thebrokentruth · 10 years
     "From.. Hoenn?" Touko stays quiet for some time. She's never been the the Hoenn region, so she doesn't know what to say back. Should she complement the region or stay quiet? She decides on the latter considering that she might say something wrong to the region. 
    "I was actually looking for something I saw on the news the other day, " she continues to here him speak. She cracks a grin once she hears the words Plume and Fossil and nods her head.
   "Of course I know what it is! At obtaining that fossil, you can restore it at the Nacrene Museum and get the pokemon Archen!" So that's what he's doing here--he's looking for a Plume Fossil. Despite being rare, Touko knew a perfect spot to find such a rare fossil, so her grin widens as she holds her hand out.
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     "I know the perfect place in locating that fossil! Although it may take some time, I'm pretty sure we can find it together as a team! Care to join?"
Chargestone Cave || Steven & Touko
He was a bit surprised at the girl’s reaction. Steven had prepared himself for the worst, and the worst being “OH MY GOD? STEVEN STONE? THE STEVEN STONE??? KYAAAAA!!!”
But alas the girl had a different reaction, and for that he was relived. Broad shoulders relaxed as he shook his head.
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"Ms. Medoza, I’m guessing you’re a native here," he laughed sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "I’m not from around here obviously, I’m from Hoenn. It’s my first time visiting Unova so the everything to me is new…"
"I was actually looking for something I saw on the news the other day, something called a Plume Fossil, might you know what that is?"
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
[[Sorry about the delay, lost internet for like THREE DAYS!!]]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
[[Sorry about the delay, lost internet for like THREE DAYS!!]]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
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   I am soooo sorry for not getting to you guys yesterday! My computer froze and then I lost the internet so I now feel so bad! I'll get to them next Tuesday, I promise. (They're already written, but Thursday's over so.)
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
Write your favorite quote
[[Sorry about the delay; school.]] 
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
[[Sorry about the delay; school.
p.s. I don’t know why it’s upside down? Sorry, again.]] 
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
[[Sorry about the delay; school.]]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
5. Your favourite quote.
[[Sorry about the delay; school.]]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
[[Sorry about the delay; school.]]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
Send me a ✄ and I'll write your URL in my handwriting.
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
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I’m super sorry! Idk where I got 16 from, luma. But here’s your gal!
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
Her expression is amazement when the man stands from where he was once digging onto the wall. She still continues to smile—a nervous smile—when the man apologizes. "I-I’m sorry," she hears him speak. “excuse my appearance miss.” She swears in that moment she would’ve started laughing about how formal he was speaking to her at that exact moment. She was used to being yelled at—or ignored—by strangers when she tried speaking to them. So for her, this felt weird. 
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       ”There’s no need to apologize; I completely understand. I mean, why else would you be here if not to get your appearance dirty?” she replies with a tone of sarcasm in it; despite not intending it to be sarcastic. "Well, this is annoying," she hears him say next. A knot forms at the top of her eyebrows, wondering if he was talking about her reply. “Sorry, I just—-“  
       ”what am I supposed to do with all these then?” she blinks twice before understanding what he means, in which she starts cracking up upon seeing the pile of Hard Stones besides him. “You could always sell them; I believe they give 100 per piece?” 
She sees him pout and finds herself laughing harder then before. Who would’ve thought that Touko would come across someone who was highly disappointed in finding Hard Stones? She knew many people who would’ve peed their pants in happiness; the more you find, the more money received, right?
       ”I thought I’d never see the day someone would be disappointed in finding some Hard Stones in exchange for cash. You’re unusual.” she says in her normal, cheery voice. “Ah yeah, this one’s mine. Sorry if he bothered you, he tends to run around and get lost, but he always manages to get back to me.” he says next. Her mouth forms a small 'o' as she gets her question answered.
     “Thank you very much miss.”
"It was nothing mister; just looking out for pokemon that don’t seem from around this place."
     She feels the cave start to close in on her as the tension starts to rise. She usually didn’t know what to do after she was thanked for, so she was blank on to what to say next. “Umm…” she says in an inaudible tone. “My apologies. My name is Steven Stone, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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"It’s alright! I’m Touko Mendoza, and the same could be said about you!"
Chargestone Cave || Steven & Touko
It wasn’t the girl’s voice that called him away from his excavating adventures, but the hard something that thrown harshly at his head.
"Agh!? What the hell?!" He could feel a bump begin to rise where he was rubbing the back of his head. Sleep deprived (he had no idea how long he had been digging around) golden orbs locked onto his offender who turned out to be his Metagross, "That was rude and uncalled for, Metagross."
The large steel/physic pokemon snorted at its trainer then flicked its eyes to something behind the Hoenn League Champion. Steven cocked his head to the side in confusion, he slowly turned around and was immediately shocked by the bright blue hues of the stranger’s eyes. Maybe it was because he had been staring at the dull, gray slab in front of him for Arceus knows how long and had forgotten what vibrant colors looked like or he was just taken back on how pretty this person eyes were.
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
Daughter - Medicine (Sound Remedy Remix) 
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
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    Okay, I really hate doing this, but really, does anyone want to start a thread here with ol' Touko? I am down to write the starters (god knows I need a distraction before finals) so just send me a message so we can talk it out. Also, I think my inbox might be eating some asks since it says I have a certain amount when I only see two -_-' So I apologize if you have been trying to contact me and I'm not responding. I swear I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Well, I hope you guys have a wonderful day and remember, 
    [       S U P P O R T  M E X I C O  T O D A Y ! ! ! ! !       ]
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
“You weren’t wrong. You were just wrong about me.”
      Touko raises a hand to N’s cheek as she tries to hold back the tires that are overwhelming her eyes. No… no… she WASN’T wrong.. She loses all strength in her hand and drops it as a sob breaks out of her. She rubs her eyes as hard as she can—a proper lady does not show emotions, no matter the situation. She was Touko, the strong-willed girl; the seeker of  honesty and truth. Even she had the right to call herself a proper lady despite her appearance and attitude.
      “No N…. I wasn’t wrong. I wasn’t wrong. Especially about you..” because you showed me a path, a path I never thought I’d go down. She finally let’s out the emotions that had been bottled up inside her, wearing her down little by little with each passing day. She cried and cried and tried to let him know that she wasn’t wrong about him. She grabbed his checks, held his hand, and eventually hugged him as tightly as she could.
       ”Please N, please listen to me. I was—am—never wrong about you. You are the one.. the one I love the most. The one I would die just to see you live, to see you survive and prove the world wrong. Please, I know you, so don’t do this to me. Don’t prove them right.”
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
AU Plot Ideas
A Game of Thrones - I just finished the first book & asdfghjkl. Cannot believe it took three seasons to complete just one book. Damn, it must've been hard. 
Attack on Titan - Just cause I just read the new chapter like right now & I just cannot-- fuck ya i hope mikasa saves jean my baby 
Supernatural - Because I don't know. Just felt like adding it here.
Orange is the New Black - WHO WANTS TO BE TOUKO's fuck buddy? Nah, jay kay. I can't do smut either way cause me do not know how too. just felt like throwing that in cause i watched it while everyone was @ prom
Ya no se porque el nuevo capitulo de snk me a roto y ahora ando escribiendo en espanol
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thebrokentruth · 10 years
“Just because s/he likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean s/he’s your soul mate.”
“I just… I just woke up one day and I knew.”
“Roses are red, violets are blue… Fuck you, whore!”
“Look, we don’t have to put a label on it. That’s fine. I get it.”
“I need to know that you’re not gonna wake up in the morning and feel differently.”
“I can’t give you that. Nobody can.”
“Loneliness is underrated.”
“You weren’t wrong. You were just wrong about me.”
“It’s love. It’s not Santa Claus.”
“There’s no such thing as love. It’s fantasy.”
“All we ever do is argue!”
“That is bullshit!”
“We’re just friends.”
“I don’t know how to tell you this, but… There’s a Chinese family in our bathroom.”
“Sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.”
“People change. Feelings change.”
“We’re so compatible. It’s insane!”
“They used to call me anal girl.”
“There’s enough bullshit in the world without my help.”
“I’m here for you. I just wish you’d let me in.”
“I can only tell you how I feel right now.”
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