thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 7
Day 3
Pan:聽Dear recorder.You wouldn't believe what Eva made us to do. Today we were making dating site profiles. By the way it was a lot harder than we thought. While registration we realized we didn't have any pictures as a girl. So Eva decided to take photos of us. I was wearing colorful pants and a hoodie. That wasn't important information but still I decide to share it with you. After we took photos we went to the coffee shop. While I was ordering a coffee I started talking to the girl. It all happened very fast, long story short I got her number. That 's kinda sad that woman version of me gets more girl's attention than real me. Her name is Rose.聽We were texting since. Oh, she texted again gotta go.
Kai:聽Day 3. Jesus. Boys are dumb. Just one hour in the dating sites and I am embarrassed and sorry on behalf of idiots from internet. Guess what was my first match introduction? "Hi, I'm Jim. Your place or mine?" Let me read the whole dialog. So he said:
-Your place or mine
-Oh no Jim. That's not the way you speak with a lady.
-Kiara, what that legs do?
-Kick between your legs. Listen, Jim. Do you want a girl or nah?
-Of corse.
- Do you have another matches?
-Yeah, why are you asking? Do you want threesome or something?
-I am trying to do a good deed. And no to the threesome part. Try to start a conversation with a compliment.
-What, you know what compliment is, right? Tell her that you like her bio.
-I haven't read her bio.
-Just do what I say, trust me.
-Ok, she replied.
-Never had that before huh? I told you. Now ask questions about herself. "What that legs do" doesn't count.
- She had dog in the pics. I can something about the dog.
-Nice, you learning.
A few hours later he texted that he still talks to that girl. Ahh, I am a cupid, teacher of the horny boys from internet how not to be an ass. One idiot less. You are welcome ladies and universe.
Jack:聽Day 3. First off topic news. I asked Eva out. She agreed. Ahh...I am so happy! It was weird that I asked her for a date while we were creating dating profile for me, but still very romantic. Anyways back to our topic. In these three days I realized that girls favorite hobby is to complain about girl stuff. So after the photoshoot and dating profile making I decided to google some girl problems to complain next 7 days. I googled but I don't understand most of them. For example: " My hair-tie won't go around my hair three times. But it's too loose when it's wrapped twice". What the hell that was supposed to mean? "I went to the bed with white sheets and woke up with Japan's flag underneath me." This one is more confusing than the first one. I tried to get to now girls better but now I am more lost. Update: Hades told me that Japan's flag was a reference to a period. Hashtag relatable. I guess?
Hades:聽Day 3. Only three days past, but if feels like a life time. I am pretty sure being girl is fun and stuff. But being guy that walks, talks, acts like a girl is frustrating. I unmatched everyone on dating site. Not in the mood for talking. What I got myself into. I have a lot of work to do. So I took my laptop and went to the cafe dressed like a girl, of course. That way I could work and do this little experiment thing at the same time. Nothing interesting happened. Thankfully just like a week ago no one tried to interact with me, except the waiter that wrote his number on a tissue. I just smiled and when I left I threw that tissue in to the trash. The day was great so far. If I said I could not wait for next 7 days, I would be lying or possessed by the demon.
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 6
Day 2
Pan:聽Dear recorder, today I saw stuff that I wish never saw. All four of us were in the girls bathroom at the club! Let's talk about good things first. It smelled much more better than male's bathroom. Ok. Now the interesting part. Drum roll please... WE SAW KAI'S MOST RECENT EX!!! That he broke up a few days ago by the way. She was talking about him to other girls in the bathroom. She was angry and sad. I Pity her. Kai can be asshole sometimes. By sometimes I mean majority of times. When she saw Kiara- girl version of Kai she told him/her that she looks like her ex and started crying. It was horrible. All of us felt so bad for her. Especially Kai. Me, Kai and Jack rushed outside. And left the club. Hades would like to come with us too, but he was busy painting some stranger girl's nails. Don't even ask, it's a long story.
Kai:聽Day 2. Worst day of my life. I know Pan already explained everything. I don't know what to say. I never thought her feeling was so strong for me. When we broke up I couldn't even guess that that it hurts or even means something to her. We haven't even dating for that long. When she looked at me I thought she recognized me and was about to punch me. Luckily she didn't and I could run away without being recognized.
Jack:聽Day 2. Holy cookies, what a day! Actually I am glad that this crazy situation happened. Kai is my friend but he deserves a punch or two. I am pretty sure he will be careful next time with breaking up and hopefully will not playing with girl's heart. Enough of that. Today also the first time we entered girl's bathroom. Every boy is curious about one mystery: Why girls always go to bathroom at the same time? Well good news boys, this mystery was solved by us before we had to run away from here because of Kai and his ex. Ok, I will start from beginning. We were at the club four of us and Eva. Long story short some how we ended up with another group of girls.
Aid:聽You talk to much. Let me speak now.
Jack:I haven't finished it.
Aid:聽I will finish it for you.
Aid:聽Day 2. We were at the club. A group of girls approach to us because there were no empty tables. They wanted to sit with us. We agreed. After introducing ourselves to each other we had small talk. This small talk some how turned into the conversation about period. After a million complains about cramps it was like torture for me to listen to them for one more minute. I was already tired after a long work day so I decided to lie that聽I am going to the bathroom but go home instead. Worst plan ever. I forgot that girls go everywhere together. Next thing I now we are in the bathroom. together. 5 of us and four our new friends and shit tons of drunk girls. Part of the girls were fixing their make up. Another part were taking bathroom selfies. Two drunk girls were at the floor complimenting each others outfits. Some one were throwing up. Three girls asked for a tampon which I clearly did not had. One of the our new friends asked me to paint her nails. I was surprisingly good at it. Than we saw Kai's ex, you now what happened next. These traitors run and left me alone! This will not be forgotten!
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 5
Day 1
Pan:聽Dear recorder. Transformation is completed. It was even worse than I imagined. Who in their right mind would wax their hair? It hurts like hell. After waxing I begged Eva to not to make me wear high heels. She finally gave up and now I am wearing converse. Now I have long hair, cool outfit, makeup , long nails and boobs made out of cotton. I look like my sister or girl K-Pop star. We haven't left the office yet but I am very excited. Eva will take us to the club. Yay!
Kai:聽Day 1. We are girls now. I can't look at myself in the mirror and to any of my friends. But I am still the hottest. Eva got sad because none of us wanted to wear high heels. Jack being as dumb as usual agreed to wear them for Eva. I am thanking God that I am not in love. Enough about these love birds. I have blonde, wavy hair and pink dress. I am officially hotter than Barbie.
Jack:聽Day 1. Oh my. Where do I start? It feels like I have tons of makeup on my face. My eyes feels and looks weird because of the fake lashes. Makeup artist spend 20 minutes contouring my nose. It is not that big! On positive not my eyebrows looks cool. All of the boys right now trying to sound like girls. They are doing surprisingly good job. One girl complimented Pan's little girl scream impression while she was waxing him. Fun fact, it wasn't the impression, hehe. Kai is angry because Pan looks prettier than all of the girls he have been with. And he have been with a lot of girls
Hades:聽Day 1. I look like my mom. Bras are uncomfortable. I have nothing else to say.
Pan:聽Dear recorder, we just came back from club to Jack's apartment. I thought we wouldn't be able to go in but face control guy let us in without any problems, in the club a guy payed for my drink. So far being girl is not that bad.
Kai:聽Day 1. Part 2. Club was boring AF. What I was doing in the club if I can't flirt with ladies. Found a girl who looked lonely, tried to speak to her. She told met that she is not lesbian. It's interesting, usually I get sad because they are lesbians not vice versa.
Hades:聽Day 1. I regret agreeing to this. As soon as I left the office strange old man started cat calling me. At the club another strange dude casually rested his hand in my knee and wanted to exchange numbers. Had to lie him that I have a boyfriend.
Jack:聽Still day 1. My feet are literately bleeding. Heel make my but look good but it is not worth it. Speaking of butts. Old man complimented Hades's butt. He was furious . At the club two girls complimented his but again. Kai said it because it is only his attractive part. He is jealous that nobody compliments him. I will count how many compliments Hades's butt gets.
Hades's butt compliment count: 3
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 4
Jack:聽Hi Eva, these are my friends I have told you about.
Eva:聽Oh Hi Jack, hi boys.
Hades:聽Nice to meet you, Eva.
Eva:聽I can't believe you volunteered to do this for me.
Jack:聽Of course. Don't mention it.
Eva:聽Should we start?
Jack:聽Yes, do you have anything else to do?
Kai:聽No. So we will wear skirts, wigs and that is it?
Eva:聽No silly, we have to shave your faces, arms, legs, plug your eyebrows, paint your nails and do your make up.
Pan:聽Oh my, I am starting to regret it.
Eva:聽Girls are waiting for you.
Kai:聽Excuse me?
Eva:聽Girls who will transform you, you know make up artist and etc.
Kai:聽Oh. Yeah that girls.
Pan:聽I forget that we had to shave. I tried to grow my beard for two months.
Kai:聽You haven't shaved for two months and you call that a beard? Damn, that's sad.
Pan:聽You are just jealous.
Eva:聽Why don't you talk about yourselves a little bit while girls searching outfits that will fit you.
Pan:聽I can talk about everyone. Let's start with Hades. He is the smartest of all four of us. And more handsome too.
Kai:聽Wrong, I am the most handsome.
Pan:聽He doesn't show any emotions and think everyone is dumber than him.
Hades:聽Everyone is dumber than me.
Pan:聽He also thinks he is always right. Which is usually true. I often think he is soulless but he visit his parents and grandparents every weekend.
Hades:聽You didn't have to share this information.
Pan:聽Yeah, but it's too cute to not to share. At first when just started to hang out I was sacred of his death stares. You know the way he stares when he is angry. But I quickly got used to it, because he always look like that. Now let's talk about Jack.
Jack:聽Oh boy, here goes nothing.
Pan:聽When I first get to know Jack, he already best friends with Hades. I thought hey were gay couple. Than I found out Hades as emotional as rock and Jack always fall for girls way out of his league.
Kai:聽And lesbians, hehe.
Pan:聽He is kind and single AF. Yeah, That kind of it. But you know him Eva, It's Kai turn now. Kai is my best friend. He's favorite hobbies is to make fun of me and pick ladies. He calls himself "Handsome Devil". But I think girls like him only because of his British accent. He is actor in theatre. He is the meanest of our group. Enough about this drama queen-diva. Let's talk about me now.
Kai:聽I think it will be fare if we talked about you.
Pan:聽No, I will start but you might add something if you want to. I am Pan, nicest, kindest of our group.
Kai:聽And dumbest.
Pan:聽I have relatives in Korea. And girls usually think I am the one of the K-Pop singers.
Kai:聽No one have ever thought you are K-Pop singer.
Pan:聽I work as a barista in Coffee shop. That's kinda it.
Eva:聽It was nice to get to know you. We will have some much fun together. Oh, now it is time for transformation.
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 3
Jack:聽So here is the plan guys, I know all of us have work to go in the day time, except Pan.
Pan: Actually I started to work as a barista in coffee shop.
Kai:聽Really? Why you have not told us?
Pan:聽I wanted to see if I can work for a week without getting unemployed than I would told you.
Hades:聽So, How long you have been working in that coffee shop?
Pan:聽A month
Jack:Than why you haven't told us?
Pan:聽I thought I did. I forgot.My boss says next month I might be best barista of a month. Isn't it cool? Now where are we going?
Jack:聽Glad you asked. We are going to Eva's office. First let me tell our plan while we on the way there. At day time we could be ourselves and go to our jobs and whatever. But at night we have to dress up as a girl, do our makeups, wear wigs and just go to bars, cafes or whatever fancy ladies go to. All of us will have recorder with us to talk about our experience that day.
Hades:聽What will be our girl names?
Hades:聽We can't introduce ourselves with our name. We have to came up with fake ones.
Jack:聽I completely forgot about that. My name can be Jackie or Jacklyn.
Kai:聽I will be Kiera
Pan:聽Oh, I know, I can be Pandora.
Hades:聽I guess we all naming ourselves related to our real names huh? Ok than. I will be Diana.
Kai:聽How is that related to Hades?
Hades:聽Hades is Greek god of under world and the dead. Diana is also Green goddess.
Kai:聽God of dead huh? That explains a lot.
Hades:聽What do you mean?
Kai:聽You know. Sometimes you are very emotionless we think you are dead inside or soulless.
Jack:聽We are here. Let's get in. How does my hair look?
Hades:聽As usual.
Kai:聽Not as good as mine.
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 2
Hades:聽I have so many questions. There are million ways to seduce a girl and you decided the best way to get Eva is make your friends dress and act like a girl for 10 days straight for her stupid blog?
Jack:聽Hey! Her blog is not stupid. I am just trying to be nice. Come guys, just let me explain.
Kai:聽You want to be nice buy her chocolate, flowers, wine, whatever, why this? We might have done it if we were sure that she will marry you after. But which girl get impressed by a guy in a dress and wig? Plus it is not your first crush. Remember Linda, Samantha and do not get me even started on Mia.
Pan:聽He has a point. We went to Egypt and we supposed to have fun there. Turned out we got there to find some old stuff for Mia's museum.
Hades:聽And when we obviously could not find it, you decided to rob a museum in Egypt and make us internationally wanted criminals for that girl Mia.
Kai:聽Who by the way was lesbian.
Jack:聽We did not rob the museum.
Pan:聽Yeah, because Kai and Hades was about to kick your ass. And you told me that you were paying for the trip as I was unemployed , but you did not. Do you now how financially bad position you have putted me?
Hades:聽What bad position? I paid for your trip.
Pan:聽And that is why I love you.
Jack:聽Guys, this time is different. I swear. I feel the chemistry between us. I think I am in love.
Jack:聽I wasn't in the past. But now I am.
Kai:聽I highly doubt that.
Jack:聽Come on guys, doesn't it sound fun? To be girls for ten days?
Kai:聽No, it is not. I like being with girl not be girl, you weirdo.
Jack:聽But Kai, look at advantages of it. You work in the theatre as an actor, you haven't need to play the female part but who knows when you will need to do that. And then you will be prepared because of this experiment.
Pan:聽Actually, it does sound fun. And I have a few questions about girls that I would like to find answers.
Kai:聽Like what?
Pan:聽I am not telling you, you will make fun of me as always.
Jack:聽So are you in?
Kai:聽Ugh. I don't know let Hades decide.
Jack:聽Please Hades. You are my best friend this is last time. I promise. Please.
Hades:聽OK, but for the last time. You promised.
Kai:聽What? Are you serious?
Hades:聽You told me to decide.
Kai:聽Because I was sure that you will say no.
Jack:聽Thank you, thank you, thank you very much Hades.
Hades:聽You welcome, I guess?
Pan:I think I will be the prettiest girl of us.
Kai:聽No way. If I were a girl I would be hottest of us.
Jack:聽Only one way to find out.
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thecrazyfour 6 years
Chapter 1
Jack:聽Guys, I desperately need you help. Please do not say no right away ok?
Kai:聽Ugh, is it about that girl Eva again?
Jack:聽No, maybe, partially.
Hades:聽Jack I am done with being your wingman.
Pan:聽Come on guys, let's hear him out.
Jack:聽Thank you Pan. I already told you Eva started blog.
Kai:聽We know everything about Eva, because you talk about her non-stop.
Jack:聽Can you stop interrupting me Kai? Pan control your best friend. Anyways, long story short Eva wants to do some experiments for her blog and she needs our help.
Hades:聽Experiments huh? I am intrigued. Continue.
Jack:聽She wants to write about how it is like to be female from prospective of men.
Pan:聽Oh no. Do we have to write essays or something?
Kai:聽I am sick of writing essays first school now this?
Hades:聽What are you talking about? Me and Jack used to write all of your essays.
Kai:聽Then write this one too.
Jack:聽No, we are not writing essays. We... Umm... I do not know how to say this. God, You will still say no.
Pan:聽Say it Jack. We are your best friends. We will say yes.
Jack:聽Umm. Eva suggested to dress and act like a girl for 10 days.
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thecrazyfour 6 years
The Crazy Four.
This blog will share chapters from book named The Crazy Four. The book is completely written in dialogues which means it is very easy and quick to read. This book is about four friends and their crazy adventure. Jack- who is one of the main characters in this book 聽madly in love with Eva. Eva is currently researching what men think how is like to be a female in modern world. For this she asked Jack and his friends- Hades, Kai and Pan dress and live like women for 10 days. After a lot of convincing four friends agrees to do this experiment. And that how the adventure begun.
Please make sure to follow if you are interested in reading The Crazy Four. Chapters are will be posted one by one.聽
p.s It is first time that I am writing a book. I would like to hear your opinions about book and suggestions how improve my writing skills. Thank you in advance. Enjoy!
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