the-celestial-order · 10 years
What if the MUN had a warning label? What would it say?
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
please don't be intimidated by me, I'm a fucking dork
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
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Credit goes to Ahyicodae
"...You were born to rule with wisdom and virtue, my son. Use it wisely." - Yahweh
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
Send me a △ if you ever wanted to RP with me or a ◇ if you like RPing with me; send a ▽ if you'd like a starter.
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
Improvement Meme
I figured a small ‘improvement meme’ would be a fine idea for RPers looking to brush up their skills and topple weaknesses, so here it is. Feel free to use the symbols or go for a more in depth response. Yes, you can send any of these to me too. 
☢: You need to work on character responses, they tend to be bland. 
✄: Your RP responses are really short/ could have more effort put in!
Σ: You’re messing up your punctuation here and there. 
▼: Try to improve your spelling/Grammar
☯: Try to open up to more RPers, you’re great, but you’re missing out on a lot of potentially amazing RPs!
▲: Try to be more positive on yourself, there’s no reason to hate on yourself so much. 
☠: You need to be more respectful. 
✈: You need to improve your action sequences or reactions of characters. 
❤: You’re doing amazing, we can always improve but every RP I read of yours is a joy.
✉: Message more RPers and get some more activity going please. 
Ⓐ: Fight scenes could use more work. 
❥: Romantic Scenes can be awkward, do your best to improve on this, and look out for common pitfalls!
☁: You might want to take another look at your character/characters and work on them a bit more. Every great character has a flaw or two. 
✪: Joker *Whatever you feel needs to be addressed* 
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
(Here I am with a report )
( The usual message of my life adjusting to the disorder..blah blah blah. I’ve also had the pleasure to play WoW thanks to a friend purchasing it for me. That means I’ll be busy with raids and such….stuff you know? Anyways, you can still send rp messages if you like or whatever my muses are still alive. 
P.S. I’ll be getting my anti-depressents next week as well. )
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
Buon Compleanno, mia figlio~
Upon opening the box, covered by a red satin cloth, was this:
"It might be a bit late for this, my darling, but here is my gift for you. Happy birthday, Azrael."
"Thank you mother," he smiled at the other as he held the dagger within his palms.
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
In honor of Mother's Day: send me asks on anonymous as my character's kid(s)!
for male muses: you could send them in based around asking questions/talking about the child's mother!
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
"Hold your tongue you snake!"
"You speak to me in such a tone that will, alone, dethrone the position you hold," Munkir hissed. 
A chuckle escape the threatening figure's lips, "How could I forget...you're the son of God. No more powerful than-" A hand engulf in flames and pure energy grasp the mouth of the other as the enrage priest spoke. "You will not speak of my father in this realm," his grip tightens, "You're still not worth the effort yet you've create with rage, Julius."
He releases the scientist at hold, "Regain what was once lost before the deal is sealed."
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
My character is in the hospital after being gone for days They have serious injuries and are lucky to be alive. How does your muse react when they find out?
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
Send my muse notes from their father
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
"I'll try," his last words to Sakura prior to her leave. It would take a while for Azrael to finish up his assignments. 
Sakura stood just at the entrance, waiting until she can spot her alternate's nephew. Once she did, she called him to get his attention. "Azrael?" She smiled. "Hana and I are going to have a birthday party tomorrow, we'd love it if you can come. Munkir and Chiara are most welcomed to come as well."
It didn’t take much effort to grab the attention of the teenage angel, whom busy himself to assignments given by both parents. “Where’s the party,” he asked once lifting the head up to look at the female. Azrael set the pencil down upon the desk as he attentively listen to Sakura, “I’m sure they can go. I’ll go ahead and ask them.”
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
"I shall proceed to ask them then and inform them of the location," he bowed his head at Sakura. "But first...gotta finish my homework."
Sakura stood just at the entrance, waiting until she can spot her alternate's nephew. Once she did, she called him to get his attention. "Azrael?" She smiled. "Hana and I are going to have a birthday party tomorrow, we'd love it if you can come. Munkir and Chiara are most welcomed to come as well."
It didn’t take much effort to grab the attention of the teenage angel, whom busy himself to assignments given by both parents. “Where’s the party,” he asked once lifting the head up to look at the female. Azrael set the pencil down upon the desk as he attentively listen to Sakura, “I’m sure they can go. I’ll go ahead and ask them.”
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
(( Arthus OC ))
Inquisitive as his actions were towards the twin sisters before him while the wizard open his journal to prop down notes, "Inform me again what you two are? I believe I may have misheard your title as...Reploids." The black mage made an attempt at pronouncing the word. "What magic is this exactly?"
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
(( Aubade: OC from MMN ))
"What do you purpose I do with you," the net navi had a swirl of thoughts as to whom he spoke to on the other side of the monitor. "My name is Aubade, lost prince of the Undernet, and you are?" He was bound to gain some knowledge about this new figure outside of the net.
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
Inbox me a ♤ to talk to one of my previous/other characters!
submitted by anonymous.
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the-celestial-order · 10 years
"Let there be light...," then and there did the overlord advert his gaze from the bible in hand to the welcome guest that enter the church of seldom darkness. 
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