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Image credit: NASA Pluto (♇) is the largest of the dwarf planets and the most well-known. It was also the first Kuiper Belt object discovered. In astrology, Pluto represents fear and change. In harsh aspect, Pluto can bring up fears and it is our instinct to become attached and resistant to change when we are afraid. However, Pluto is trying to show us that we should face our fears head-on and be detached to the outcome. This gives us the most opportunity for growth. Pluto has sometimes been called The Ego Killer, reflected in its role as the ruler of Scorpius. This constellation and this dwarf planet both have equally dark, deep, and raw energies. Elementally, Pluto is primarily water with some fire.
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Image credit: NASA
Ceres (⚳) is the smallest of the dwarf planets and the only one to orbit in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres represents family and the pain of loss of family.
Here, family means anything held close. It can be biological or adoptive family, but it can also mean friends, pets, partners, or even one’s material creations. This can be seen in Ceres’s ruling constellation, Cancer.
Ceres also helps us cope with the loss of family, just as the goddess Ceres (Demeter) copes with the annual loss of her daughter, Prosperina (Persephone), during the autumn and winter months.
Elementally, Ceres is primarily earth with some water.
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Image credit: NASA
Neptune (♆) is the furthest planet from the Sun and is named after the Roman god of the seas. This gives Neptune an extremely watery energy, reflected by its deep blue hue. This planet fundamentally rules anything spiritual. This includes intuition, trust, dreams, connection, and acceptance.
Neptunian energy can result in confusion or a feeling of struggle, but if you let go and trust in Neptune, it will need you through the fog and into utmost peace.
Ruling the constellation of Pisces, Neptune’s spiritual qualities are only enhanced. Trust in the current of life and let Neptune guide you.
Elementally, Neptune is primarily water with some air energy.
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Astrology in April 2018
Sun: Pisces; enters Aries 4/20
Moon: New in Pisces 4/16; Full in Libra 4/30
Mercury: Pisces Rx; SD 4/14; enters Cetus (under Pisces) 4/23
Venus: Aries; enters Taurus 4/20
Mars: Sagittarius
Jupiter: Libra
Saturn: Sagittarius; SRx 4/17
Uranus: Pisces; enters Aries 4/28
Neptune: Aquarius
Ceres: Cancer
Pluto: Sagittarius; SRx 4/21
Haumea: Boötes (over Virgo)
Makemake: Coma Berinces (over Virgo)
Eris: Cetus (under Pisces)
Important Aspects:
4/1: Mercury Combust
4/2: Mars conjunct Saturn
4/4-5: Mercury square Mars and Saturn
4/11-14: Isosceles trine with Venus, Mars, and Neptune
4/13: Eris Combust
4/14: Jupiter sextile Pluto; Haumea at opposition
4/17: 30-60-90 with Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto
4/18: Uranus Combust
4/26: Mars conjunct Pluto
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Image credit: NASA Uranus (⛢) is the first planet that was not known since ancient times. Its discovery was a massive disruption to astronomy and astrology alike. This has made Uranus the planet of radical and disruptive change. Uranus was discovered during the Enlightenment, when philosophy turned towards individualism and freedom. Likewise, the core meaning of Uranus is true self-identity, uniqueness, and freedom to be your truest self. All of this is supported by the fact that Uranus rules Aquarius, the constellation of eccentricity, service, and freedom. Ask any grade-schooler what they know about Uranus and they will tell you that it spins on its side. This reinforces Uranus' unique and eccentric qualities. Elementally, Uranus is primarily air with some water.
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Image credit: NASA "Where there's joy I bring you trespass Where there's light I bring you darkness Where there's health I bring affliction Where there's hope I bring misfortune" -Sufjan Stevens, from "Saturn" Saturn (♄), the last of the naked-eye planets, is haunting to say the least. It gleams with a faint, yet disturbingly steady golden light. It moves against the stars very slowly, with its motion only being noticeable after several months. However, through a telescope, it becomes one of the most beautiful objects in the sky. Likewise, Saturn in astrology represents grounding, restriction, decline, and old age. Saturn is the sole ruler of Capricornus and that manifests in Saturn's need to slow everything down and the planet's incredibly grounded nature. To ancient astronomers, Saturn was the most distant planet. This makes Saturn the guardian of the physical realm. The planet keeps everything else in check and acts to provide definition and form to the explosion of energy that is Jupiter and the other planets. Lastly, when you choose to look closer and work with Saturn, you will find that the ringed planet is not as controlling and demanding as you may have thought. Working with Saturn can often involve taking two steps forward and one step back, but Saturn will help you get to your destination when the time comes. This comes from Saturn's Aquarius side: the part of Saturn that involves dedication to what you as an individual really needs and what you can give back to the world. Elementally, Saturn is pure earth energy.
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Jupiter (♃) is my favourite planet by far. It is the planet of expansion, extraversion, and growth. I like to imagine Jupiter as an explosion of colour without any shape, form, or definition. Ruling Sagittarius, Jupiter expands everything it touches, almost always in a positive, radiant way. Jupiter also helps boost our confidence. Philosophy, higher learning, and astrology are all in Jupiter's domain. In addition to Sagittarius, Jupiter is the classical ruler of Pisces. This makes Jupiter immensely spiritual. In this way, Jupiter also rules religion and belief systems. Lastly, one must remember the adjective "Jovial." This comes from Jupiter's other name, Jove. Jupiter is truly the planet of Joviality and good spirits. One's spirits are often lifted just by seeing Jupiter's bright white light in the sky. Elementally, Jupiter is primarily air energy with some fire.
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Mars (♂), the last of the terrestrial planets, manifests in a very active way. Since Mars is a superior planet, it can have any elongation from the Sun, giving the planet energies of independence and initiative.
Ruling Aries, Mars symbolizes determination and pride. Mars also classically rules Scorpius and Ophiuchus, making Mars very instinctual and raw.
Astronomically, Mars is seen to fluctuate in brightness. Most of the time, Mars is a rusty faint red point, but as Mars nears opposition, it gets brighter and brighter, occasionally outshining Jupiter. Martian energy is unstable and grows and shrinks throughout the Martian cycle.
Elementally, Mars is fire energy with some water.
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Image credit: NASA
Venus (♀) is the second planet from the Sun and rules relationships, values, and attraction. Venus also shows us how we draw others to us. Ruling Taurus, Venus shows us appreciation and enjoyment. Ruling Libra, Venus brings peace and charisma.
Astronomically, Venus looks like a beautiful light hovering above the sunset or sunrise and is easily seen.
Elementally, Venus is primarily earth energy with some air.
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Mercury (☿), named after the messenger of the Roman gods, represents anything related to communication in astrology. Mercury is, in short, the planet of our left brain. Logic, mathematics, procedure, and analysis communication are all in Mercury’s sphere.
Ruling Gemini, the smallest planet shows us synergy within duality. Just as the two hemispheres of our brain need to communicate, so does every duality.
One aspect of Mercury that is not talked about enough is that Mercury classically rules and is exalted in Virgo. This supports Mercury’s analytical side, but makes Mercury also rule routine, organization, analysis, and perfectionism.
While Mercury’s role in astrology is well-understood, humanity has only sent a handful of probes to this planet. Mercury is also difficult to see from Earth as it orbits so close to the Sun.
Elementally, Mercury is pure air energy.
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Astrology for Feb 6-7
As a backdrop, the Moon will be in Virgo on the 6th and will shift into Libra on the 7th. We could be feeling industrious, as was the case this past weekend. On the 7th, we may notice a shift towards balance and other-oriented energy.
Venus is sextiling Uranus and trining Haumea today. This will help balance and hold together the opposition between Uranus and Haumea that is going on this month. See if you can have more freedom in how you approach relationships in a way that leads to improvement for all parties involved. See if you can make this approach in a grounded way.
Mercury will also be opposite Ceres. Recognize that we can only have a healthy mind if we have a good support network. Also recognize that to create this network, we must have a good logical mind.
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Image credit: Gregory Revera The Moon, together with the Sun make up the luminaries. These two bodies are the two brightest lights in the sky and so are highly important objects. While the Sun is what we project into the world, the Moon is what we keep inside. The Moon encompasses our emotions and concerns. Ruling the sign of Cancer, the Moon is nurturing and in need of security. Exalted in Taurus, the Moon shows us the joy of being in touch with our emotions. The illuminated part of the Moon changes shape from our perspective. This gives several phases which I will explain in detail in a second post, but in general, lunar energy rises as we see more of the Moon's surface and the energy falls as the illuminated surface is more away from us (making less of the Moon appear illuminated). The Moon is the purest form of water energy.
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Image credit: ESA/NASA
I would like to teach a bit about each element I use in astrology. I will start with the physical objects, then the signs, then the houses. I will then discuss categories of signs and houses. After that, I will talk about aspects and transits.
The Sun, represented by a circle with a central dot, is our star. Gleaming brightly in the sky, it represents the most outwardly visible part of ourselves. The Sun shows external focus and how we project ourselves into the world.
Ruling the constellation of Leo, the Sun also shows passion and pride. As the Sun is at one focus of Earth’s orbit, so top does the Sun show our own focus. Exalted in Aries, the Sun also provides pure, juvenile vigor.
The Sun encompasses the purest form of fire energy.
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Astrology for Febuary 4-11 2018
The Moon will be in the last quarter phase for the entire week. This is a harvest time, providing opportunities to reap whatever has been sown since the New Moon in Sagittarius in mid-January. The Moon will start the week in Virgo, shift into Libra on Tuesday, enter Scorpius on Wednesday, and Ophiuchus on Thursday. We could be feeling industrious, then balanced, then exposed and deep.
Notable aspects
Feb 4: Venus square Jupiter and sextile Eris
Feb 6: Mercury opposite Ceres, Venus in a 30-60-90 with Uranus and Haumea
Feb 10: Sun square Jupiter, Mars trine Ceres
Overall, this week looks positive. Squares to Jupiter naturally come off as positive, especially when the other object involved is Venus or the Moon. These squares are great for growth and development of values and relationships in the grounded way of Capricornus.
The sextile to Eris is very minor, but I believe it provides an opening to change things up and have some fun early this week.
The 30-60-90 with Venus, Uranus, and Haumea is Venus supporting and easing the opposition between Uranus and Haumea with a sextile to Uranus and a trine to Haumea. We will naturally feel supported by others.
The aspects to Ceres form another (weaker) 30-60-90. Mars is the one holding together this opposition. We might feel that our mind tries to pull us away from those closest to us, but we can help combat that through Mars. Your instincts will lead to you balance.
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Astrological Events February 2018
Positions on Feb 1:
Sun in Capricornus
Mercury in Capricornus
Venus in Capricornus
Mars in Scorpius
Jupiter in Libra
Saturn in Sagittarius
Uranus in Pisces
Neptune in Aquarius
Ceres in Cancer R
Pluto in Sagittarius
Haumea in Boötes (Virgo) R
Makemake in Coma Berinces (Virgo) R
Eris in Cetus (Pisces)
Chiron in Pisces
North Node in Cancer
South Node in Capricornus
Notable aspects this month:
February 2-3: Mercury trine Makemake supported by sextiles to and from Mars
February 6: Venus in a 30-60-90 with Uranus and Haumea
February 7: Last Quarter in Libra
February 10: Mars trine Ceres
February 13-14: Sun in a 30-60-90 with Uranus and Haumea
February 15: Mercury in a 30-60-90 with Uranus and Haumea
February 15: Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricornus
February 16: Mercury combust
February 21: Uranus opposite Haumea
Sign changes:
February 9: Mars enters Ophiuchus
February 9: Venus enters Aquarius
February 17: Mercury enters Aquarius
February 17: Sun enters Aquarius
Overall energies for the month include a great emphasis on grounding and the future. However, there is a slow transition from this grounded energy to an energy more focused on freedom and service as the inferior planets and the Sun move into Aquarius. Mars is helping us dig deep and face our demons head on, which is providing vast opportunities for healing.
The opposition between Uranus and Haumea can be felt all month long. This opposition is the third in a series. The first one went exact April 3, 2017, and the second one went exact on November 26, 2017. This is about finding balance between what we need to be free spiritual beings and what society wants us to improve on. This month, we should feel things coming together and making sense.
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How does my astrology work?
I developed my own style of astrology that is a variant of Western Astrology. There are five major differences between my system and traditional Western Astrology.
1. I use all five dwarf planets, not just Pluto. It's been twelve years. Pluto is a dwarf planet, but that doesn't mean that it isn't important. I feel that all five dwarfs should be incorporated.
2. I use the actual sizes of the constellations. Traditionally, most astrological systems use twelve signs, each taking up 30° of the sky. My system reflects that some constellations are very large, like Virgo and Pisces; and that others are smaller, like Libra and Scorpius.
3. I use the actual locations of the constellations. As I write this post, a tropical astrologer may say that Mars is in Sagittarius; however, if one were to look at the sky, they would see Mars right next to Beta Scorpii and near Antares, the Alpha Star of Scorpius.
4. I use all of the constellations that the Sun passes through. Yes, this means I include Ophiuchus between Scorpius and Sagittarius. I also take into account when a planet, dwarf planet, or the Moon goes into a non-ecliptic constellation.
5. In casting charts, I use equal houses. I feel that since the signs are unequal sizes, the houses should be equal sizes.
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