thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
[Okay, so both this account and my Cilla account are on temporary hiatus. Life is being.. Life-like I suppose! But it's all piling on top of me again. I'll be back sometime next week after I've figured out what the hell is going on. I love you all muchly!
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
Replies on here and Cilla are on hold ‘till tomorrow! I’ve had a busy few days, so I’m chillin’ for a bit! rxllover-beethoven xnowhere-man guesswhoitspaul
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
Things just never seemed right when he wasn’t there; it was home, but not really. It wasn’t home when he wasn’t there. Even her job seemed mundane, going from rehearsal to rehearsal with no one to come home to. 
A gentle sigh escapes her lips as he presses gentle kisses to her freckled skin. He was always gentle when he kissed, regardless of mood. It was just like him, really, gentle but that didn’t mean it was wise to trifle with him. He was tough too. 
"I missed you." 
She has to say it out loud, not that she hadn’t said it when he returned; she had. repeatedly. It got harder and harder to be apart from him each time they were both required to go away.
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
The harrowing realisation that she had only promised 'when they were married' because deep down she knew at this moment in time that the prospect of marriage was nonexistent. Their arguments had become too frequent and explosive. Unless they could work it out, hit her like a ton of bricks. It left her despondent but most of all it left her unable to let go of his hand.
She couldn't lose him. She had built a life around him. How could she let that go? Whilst things had been turning sour he was still her light; her Paul. They had experienced so many things together. Why throw that away like petulant toddlers throwing their toys out of the pram?
"Paul. We can't go on like this. We can't keep screaming at each other. We need to fix it now before it's too late. I can't lose you-- you're everything
Her tone was pleading, asking him for a solution without saying it outloud.xcb
"You'll regret this".
"No I won’t."
She replied, though her voice wavered as she spoke; she knew he was right, she knew she would regret this, but stubbornness wouldn’t let her let it go. The argument had spiraled out of control; she was not quitting her job no matter how many times Paul had insisted. She refused to be under the thumb, so to speak.
"I won’t regret this, Paul."
Her voice was steadier this time, her inner monologue telling her to disregard what he was saying, she could do as she damn well pleased, even if she wasn’t confident that she could. Her blue eyes were full of tears threatening to spill yet again. She had tried to leave the room, but Paul had stepped in front of the door, keeping her where she was. He knew she was utterly ridiculous when she was angry— but lord have mercy on your soul if you told her so. 
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
[I've been obsessively listening to 'have a cuppa tea' by the kinks because tea is my life. And my trip to liverpool to see family is cancelled because everything's gone boogaloo. :I I'm about to do replies, so would anyone like to roleplay whilst I'm feeling creative?]
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
unfollow me right now if you are going to defend racist behavior, jokes, comments, videos, or people who participate in any of listed. I don’t want any contact with anyone who is going to make light of it or act like it’s not a big deal or that people of color who are offended are overreacting...
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
Jane found herself gazing down at him intently, limbs tangled with his. She had never expected to fall quite so hard and fast but she did. There was an undeniable spark between them, that evening they first met.
She made the first move, leaning down to press her lips to his, gently at first. There was nothing greater than kissing him, in her opinion. He was Damn good at it for a start and he more often than not left her breathless. This was of those moments, certainly.
"This is far better than food."
She teased, her face rather flushed.
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"I think we should. It already sounds more appealing than food."
She grinned, reaching out to take his hand and tug him towards their room. She had missed him fiercely-- and whilst the phone calls helped, they were infrequent. He had surprised her when he came home this time, waking her up with a cup of tea the morning he had gotten home. He really was sweet-- even when he was completely exhausted, poor thing.
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"Paul, you know I would never do that; I'd never-- I told you before I'd stop when we got married-- so we could start a family. But when are we going to do that? You say I'll get lost-- but what about you? Why is this my fault? I'll stop when you can promise me there'll be no more girls."
Jane barely took a breath as she spoke, her face red with the sheer effort of keeping her emotions in check. She wasn't stupid. She knew about his infidelities-- and if she didn't love him as much as she did she would have ended it a long, long time ago-- when the arguments had started. But Jane wouldn't give up so easily.
"I don't want to fight any more. I love you Paul but I'm not going to be the only one to make changes."
She didn't even sound angry any more, just weary and somewhat defeated. These arguments exhausted her and left her with a bitter taste in her mouth. Hesitantly, she reached out to pull one of his arms away from his chest, lacing their fingers together.
"We have to compromise. We can't do this any more."
"You'll regret this".
"No I won’t."
She replied, though her voice wavered as she spoke; she knew he was right, she knew she would regret this, but stubbornness wouldn’t let her let it go. The argument had spiraled out of control; she was not quitting her job no matter how many times Paul had insisted. She refused to be under the thumb, so to speak.
"I won’t regret this, Paul."
Her voice was steadier this time, her inner monologue telling her to disregard what he was saying, she could do as she damn well pleased, even if she wasn’t confident that she could. Her blue eyes were full of tears threatening to spill yet again. She had tried to leave the room, but Paul had stepped in front of the door, keeping her where she was. He knew she was utterly ridiculous when she was angry— but lord have mercy on your soul if you told her so. 
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"Things to do with me?"
She questioned, blue eyes widening ever so slightly. Perhaps the food could wait. She wasn't really all that hungry anyway.
"Sounds important. Perhaps we can eat later."
She lent forward to steal a chaste little kiss, winding her arms around his neck. She really did love him. It was so rare that they had time together like this any more; But that would change in a weeke or so, all being well. She was brimming with excitement.
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"But you won't always be here! I can't just sit and twiddle my thumbs whilst you're off on tour or recording-- I can't. I love you Paul. I love you more than anything but surely you can understand how much this means to me."
She retorted, arms folded tightly across her chest like a supporting brace, keeping herself upright. Her resolve was crumbling and she knew it, but that only succeeded in making her all the more unreasonable and frustrated.
"I've been doing this since I was a little girl. I don't know how to do anything else. There's only one reason I'd stop and I don't think we're quite there yet, are we?"
She of course meant if they were to ever start a family; she'd stop in a heartbeat but not right now. She couldn't be entirely dependant on him yet. She wanted to make her own fortune.
"Let me have this. It won't be forever. Just let me have it whilst I can. Please?"
Part of her wanted to ball up her fists and beat them against his chest like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. The other half wanted to cling to him tightly and just give in, but she knew she wasn't ready to throw in the metaphorical towel; she'd hold it against him forever and she didn't want that.
"You'll regret this".
"No I won’t."
She replied, though her voice wavered as she spoke; she knew he was right, she knew she would regret this, but stubbornness wouldn’t let her let it go. The argument had spiraled out of control; she was not quitting her job no matter how many times Paul had insisted. She refused to be under the thumb, so to speak.
"I won’t regret this, Paul."
Her voice was steadier this time, her inner monologue telling her to disregard what he was saying, she could do as she damn well pleased, even if she wasn’t confident that she could. Her blue eyes were full of tears threatening to spill yet again. She had tried to leave the room, but Paul had stepped in front of the door, keeping her where she was. He knew she was utterly ridiculous when she was angry— but lord have mercy on your soul if you told her so. 
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
Interviewer: When did you realize that your sister was dating Paul McCartney?
Peter Asher: The banging on the walls.
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"Would there even be anywhere open this late?"
She questioned curiously, glancing at her watch in a futile effort to check the time. It was much too dark to see. She stiffled a yawn behind her hand, reclining in the seat of the car.
"I'll make us something when we get home. I don't want to share you with anyone tonight. If we're spotted we won't have a moments peace."
The fangirls were certainly persistent alright. At times they could be quite intimidating, that being said Jane always tried her best to be polite for Paul's sake.
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
Ask my muse about your muse!
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"Ireland it is. I can't wait."
Jane spoke cheerfully, pressing a brief kiss to his lips. It had been a good night and a potential vacation with only him made it all the more better. Stood here with him, doing something so trivial as watching the stars only succeeded in making her love him more, if that was even possible.
"Shall we head home? 
That star symbol //sorry I'm on mobile, also hello!
It was midnight when they left the party. They had left earlier than the others, but Jane, in a fit of spontaneity had decided she wanted to see the stars— with Paul in tow. 
They found themselves in a deserted street, the occupants of the houses surrounding them had long gone to bed. It was quiet and only dimly lit. It was perfect for what she wanted to show him.
"Paul, look!” 
She spoke brightly, tugging him closer and pointing upward, pointing upward. It seemed ridiculous, wanting to look at the stars, but she was in a cheerful mood, and well, what the mind wants. 
“Look— Was that a shooting star?” What do you think?”
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"About a thousand? Not a lot. We aren't very good bank robbers, George."
For a start they were far too polite. People didn't take polite bank robbers seriously. It wasn't very intimidating hearing 'would you please--'  when they were being held up. It was poorly planned and a ridiculous idea to boot. 
"What're we going to do, George?"
“Bonny and Clyde made this look so much more glamorous.”
        “I hope y’er talkin’ about th’movie an’ not th’actual people,” George mumbles, cramped in the front seat. They’d taken to hiding out in the woods, sleeping in his Jaguar— and as Jane was a lady, she insisted on stretching out in the back seat which had to be more comfortable than trying to sleep upright.
      “Cause I dunno about you but my idea of ‘glamour’ isn’t gettin’ shot in broad day-light.” 
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thegirlwithtitianhair · 10 years
"You'll regret this".
"No I won’t."
She replied, though her voice wavered as she spoke; she knew he was right, she knew she would regret this, but stubbornness wouldn’t let her let it go. The argument had spiraled out of control; she was not quitting her job no matter how many times Paul had insisted. She refused to be under the thumb, so to speak.
"I won’t regret this, Paul."
Her voice was steadier this time, her inner monologue telling her to disregard what he was saying, she could do as she damn well pleased, even if she wasn’t confident that she could. Her blue eyes were full of tears threatening to spill yet again. She had tried to leave the room, but Paul had stepped in front of the door, keeping her where she was. He knew she was utterly ridiculous when she was angry— but lord have mercy on your soul if you told her so. 
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