the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"You still are cute when you poke out your tongue" he teased back with a shrug and a smirk. "They are actually much more alike than what they sound. They are pretty nice and cool people" he explained.  "Thanks by the way" he smiled at her, blushing just slightly. To shake it off he simply ruffled his hair and then looked back at her. "Now that's just out of Earth, sorry bad joke" he chuckled. "But I mean that's really cool" he added quickly. "I'd love to meet them by the way. As responsibilities...I had a lot but with time my family just began hoping I'd stay out of trouble and bring no more shame. But I do anyways" he shrugged smirking but then got serious, "Actually I have the title of The Lion I am to protect my family" he explained. "May I add though that you can visit my dreams any night?" he smirked. "Do you have any siblings? I have seven but all are just half siblings of mine"
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
Sometimes I don’t want to rp.
Sometimes I only want to rp selectively because a certain thread intrigues me at a time.
It’s not me being a bitch.
It’s me being the average human that has interests and moods.
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
Headed bed, love you all! 
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Sounds good" he said nodding. "Well that'd explain why you shine bright like a star" he smirked. "My mother is Lady Freedom, Libertas, and my father is the King of a far land where shadows and cold rule. So I am half shadow half Greek God" he explained as much as he could. "Who are your parents, if I may ask? I already told you about mine"
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"It'll be entertaining for sure" he affirmed smiling and nodding slightly. "Ladies go first" he said politely.
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Not bad at all, demigod sort of...But I can totally go for Greek Hero! Hmm...Sounds fair to me, beautiful"
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
As fastened his belt around his trousers he smirked at her. "Sure" he played along, "You always look at me with those puppy eyes" he chuckled. "Hmm, I wonder if it's my handsome face, my skill with swords or" he smirked before pecking her nose lovingly and then pulled back, "My skills in bed"
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  The raven haired woman felt a soft grin cross her features. “I’m only looking at you.” She teased gently, then felt a light laugh escape her features. “Good I’m glad, because I would like to see you again. There’s something about you that is rather special.”
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Doll, to be frank I am not entirely sure what you are. I mean I'd believe you if you told me you are the personification of Beauty --even though Venus is my maternal aunt--. And about me, that's exactly what I am a nonhuman prince"
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"I am not starting anything, I am simply looking at your face and mirroring the truth. Oh doll, don't make me jealous of humans now..."
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Don't give me that look, lovely, duty call you know. Maybe in a couple of days?"
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  "Oh? Thats a shame really. Will I see you ogain?"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Neither, lovely. I actually have to leave..."
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                  “Are you ready for round two then?                                               Or am I a little too much for you?”
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"In this day and age no one expects to meet someone as beautiful as you either yet here you are"
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
So little lion man... tell me. You're not really a prince, are you?
"Why, of course I am! It’s surprising the number of people whom I tell this and they think I am joking"
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Sure thing darling, sure thing"
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(brought to you by the-youngest-lion
  "I’m nothing if not concerned for my fellow man."
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
"Good, good" he said smiling. The sky above them was turning into a nice shade of purple. He could spot a couple of stars and even the silhouette of the moon, it was still not night. Though night meant darkness and darkness was in his blood much thanks to his dad, he liked this shade of the sky. Though he never admitted it, though Ben had a great possibility of learning about that, he found this shade rather romantic. It always made him feel as if he was in some sort of movie. Now even more since Ben was with him. 
Sighing he kept driving. Part of him was thinking about his family and Ben. Though he had annoyed every and each single one of his siblings, he knew that they'd welcome him. His mother would probably love the boy and accept him as if he were a son of her. His father would too welcome him with open arms. The problem was what Ben would think. They belonged to some other...realm, a dark one for that matter. None of his previous lovers had met them but he always worried about it. His family was lovely but in their own weird way. 
He pushed those thoughts away. They were just getting to know each other. Maybe he'd leave him when he learnt he snored in his sleep. Or find childish the fact that he has a collection of toy planes. For now he didn't know. He'd just as always let it be for as it lasted, no reason to try to force anything. Til any further time he'd just enjoy his time with him. 
His voice brought him back to reality. His flaw was that he would get serious and that he would lose the other. "I was just thinking about my future arms of squirrels and how great you'd look in a Cinderella gown" he joked.
Is This Happiness?||laidhereonmyownwastingmylifeaway
The male continued to grin at his jokes. He felt silly, just allowing the other to go at it. He knew if he didn’t stop him, or at least allow him to carry on with their night activities, they would be there for hours, or possibly even days. It was peaceful, it was a great shortcut from life. Even if was only going to last a few hours, he figured he would make the most of it. “Princess is comfortable,” The male finally was able to answer the other before the bike started to move. He closed his eyes and he breathed in the male’s scent and seconds after, another remark. “I’m perfectly fine with this,” He responded to the other as the male started to finally drive away from his flat. He opened his eyes every once in awhile to look at the sky and the cars. It was starting to get dark, Ben sometimes hated the dark. It was a fear he didn’t know if he was ever going to share with the other. He quite honestly had no idea how long this would last. Of course, even at the start a relationship, one would have doubts. Even though they clicked well together, Ben figured that the male might finally tire of his antics or get bored. Or maybe they might find some other gorgeous girl or guy and become more interested in them. Anyways, Ben tried not to think about this. This was to be considered their possible third date. Only it wasn’t just drinking this time. Ben was thankful that they would be able to spend more time together this time around. The silence was nice and snuggling into his back was nice too. Ben liked when guys had a strong back and he felt confident against his. — But the silence also did worry him maybe the tiniest bit. He slowly lifted his head a little. “May I ask what you might be thinking about?”
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
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the-youngest-lion · 10 years
It was refreshing to be with Ben. Usually when Leonis first started charming someone they'd throw themselves to him. While that stroked his ego, he sometimes couldn't help but feel bored of the routine. His new date however was the exact opposite. It was amusing hearing his sarcastic remarks, play along with Leonis but also made thing a challenge for him. He was never sure what the other would say or think which Leonis simply adored. In all that he did he constantly seek to please him. It was never sure so seeing himself succeed pampered his already big ego even more and made him happy to see him pleased.
The happiness increased especially when he was rewarded. Just like now, with a small tender kiss. He was thankful that the fact of starting the bike was providing him an excuse to hide his face. Because if the other could see his face he'd notice how much he was blushing and smirking. 
"Oh really?" he played on. "I don't think I can ever trust you two again" he joked. "I will need a new bike and date, excuse me" he chuckled. Looking behind his shoulder he smirked at the other. "Don't pout, princess. You know I can't resist that" he told him softly. 
Once the other wrapped their arms around him his smirk increased. Yet he was not always the romantic type. "That is the closest you are getting to my ass, enjoy it as it lasts" he joked. But there was no denial that he was glad they were so close. "Is my Cinderella comfortable?" he asked as he felt his head on his shoulder. His smile only widened though. He gave himself a second to enjoy that moment, the keep it in his heart for the future. But he said none of that, he just started to drive.
As he passed streets and cars, he felt great with the wind gently caressing them. But he felt even better knowing he was with him. He increased his speed slightly as he always did when he was with him.
Is This Happiness?||laidhereonmyownwastingmylifeaway
  The make watched the other and grinned in amusement. Of course the male had a different way of flirting and his sarcastic remarks were very interesting to him. Everything was made out to be fun and games instead of being all serious. Yes, they were going on a date, but he liked how the other didn’t milk it too much or get all googly eyes over him just because the male had accepted his offer. He chuckled at how silly he sounded and he rolled his eyes at the other’s antics for a moment. “Dear, dear,” He said softly before he got kissed on the cheek. A grin continued to press on his lips. “Yeah, we did it without you, it was so sad, I thought he might’ve told you,” He said in a teasing manner towards the other. Of course, the contact between them didn’t go unwanted. He felt comfortable when he touched him, and of course, the blush on his cheeks darkened when he mentioned his blush. “I don’t see you blushing and being all cute just yet,” The male said in protest to the other’s antics before a playful pout formed on his lips. When the evening activities were mentioned, the grin didn’t fade from his lips. He slowly nodded his head in understanding before he made his way towards the bike and he got on right after him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and he comfortably rested his head on his shoulder. “It sounds like a really good night,” He mentioned towards the other. — His grin got wider at the thought. It was going to be an adventure and he knew it. When the male drove off in the bike, he slowly closed his eyes as the wind traveled along them. He felt most comfortable when the male was driving. This wasn’t the first time he had been on his bike.
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