short second after nailing the man in the nose with her elbow, but the little escape was short lived before he hit her across the head with something. Her head spun and went blank, feeling light headed and breathing hurt, before the far away lights of Azuchi’s streets blurred into nothing but darkness.
The moment she woke up, she was in a room she had never seen before. The lights were low and the place reeked of smoke and sake, filling her nose with unpleasant smells. How late was it? She glanced up at the window to see the moon high in the sky as panic began to flood her senses. This was it. She was going to be killed, or raped, or whatever else these sick men wanted to do with her. Should she just roll over and let it happen? No she had enough dignity in her to fight with all she had before giving into to these disgusting men. But the real worry was if anyone knew she was gone.
It seemed like hours before anyone made a move to enter the room. Things had been knocked over, scooted around, and broken from her desperate attempt of finding an escape, but the room was sealed tight with no escape…
“Trying to escape?” One man asked as walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair, laughing. “Your head with fetch for a pretty price after the devil shows himself. Heard he was on his way now, but we’re ready.”
Mc scoffed, did this man really think he could bring down Nobunaga? The man was a beast when it came to fighting and his vessels too. He was clever and powerful, two rare combinations. And his right and left hand men were no different. She didn’t much care for Mitsuhide… Everything about him sent red flags up her head and sirens to going wailing. But Hideyoshi? He was like a mother, or father, to everyone always looking out for everyone and taking great care of Nobunaga. Though she would never say this, Nobunaga was like a child sometimes and Hideyoshi was the mom who would scold him.
The man let her go as sounds from outside caught both their attentions. “So it begins!” He laughed, Mc cringing at the awful smell of his breath. That would be smart. Get drunk before a fight. But anything could happen and before long it did. The door burst open, revealing none other than the white haired kitsune of a man. The last person she wanted to see. Luckily Masumane was beside him, giving a smirk at her, making a smile form of her face. At last she was saved!
Every night after that she refused to go alone into town. Many people attempted to take her even when she had guards. But every time she would be saved by Mitsuhide… Was it he just wasn’t doing anything and everyone else was kinda busy? Or maybe Hideyoshi or Nobunaga told him to go… Thinking about it made her a little sad and disappointed, but she pushed the thought away as fast as they came.
That night something felt off as her fingers weaved the needle into and out of the fabric. The air was filled with something sinister, but she thought it was just her being paranoid. After a few more minutes of sewing she packed up her mess and made her way to bed. But something still didn’t feel right as she tossed and turned under her sheets. Sleep was not coming tonight apparently…
As she stared up at the ceiling above, a shuffling caught her attention. Her face lit up thinking Sasuke had come to her, but the shuffling was to loud… He was always so quiet when sneaking in. She sat up and began cautiously making her way to the door, sliding it open and stepping outside, only to bump into a hard object. The man stared down at her with cold eyes and a malicious aura surrounded him.
“Exactly who I wanted. Seems Lord Kenyo was right about your room,” he spoke quietly. Before Mc could scream the man wrapped his hands around her throat, slamming her to the floor with brute force. The fall cause the wind to get knocked out of her and her desperate clawing at his hands around her throat only worsened the lack of oxygen. Panic was rising along with her heart race, her vision going from black to color to random spots as it changed. How long was this to go on? Till she was dead?! Why did she get the short end of the stick in her life? The faint blurr of something white moved across her vision before she was succumbed by the infinite darkness.
The darkness was not temporary either… Mc woke up from sleeping from who knows how long to nothing but darkness. Was she still asleep? Was this some nightmare? Maybe she was dead and someone decided to not give her vision? The thoughts were endless as she felt around her. The sheets were familiar and the room felt warm, which meant it must have been day time. A sad realization finally sunk in… This wasn’t a dream and she could not see…
The door slid open her head turning towards it and panicking on who it could be. “Why are you staring at the wall?” A familiar sassy tone filled her ears and mind with relief.
“Ieyasu! I-I can’t see!” She said frantically as his movement quickened towards her grabbing her face abruptly and gazing into her eyes. He cursed under his breath as he moved quickly. “Ieyasu, what’s going on? What are you doing?!” She asked before hearing him leave. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she stood up feeling her way to the door before opening it. “You can’t just leave me like that Ieyasu!” She cried out gripping onto his arm. Mitsuhide looked down at her with surprise as she gripped her arm. Something was immediately off about her, she stared at the ground and was touching him. The latter would never happen in this life time.
He said nothing as he lead her back into her room, only humming and making sounds so she couldn’t detect he wasn’t Ieyasu. She rambled on about how scared she was, Mitsuhide staying silent and letting her confide in him. But the moment was short lived as Ieyasu walked in.
“Who is that Ieyasu?” She asked looking to the door only to get an irritated reply.
“What do you mean? I just walked in,” Ieyasu spoke. Then who had she been talking too?! The person didn’t give any signals on who they were or any sounds for that matter. So who?
“Seems I have been discovered… Such a shame, I wish you well.” The deep voice shook every fiber in her body. She had been talking to him?! Mitsuhide of all people! The one person she didn’t want to ever trust or associate with. But he listened to her this whole time… Not saying anything and just listening… Ieyasu would have told her to stop talking cause he needed to work on her so he could hurry home, most likely complaining the whole time. But Mitsuhide stayed and let her confide in him, knowing she didn’t like him. It was honestly really sweet of him. A part in her finally decided that he wasn’t so bad.
And it didn’t stop there. Ieyasu came to the conclusion that when the guy had choked her she lost blood circulation to the eyes and will have temporary blindness for a while. He said for her to rest but how long was a while? An hour? A week? What if she was blind when her three months were up and couldn’t go home? Anxiety was a pain in moments like these… But there was no way she was going to sit around in her room waiting for the magical moment her vision returns.
Mc was not going to let her eyesight stop her from her duties as Chatelaine. She needed to learn to adapt in case it lasted forever. So that morning she got up, dressed her self with the help of a few maids and made her way out of the room. It was the first time in a few days she had been out, her hand on the wall as walked down the halls.
“What are you doing out of your room?” A familiar voice filled her ears as she smiled. Warm hands grabbed her arms and started leading her back to her room. She came this far out she can’t turn back.
“Hideyoshi I’m fine!” Mc exclaimed as she stopped and smiled. “I can’t let this stop me from doing everyday life activities.” She tried to reason, but mama Hide was not having any of it as he pulled her along, a gentle hand on her back.
“Rest makes the healing process quicker. You and Lord Nobunaga need to learn that,” he said firmly making her roll her eyes.
“If you went blind would you just quit being Nobunaga’s vassal?” She asked. Yes she was pulling the cheap Use-Nobunaga-To-Get-Your-Way trick, and it had worked cause he stopped and sighed. It was quiet for a few minutes as he thought to himself before speaking.
“Fine. But I’m assigning someone to help you around. Most likely a maid or something. Your happiness and health are first priorities.” Hideyoshi sighed as he patted her on the head. “Stay here okay?” He asked, Mc nodding in response, as he hurried off to go get the person he knew would best fit the role.
He knocked on the door of Mitsuhide’s room, waiting for the door to open. Mitsuhide and Mc were not as close as everyone else was with her. Others have noticed her anxiety towards him and Hideyoshi wanted them to get along better and hopefully not have her think he is all bad.
The door opened revealing the white haired man himself, who looked clearly surprised Hideyoshi was at his door. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Mitsuhide spoke in a smooth tone, his eyes narrowing slightly as a smile formed on his face. Deep down he had feeling what Hideyoshi wanted, but he wanted the pleasure of knowing he was right when the man told him.
“Mc is wanting to be useful, I don’t understand why she won’t just listen and rest. She is as bad as Lord Nobunaga!” Hideyoshi stressed as he crossed his arms, shaking his head.
“How dreadful…” Mitsuhide said sarcastically as he smiled even more at the man's frustration.
“I’m asking you to watch over her and help her around.” Hideyoshi’s words shocked him greatly. Him help her? But why was the question. After the first day incident Mc had not spoken to him and he had not spoken to her. But his questions were answered quickly, “You and her need to learn that you are allies, not an enemy. Become friends maybe?”
Mitsuhide simply laughed at the words. They were far from enemies but far from allies. Maybe being ‘friends’ was okay with them. Though he wasn’t to sure about actually being her ‘friend’. He had no use for them. After a short discussion Mitsuhide agreed and was off to the spot Hideyoshi left her.
Mc stood there, greeting people who walked by as she held onto the wall so she didn’t lose her place. “Hideyoshi are you back?” She called out smiling in his direction as another pair of feet walked close by.
“Yep I’m back, I got a cook from the kitchen to help you out. Mc meet Ayato.” Hideyoshi said smiling at the name he came up for Mitsuhide. Though the white haired man didn’t seem to pleased with the name change, but played along nonetheless.
“Hello my lady,” he said in a softer voice. Mc didn’t notice a thing before smiling at him with a clueless face. The day went on after that, her talking to him about anything and everything while he helped her navigate and do her daily chores. The hardest part about being blind was that her feet had no sense of what forward meant… So her arm was around his most of the time when they walked. Mc couldn’t help but notice the muscles he had under the kimono… How could a women not? It was right there and she just couldn’t resist ‘accidentally’ feeling his arm up.
“Enjoying my arm?” Mitsuhide, or Ayato, said chuckling softly. Mc’s face went red when she realized she was caught.
“W-what? No, I can’t see anything right now and was just… Feeling around to get a grasp on things,” she only blushed more as her mind screamed at her to just shut up and stop talking. They both began laughing together, helping her calm down from the embarrassment.
Days went on like this. The two getting closer and closer as they both helped each other out, talking about issues they both had. She even trusted him enough to say she was from the future. It shocked Ayato but he was extremely curious about where she was from. How did she live? What did she do? Where did she live? What was a car? Women do what now? The war ended how? Mitsuhide must say he was taken aback but the future concept, but how else did she mysteriously appear that night?
Mc had made an image of what Ayato looked like in her mind. A tall buff man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Handsome at that too. She never bothered asking what he looked like, feeling it would be rude and his looks didn’t matter much to her. He was sweet and caring and helpful, the looks were nothing compared to it. But after a month she could officially say she was adjusted. Still requesting him to help her around a lot, just to have him near to talk to her.
On the first week of the new month, her eyes had begun to feel weird, maybe it was because she was blind? Or maybe she had an eyelash in there? She didn’t know, but she gripped onto Ayato’s arm as they walked, him saying he wanted to take her to lunch in town. Happily she accepted, getting a tiny bit dressed up for this and walked to her door. The walk wasn’t a long one as they entered the place and he helped her sit down. Mitsuhide whispered something to the waiter, who laughed and nodded. “What was that about?” She asked looking towards him.
“Nothing my dear,” he spoke smiling at her as they ordered some food. It was delicious, even though she couldn’t see it her taste was heightened by the lack of eyesight. They talked and laughed with one another for a while, telling each other jokes and talking about what they wanted in the future. But all good things end eventually, but this time it was a good end. Stuffed with food and tea, they paid and walked back home.
As they walked into the doors Mc smiled, she could see lights! “Ayato I think my vision is returning!” She spoke excitedly as colors morphed to make shapes around her.
“It seems my help is done here,” He said smiling at her as he kissed her hand, “It was a pleasure of being to your service my lady, but I’m afraid I’ve been slacking with work these past few weeks and Hideyoshi and Nobunaga are most disappointed.” He said in his normal voice. Mc frowned, but before she could say anything, a glimpse of golden eyes and white hair, though blurred, caught her attention. Damn snake… she thought but smiled at him anyways. She was going to get him back when she her sight returned.
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