thecyllagecityshelter · 4 months
we at the cyllage city shelter want to congratulate bort on laying "his" first egg!
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sometimes you look at a pokemon being surrendered and they are 100% pregnant but you arent gonna argue with the trainer surrendering them that bort is actually a lady
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
congrats! she's adorable.
The egg hatched today! Look at this absolute cutie!!! Baby on board XD
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Yes! It's a pichu! A female pichu!
My sister was currently overwhelmed with joy, cuz she's been anxiously waiting for this moment! She decided to name her Tesla btw!
She came out healthy thank Arceus. It will take some time for her to open up her eyes and get used to her surroundings!
So welcome to the fam, Tesla!
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
iiiimmm baaaaack
ok, i came back to kalos, and my assistant, barnaby noble, informed me that my adoption of stinky winky with a big mac the garbodor went was approved! he loves to eat my junkmail, and has made a habit of following barnes around, as barnes plays trashketball with him.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
it hatched.
his name is sprite, his favorite thing to do is act like he wants to cuddle, i pick him up, he zaps me with electric dust and he runs away. i love him. on another note, shroomish and breloom are not native to unova, and as nothing will eat them and they have no predators, they have become invasive. @uncle-dusknoir had a contest to gather the eggs, and when i was at the pokemon center in icirrus city yesterday they still had some. these pokemon either got released or escaped. dont release your pokemon, please. not just for their sake but for their safety and the good of the region. if you cannot take care of them, give them to a shelter or sanctuary. stay safe and good evening.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
Reblog this post if you want a silly AI girl in your ask box (^∇^)
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
oh yes, very stubborn when they're in that stage. i remember when Delphi was that little. very cute, always had a little twig hanging out of his mouth like a tiny cigar
Does anyone have a pokemon breed or type that you would love to have in theory, but would rather not own in reality?
For me, I would LOVEEE love love to own a riolu and raise it to a lucario if it'd like to evolve, but riolu tend to be so rowdy when they're very young... Most puppy pokemon are, but riolu is a different level of "I dont think I can handle this right now" because of their fighting typing. Imagine getting punched right in the gut by a freshy hatched puppy. Ouch.
They definitely do become the best partners when trained and grown a little though!! Especially when it comes to sensing their partners emotions. But when they're young they dont fully understand the emotions they physically see despite their strong sense of empathy. Emotions are complex topics, even for pokemon!
Maybe one day when I have the time to care for a baby pokemon again-- but adulthood is rough as a student! If I could, I'd raise all of my pokemon from babies all over again.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
Help me!
[image shows Alex with his blonde hair sticking up due to extreme static electricity, holding purple and orange striped egg, which is slightly blurry]
I think its hatching cause it shocked me real bad and is shaking violently
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
forgot to mention i arrived and received a purple shroomish egg, they said it was an electric type?
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
going on a trip
i'm on a plane to Unova rn. I plan on being back soon, but who knows. this trip is mainly to aquire an egg, as well as meeting with shelters in unova to research.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
easter boom 'mon names:
bunnelby: 5 unnamed
bunneary: Ophelia, Ribbon, 3 unnamed
ducklett: Shimmer, Pearl, 2 unnamed
psyduck: 2 unnamed
quaxley: Ripples
scorbunny: Flint, 2 unnamed
torchic: 2 unnamed
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
love the name suggestions! also, we would love to have you visit us and hang with some of the mon!
easter pokemon boom
getting people live pokemon as a surprise gift is never a good idea if said person has not SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR ONE and knows how to care for it properly etc. at the cyllage city shelter we have recently had a lot of bunneary, bunnelby, psyduck, and ducklett, a quaxley, some scorbunny, and even a couple torchic dropped off at the shelter. please dont give live pokemon as gifts, they are living breathing creatures, not playthings.
as of right now, we have had: 5 bunnelby 5 bunneary 4 ducklett 2 psyduck 1 quaxley 3 scorbunny and 2 torchic dropped off here at the shelter. we are looking for name suggestions for them.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
easter pokemon boom
getting people live pokemon as a surprise gift is never a good idea if said person has not SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR ONE and knows how to care for it properly etc. at the cyllage city shelter we have recently had a lot of bunneary, bunnelby, psyduck, and ducklett, a quaxley, some scorbunny, and even a couple torchic dropped off at the shelter. please dont give live pokemon as gifts, they are living breathing creatures, not playthings.
as of right now, we have had: 5 bunnelby 5 bunneary 4 ducklett 2 psyduck 1 quaxley 3 scorbunny and 2 torchic dropped off here at the shelter. we are looking for name suggestions for them.
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
been pretty good, went and took three regions gym challenges and came back to start a shelter. yeah, i've met tons of different pokemon, even adopted a zubat/skarmory hybrid
Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
I am Augustine Sycamore, the Kalos region's very own Pokémon Professor.
This world of ours is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon!
These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of our world...
Some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim in deep oceans...
We live together with these Pokémon, lending our strength to one another to live and prosper.
Let's get started with some quick questions... Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? [Or are you anything else?]
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
thats one big bug.
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scolipede? scoli da bolly wolly pollypede? well, simply put, we agree
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
havent seen you in ages professor! how have you been?
Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
I am Augustine Sycamore, the Kalos region's very own Pokémon Professor.
This world of ours is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon!
These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of our world...
Some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim in deep oceans...
We live together with these Pokémon, lending our strength to one another to live and prosper.
Let's get started with some quick questions... Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? [Or are you anything else?]
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thecyllagecityshelter · 6 months
pokemon available for adoption
skittles: a chatot that somebody thought would make a good pet. they couldn't take care of her needs, and now we are looking for her forever home. best suited to be a companion.
princess: this little nidoran was an oopsy baby that the trainer didnt have room for, so they dropped her off here. she has good battling genes, and would be best suited for a battling team.
duchess: somebody couldn't take their skitty with them when moving, so duchess was dropped off here. she loves to snuggle up under blankets and hang around your feet.best suited to be a companion.
to adopt please come over to the shelter and we will interview you. (ooc: put it in an ask)
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