Child death headcannons
Quick addition, foolish :)
He’d feel so guilty
He tried so hard to give you a good life and to protect you only to have it ripped away so quickly
He couldn’t protect you from everything
He never should have trusted purpled, how could he have been so stupid as to let him into las Nevadas?
He tried so hard and it still wasn’t enough
You needed to stop him, not Charlie. Anyone but Charlie. You’d jumped down to reach for his hand and lost your footing just before quackity could place the sand in front of you. You sank below the molten rock, no sounds emerged. Quackity stood, wanting to scream for the two friends he’d lost but he just couldn’t.
Quackity walked up to his door, holding back tears as he knocked, having the door swing open. "It’s y/n…she’s gone" he frowns immediately "Gone? Gone where?" "Foolish…she’s…" "No, I know for a fact quackity that you did not let her die. You’re not that fucking stupid right?" He looks down while foolish shakes his head, silent tears falling down his cheeks. "Foolish, I tried to stop her. She was trying to…" "Save it Alex" He walks back inside "XD, don’t fail me now"
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Child death headcanons
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Tw- death, angst, murder, blood, fire, blades (if I missed anything please tell me)
He’s in hysterics
He can’t focus on anything but the fact his baby’s dead
You were his world and he lost you so easily to the man he swore he’d never let near his family again
This wasn’t like a nightmare or a hypothetical
Because every time he thought about it he saved you
But he didn’t
Everyone watches in shock as Dream’s sword pierces your chest. You drop to the floor, blood pooling around you. "Y/n/n!" Tommy falls to his knees, holding your lifeless body close to him. "You sick fuck! She didn’t deserve that!" His voice cracks as he screams out his frustrations, his pain to Dream. "Why her?! She’s a little girl! She’s done nothing to you!" Dream doesn’t speak, he only stares on at the bloody scene before him. Techno has to hold Wilbur and Phil back from charging at him and slashing their own blades into him. Tubbo sits on the floor next to Tommy in tears, rubbing his back as he cries. "My baby"
Your death pushed him over the edge
The only thing stopping him from going insane was you
He lost fundy, his little champion but he still had you, his little star. The light of his life
So when you died he fell and fell hard
Bloodcurdling screams rang in his ears as he saw the burnt remnants of your house. Your beautiful flower garden, set ablaze. Your once red roses blackened with smoke, your one pink tulips crisped by the astonishing heat radiating from your house. You died in a fire, a fire Sapnap set. He cradles your charred body, he can feel the touch of people trying to take you from his arms but he doesn’t let them, not his baby. He doesn’t care that the fire was an accident. His little girl’s gone because of him. He’ll join her soon though, he always has.
He already lost a child and he had to murder him
Then Tommy lost a life too and again, he wasn’t there to help
So when he found he couldn’t protect another one of his kids he was distraught
He always thought a father should protect their kids so when he couldn’t he just couldn’t deal with it
Puffy and Techno have your body wrapped in a blanket and taken to Phil’s. Phil opens the door, seeing them from the window. "Dad…she" his eyes well up with tears and he takes you from his arms. "Y/n/n" the blanket your swaddled in is soaked in blood, your blood. So full of it that it’s nearly dripping onto the floor. His baby. "The banquet" puffy chokes out between tears "Bad…he got to her before we could" "I’m so sorry Phil" he shakes his head, it’s too late for her but not for them "It’s not your fault, you tried to get there. Now we need to get them" he sighs and wipes his own tears away "Anyone in the mood for an omelette?"
The only time people have seen this man cry
(Except Phil)
He just didn’t want to lose you like he lost everything else he had and apparently that was just too much to ask
After the tears dried though, he saw red
He was absolutely furious and the voices completely took over
A pick axe stands in your chest as blood leaks from the wound. Techno takes out the pick axe and walks towards Quackity. The bastard only stands and smirks, now weapon-less and helpless against the blood god himself. He stands no chance against him, especially mow. It would be so easy to just watch the blood leak from him. ‘Kill him’ ‘Blood for the blood god’ ‘Fucking murder him’ ‘Watch the life drain from his face’ ‘give him what he gave her’ ‘no mercy’ ‘Drive that pickaxe into his heart!’ ‘Blood for the blood god!’ The pickaxe so nearly cuts into his chest but Phil grabs his arm. "She wouldn’t want it Techno! For her! For y/n/n!" He hears your name and snaps out of it. Phil restrains Quackity so he can’t run from the scene as Techno kneels down to cradle your body. Tears make small puddles on your face as he holds you close "My little piglin"
They are in tears
Inconsolable is the only word
Not only did they lose their daughter but they have to tell Michael that you’re gone too
His big sister, his hero was gone
He wouldn’t understand, he’s too little
All he knew was that he has to play knights by himself now
"No. No they’re not gone. She’s only sleeping right boo?" Ranboo holds his husband’s hand as they kneel to hold their child. "Tubbo…" "She can’t be gone yet, it’s too soon for her to go. We still have so much to do and see together" Ranboo holds Tubbo to his chest. "She wanted to see the world" "I’m so sorry guys" Ranboo shakes his head "It’s not your fault Tommy, you…you did the best you could" it’s true, he tried to pull you from the explosion, he really did but Wilbur was too quick to push the button.
He looks at the picture frame and picks it up. He clambers onto Ranboo’s lap and points at her picture. "Y/n/n" he has a curious look on his face as Ranboo’s eyes well up with tears, small droplets burning his skin. "Umm, well y/n/n’s not coming home for a little while" Michael frowns "No y/n/n?" Ranboo nods "No y/n/n" Michael’s eyes well up and he pushes his face into Ranboo’s chest "Why no y/n/n?" His voice comes out muffled from his chest "She’s…she’s gone on a big girl adventure, we can see her again one day" he sniffs and nods. "Love y/n/n" Ranboo nods "I love her too Michael, and I love you" Ranboo wipes away Michael’s tears with the end of his shirt "Love you daddy"
Schlatt already lost Tubbo due to sheer neglect but for you he’d change…right?
He knew his wrongdoings and so he’d turn himself around
Maybe that’s what made your death so truly tragic
He knew he had to stop drinking so why didn’t he?
I suppose he just wasn’t strong enough
"Ugh god what a hangover, y/n! Get me some water!" No response, he groans and stands up and nearly trips on something, a hand, her hand? He rolls his eyes "What are you doin’ on the floor kid?" He peers over his desk only to find the bloody remnants of the night before, cluttered with the shattered whisky bottles and the ash of forgotten cigarettes. "No, y/n/n" no, not even Schlatt would do something like this…right? Not even he’s this reckless to kill his own child…right? He picks her up and she’s long since cold, eyes dead staring up at him almost screaming ‘you did this to me’ he lost his little girl and it’s all his fault.
"You pushed him away from us! It’s your fault I don’t have a brother anymore! He hates me and I hate you!" He smashes a bottle onto the desk, glass flying throughout the room. "Don’t you DARE say anything like that about me ever again! Got it?!" His eyes flare in anger but so do hers. "You can’t deny facts, you’re the reason he’s not here!" "Shut up!" "And I fucking hate you for it!" "Shut up bitch!" "I hate you Jschlatt!" He smashes the bottle onto her head, she collapses to the ground and he collapses into his chair, one will wake up tomorrow and the other will never wake up again.
Everything has been taken from him
He wouldn’t let you get taken from him, he couldn’t
But revenge is such a powerful thing and one Dream just couldn’t resist
After all that torture the only logical way to go was either through you, sapnap, George or Karl
And of course he wouldn’t hurt them
So that left you
"Dream please!" She screams as he unsheathes his sword. "Nothing personal y/n, you’re a lovely girl. Your dad on the other hand has a lesson to learn about messing with me. Don’t worry, you’ll be coming back and the pain will only be…agonising"
"Dream!" Quackity let’s out an agonising scream as he sees your body in the middle of las Nevadas. Right there, he was so close to you and he didn’t even know it. You died alone, he promised you’d never be alone but that was the last thing you ever got.
Dream knows he’s made enemies and had done a good job keeping you out of it
You weren’t involved in any conflict anyway and the server loved you
So no one had a reason to hurt you just because Dream’s your dad
Until doomsday of course
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all
Techno pushes away the rubble of the fallen country to reveal there, his daughter, his baby. "No" he kneels down and strokes her face, tears filling the porcelain mask. "Y/n, I thought she left…I told you to get her out of here!" He turns to Phil in a blinding rage "We thought she was gone mate" he sighs staring at his girl, she didn’t deserve this, to be caught up in his messes and this time it went too far. Way too far. "I’ll bring her back, no matter what"
Ghostbur’s confused
All he knows is that his blue’s gone and he misses you so, so much
Phil and Techno just had to tell him that you’re on a big adventure and might not be coming home for a while
He writes you letters and asks Phil to deliver them for you
Phil has to stop himself from crying in front of him when he does that
It was an accident, Fundy didn’t mean to shoot you with that arrow, why would he?
But you can’t change the past
"Ghostbur, can we talk to you?" He nods quickly "Of course Phil, what is it?" Techno scratches his neck "Well, Ghostbur it’s about y/n" his eyes light up "Little star, how is she?" "She..she’s gone on an adventure" he smiles "Oh she loves adventures, did she go to the forest? She loves all the little woodland creatures" they both nod "Yeah and she might not be home for a while" he frowns "She didn’t come to say goodbye to me, she usually does before adventures" "Oh she was really busy, she was very excited for this one, she wants to get a gift for friend" Ghostbur grins "Oh she’ll love it, whatever it is if it’s from y/n/n. I hope she has fun" "I’m sure she will, ghostbur"
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Quick hc
So (c!)Phil, Schlatt and Techno were friends before Wilbur was born, let’s say Schlatt was 20 or so. They were like frat buddies let’s say. I also think Phil had a rampage phase where he would destroy things, kill people for little to no reason. I think that Phil took one of schlatt’s lives maybe in a prank gone wrong, a village set on fire and Schlatt got caught in the flames, Schlatt turned to alcohol after his first death and Phil changed after meeting Kristen, Techno carried on wandering and exploring while Phil settled down with his wife and kids. To this day, Schlatt is hated and seen as an awful person when really he was forced into the life he had by a close friend.
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From cradle to grave
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Tw: death
(Just a short fic)
"I need you to take him out" the launcher beside him lifts as a small "I’m sorry Tubbo" emerges from his mouth. Bright colours flash through the intense heat until…white. My eyes scan the room and eventually land on a bed, hair splayed on the pillow and a man stood next to it. Giggles emerge from the bed as a baby’s little whines are heard.
Is that me? Walking to get a closer look, I see her. There with me and my baby. She smiles so brightly, those fireworks would envy her. I…my past self? I look so young, no aging on my face, no stress. He kisses her forehead "I love you mama" she smiles "I love you too papa" Tubbo whines in her arms and he holds his hand out, he grabs his finger and sucks on the tip of it. "Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay"
Screams erupt in the crowd "Tubbo! No!" She pushes through the crowd and up onto the stage, grasping onto him. "Toby" she sobs into his hair, stroking it. "Please don’t go darling" Niki rushes up and hugs her "I’m sorry y/n" she sniffs "My baby" she looks up and meets my eyes. Hers pouring tears and mine…doing the same. "I…y/n/n" "You killed him. You killed our son! My son!" I hold my hand out to her but she pulls away "Don’t fucking touch me" Niki gently pulls her away but she doesn’t let go of Tubbo. "I was late, if I wasn’t late…." Niki shakes her head "Don’t blame yourself" I killed my son and my wife died with him.
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Not bad for an arranged wedding
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I sigh as Niki tightens my corset "Do I have to do this?" She sighs "I’m sorry you have to, I don’t want this for you either but he’s really not as scary as they say" "Wait my brother told you who I’m marrying?" She nods shyly "He said me, dream and sapnap should know, he didn’t want you to not go through with it" I groan "He won’t tell me anything" "Do you want me to tell you?" I shake my head "I’d rather not know. If I know, I won’t go through with it and…I know I have to. For the people" "At least I’m coming to the kingdom with you" I nod and give her a gentle smile, letting her hold my hand "Yeah, I’m glad you’re coming with me"
After I’m dressed we leave my room and go out to my awaiting carriage where my brother sits. Niki sits in the other carriage and I sit beside my brother. "Where are your shadows?" He rolls his eyes "Dream and Sapnap are in the other carriage" "Oh so they let me sit with my brother for once?" He looks at me with some sympathy "I’m sorry I’ve not been spending much time with you, we’ve been busy with the state of the kingdom" I nod "I’ve just missed you" He sighs "I’ve missed you too" the carriage stops and I try to open the door but dream opens it for me making me roll my eyes "I do have hands dream" "Your majesty it is my job to make sure…" "That I’m completely content in all aspects of my life blah blah blah, if that were true I wouldn’t be getting married next week" George slaps my hand "Stop it, you can’t act up while we’re here" I sigh and get out of the carriage immediately standing beside Niki.
We walk up the grand castle steps, into the large marble structure. I look around in awe, wherever I’m marrying into is fucking loaded and extravagant with their money. This kingdom is thriving, no wonder George doesn’t want me to fuck this up. We’re lead to large doors that open, exposing the throne room. George, Dream and sapnap bow as Niki curtseys. I don’t until george glares at me. "King…" "Philza, we’ve met an alliance George please" he smiles at me "Princess y/n, lovely to finally make your acquaintance" I let a forced smile run across my face "Philza, it’s lovely to meet you too" I’m not completely lying, he seems nice enough except I do have to marry his son.
"This is my wife, Kristen" she gives me a warm smile and I return it. "So your son…" Kristen interrupts "Technoblade? He’ll be joining us at dinner, he’s training right now" Training? He trains too? I wonder if I’ll be able to train while I live here, George only reluctantly let me train at our own castle. George nods "Your bags will be taken to your rooms and you’ll be shown to them later by Tubbo, one of our knights" Tubbo gives me a wave and I smile at him, he seems like a sweet kid. "Now that that’s out of the way, would you like to meet our other sons?" Other sons? I nod curiously and kristen gets up from her throne, holding her arm to link with mine, I take it and I’m lead out of the room.
We walk to a large garden full of flowers and foliage, covered as far as the eye can see with colour. "This is beautiful" she smiles "I selected all the flowers planted here, I wanted somewhere to come and think. I hope you’ll use these gardens too" I nod "I definitely will" she leads me to a large lake where a tall brown haired man around my age is fighting a blonde haired boy around Tubbo’s age with a wooden sword. "Training again boys?" They both turn to us "Woman?!" The blonde haired boy shouts in surprise. The brunette rolls his eyes while I giggle "I’m Wilbur, techno’s brother. You must be y/n. This idiot’s Tommy" "Oi! I’m not an idiot!" "Don’t insult your brother, Wil" he smiles "Alright, anyway. Have you met techno yet?"
"Wait, you’re the woman marrying the blade?" I nod shyly "Yeah, I suppose so" he laughs "Never thought I’d see the day techno would accept…" Kristen glares at him and he stops "Sorry mum" I turn to her in confusion and she sighs "Techno isn’t very…accepting of most of his suitors" I nod "At least I know we can relate in that way" she nods and we start walking back inside "I understand, I wasn’t accepting of mine either, then I met Phil and I fell in love" I smile at the story, I really, really hope that I can get that too. We walk back inside and I smell food from the I assume nearby kitchens. "That smells amazing" "Our chefs always make the best"
The doors to a large dining room open and I try to sit down next to George but he stops me, pointing to a seat with an empty one beside it. I realise he wants me to sit next to technoblade when he arrives and my stomach drops, a nervous chill runs through me. "George…" "Y/n, please" I sigh and sit down, the doors open and Wilbur and Tommy walk in, playfully joking with each other, I remember when me and George could do that. They sit down and the food arrives, we eat comfortably, having small conversations until the doors open again. A man…a tall, muscular, handsome man walks in holding a sword. "Sorry I’m late" Phil gives him a small look but he sits in the only empty seat, beside me. "Techno, no weapons at the table" his gaze softens at his mother and he puts the sword in its sheath, placing it under the table.
I sit, moving food around my plate and not joining in the conversations. Nervous at the man beside me. That is until everyone but us is talking "I’m sorry" he turns to me confused "What?" "We have to get married? This isn’t the way I wanted my life to play out either, all because of my kingdom" he sighs "That’s not your fault" I shrug "Still, I’m sorry" he looks down at his plate before responding "You know? I’ve heard about you" "You have?" He nods "I know you like reading, flowers…fighting" I smile "Yeah" "I’ve always liked a sparing partner" "Really?" He nods again "Well, should we see who’s better in a little spar tomorrow?" He chuckles "Sounds good to me"
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