Find your breath in stillness. The act of breathing makes you synchronous with the universe. Feel the heartbeat of the stars in your veins. Inhale the cosmic dust. Before we begin to look without, we must look within and find the stardust of creation.
Balance within spreads to the world around. Once the ship has leveled off and the mainsails are unfurled, it is easier to find direction. Stem the bleeding now, triage later. Tend to your own injuries first. Then the women and children. You are in no shape to save anyone if you can't even save yourself.
Once the heroics are over, then comes the screaming. Not everyone can be saved. Not everyone should be saved. The tally may not be to everyone's liking. Decisions must be made with the head and not the heart.
When the time comes for the weighing of souls, where will yours stand? Will your sins send you to perdition? Will regrets bind your soul to the earthly plain?
The time for reflection has passed. The time for action is now. Soon it will be the time of regrets, if nothing changes.
The universe tends to entropy. We control the change. Be the change. Make the change. We come the closest to being creators of the universe when we assert our will to make change.
If salvation exists, it only does so for those with clean consciences. Those who have no remose. Those who can look at their lives and say, I have lived well. I will be better. I am a creator. Are you?
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Double Edged Sword Tarot Spread
by www.jasminelousie.bis
Root of the Issue
Page of Cups- Inspiration and Love, imagination
If I go This way(Left Side)(Stay)
King of Coins Reversed- Ignorance(Opposite of Knowledge as shown in the card)
Queen of Wands-Manipulative, deceitful, unfaithful, spiteful, angry
Potential Outcomes
The Hanged Man- Sacrifice, Transitions, Transformation, deliverance, release
If I go This way(Right Side)(Leave)
Justice Reversed- I don't think I had ever had this card in this deck before. It is an interesting representation. On Lady Justice's skirt there is a phrase written. It is backwards. It says "I am called". I have an interesting interpretation to go with it. Seperations not yet ratified or legal. Delay or imbalance.
The Chariot Reversed
Overwhelming ambition and expectations that are set too high. It also contains a backwards phrase. It is the continuation of the Justice card, "and do come."
Potential Outcomes
Temperance-Diplomacy, Successful negotiations
TL:DR; If he stays, manipulation and deceit. If he leaves,"I am called and do come."
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I bought this extensive Tarot deck the other day. I was looking for one that had or used the Labyrinth or Maze card. This one didn't have that but it has just about everything else. It is a whopper at 41 Major Arcana plus the traditional 56 minor Arcana. 97 cards. It's a bitch to shuffle.
Included are:
The Magican
The Empress
The Emporor/ The Pope
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hanged Man
The House of the Devil
The Madman
The Hermit
The Devil
The World
The Trumpets
The Star
The Moon
The Sun
The Air
The Water
The Fire
The Earth
The 12 Zodiac Cards
As I said, no Labyrinth/Maze card. Also missing is The High Priestess. They have also replaced the Fool with the madman. Being "mad" is not the same as being foolish. I was taught about the card represents the wise fool. In reverse, the person who is too foolish to know when to shut up. (Maybe I over-identify with that card a bit?🤔🤣)
It's been interesting to work through.
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Direct Question Spread
Why is Ben still holding on to his past ways?
Current Situation
1)The Empress 2 II
He craves stability and the things that stability bring.
Interfering factors
2)Four of Swords Reversed
The need to return to normalcy.
3) The Pisces 31 XXXI
Creative pursuits are in the way
Ally for Positive Outcome
4) 7 of coins
Unabashed growth only comes without fear and without hesitation.
Major Obstacle
5) 5 of coins
Fear of poverty, and acquisition of wealth
Influencing Factors
6) King of Swords Reversed
A malicious domineering presence, a person keeping him from growth
7) Six of Clubs
Small victories give encouragement
Current Outcome
8) The Water Reversed 21 XXI
Water brings life. Taking water away can take life way. Water is known for intuition. Water reversed implies a lack thereof. Ignoring your intuition can never end well.
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Why the Hell is this Happening
The Crappy Situation
1)The Star
The realization that hope still exists and could be present in the future has made the present unbearable.
What you can do about it?
2)The Moon
Be wary of things that seem false or too good to be true.
What you can't do about it?
3) The House of The Devil 15 XV
Change that comes suddenly often signals a quick return to previous ways. Permanant change takes time to take root.
What's the lesson behind this?
4) The Sagittarius XXVIIII 29
Waiting patiently. Associated with the anticipation of the holidays, this time of year also denotes family and gathering. The good things are always worth waiting for.
How is this going to turn out?
5) The Sun Reversed
Broken contracts and troubled relationships due to an inflated ego.
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When will it Happen Tarot Spread
Card 1. How am I moving towards it?
1)The Earth Reversed 22
When the earth moves forward, so does time. The Earth reversed implies time moving backward or backward momentum. He isn't moving toward it at all.
Card 2 How much do I influence the timing?
2) The Fire Reversed 20
Emotions. Fire Reversed implies coldness. Lack of passion.
Card 3 What is the best thing I can do now?
3)Strength 7
Be strong, "stand your ground", so to speak. Don't give in.
Card 4 Should I share my plans with others?
4)Justice 8
The card of fairness and law is interesting here. Perhaps a suggestion that some legal help is necessary.
Card 5 Should I collaborate with others?
5) Death Reversed 8
Most misunderstood of the Tarot, this is a card of change. Reversed, it is resistance to necessary change.
Card 6 What decision will I be facing?
6) 7 of Clubs Personal protection, and perseverance.
Card 7 What do I need to safeguard?
7) 5 of Clubs
Guard against conflict, disagreements, and tension.
Card 8 Conclusion
8)Wheel of Fortune 9
The card of change. Lives will be altered and the world will turn on its head.
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A Robert Frost Tarot Spread
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Card 2- Querent B The Woman He Has
Card 1-Querent A The Divine Masculine
Card 3- Querent C The Woman He Needs
Card 4-The interaction between Querant A&B
Card 5- The interaction between Querant A& C
Card 6- The interaction between Querant B&C
The following are respective to the adjacent Querent card
Card 7,10, 13- The situation they find themselves in
Card 8,11, 14- The action/reaction to tue situation
Card 9,12,15- The reason behind the action
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1)Page of Cups Reversed
♋️ Cancer Scorpio♏️ Pisces ♓️ Broken Dreams, creative blocks emotional vulnerability, immaturity, envy
2)5 of Wands
Competition,conflict, rivals, opposition, Fire
3)10 of Wands
Fire, Duty, responsibility, Burdened, exhausted, stuggles, hard work losing concentration
4)4 of Pentacles
Need for control, saving money, fear of change, hoarding greed,
5) 5 of Swords
Conflict, battles, violence, intimidation, defeat
6)The Hermit
Self reflection, enlightenment, spiritual contemplation, guidance giving and receiving
7)The Star Reversed
Despair, lost, disloyal, creative block, focused on the negative, despondent
8)The Empress
The Divine Feminine, Fertility for would be parents, abundance, creativity
9)7 of Cups
Endless choices, opportunities, day dreaming, wishful thinking, searching for purpose
10)King of Swords
An astute man, authority, power, mental clarity honesty and truth, fire of air
11)The World Reversed
Lack of completion, shortcuts, delays, emptiness disharmony, fear of travel
12) 9 of Pentacles Reversed
Financial dependency, lack of stability and security, reckless spending, Superficiality, failure
13)7 of Wands Reversed
Exhustion, defeat, giving up, yielding, lack of self-confidence and motivation, overwhelmed and despondent
14) Death Reversed
Resisting change, stagnation, fear of new beginnings, repeating negative patterns, decay
15)King of Pentacles Reversed
Failing business, poor financial decisions, materialistic, instability, obsessed with wealth and status, possesive
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Description of Benedict is self explanatory. Sophie is creating conflict in his life. The woman he needs has something that she needs to do, a responsibility, that is preventing her from going to him. Benedict and Sophie relationship is primarily about control of money. The woman Ben needs will challenge him in a different way, a way he needs. If the two woman in this spread interact it might be to the spirtual enlightment of both parties. Benedict wants to be an astute man full of honesty and truth. He finds himself lacking stability, financial dependence and acting superficially. Sophie is blocked creatively, lost, focused on the negative and despondent. She will try to force creativity and if possible attempt to get pregnant. She does this because she feels overwhelmed by the choices presented to her. She is searching for purpose. She is prone to wishful thinking and daydreams. The other Querant in this reading has become overwhelmed and despondent about their current situation. They lack self-confidence and motivation and have just about admitted defeat. As a result they have fallen into a pattern of "he loves me, he loves me not" becoming more depressed with each round. Their current situation is financial unstable and their love of the luxurious is not contributing to their financial well being.
Overall, this reading does not further any agenda but verifies some things that were known.
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1. - 2. WHAT THE: (Center Cross) The face of my current challenge. The crux of what hounds me.
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3. ACTUAL: What is real about this situation?
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4. FUCK: What is wrong about this situation?
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5. ?: Where do I need more information? Where do I need to ask, research, and listen?
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6. !: What can I do? What first steps can I take in action?
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It's as I said, Moe, sarcasm at it's best.
Thanks for the submit
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Gianni, babe, you sent this in, but Tumblr keeps eating it. Love the new deck! Glad to see you're keeping yourself well!
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A hard wind is blowing. It is a different time now. We shutter our windows at the cold. But subway prophets have been wrong before and as the politicians gather round to burn the martyrs and the witches of the age, baby we need to take a different door. Fly down into the same old patterns or move on into the blue. But make up your mind fast. What has been written will soon come to pass. If you don't make your move, your time will be past. The time is coming to make up your mind, which side are your on, the good and the right, or the weak who fight to maintain the balance of power. Singing about ringing a bell does not ring it. Until the chimes toll out, justice is not done. Truth and justice are hard fought battles. The soldiers are weary and the world can always use more. What are you fighting for?
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New Year Word Search: Find three or more words to meditate or use as a goal for the New Year!
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Just remember to Tag #TheCodex if you use our version of this word search this year!
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thecodexcumberbatchian · 10 months
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thecodexcumberbatchian · 10 months
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You must take a stand against suffering.
This story never ends. It is a sign of things to come. The future will be an ancient condensing of freedom.
We exist as vibrations.
Consciousness consists of supercharged electrons of quantum energy. Quantum energy is both boundless and bountiful.
We are called to explore the dreamscape itself, it is becoming the interface between karma and transformation.
So we are also being called, to contemplate the infinite itself as an intermediary between serenity and awareness.
Soon there will be a blossoming of awareness the likes of which the cosmos has never seen. We must learn how to lead others and guide them on their path.
Today, science tells us that the essence of the atmosphere that surrounds us is made of the same building blocks of human life.
By unveiling, we recieve.
Nothing is impossible.
Only a traveller of the grid may bring about this current of sharing. Yes, it is possible to seek forgiveness for things that will cause our light to be extinguished, but not without consciousness as our guide. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a opening of our hearts, souls and minds, if we are going to survive.
We exist as reactions to the chaos of a universe.  Dreamtime is the birth of life-force, and of us.  Reality has always been full of adventurers whose souls are enveloped in empathy. We are who we need to become.
We are in the midst of a spiritual awakening, a flow that will give us access to the planet itself. Who are we? Where on the great quest will we be guided? Thus have we always existed and will contiue to exist within the Matrix of the universe.
Soon all will be known and the fool will begin their jouney. Retreat and charge can be achieved simultaneously. When we match our vibrations and frequency to the universe we find that in others which is most like ourselves.
We exist together and apart.
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New Year Word Search: Find three or more words to meditate or use as a goal for the New Year!
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Just remember to Tag #TheCodex if you use our version of this word search this year!
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It is the time. Beware of false prophets wagging forked tongues. The tide waits on no man. Don’t play in the water if you are afraid of sharks. The blood will fill the water and draw them to you. Consequences will be dire if you bear false witness. No one can stand in the way of the true light bearer. Those who draw darkness to them will sink in the quagmire of despair. The first shall be last and the last shall be illuminated. Claiming the light does not draw it to you. Oh ye of little faith! The word should not be proclaimed in the street corners but in closets. Keep it in your heart. Not to share with any but the word itself. When the day dawns will you be among those counted or will you have counted yourself worthy already? Allow the word to proclaim you! Call the healer the hangman for all that we will be prepared! The day is coming. Are you ready? 
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Purple and motley. Lincoln repeats through time. Price is a high priority with a low scale. Mediating between conspiracy and fiction. The high side of the road is brighter but the middle way brings truth. A regularity in obscurity calms the situation. The flow is important. It causes the brain to breathe.
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