theinfernaltrio · 9 years
The Future is Nigh With Virtual Reality Paintball
Behind the Scenes
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
Because this embodies my talent and sense of humor perfectly
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
Amazing People: Drew Lynch
Heart-warming, hilarious, and empowering
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
If you ever tell someone who has been cyber bullied to just “turn off their computer” you are an awful human
By saying this you’re telling the person that it is their being on the internet that is causing the cyberbullying. You’re telling them that they shouldn’t have access to a safe internet setting. And you should be ashamed of yourself.
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
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Redwood Forest
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
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Carmel Beach 
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
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The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. -Homaru Cantu
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
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“Goodbye, Edward Elric."
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
Sick Day Tips Masterpost
General Stuff:
Drink lots of water and go pee a lot! It’ll help flush out the toxins
Make sure to keep your face moisturized. The last thing you want to deal with when your sick is itchy irritated skin 
If you have the energy, do some light exercise. It’ll help to invigorate your body
Avoid too much screen time D: (sorry that includes tumblr)
Try to avoid wearing makeup, or wear as little as possible 
Sore Throat:
Drinking Ginger Tea helps a lot :3
If you have a clogged/phlegm-y throat, gargling salt water will help (don’t drink it though-- you’ll feel even sicker!)
Other easy teas are milk and honey or water lemon and honey
Stuffy Nose:
Hot showers help get the mucus out
As does vapor-- fill a bowl with boiling water, then place your head over it with a towel covering your head and try to breathe through your nose. If it gets too hot just take the towel off for a couple of seconds and then continue (this is also great for clearing up the clogged pores in your face! :D)
When you go to bed, stack your pillows so that your head is elevated
Remember: Eyes, nose, and mouth are connected- so if you have a cold and wear contacts, its best to avoid wearing them if you can. You want to keep those three outlets as free as possible
Upset Stomach:
Eating Ajwain seeds or drink ajwain tea helps if you feel nauseous
Eating prunes or drinking prune juice helps relieve constipation
For eating, remember the B.R.A.T diet: Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Drinking chicken broth or apple juice is also really good for getting some nutrients without having to try to stomach solid food
The best OTC medicine to take if you have a headache is Aspirin because if it is an average headache it is most likely caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain, so blood thinners are good
Drink lots of water! It will do the same as Aspirin 
Stay away from screens or straining your eyes at all and get some shut eye in a dark room
Feel Better bbs!
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theinfernaltrio · 9 years
Pro Tips on How to Argue IRL
So Tumblr gets into a lot of arguments. But as someone who has taken debate, there are quite a few problems with the debating methods. So I’m here to save y’all’s butts when you get into an argument with someone in real life. 
Now these aren’t all the tips you could use to win in arguments, but they’re a good start. If you’ve taken a debate class or are on a debate team or are just a savvy debater, feel free to send us additional tips you think we could use! Now on with the show!
 Arguing the Credibility of the Speaker: This is something I see A LOT of, i.e: “You’re white so you can’t say anything about racism”. Although in some contexts it makes sense, you should avoid pulling something like this in an argument at all costs. Not only does it make you sound childish, but it is in fact committing a logical fallacy, an ad hominem (rejecting claim/evidence because of who said it) This argument basically states that if you don’t meet certain criteria, you do not have the mental capacity to comprehend a situation (which is true in some cases), and frankly it makes you look like you’re grasping at straws
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Using Personal Experiences: In formal debates and arguments in general, this is a HUGE NO-NO. Just don’t. Anecdotes and personal experiences only apply to you, and therefore cannot be used to back up a claim that affects a large number of people.
FACT CHECK: I cannot emphasize this enough. I hate to break it to you, but not everything you read on Tumblr is true. Often when you are passionate about an argument, you will blindly accept any evidence that supports your point. 
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So please please please, before you use some random quote you found on Tumblr, check the source to see if its true.
Be prepared: Last but not least, just know what you’re doing. Don’t enter in an argument you know nothing about. 
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Follow all of these tips and you will win all of yo arguments! (unless they’re just stupid, I can’t help you there)
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
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Thresh Cosplay Part One: Mask 
This is a Thresh cosplay mask  based off of this Frekki one.
I used air-dry clay to sculpt the features on top of a plain plastic mask, and then use coat hangers for the antennae (covered with a lot of tiny clay bones). The paint is just plain acrylic paint, in black and lime green, and the bottom mouth piece is attached with white sewing thread and glue. 
All in all with a bit of couponing this mask cost me under $10. And to be honest, paired with a suit your good to go as thresh. Don't even need the scythe or nothing. Chain warden out. 
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
There are many counter arguments to letting same-sex couples get married...
BTW here are my sources and ish: 
TPF Student Action(basically dem homophobes)
About dem ladies makin babies(Daily Mail)
About people not havin the babehs(LA Times)
Wiki Wiki yo(Wikipedia)
The first main argument is that “[gay marriage] denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children” (TPF Student Action). This argument is so infuriatingly idiotic, as it suggests that the sole purpose of marriage is to procreate, and that all heterosexual unions produce children. As of right now, about 10% of married couples of one man and woman are not considering having a child, according to a LA Times article. The second argument against gay marriage is that it denies the child either a mother or father. It is to only have one biological parent, or neither. First of all, many heterosexual couples adopt children, and many heterosexual couples are divorced and remarried, making children that were not created under their union only having one biological parent as well. Also, research in Australia has found that it is possible to combine cells from two women to create a child, making it so that both parents pass on their bloodline to the child, according to the Daily Mail. The argument of denying a child one gender of parent also invalidates single parents, as the child will grow up with either a mother or father, but not both. Another argument against gay marriage, again found on TPF Student Action is that “It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle”. Well, erm, yes. It does validate the homosexual lifestyle. I thought that was part of the agreement. As for ‘promoting’ the homosexual lifestyle, the only thing legalizing gay marriage will do is tell children that it is alright to love whoever you want to love. Last time I checked, legalizing heterosexual marriage did not ‘promote’ marriage. It just told people that it was alright to marry someone. Other, excuse my language, absolutely stupid, ludicrous, senseless, unintelligent arguments against gay marriage are that “It turns a moral wrong into a civil right” and “It defeats the purpose of benefiting marriage” and “It imposes its acceptance on all of community” (yes, these arguments do seem extremely redundant). My personal favorite is “It Upsets God”, which to that I reply: “The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"”(Wikipedia), or in more common terms “The Separation of Church and State”. And if you just wanted anymore proof that anti-gay supporters have a little ‘trouble in their noggin’ “zach” replied to this article with “then how do you explain why we have two genders?”.
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
So I got an assignment in class to present an iconic speech, and of course when I looked it up there were little to no women's speeches. So I did my extra research and found these great ones: 
Famous Speeches by African-American Women
Famous Speeches by Disabled Women
Famous Speeches by Women Scientists
Tiny's Top Picks:
Shiela Windall's Digits of Pi
The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
Amazing People- Severn Cullis-Suzuki
"The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes" Severn addressed the Earth Summit at the age of twelve with a speech that went viral. Eloquent and driving to the point, Severn accuses the older generation of greed and lack of concern towards the earth that the new generation will inehrit. 
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
Like Cosplay?
Like League of Legends?
Like song parodies?
Wrecking Bot. 
Featuring Frekki as Thresh
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
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Suspects in attack on Charlie Hebdo finally confirmed dead after hostage standoff- the tragedy comes to an end 
Pour tout nos lecteurs francais- excuzes mon ortographe, mais je vous offre mes condoleances. Ma famillle en France est heuresement saine et saufe et je l'espere pour la votre. Si vous avez perdu un membre de famille pendant ces temps triste, nous sommes desoles.
The suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attack and the suspect of the attack in Montrouge have both been confirmed dead after twin police operations. Also dead are four people shot by the Montrouge killer who held a Kosher market captive- an anti-semite attack. The hostage the two men responsible for the Charlie Hebdo attack was in fact a man hidden in the building who was able to remain unfound until the police had killed the two men. 
France has not escaped tragedy yet, as revenge attacks are taking place against Muslim people and mosques.
The problem of segregated Muslim neighborhoods is now brought to attention, places where police and firefighters won't go become centers of resentment towards the French. 
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theinfernaltrio · 10 years
Being on your period is like having every symptom/side effect ever
Cramps? Check
Nausea? Check
Vomiting? Check
Bleeding? CHECK
Dizziness? Check
Fainting? Check
Sleepiness? Check
Spotty vision? Check
Sore Muscles? Check
Mood swings? Check
Insomnia? Check
Abdominal Pain? chECK
Shortness of breath? Check
Swelling? Check
Stiff joints? Check
Anxiety? Check
Back pain? Check
Bloating? Check
Headaches? Check
Increased Appetite? YEs
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