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When I am having a bad day at times I do have to take a breather and remind myself of this. Just breathe, things will get better.
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Think in your surroundings and life's unpredictable moment and challenges and adjust constantly. Be observant. Be introspective. Watch yourself grow, take in criticism, notice room for improvement and continue to evolve.
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You are in control!
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Do not let yourself be prisoner to others. There will always be people who will dislike you or certain parts of you. You have no one to impress, no one to be true to other than yourself. When we stop caring about what others think, we truly liberate and free ourselves.
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Sometimes its not about what you say its about your delivery. Sometimes its best to verbalize things then keep it in but its all about how we say it.
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When we are kind to ourselves and compassionate we draw more positive outcomes.
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Laughter is certainly the best medicine!
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Repost from @beating_binge_eating 💞 #positive #inspiration #love #beauty
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This is beauty! Love fall its my favourite season! Something magical about the crisp air and the brightness of the leaves :) Not looking forward to what follows tho... Why cant we have 6 months of fall instead of winter. Ohh a girl can dream. Mother nature what do you say?
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To my fellow Canadians wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving. Take some time to reflect on things you are grateful for. For me friends and family, traveling, experiences that make me grow and continuing to see things in different perspective. Most of all I am grateful of myself, my journey and the person I am in this very moment and who I will become.
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Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill (via thequse)
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Listen without defending; speak without offending.
(via thequse)
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