thebeerbelly · 5 years
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thebeerbelly · 6 years
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Sympathy Weight at the Monday Night Brewing Garage.
My favorite beer name and a smooth,rich, intensely satisfying choice for when you need to serve up flavorless pasta, and snack packs while still feeling like an adult that can drink whatever the hell they want
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thebeerbelly · 6 years
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It’s been a minute y’all But I’m here. With a traveler pint of Dry County Neon Neon at Atlanta’s Ponce city market. And you know what it tastes like- fucking victory and summertime. It tastes like I just leaned in and flipped the fucking table. I had a work meeting that was a pretty big deal. Normally I’d be the tag along female but today I was the person my grandparents hoped I’d be- confident, knowledgeable and owning every part of a project while my male superiors shows up late and floundered. I owned it y’all and now I’ve got 2 more hours until my kids need to be picked up from care so I’m gonna take my time, drink this beer and awkwardly high five myself.
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thebeerbelly · 9 years
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In praise of the bed beer: After you have a baby sleep is precious and time spent not moving becomes a mini vacation. So why put slippers back on after you put the baby to bed? Get cozy under the covers kick back with a tasty brew and enjoy the silence.
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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Work in progress #beer #sketch #illustration
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
“A He is Addled, He’s casting up his Accounts, He’s Afflicted, He’s in his Airs.
B He’s Biggy, Bewitch’d, Block and Block, Boozy, Bowz’d, Been at Barbadoes, Piss’d in the Brook, Drunk as a Wheel-Barrow, Burdock’d, Buskey, Buzzey, Has Stole a Manchet out of the Brewer’s Basket, His Head is full...
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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Minimalist Beer Labels Inspired by Pantone Color Matching Swatches
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
Watching the World Cup at the bar-
A lot of people swearing off Belgian beer is we lose....
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
I drink because
There’s nothing else that gives me this perfect stillness of mind. We are all the same We all live the best we can and die There is no future to plan for and worry about There is no past up be filled with awkwardness and could haves There is only the kindly whir of the 21st century to remind you that time is in fact moving forward
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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there's pretty much no legit reason I don't have a bar with a mini-keg in my office...
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
You have five hundred a year. From who? Five hundred what? No one knows. No one cares. You have it. It’s yours. Every year. All five hundred of it.
How To Tell If You Are In A Jane Austen Novel | Mallory Ortberg (via miss-zarves)
Also: “A woman who hates you is playing the pianoforte.”
(via housingworksbookstore)
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
GPOY- we should seriously start a pay to text beer referral service
forever helping people at bars i’m at with beer questions when they ask bartenders who stare at them blankly
i feel like i’m always on call
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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Scenes from midway pub- East Atlanta Village
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
Summer is coming
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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But in the early days, getting a craft brewery up and running in Chicago was still a pretty crazy idea. And no one knows that time period better than Tracy Hurst of Metropolitan Brewing. […] In Chicago, most of the brewers I know have Tracy’s number in their favorites list, and solve their technical and business problems one text message at a time.
Listen to Michael Kiser of Good Beer Hunting & Tracy Hurst of Metropolitan Brewing, and then see them both live on April 28th.
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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thebeerbelly · 10 years
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Good beer still tastes like good beer when in a plastic cup.
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