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Cullen. Do you need to ask?
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cullen sketch !
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Shit...damn it! We saved Ferelden, and they're angry! We saved Orlais, and they're angry! We closed the Breach — twice! — and my own hand wants to kill me! COULD ONE THING IN THIS FUCKING WORLD JUST STAY FIXED?
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Cullen Rutherford + text posts 3/???
Part 2
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excuse me that's MY formerly-toxic, sleep deprived emotional support white boy
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WIP Wednesday Cullen
”Commander,” the messenger saluted from the open door of Cullen’s office. ”We received word from the Inquisitor.”
Cullen looked up from the notes he was writing. 
”And?” he demanded irritably.
”Her Worship should return to Skyhold some time tomorrow,” the messenger continued.
Cullen let out a breath and nodded. ”Any word on her condition?”
”No, ser, so we assume she’s in good health.”
”Very good. Thank you,” Cullen dismissed the messenger and set his quill down.
He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath in. He rubbed his tired face with his hands and exhaled with a sigh. He thought he would be relieved hearing of Ellana’s safe return but suddenly he was nervous in a new way.
The two weeks she had been gone had been long. He had not been sleeping well. At first her smell in his bedsheets had helped a little, but as days passed, her scent vanished and Cullen felt like he was losing his grip on reality. The late night hallucinations induced by the lack of lyrium filled with ethereal images of Ellana that sometimes turned into demons and abominations in his nightmares. 
He felt like the line between being awake and dreaming had blurred, and he began doubting if she actually had spent the night with him. Maybe he had imagined her saying she felt at home with him. That she didn’t want to move on from him. Maybe he had hallucinated her crying out his name in pleasure and dreamed up how her skin felt against his. 
Now she was finally coming back to Skyhold. Would she look for him with her eyes when she rode back on her horse? Would she smile upon seeing him? Could he keep his cool upon her return, or would he blurt out something without thinking and embarrass himself in front of her and everyone else? 
Cullen wiped his neck with his hand. Cold sweat, shaking hands. He felt like just having Ellana back in Skyhold would make his withdrawal symptoms better. He didn’t know if it was true, but he felt a physical need for her proximity all the same.
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Come on, confess and use one of these by @ginnyw-potter like I did.
I have like four unfinished Cullen x Lavellan smut fics in my WIP folder.
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The Warrior Queen, Hero of Ferelden. 🌹
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Less than 8 weeks to go until release, time for a reminder. I don’t want to block you, my fellow Dragon Age fans, ok?
Just a reminder to my fellow Dragon Age brainrotters:
please tag your Veilguard posts with something relevant like DA4, DATV, Dragon Age The Veilguard, whatever.
We who do not wish to see any spoilers about the upcoming game can filter relevant tags out of our feeds and still keep enjoying the community and the posts about the other games and media.
Thank you. Love you. ❤️
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Recent small doodles of short hair, modelled by these smug assholes.
Dorian / Cassandra
Cullen / Sera
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That little eyebrow thing is adorable stop
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I’d been a loyal Bioware gamer long before Dragon Age, so I bought the first game soon after release without looking into it more, and fucking loooooooved it
curious to know how everyone got into Dragon Age?
my obsession started a few years ago after coming across fenhawke art on pinterest. watched a few Origins and DA2 playthroughs on YouTube. and so here I am in my own well of Solavellan tears lol
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The world was quiet, when the weight of the Inquisition broke you.
The view from the Inquisitor's quarters was glowing soft and silver on a night kissed by the crescent moon. Your silhouette broke up the moonlight drifting across the stone balcony, a lone figure braced over the ivy-strewn rail. It was a quiet thing, at first, this grief. Things moved fast and hard in the Inquisition, and the face of such a noble cause had to be much of the same, almost all of the time. Bits and pieces would slip through the cracks here and there as expected, but only just enough to keep you moving forward, to keep you from losing your mind in front of the people under your command.
Of course, no one can live like this forever.
A soft caress against your shoulder startles you from this rare moment of mortality, Andraste's chosen fallen from grace. Your eyes drift up to find the moon hidden behind another shadow come to join you; either they made little sound upon entering, or you were so lost in the heaviness of your crown you hadn't heard them come in. Either way, it's a welcome thing, seeing Cullen standing here at your side.
He doesn't say a thing. He has no need for words in this moment, not really. All it takes is a hand to guide you off of the cold stone, and the other takes your hand in his. You collapse into him then, face buried into fur and leather and him, your Commander, your solace, your Cullen. He keeps you there, a soft touch along the column of your spine while he does.
The night almost steals his words, as does your moment of mourning, when he does choose to speak. They're quiet things, comforting in a way that you haven't heard in a very long time. He rests his head against yours, fingers clinging to the chilled fabric of your clothes.
Let it out, love. I've got you.
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When I was younger I used to draw and paint a lot, but it’s been 15 years easily by now. A week ago I drew something in a party game and lots of people said it was really good for a quick doodle.
This evening I picked up pencils and pens and drew something in a shitty note book. It felt good.
Dragon Age Origins crew:
Morrigan Alistair Sten
Leliana Wynne Zevran
Oghren Anora Loghain
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Tag 9 people you want to know about
Her Ballsakkness @cullenssweatyballsakk tagged me. Yes I absolutely assumed the pronoun please let me know
Last song: Porcupine tree - Arriving somewhere but not here
Favorite color: Dramatic jewel tones, like emerald and ruby and so on. Now that autumn is coming I'm also drawn to colours like burgundy, tile red/orange and aubergine.
Currently reading: Yoko Ogawa - Memory Police
Currently watching: Nothing at the moment. I should pick up Lupin season 3 and Umbrella Academy season 4. I'd also like to try the 3 Body Problem and The Gentlemen and the new Ripley with Andrey Scott.
Last movie: Inception! It was better than I remembered.
Sweet, spicy or savory: Sweet. I'm like an addict.
Relationship status: Married, no kids.
Current obsession: Cullen Rutherford, oh man oh man. Also Alistair Theirin. And the Edwin Romance Mod for Baldur's Gate 2 (HOLLA IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT) along with my Bhaalspawn OC for BG2. And I'm starting to get excited about Veilguard and my Rook because I've decided her faction and origin as far as I can without playing or spoiling myself too much.
Tea or coffee: Porque no los dos! Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.
Age: 37.
About Me: I'm from a small obscure country, I wish I had a cat or two, I'm eating chocolate right now as I'm writing this, I'm sad that summer is almost gone because I'm not a winter person at all.
Likes: Bioware games, especially the Dragon Age series. Warm but dark August nights (I'm sad it's already September!). The smell of foreign airports just after you've landed. I've also just gotten into Fontaines DC and they're pretty cool. Not as cool as Idles but I like them.
If you want to know something else, just ask! <3
Here are some tags but no pressure either way: @sweetjulieapples @swordbisexual but I think you've maybe done this already @laurelsofhighever @wilchur
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I don't know if you've already been asked this, and my apologies if you have, but are there are terms of affection other than the given of 'vhenan' and 'emma lath?' Things less intense and more along the lines of 'dear' or 'darling' or 'cutie' or 'my sweet.' Boyfriend or girlfriend or other. Something between 'lethallan/in' and 'vhenan'. Thanks a bunch, you're amazing!
I don’t recall being asked something similar, but my memory can be shoddy, especially as the number of asks I get continues to climb.
In terms of endearments, you have to remember that endearments are usually born from the language. For example, while you could translate darling or sweetie into Elvhen, it would be like translating ‘baby,’ into Portuguese. Calling your lover bebê or docinho in Portuguese would be just be weird. Instead, you’re going to be using things like chuchu, gato/gata, or meu querido/minha querida — just to name a few. Likewise, while querido translates back into English as ‘dear,’ or ‘darling,’ calling somebody chayote or cat in English would be just as weird as calling somebody docinho in Portuguese.
Also mind that some of the endearments on the Elvhen wiki page are unfortunately just plain wrong from a grammatical/linguistic standpoint.
With that in mind, onwards to Elvhen endearments:
For Anyone:
Da’assan: little arrow. An endearment used, usually for hunters, but can be used for anyone. Typically used to describe someone who is forthright, straight shooting, etc. Usually used by someone more experience/older towards someone less experienced/younger.Da’mi / Da’mis: little blade. An endearment used, usually for hunters or warriors, but can be used for anyone. Typically used to describe someone who is stubbon, but effective. Someone who goes to get what they want, and someone who does something regardless of consequence. As with da’assan, it is usually used by someone more experience/older towards someone less experienced/younger.Da’lath’in: little heart. An endearment used to describe someone who is emotional, carries their heart on their sleeve, is very empathetic, or very sympathetic to the plights of others. Typically used to describe a young person, but can be used for people of all ages who meet the description.Da Fen: Little wolf. An playful endearment for close friends, family and lovers. Used with those who are the same age or older.Da Fenlin: Little wolfling. An endearment similar to Da Fen, but used for those who are younger and/or less experienced.Ara halla / ‘Ma’halla: My halla. An endearment for a very close friend that you trust implicitly.
For Children
Ara iovru / ‘Ma’iovru: My bear cub, my baby bear.Ara vherlin / ‘Ma’vherlin: Kitten, baby catAra Dharlin / ‘Ma’dharlin: Pup, puppy, baby houndAra hallain / ‘Ma’hallain: My little halla calf, My baby hallaAra da’adahl / ‘Ma da’adahl: My little treeAra da’ean / ‘Ma’da’ean: My little birdAra da’isenatha / ‘Ma’da’isenatha: My little dragonAra vherain / ‘Ma’vherain: My lion cub, my baby lionIn the above examples, the possessives are often omitted.
For Parents / Grandparents
Mae: Mommy, Mom, MaBae: Dad, Daddy, PopMaela: Nana, Nona, GrammyBaela: Popop, Nono, Grandpa, PoppyIovro’shan: old bearFen’shan: Old wolfIsenatha’shan: Old dragonVheraan’shan: Old lionIovro’bae: Papa bearIovro’mae: Mama bearFen’bae: Papa wolfFen’mae: Mama wolfIsenatha’bae: papa dragonIsenatha’mae: mama dragonVheraan’bae: papa lionVheraan’mae: mama lion
For Lovers
Ara’isha / ‘Ma’isha: Husband/boyfriend. Lit. my manAra’asha / ‘Ma’ahsa: Wife/girlfriend. Lit. my womanAra’esha / ‘Ma’esha: Partner/lover. Lit. my personAra’len / ‘Ma’len: Husband/boyfriend. A much more poetic variant. Lit. Myself, my male personAra’lan / ‘Ma’lan: Wife/girlfriend. A much more poetic variant. Lit. Myself, my female person.Ara’lin / ‘Ma’lin: Partner/lover. A much more poetic variant. Lit. Myself, my personAra sa’lath / ‘Ma’sa’lath: My one loveAra lath / ‘Ma’lath: My loveVhen’an’ara: Heart’s desire. Lit. journey of the heartArasha: My happinessAra blarteralas / ‘Ma’blarteralas: My mountain flowerAra av’in / ‘Ma’av’in: My mouth. A very personal and slightly sexual endearment. The meaning is essentially, “I love you so much, and desire you so much, that my mouth tastes like yours.” But also means, “We understand each other on such a personal level, that you could talk for me.”Ara haurasha / ‘Ma’haurasha: My honey. A very sexual endearment that essentially means “You make me wet,” or “You make me hard.” Fyi: Haurasha (honey) is slang for precum, and the wetness of the vagina. Ara sal’shiral / ‘Ma’sal’shiral: My life. Essentially, “Love of my life,” or “You are my soul’s journey.”Gaildahlas: The elvhen word for embrium. Similar to the english endearment ‘sweetie,’ or ‘baby.’Fenor: Precious. Similar to the english endearment: Dear, or beloved. Fenorain: Little precious. Similar to the english endearment ‘darling.’
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Aaauugghh this is perfection and has 100% happened and I love it
I didn't know it was @orangekittyenergy 's birthday but now that I do here's a little drabble for the AMAZING artist that lovingly brought my babies to life (here and here).
I nabbed the prompt "No. Not going to happen." from @creativepromptsforwriting.
Cullen x gn!Reader (Inquisitor or not) Dragon Age: Inquisition (no spoilers) 650 words of established relationship fluffffffffff
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"No. Not going to happen."
"But Cullen —"
"No. I said no."
The morning sun streamed in through the windows and landed lazily about a horde of papers and books stacked almost to your height. The bookshelves were half empty, their contents scattered about the room as if they were never meant to return to their homes on dusty shelves. Even his chair had three stacks of books, although you guessed that those were the ones he might actually be reading.
"Culleennnnn…", you beg, with a smile that creeps up the side of your face. You are trying to give him the most pitiful pout you can manage, but the man can read you like the books he refuses to put away.
"I told Sera no. I told Krem no. I told Blackwall no. I said no."
"Cullen, it's just a small tournament." You watch him move behind his desk to the window, casting a long shadow in his otherwise dimly lit office. You've had to order more candles for him; between your Antivan diplomat and your Ferelden commander there is no shortage of wax nubs thrown out each morning. At least Leliana preferred to work in the darkness.
He turns and stares at you with whiskey in his narrowed eyes. His arms are crossed over his breastplate, and your mind whispers about the wide shoulders and broad chest that he hides under steel and fur. There was a piece of you that wanted to keep those images to yourself, selfish as you might be. You shove that voice down. It was just a tournament after all, and Blackwall was right — the commander did need to loosen up a little.
"A druffalo riding tournament is no place for the commander of the Inquisition's armies. It would be… inappropriate." He shakes his head like it was all your fault that the tournament rules forbade shirts.
He approaches the desk and reaches for the papers that are flung his way from a page that is clearly running behind. The page stops and glances between the two of you, mouth agape, before scurrying on to their next task. Cullen sighs. The barracks would be whispering by lunchtime, recruits calling on him to join in the raucous fun. It still probably wouldn't be enough to convince him.
"Is there anything I can do, Cullen? Anything at all to get you to sign up?" You take slow deliberate steps around the side of the desk, before pushing a leg up and over the corner and resting there. You are in his space, now, your leg pressing up against his cuisses, and he feigns disinterest at first. He barely looks up from the paper — some list of resources for the Emerald Graves — and raises one eyebrow.
"Anything?" he whispers, looking back to the document and then dropping it gently onto the pile of papers he needed to address today. He backs away from you, his eyes still drilling into your own, before rounding the corner and pressing himself in between your legs. You sit fully on his desk now, and he looms over you with that devilish smirk.
"Anything." It's more of a sigh than an answer, and he gently presses a finger against the bottom of your chin, pulling you up to look at him as he presses millimeter by millimeter ever closer to you. His warmth emanates out from underneath his layers of metal and cloth and fur, and your entire vision is of browned wheat hair and whiskey eyes and soft skin where it meets hard armor, and he smells of greenery, of embrium and oakmoss and elderflower and —
"Get Sera to stop putting bees in my practice dummies, and I'll consider it." He presses his finger and thumb to your chin and pulls you to him, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead before pulling back… with a wink.
You groan. An impossible ask.
Then, a smile.
An impossible ask, but damn if you're not going to try anyway.
His soft laughter follows you out the door.
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