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Dear Other Self - Movie Review *may contain spoilers* The moment I watched “Dear Other Self’s” movie trailer, I made a point to myself that I will definitely watch this movie. I set my expectations that it doesn’t have a great story line however if you are someone like me who is currently lost on this precious thing called ‘life’ or maybe undecided on what you want to achieve or do, then let’s take a step back, breathe, and enjoy the show. Who knows, you might get inspired after an hour and 50 minutes watching this. Rebecca aka Becky is a typical office worker who is experiencing a midlife crisis – Option A: whether to continue sticking with her 9-5 job or Option B: leaving everything behind and pursue her passion on traveling. Continuing her regular job would make her fulfill her duties and responsibilities to her family whilst pursuing her passion means saying 'no’ to them and saying 'yes’ to herself this time around. The movie shows the consequences of her 2 actions (Option A & B) which made me think: what if I am on her shoes, which one will I choose? It is a tough choice that we all have to face at one point in our lives. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is not to have any regrets in life and be happy. 🍿 rating: 5/10
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