Hey all my beautiful lady friends. I am encountering a new journey. I am now a Lillarose consultant. If you are not familiar with Lillarose products hang on for an awesome ride. It takes a lot for me to be totally be convinced a product is good and is for me. Lillarose has proven both. I am putting myself out there. As many on you don't know I had brain surgery in 2003. I was in the hospital an entire summer, had a mini stroke and almost died 4 times. Afterwards the back of my head became numb and extremely sensitive. Doctors promised it would go away after time. After 18 years my head is still numb and very sensitive. I am sharing this because it is one of my many testimonies as to God's love and grace he has shown me. But also as a testimony for Lillarose. I have kept my hair very short for the last 18 years. The reason being it hurts my scalp and I get terrible headaches. However, I have decided I am going to suck up the uncomfortableness as long as I can and allow it to grow. I bought my first flexiclip, bobbies, and headbands from my good friend Karen Snyder 6 years ago. The headbands stay on my head (never in my life could I keep a headband from slipping off my big head), the bobbies, and flexiclips do not make my head sore or cause pain to my scalp. First, I am asking for your support through prayers. Second, please check out my webpage (still a work in progress). Third, watch the following video. And lastly, watch for other facebook posts. I will be following up with some awesome products, news, videos and live shows. I am also going to be doing some vendor shows (more information to follow) in the near future. This is going to be a totally out of my realm process. If you have any questions please let me know. Lillarose stands by their products 100%. All products are handmade and have a 1 yr warranty. Trust me, if the product can handle my thick, natural curly hair which is an absolute frizzy mess down here in Louisiana, I am confident they can handle any type of hair.
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Have this poster in my room. <3 
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Marry me NOW! 
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I think he should grow a mustache like his brother, James. Thoughts on that?
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Wallpaper on my nook. I regret nothing of it. 
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A book.
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I'll marry them both....
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Reblog if you love Harry Potter, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, The Amazing Spiderman, anything Marvel, The Hunger Games, The Big Bang Theory or Percy Jackson.
I want to follow more people and have good things on my dash :)
Please follow me to please.
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Hey everyone look at this great picture I found.
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Gary Oldman after being called a “legend” by an interviewer
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Lol wut?
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*evil smile*
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http://www.virginmedia.com/movies/awards/2012-family-movie-of-the-year.php I really want to beat twlight again !
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http://www.virginmedia.com/movies/awards/2012-girl-of-the-year.php Come on potterheads ! VOTE FOR EMMA AND BEAT TWILIGHT ONCE AGAIN ! !
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Literally cried looking at this , those were my shows ( except if you take out the wizards of waverley place , that show sucked , i hate selena gomez , and it's a rip off of Harry Potter ! ) ! ! ! jn
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Harry , Hermione , Ron , and Neville have always been sexy . 
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This bitch is mental and needs to stop bashing on british people . Twilight sucks hairy dicks . This bitch is too sensitive .
“So SO many peopla have been saying that Harry Potter is better than Twilight. That is NOT TRUE!!!!!!!
Here are just a few reasons why Harry Potter kind of sucks.
1. Theres too much swearing. Ron says “blo*dy H*ll” all the time, and Molly weasley calls Bellatrix Lestrange a B*TCH in the last...
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