tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
People who.claim to be intelligent but still havent figured this out, are just a waste of space.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
Aint no sense in letting humams exist, yall couldnt break the cycle of struggles in 2 thousamd fucking years. Its still happening even with the next generation
Fucking retarded. I should just get rich and bring human life to an end.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
Damn God for allowing me to exist in a world that isnt to my liking either and damn the Devil for being to weak and a coward. Im taking the reigns when I die since our creator and our salvation too busy butting heads and fucked off else where
Ive no regrets except that I was ever related too humans.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
When there are only fat hoes, trans and sold out whores for icons left to love, there really isnt much left to love except myself.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
And no, i havent had sex since highschool. It came with too many attachments and i got tired of it real fast
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
This world really wasnt ready to truly accept without another icon so im making it my mission to be a martyr so i dont have to live and be known. Im tired and never wanted to be known, have to live with others or be in a relationship just to enjoy the finite life we got. Its not worth it.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I guess happiness never existed for myself, that sucks, off to another world.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I really would too if i had kids, id kill em with a smile if it got me money and freedom unknown to the world.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
Id kill my own kids for money rn
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I want too watch my mom dad and sister bleed out slowly dusmembered piece by piece. All the love in my heart is gone so if you want me to fake love you, this is the only way
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
Ill sell my soul to whomever kills everyone i grew up with including my family.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I know better than to fuck with anyone at all. Dumbasses
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I shouldve just killed everyone i grew up with in iowa before i left.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
It wont matter, these people took to long to move on and keep their noses out of my life
Cigarettes will take me soon enough.
I wish yall had just let go.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
I see the fascination in money, i dont see it in the fame or love. Imagine having to live stuck with the same circle day in and day out, having to wake up and see the same face every day. The thoughts of either of those depress the fuck out of me. It doesnt matter if said person could give me the world
I would still be depressed.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
It honestly doesnt matter how many people are doing it by then either cuz i know the growers i want to learn from and have access to Google so yall fucked. I wouldnt even had to be so harsh about any of this ever had yall been truly grown and moved on a long time ago. That right there, is life, fucking yall. I aint do shit but be born with this spirit of mine. Be honest about what ai wanted and still want. Yall just couldnt accept.
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tfnn-tagwen · 3 years
What happens when 10 years down the road i still wont want to be in a relationship, famous, or have real life friends because i havent got to live and chase my dreams unnoticed and alone. Yall going to be stuck on stupid cuz im more stubborn than life itself.
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