thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
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Berat badan yang ideal adalah mimpi semua Wanita di dunia. Memiliki tubuh yang sehat dan bugar, pastinya dimulai darimakanan yang sehat pula. Tidak mungkin bisa tercapai jikamasih memakan makanan junk food dan jajanan yang belumtentu bersih.
Konsumsi makanan sehat untuk diet jadi salah satu kunci suksesmendapatkan berat badan yang ideal. Sebagian besar makananyang dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari diet penurunan beratbadan memiliki beberapa kesamaan yaitu tinggi serat dan rendahkalori.
Tak hanya rutin melakukan olahraga, konsumsi makanan sehatjuga tak boleh ketinggalan. Keduanya sangat berhubungan untukmewujudkan kamu mendapatkan tubuh yang ideal.
Berikut ini adalah 3 makanan sehat yang sukses bikin beratbadan kamu jadi ideal!
1. Yogurt
Yogurt mengandung protein dan probiotik yang baik untukkesehatan usus dan membantu penurunan berat badan. Kesehatan usus dapat memengaruhi berat badan dan makanlebih banyak serat serta probiotik dapat membantu menjagabakteri usus tetap sehat.
Kamu bisa menambahkan buah-buahan jika inginmenyantap yogurt ini agar rasanya bervariasi loh.
2. Almond
Makanan sehat yang cocok di pagi hari salah satunya bisadengan almond. Almond merupakan sumber serat yang sangat baik dan kaya akan protein. Makanan dengan seratdan protein bisa membuat kamu lebih kenyang. Almond juga kaya akan vitamin E dan sumber lemak tak jenuhtunggal dan tak jenuh ganda yang menyehatkan jantung.
3. Buah
Buah mengandung gula alami yang dapat membantuturunkan berat badan. Buah segar juga bisa dijadikansebagai pengganti camilan sehat yang mengandung seratdan antioksidan. Jika kamu ingin yang manis-manis, daripada membeli permen dengan kandungan gula yang tinggi, kamu bisa membuat cemilan dengan buah-buahandan digabungkan bersama dengan yogurt. Selain sehat, kamu pun juga kenyang
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
Make up memang sudah melekat dengan pribadi Wanita. Tanpamake up, rasanya seperti ada yang hilang. Entah hanyamenggunakan bedak atau lipstick, setidaknya ada make up yang menempel di wajah.
Namun, ternyata masih banyak banget Wanita yang masihmelakukan kesalahan saat menggunakan make up. Apakah kamujuga sering melakukan kesalahan? Yuk simak di bawah ini!
1. Tidak menghapus Make Up saat tidur.
Kesalahan ini yang paling sering dilakukan. Saat kamulelah setelah berpergian beraktivitas di luar, terkadangkita malas membersihkan make up dan langsung ingintidur di kasur yang empuk.  Nah, jika makeup dan kotoran masih menempel, pori-pori kulitmu pun akantersumbat dan dapat menimbulkan jerawat.
2. Menggosok wajah dengan kasar
Saat membersihkan wajah, tentunya kita harusmenggosok wajah kita untuk mengangkat kotoranyang menempel. Tapi, jangan keras-keras ya! Hal iniakan membuat kulitmu menjadi iritasi dan kehilangkan kelembapan alami kulit.
3. Tidak mencuci kuas make up secara teratur.
Tidak hanya wajah kamu saja yang perlu dicuci secarateratur, kuas makeup yang kamu gunakan pun juga. Cucilah kuas makeup menggunakan air hangat dan sabun setiap 2 minggu sekali, hal ini bertujuan untukmenghilangkan kuman dan debu yang menempel pada kuas.
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
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Kalian pasti sudah enggak asing dengan moisturizer kan? Moisturizer adalah pelembap yang berbentuk krim atau losionyang berfungsi untuk mengatasi kulit kering. Produk pelembapini juga bisa digunakan oleh orang-rang yang memiliki tipe kulitlainnya.
Selain melembapkan, moisturizer juga biasanya mengandungberbagai macam vitamin yang diperlukan agar kulit wajah tetapcantik dan sehat. Dengan kandungan antioksidan, vitamin C, dan vitamin E bermanfaat untuk melindungi kulit dari kerusakan.
Nah, sekarang kita bakal bahas si Tinted Moisturizer yang lagijadi trend di masa kini. Tinted moisturizer adalah salah satuproduk kecantikan yang muncul berkat maraknya tren make up natural atau ‘make up no make up look’ beberapa waktulalu. Sesuai namanya, tinted moisturizer adalah pelembap yang memiliki efek tint di dalamnya.
Sama seperti foundation dan BB cream memiliki range warnayang berbeda-beda sesuai jenis kulit kamu. Tinted moisturizermempunyai formula yang lebih ringan dibandingkan foundation dan BB cream.
Maka dari itu, bagi kamu yang ingin menggunakan alas make up yang ringan di wajah tetapi dapat memberikan coverage bagus, tinted moisturizer bisa menjadi pilihannya. Tinted moisturizercocok digunakan oleh bagi pemilik kulit kering dan kamu yang ingin menampilkan riasan wajah natural.
Akan tetapi, fungsi Tinted moisturizer tidak dapat menutupimasalah di wajah. Noda hitam bekas jerawat, warna kulit tidakmerata, jerawat, garis-garis halus, atau keriput sepenuhnyadengan sempurna. Kamu masih tetap membutuhkan concealer untuk menyamarkan masalah kulit tersebut.
Tinted Moisturizer juga memiliki beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan, yaitu:
• Melembapkan dan menghidrasi kulit wajah.
• Tidak menyumbat pori-pori.
• Teksturnya terasa ringan di kulit.
• Formulanya lebih ringan dibandingkan BB cream dan foundation.
• Tidak dapat menyamarkan masalah kulit.
• Tidak terlalu cocok bila digunakan oleh pemilik kulitberminyak.
• Tidak dapat bertahan lama pada kulit.
• Kandungan SPF di dalam tinted moisturizer sangat sedikitatau kecil.
Tinted moisturizer atau dikenal pula dengan istilah pelembapberwarna mempunyai formula yang lebih ringan dibandingkanfoundation. Penggunaan tinted moisturizer sebenarnya hanyamenjadi sebatas pilihan guna mendukung aspek kenyamanankamu dalam merias wajah. Jadi jika kamu ingin mencoba Tinted Moisturizer, pastikan kamu sudah mengerti kegunaannya ya!
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
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Olahraga memang menjadi aktivitas favorit yang dilakukan oleh para Wanita masa kini. Entah jogging, gym dan senam. Merekamelakukan itu demi mendapatkan tubuh yang mereka impikandan juga kesehatan yang mahal harganya. Namun, tahukah kamuolahraga Yoga?
Yoga ternyata juga punya manfaat untuk kecantikan loh. Olahraga yang satu ini biasa di lakukan di dalam ruangan. Masih banyak orang yang mengira olahraga Yoga tidak ampuh untukmereka karena terlihat tidak berkeringat. Padahal, Yoga adalaholahraga yang menenangkan pikiran dan tentu saja membakarkalori.
Nah, guys! Penasaran apa saja manfaat Yoga untuk kecantikan? Simak di bawah ini:
1. Membuat kulit wajah lebih merona.
Rutin melakukan aktivitas yoga dapat membuat kulit wajahlebih cerah dan merona. Efek ini didapat dari gerakan yoga seperti shoulder stand, fish pose, child's pose, plough pose, dan triangle pose. Gerakan-gerakan itu akan melancarkansirkulasi darah ke seluruh tubuh sehingga kulit terhindardari segala macam penyakit kulit.
2. Mencegah penuaan dini.
Gerakan headstand akan membuat aliran darah ke wajahdan otak menjadi lebih lancar. Aliran darah yang lancar iniakan mengurangi risiko munculnya garis halus di sekitarwajah. Kulit wajah kamu pun akan terlihat lebih kencangdan tampak awet muda dari usia sebenarnya.
3. Memperbaiki kerusakan kulit
Gerakan yoga juga dapat memperbaiki kerusakan kulit. Kulit bisa rusak karena stres. Dalam yoga, latihanpernapasan atau pranayama efektif untuk meredakan stres.
Deep breath bisa membuka paru-paru dan mengakomodasioksigen lebih banyak, sehingga sel kulit mendapat nutrisiyang dibutuhkan. Darah yang mengandung banyak oksigendapat memperbaiki kerusakan kulit karena radikal bebasdan paparan matahari.
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
How to Write a Good Essay
• Take control of the topic/question: Establish a tight focus and maintain that           focus
• Construct a precise argument; conceive the essay as a debate
• Develop an argument:
– Examine moments of tension/conflict/complication in the theory or someone         else’s argument.
– Consider counter-arguments; anticipate objections to your argument in order to refine your argument.
– Consider the implications of the argument; what impact does x have on y?           what does x reveal more widely about a, b, c? how does x bear upon my             approach to y?
– Engage with critical debates relevant to the argument by considering how far       you agree or disagree with their arguments/ideas (what are the problems with     their interpretation, what do they neglect, why do you agree or disagree)
• Clearly develop the argument by attending to paragraph and essay structure.
– Pay attention to progression of argument with a special attention to transition       from one paragraph to the next.
– Within each paragraph identify the key idea/argument and its extension
– Use examples and or evidence
– Develop an argument logically from point to point
– Consider the conclusion to the paragraph
– You can use footnotes as another tier argument in order to signal your further     thinking around an issue.
• Don’t describe; analyse.
– Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transformation (formulating and solving          problems)
• Don’t state; demonstrate
• Write clearly.
• Do not confuse plural and possessive forms (it’s and its).
• Keep the use of capitals to minimum.
• Do not use contracted forms like don’t, it’s, etc.
• Footnote sign goes after all the punctuation marks.
• Avoid verbosity (excess description, long phrases, stating the obvious, redundant expressions).
• Avoid colloquialisms.
Pay attention to the use of commas and semicolons
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
6 Tips for Picking Up the Pieces of a Broken Heart
Life Can Break Your Heart
Life is hard, and the painful things you’re going through in life can break your heart. Have you ever felt like this person who reached out to us?
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“I just went through a breakup and I feel like it came out of nowhere. One week, he was telling me how much he loved me. Then, all of a sudden, he doesn’t think we want the same things anymore. I never thought I would go back to being alone so soon, but everyone keeps telling me I need to pick up the pieces and move on. How do I do that? What am I supposed to do without this person I thought I was going to share my life with?” Heartbreak is always tough. But it can be devastating in a way that really derails us, especially when: 
 You believed you would stay with someone forever. The person who broke your heart is a parent or immediate family member. The relationship became toxic, harmful, or abusive. You lost friends in addition to the partner you broke up with. People are telling you that the heartbreak isn’t a big deal, or that “it’s all in your head” and you need to “get over it.” You struggle with hating yourself, or feel like no one can love you because you’ve heard unkind words from your partner. I know it feels like you don’t know where to begin when it comes to picking up the pieces of a broken heart. But I want you to know I feel your pain as you’re trying to process this heartbreak. It’s hard to come back after heartbreak, but it’s not impossible. There are steps you can take, one day at a time, to move forward and get back to feeling like yourself again.
#1 Let Yourself Express “Bad Feelings”
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When your heart has been broken, you feel things with an intensity you didn’t think was possible before. It’s tempting to ignore or stuff down feelings we may think are “negative” (like anger, sadness, or fear).
But if we ignore our feelings, or bottle them up inside, we’re not actually taking the time to figure out why we’re hurting, or to explore how we really feel about the person or situation that broke our heart. That means we may not be able to get the help we really need, and we may end up feeling stuck in a loop of negative emotions.
On the other hand, naming as many feelings you can when your heartbreak brings them up is an important step toward getting the specific, unique support you need.
If you don’t know how to start, try: I feel [emotion] when I think about [heartbreaking situations] because [why you think you feel this way]. For example: I feel angry when I think about our breakup because he didn’t give me a real reason we couldn’t work things out. Don’t be afraid to name your feelings. They feel powerful, but they’re just emotions, and you’re in charge. Try it just once a day to start with. You might be surprised how much you learn about yourself, and about your life, in the process.
#2 Expect Ups and Downs
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There will be ups and downs as you cope with heartbreak. Some days, you’ll feel down in the dumps, like nothing will ever change. Other times, you may feel exhilarated and free, like you get to start fresh and redefine yourself. These feelings are normal, and a part of the grieving and healing process.
You don’t have to force yourself to feel better, be happy, or think differently about the heartbreaking situation. As you continue to make efforts to talk about and work through your feelings from day to day, your emotions will shift and change over time. There’s no need to rush it. Just start with how you feel about it today, and work from there.
#3 Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
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  In the world of social media and sharing personal stories, it’s easy to seek out what others are doing, and how they’ve healed from their heartbreak and sadness. That can certainly help you feel less alone and isolated, but avoiding comparison is important. Everyone’s journey is different, and there’s no “one right way” to recover from heartbreak.
Don’t beat yourself up if weird and tough feelings come up along the way. It’s going to happen. and there may be people that don’t get it. But there are plenty of people who have been on this journey, and have come out the other side, who will offer understanding and a listening ear along the way.
#4 Remember Good Things and Growth The sadness of heartbreak can dominate and overwhelm, but it’s helpful to remember good things about your relationship or friendship. There is some goodness about situations and people, even the complicated and difficult ones. It may not be possible to find good things to hold on to about someone, depending on the reasons the relationship went south. That’s okay. Just work with whatever you have.
If you can, think about things like:
What you’ve learned about yourself along the way How you’ve shown strength during the ordeal of heartbreak How you can be a better friend as a result of this tough situation.
#5 Try Something New
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There will be a sense of a “hole” in your life after a heartbreak. Rather than filling it with unkind thoughts toward yourself, or unhealthy behaviors, you can branch out and try something new:
A hobby you’ve been wanting to start A new book or podcast A recipe or style of cooking A new type of exercise or movement Or perhaps that “hole” could be filled by examining your spiritual beliefs and learning more about God and the relationship He desires to have with you. Did you know God sees you as precious, loved, and a masterpiece? If you’re not sure where to start, or if you don’t understand why God would let you experience heartbreak, praying about it may help you find greater peace. If you are open to finding time to pray each day or each week, it may be a great comfort to discover what the Creator of the universe has to say about you. Over time, you could replace the harmful lies that heartbreak has made you believe about yourself with this important truth: You are loved by a God who will never abandon you and has set you on a path that He knows will bring you happiness; even if it’s not the path you thought you’d be taking.
Any of these are great opportunities to grow, learn, have fun, and find joy, which you can still do (even with a broken heart).
If you’re not feeling very motivated, check with a close friend about what they’re interested in these days. Maybe you two can start exercising together, do a book club with some of your favorite books, or take a free online course. There are lots of things out there waiting to be tried that are healthy distractions from a heartbreaking situation.
#6 Get Help If It’s Too Much 
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Even with the best intentions, heartbreak can seem to take over your body and mind. If it feels like depression is overwhelming you, especially to the point where you’re despairing, get support and guidance.
You don’t have to feel like there’s nothing you can do. You don’t have to feel like there’s no one you can talk to. You don’t have to stay stuck in a cycle of depression and hopelessness. You can talk to a faith leader, a counselor, or a trusted friend. And, if you don’t know where to turn first, you can talk to us.
TheHopeLine offers mentoring via chat and email to support you during this tough time. Talk to one of our HopeCoaches today to sort through heartbreak and find a path forward. We are here for you.
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
Died at 99 Years Old, Prince Philip’s Leave a Good Memories
Prince Philip, the late husband to the UK's Queen Elizabeth II, will be laid to rest on Saturday next week, in a ceremony that will be colorful and steeped in tradition, but low key by royal standards.
Philip, who was officially the Duke of Edinburgh, died peacefully at Windsor Castle on Friday morning at the age of 99. He was the nation's longest-serving consort -- a term given to the spouse of a reigning monarch -- and they had been married for 73 years.
Harry, the Duke of Sussex, will attend his grandfather's funeral, but his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, won't be present, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said. The couple are living in California and a doctor had advised the duchess, who is pregnant, against traveling to the UK, the spokesperson said.
The couple gave an explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired in March, in which they told their side of the story in their rift with the royal family, making explosive allegations against some of its members and the establishment.
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 Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, longtime consort to Queen Elizabeth II, dies  
Philip's long-standing funeral plans had been adapted to respect certain Covid-19 restrictions, with all the usual elements that involve contact with the public removed. The College of Arms, which oversees many ceremonial aspects of the royal family's work, had earlier confirmed the duke would not lie in state anywhere accessible to the public, which could have seen thousands of people lining up to view his coffin.
Current Covid rules in England limit the number of people who can attend funerals to 30.
In a nod to the duke's preference for driving himself, without a chauffeur, his coffin will be carried by a Land Rover from Windsor Castle to St. George's Chapel, for the ceremony.
The procession will begin at 2:45 p.m. (9:45 a.m. ET) and will be led from Windsor Castle by a band of grenadier guards, along with several heads of military units. A Royal Navy piping party will pipe "The Still" whilst the Land Rover is stationed at the foot of the West Steps. There will be a gun salute and a national minute's silence at 3 p.m. ahead of the ceremony.
The duke's death has been marked in a somber fashion, as the royal household and UK government have asked the public not to gather or leave flowers at royal residences, with the country still under strict Covid-19 restrictions.
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The Honourable Artillery Company fire a gun salute near London's Tower Bridge on April 10
But gun salutes were held across the nation, as batteries fired 41 rounds, at one round per minute, at Windsor Castle, the Tower of London in the capital and at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, among other locations. Australia, a Commonwealth nation, also paid its respects with a gun salute outside Parliament House in the capital, Canberra, on Saturday morning.
Tributes have flooded in from the UK and abroad for the duke, who had recently spent a month in two London hospitals, undergoing heart surgery and treatment for an infection, before returning in mid-March to Windsor Castle.
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 Paying tribute in a televised statement, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the duke had "earned the affection of generations here in the United Kingdom, across the Commonwealth, and around the world" and had lived by an ethic of service.
"Like the expert carriage driver that he was, he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that it remains the institution indisputably vital to the balance of our national path. He was an environmentalist, and a champion of the natural world, long before it was fashionable," Johnson said.
But the duke was also a controversial figure. For many Britons, his defining characteristic was not his public service but his off-the-cuff and often offensive comments, including some that were undeniably racist.
The BBC said Friday it was receiving complaints about too much air time dedicated to the duke's death, after the public broadcaster canceled hours of its usual programming to make way for wall-to-wall coverage of Philip's life and death.
The BBC set up a dedicated feedback form within hours of the news from Buckingham Palace because of the high volume of complaints.
The special coverage had meant some of the UK's most-watched shows, including soap opera EastEnders and the final of cooking competition MasterChef, were taken off air.
People gather outside the gates of Buckingham Palace in London on Saturday.
But the nation is officially in eight days of mourning, as was announced on Friday, and there will be other tributes to the duke in public life.
People gather outside the gates of Buckingham Palace in London on Saturday.
But the nation is officially in eight days of mourning, as was announced on Friday, and there will be other tributes to the duke in public life.
Players in the English Premier League will wear black armbands, and "there will be a minute's silence before kick-off at all Premier League matches ... across the weekend," the organization has announced.
 People take cellphone photos of a portrait of Prince Philip in a pub window near Windsor Castle on Saturday.
An online book of condolence was launched on the royal family's official website, as they joined the British government in asking that "members of the public consider making a donation to a charity instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh."
The bells of London's Westminster Abbey, where Prince Philip married Queen Elizabeth more than 70 years ago, rang 99 times on Friday evening in his honor, while the British flag -- the Union Jack -- is flying at half-staff on government buildings.
Tributes to a life of service
Harry and Meghan said his grandfather would be "greatly missed" in a statement following news of his death.
Posted on the front page of the couple's Archewell charity website, the message simply reads: "In loving memory of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, 1921-2021. Thank you for your service ... you will be greatly missed."
The Death Gun Salute is fired by the 104th Regiment Royal Artillery at Cardiff Castle, in Wales on April 10.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said the "whole nation will be united in sadness at the passing of Prince Philip," adding he should be recognized "as a remarkable and steadfast support to the Queen over so many years" but also "celebrated in his own right as a man of foresight, determination and courage."
Tributes for the duke also flooded in from all over the world, including the Commonwealth nations of India, Australia and Canada. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he had had a "distinguished career in the military and was at the forefront of many community service initiatives. May his soul rest in peace."
Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Philip "embodied a generation that we will never see again." Canada's Justin Trudeau said: "Prince Philip was a man of great purpose and conviction, who was motivated by a sense of duty to others. He will be fondly remembered as a constant in the life of our Queen."
US President Joe Biden said Philip had "gladly dedicated himself to the people of the UK, the Commonwealth, and to his family," and that his legacy would live on "not only through his family, but in all the charitable endeavors he shaped."
'Constant strength and guide'
Philip married the then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947, following distinguished service in the Royal Navy during World War II. Together, they had four children -- Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward -- eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
When Elizabeth ascended the throne in February 1952, on the death of her father, George VI, Philip's lifetime of service as royal consort began.
Over the decades, Philip often accompanied the Queen on royal engagements, and conducted thousands of his own solo appearances. He once referred to himself as "the world's most experienced plaque unveiler," while the Queen lauded him as her "constant strength and guide."
Philip continued making public appearances well into his 90s, retiring only in August 2017.
He was seen in public only infrequently from that point, notably at the Windsor Castle wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in May 2018, and at the nuptials for Princess Eugenie in October 2018 and for Princess Beatrice in July 2020.
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
Make Your Day Become More Productive by Making Your Own Mask!
          Hi readers! Kreativitas dan keterampilan dalam menghasilkan produk kerajinan telah di perkenalkan pada keragaman teknik untuk menghsilkan produk kerajinan loh. Tehnik yang dilatihkan dapat dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan potensi dan karifan lokal yang khas di daerah masing-masing. Kewirausahan merupakan kemampuan yang sangat penting dimiliki untuk dapat berperan di masa depan. Berwirausaha dengan memanfaatkan keterampilan, melihat peluang pasar, berpikir kreatif, merancang, memproduksi, mengemas dan memasarkan dengan orientasi pasar yang lebih luas. Salah satunya dengan membuat masker. So without any hesitationyuk liat , langsung aja kita baca steps dari aku.
First of all, kita butuh alat dan bahan yang harus disiapkan such as ;
1.      Gunting
2.      Penggaris
3.      Alat jahit tangan
4.      Spidol
5.      Kardus
6.      Jarum pentul
7.      Benang jahit
8.      Kain batik
9.      Kain putih bahan kaos
10.      Tali karet
Here’s the steps ;
1)      Siapkan alat dan bahan untuk membuat masker
2)      Buatlah desain masker di kertas kaku seperti kardus.
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3)      Guntinglah  kain batik dan kain sesuai dengan desain masker.
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4)      Sesuaikan bentuk desain masker dengan kain batik dan kain hero.
5)      Jahit kain batik dan kain hero dibagian tengah atas dan bawah yang berbentuk segitiga.
6)      Satukan 1 lapis kain batik (untuk bagian luar masker) dan 1 lapis kain hero (untuk bagian dalam masker) lalu jahit antara 1 lapis kain batik dan 1 lapis kain hero.
7)      Tempatkan tali karet di bagian kanan dan kiri masker.
8)      Kemudian Jahit tali karet pada bagian kanan dan kiri masker.
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9)      Masker siap di pakai.
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thaniaaras ¡ 3 years
Critical Eleven
 Judul buku      : Critical Eleven
Pengarang       : Ika Natassa
Penerbit           : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
ISBN               : 9786020318929
Estimasi berat : 0.28 kg
Tahun terbit    : 10 Agustus 2015
Lebar buku      : 13 cm
Panjang buku  : 20 cm
Halaman         : 344 halaman
Bahasa            : Indonesia
Tipe cover       : Soft cover
Harga buku     : Rp. 79.000
Ika Natassa adalah seorang penulis indonesia dengan banyak karya yang memukau dan juga merupakan seorang banker di salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2013 Ika Natassa mendirikan LitBox yaitu layanan berlangganan surprise box berisi buku-buku fiksi terpilih yang pertama di Indonesia. Novel Critical Eleven merupakan karya ketujuh dari Ika Natassa setelah A Very Yuppy Wedding (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007), Divortiare (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), Underground (Self-published dengan nulisbuku.com, 2010), Antologi Rasa (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2011), Twivortiare (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2012), Twivortiare 2 (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2014).
Novel Critical Eleven menceritakan tentang kisah romansa yang berawal dari pertemuan antara Anya dan Ale dalam perjalanan udaranya dari Jakarta menuju Sydney. Dari perkenalan singkat inilah muncul istilah Critical Eleven, istilah tersebut berasal dari dunia penerbangan yang artinya sebelas menit paling kritis dalam penerbangan yaitu tiga menit saat lepas landas dan delapan menit sebelum mendarat. Pertemuan tersebut akhirnya membawa hubungan mereka ke jenjang pernikahan. Keduanya harus menjalin hubungan jarak jauh dikarenakan Ale berprofesi sebagai petroleum engineer di Amerika dan Anya berprofesi sebagai management consultant di Jakarta, namun hal tersebut tidak sedikitpun mengurangi kemesraan dan keharmonisan hubungan mereka yang bahkan akan membuat beberapa orang iri ketika membacanya. Konflik cerita dimulai setelah Anya mengalami keguguran di usia kandungan yang terbilang sudah tua, pada saat itu pula Ale mengatakan hal yang tidak terduga sehingga menyinggung perasaan Anya dan akhirnya menjadikan hubungan mereka merenggang bahkan sampai pisah ranjang. Keharmonisan rumah tangga mereka pun langsung sirna begitu saja, semuanya berubah menjadi rumit, pelik dan mengharukan.
Karakter dan peran tokoh dalam cerita ini terasa sangat nyata menggunakan bahasa yang sangat elegan dan memukau bagi para pembaca. Banyak sekali kutipan kalimat indah di setiap paragrafnya. Terdapat banyak pelajaran hidup terutama dalam hal rumah tangga seperti tidak mengumbar konflik dalam rumah tangga kepada orang tua atau mertua, mereka bersikap seolah baik – baik saja di hadapan kedua orang tua masing – masing tanpa memperlihatkan sedikitpun adanya masalah diantara mereka berdua. Serta banyak referensi menarik mengenai barang-barang mewah dan bermerek dan pengetahuan umum.
Menurut saya kekurangan dari novel ini terdapat pada kurangnya riset mengenai perkembangan masa kehamilan, karena keguguran di usia kandungan yang terbilang tua seperti yang Anya alami itu sangat kecil sekali kemungkinannya apalagi hanya dkarenakan terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan atau kecapean, hal tersebut menjadi kurang logis saja. Pada masa kehamilan bulan ke – 9 harusnya bayi dalam kandungan sudah sangat kuat, keguguran di trimester 3 tersebut akan lebih logis apabila di ceritanya Anya mengalami kecelakaan seperti jatuh dari tangga atau lainnya.
Tidak selarasnya karakter tokoh dengan faktor pendukung, seperti Ale yang memelihara anjing bernama 'Jack' sedangkan dalam cerita Ale merupakan seorang muslim dan taat pada agamanya. Dan juga kebiasaan Anya meminum wine, namun yang saya tangkap disini mungkin Ika ingin menerapkan gaya hidup modern pada kisah romansa Anya dan Ale.
Novel ini sangat layak untuk dibaca, kisah romansa yang banyak memberikan pelajaran hidup terutama dalam hubungan rumah tangga. Peran dan karakter tokoh pun terasa seperti nyata. Ditambah dengan kutipan – kutipan indah di dalam ceritanya menjadikan novel ini lebih menarik.
Saya hanya berharap film critical eleven nanti akan sangat menarik dan kritis sesuai dengan cerita yang ada pada novel.
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