When you play the game of chocolate factory, you win or you die.
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which of the animorphs would make it through willy wonka's chocolate factory with minimal fuss?
Hmmmm. I think we can rule out Ax for obvious reasons, assuming he can taste at the time. Marco would go down the moment someone told him "don't pull that lever" and thus imbued him with the immediate and uncontrollable urge to pull the lever in question.
If Cassie and Rachel are on the same tour, then that'd probably rule them both out because they would inevitably do the thing where Cassie spots an injustice and decides to fix it, and Rachel's instantly at DEFCON 1 because something upset Cassie. Presumably this would be how The Great Oompa Loompa Strike of 1996 descended so quickly into The Great Oh God There's Molten Chocolate Everywhere And All The Human Employees Are Dead Incident of 1996.
So that leaves Jake "incapable of enjoying anything ever" "most boring human alive" Berenson up against Tobias "I don't deserve nice things" "food is for the weak" Fangor. I'm honestly not sure how that one would go down. Anyone else with thoughts?
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Animorphs is crazy cause its a massive series detailing the trauma that war has on its combatants and the needless death of innocents and it never gets taken seriously because the covers are silly
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I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
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i hate the term selective mutism. cause it sounds like im making conscious choice. like im selecting in a menu going today im gonna talk. today im only gonna talk to my family. in this situation ill be quiet. like its not a choice. i dont know when my voice just disappears. ill start telling a story and then ill start stuttering and then its gone. i think im going to say something and nothing comes out. talking can be exhausting and needing effort like jumping or screaming and doesnt come instinctively. sometimes my body needs time to prepare for so long that when in able to answer, im 2 conversation topics too late
i dont even know i just hate that word selective. id feel more comfortable with like.. partial, maybe or intermittent. honestly anything but selective
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Yesssss. Yeerks being forced into parasitism - having no way to express huge parts of their culture without hosts - is so much of what makes them tragic. They're stuck being the shape and size and function of brains. They didn't ask for this.
Symbiosis isn't just mutualism. Parasitism is symbiosis. It's uncomfortable to confront parasitic relationships if you want to see your human ideas of good and bad reflected in Nature.
But gazing into something huge and utterly Other, being uncomfortable means you're engaging your mind with it. "Uncomfortable" is actually a whole spectrum of emotions that become a vivid and satisfying rainbow.
There was a post a while back with some artwork of Dendrogaster, a crustacean that parasitizes starfish, and its body is like this branching fractal of fleshy lobes made to fit inside the body of the starfish mirroring its structure, and I was absolutely horrified to look at this, and this horror was the same emotion as a strangely visceral wave of sympathy for this parasite.
Creative works about parasites often invoke the horror of bodily invasion, which is visceral and strong for me, but this artwork inverted that horror, instead showing the horror of being made so perfectly for fitting within someone else that you lose everything you are and become unrecognizable.
I also think of the post about the cowbird chick. It's awful that the bird pushes its siblings out of the nest as it grows, and the mama feeds it because she instinctively must feed her chick, but the cowbird is just a baby. Was it wrong for him to hatch, to be alive, to be hungry, to be a baby and to need love?
Symbiosis is intensely beautiful, and sometimes it's beautiful because it's grotesque and terrible. Of course, the symbiosis between two organisms isn't an allegory for a relationship, it just is a relationship, but looking at the way organisms become entwined feels like you're seeing things that, if words described them, would also be human experiences.
Being invaded by a parasite is a horror of powerlessness and loss of autonomy, but being a parasite is also defined by powerlessness. In many cases, the parasite will die without the host, but the host can live without the parasite. I wonder why it is expected to sympathize with one and not the other.
Your immune system fights against internal parasites like a tapeworm...Imagine being a tapeworm. The body of your host is your universe. Do you find your world to be kind? Benevolent? Does your god love you?
Sometimes people call disabled people "parasites." When I think about my future sometimes I'm uncertain and afraid.
But when a rare non-photosynthetic orchid blooms in the forest, this is not the forest's weakness and failure, but its crowning glory.
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tfw the child soldier starts child-soldiering a little too hard
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I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
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Yes! Parrots are smarter than octopus, live a really long time, and have that "fuck around and find out" attitude. I think they'd be nicer about it than ants if they did get the ability to morph, but that they'd do all kinds of crazy stuff with the power.
I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
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Oh man, the idea that Tobias is immune to the 2-hour limit but never figures it out because he's too cautious is PEAK characterization both for Tobias and for the Ellimist. I'm here for it.
Is there an offline later in the series implying that there's always an infinitesimally small chance of morphing just randomly not repairing damage to your base form, or is that a fan theory to explain what happened to Tobias in Megamorphs 2?
I don't think there's ever any canon line that addresses it. Mertil and Gafinilian are both exceptions to "morphing heals all," Mert because he's allergic to morphing and Gaf because his condition apparently isn't affected by it. There are also plenty of other exceptions, like the andalite in #8 missing a stalk eye and Collette remaining paralyzed in #50, but I don't think it's ever directly addressed in canon.
But yeah, it's definitely fanon that morph-healing is only mostly effective most of the time, for unknown reasons. Largely because of the many exceptions from canon.
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Real question: would the morpher-dolphins bother to fuck with humans, or would they just use their powers to hunt tuna and wipe out sharks?
I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
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Is there an offline later in the series implying that there's always an infinitesimally small chance of morphing just randomly not repairing damage to your base form, or is that a fan theory to explain what happened to Tobias in Megamorphs 2?
I don't think there's ever any canon line that addresses it. Mertil and Gafinilian are both exceptions to "morphing heals all," Mert because he's allergic to morphing and Gaf because his condition apparently isn't affected by it. There are also plenty of other exceptions, like the andalite in #8 missing a stalk eye and Collette remaining paralyzed in #50, but I don't think it's ever directly addressed in canon.
But yeah, it's definitely fanon that morph-healing is only mostly effective most of the time, for unknown reasons. Largely because of the many exceptions from canon.
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I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
162 notes · View notes
I'm currently reading book 39 and the whole buffalo issue is making me curious if you think any animals could actually use morphing technology to their advantage. The species that comes to my mind first are crows, I think they would have a very enjoyable time committing crimes with it
Hmmmm. Crows with morphing would terrorize the planet, but maybe better than ants?
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Finally got around to reading the graphic novel adaptations & just read The Message & uhhhhhhhhhhh
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Was nobody going to tell me that they got Ax's NAME WRONG????
That's a typo, right? That's gotta be a typo, but like -- not to be a copyeditor on main, but I actually am a copyeditor, and I just -- how THE FUCK do you miss THAT? It's TWO LETTERS off, too! What the fuck?
It's the only time his full name is said in the book, so there's no other instance to compare it to, but surely they didn't just CHANGE HIS NAME, right? Why would they? Do I have a misprint copy or something? WHAT IS HAPPENING. I DEMAND SATISFACTION. SCHOLASTIC, EXPLAIN YOURSELF
OG text for context/completionism:
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Sep heap has selective mutism?? When? Do you mean in the first book when he is still boy something something?
Oh yeah, it's like 2 lines. But he doesn't talk throughout the 1st book, even when we jump into his head long enough to see him thinking he wants to. And then in the 4th book he doesn't talk for several more weeks after being kidnapped by Marcellus. Between that and Wolf Boy apparently having not said a word in years of living with Jo-Jo and Sam and all, it's a short leap to the interpretation that there's some form of selective mutism among the Expendable Boys.
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reread Akira and realized something. Tom is not the type to make waves (never told anyone about Escape to LA). Jake is Jake. both of them are completely out of the habit of telling their parents about things. Did Steve and Jean find out about Muffins 2: The Revenge from a tabloid news article?
This is the funniest possible way for it to go down, so. Yes. Headcanon accepted.
On second thought, Steve finds out about the events of Akira from a tabloid. Jean finds out about it in the form of Tom suddenly transferring half a million dollars into the bank account she helped him set up as a teenager, because that's even funnier.
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