i told my friend’s dad that he was hot (it was in context with the conversation, he was complaining that he was feeling old, etc), and he said a very genuine thank you and the conversation moved on to other topic, my friend was now talking about something else entirely when his dad goes
“i think if i were born in your generation i might have been bisexual”
and friend got kinda mad at me lmao
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Les Femmes Palestiniennes (1974, Jocelyne Saab)
youtube (eng subs). vimeo (spanish subs) / runtime: 10mins
Palestinian women share with men this role in the armed struggle. […] We run our suicidal operations, they attack us from airplanes. It’s easy to fight, using aviation when one is up against simple armed Fedayeen. They attack us with American and French airplanes. It’s not just Israel who’s at war with us, but also the United States and France and all the other countries. We’re not afraid of Israel. We fight at broad daylight, face to face. The coward ones fight with their aviation. The brave ones fight on foot to free their land. […] And if there’s a political (two-state) solution? There won’t be any political solution. The only thing there will be is Palestine. As long as there’s at least one of our children left alive, there won’t be any political solution. There will only be Palestine, in its entirety.
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Puritanism is getting worse around the globe and conservatives and fascists will absolutely be first going harder against porn, then use that against queer people. You HAVE to realise this and oppose anti porn measures and laws, be in solidarity with sex workers, and listen to them when they call this shit out. It's going to be vitally important.
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Please share & donate to Zinh!
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Hi, if you're able to please consider:
Buying an eSIM for someone in Palestine: Nomad
And emailing it to: [email protected]
Or, if you're able to donate $ to some Palestinian families:
Mohammed Ayyad, Ahmed Al-Saidi, Heba
If not, please share if you can!
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Step by Step Towards Hope 🌹🕊️
"Although the journey is still long, we are on the verge of reaching the halfway point, thanks to your boundless support. My family and I, including my children Hussein, Raja, and Youssef, deeply feel the impact of your generosity. Your donations have not only provided for our needs but have also given us hope and brightened our future. Every step we take forward is a testament to your kindness. We are profoundly grateful to everyone who has made our story a part of their own, showing that compassion and support can truly change lives."
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Now that I have you here, consider if possible:
Donating e-SIMs to people in Gaza: https://www.getnomad.app/middle-east-eSIM
Send screenshot of QR to: [email protected]
Or donating to Palestinian families in need (these are some of the people I've been able to send support to):
Hassen Eldadah: https://gofund.me/cf006ad3
Mohammed Alzinati: https://gofund.me/ce75031f
Abdallah Alanqar: https://gofund.me/7c5e98b0
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It's with a heavy but hopeful heart that I watch Palestinian families fundraiser on here, slowly accumulating the precious little money to go around that they need to survive. However, not everyone is so lucky. A lot of Palestinians that have not had that kind of luck, that did not get early verification, that did not get massive platforms behind them from large bloggers, have approached me in my inbox, asking me kindly to do what I can for them. It kills me that I have so little to give myself, but I've seen this platform collectively raise enough to change someone's life. I've made a list of Palestinian fundraisers that are extremely low on funds, in the hope that drawing attention to people who have not been lucky at all can help turn that luck around. I know most of us can't possibly give enough to get all of these families safe in one go. But please, reblog this list. Pick one or two fundraisers, give what you can, and then keep track of it. Slowly, collectively, we can make a difference in these people's lives. Share and donate as much as you can. https://docs.google.com/document/d/178EGDFKkHlh3y4TMVX82kqgITHsqtoMdNccI2f_94Os/edit?usp=sharing
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‏Please Share Or Replog Or
‏Donate to save my life🇵🇸🍉
‏I hope everyone can donate and share my story
‏A call for help for abood and Maria in Gaza!!! All thanks and gratitude for your humanitarian stances with us, and we
‏assistance in this difficult time. Tenth months of displacement and famine have exacerbated our suffering and difficulties beyond belief. We used all the words of sadness and sorrow to describe the situation we had reached, but such words were not enough. The scale of the tragedy and suffering is much greater than what you may have seen or seen on several social media
‏Dear Friends You can support my family by either donating or sharing my campaign link with others so that the goal is reached sooner Please help us. We are very tired and no one is looking at us. Please help
‏us. If you canno .donate, publish the account
help us , we need you to spread our story to the world
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17K notes · View notes
Step by Step Towards Hope 🌹🕊️
"Although the journey is still long, we are on the verge of reaching the halfway point, thanks to your boundless support. My family and I, including my children Hussein, Raja, and Youssef, deeply feel the impact of your generosity. Your donations have not only provided for our needs but have also given us hope and brightened our future. Every step we take forward is a testament to your kindness. We are profoundly grateful to everyone who has made our story a part of their own, showing that compassion and support can truly change lives."
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
Noor's Go fund me: https://gofund.me/7c5e98b0
Step by Step Towards Hope 🌹🕊️
"Although the journey is still long, we are on the verge of reaching the halfway point, thanks to your boundless support. My family and I, including my children Hussein, Raja, and Youssef, deeply feel the impact of your generosity. Your donations have not only provided for our needs but have also given us hope and brightened our future. Every step we take forward is a testament to your kindness. We are profoundly grateful to everyone who has made our story a part of their own, showing that compassion and support can truly change lives."
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man
DNA evidence proves Marcellus Williams is innocent.
Marcellus Williams is scheduled to be executed on Sept. 24 for a crime DNA proves he did not commit. The St. Louis County prosecuting attorney reviewed these DNA results and filed a motion to vacate Mr. Williams’ conviction because he believed the DNA results proved by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Williams did not commit this crime. Although the circuit court has not yet scheduled a hearing to address this motion — and no court has ever considered the new exculpatory evidence — the Missouri Supreme Court set an execution date for Mr. Williams.
We have less than 60 days to stop the execution of an innocent person. Add your name to stop this injustice before it’s too late. 
Who Is Marcellus Williams: Man Facing Execution in Missouri Despite DNA Evidence Supporting Innocence
Text “Marcellus” to 97016 to join the team.
Share his story on social media. 
[you can sign this petition from anywhere in the world]
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
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I feel is my responsability to share this. As a "little" huh heads up.
Most of us are recurring to VPNs and the like, and it's true people are disappearing. On top of that, there have been instances of usamericans literally tagging venezuelan authorities when they see a venezuelan trying to share info about the protests and the situation. I wish i was lying.
Anyways, I just feel the need to share awareness somehow.
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
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louis trying to stop claudia from killing that blonde guy (i’ve never seen the book)
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the-court-rat-jester · 2 months
Important post
I was getting suspicions but now I'm very 100% sure that most of this website's userbase hates Palestinians and not passively. I'm now fully 100% comprehending that the vast majority of this website's userbase passes by any mention of Palestinians and seethes to their core and the only reason little of it came out was because you thought there might be social repercussions for attacking Palestinians in our time of need. All it took was an easily debunkable false accusation to get people to attack people undergoing genocide as well as a genocide survivor, and now he's been stopped from doing the work he has spent months doing. I will not allow this experience to go undocumented or forgotten. Those who partook in the harassment know what they've done and the unspeakable repurcussions of it. I expected this honestly, because that is exactly what happened to BLM and other Black rights activists since 2014; a cycle of unbelievable praise before horrendous abuse and harassment once they stopped being deified. I also saw the way people treated Moataz Azaiza after he evacuated Ghazzah, and expected the same to happen to Ahmed, who also survived unspeakable things for months in an accelerated genocide, and got harassed and attacked by the THOUSANDS on tumblr after this harassment campaign was put out. I will not forgive any one involved, especially not for what they've done to Ahmed.
Here's a collection of links to posts about the issue in the past couple of days, in chronological order I think. And under the cut will be screenshots of the initial post that I saw that brought this to my attention.
[Post 1] [Post 2] [Post 3] [Post 4] [Post 5]
[Post 6] [Post 7] [Post 8] [Post 9] [Post 10]
[Post 11] [Post 12] Edit: forgot one [Post 13].
These links are absolutely non-exhaustive and there's more shit these people have said that I don't have the patience to go collect and link here.
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Honorable mention for white victim-playing after leading a hate-campaign against Palestinians surviving genocide:
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