thelonelyherothing · 20 days
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thelonelyherothing · 1 month
John's laugh sounded like an answer in and of itself - until that subtle tinge of consideration washed over his handsome face, on the verge of uncertainty. From what Hellboy could tell, those wheels were spinning again, but this time he couldn't quite guess why. Or, maybe more accurately, he didn't want to try guessing; none of the potential options at the edges of his mind were pleasant ones.
So Hellboy waited, watching his partner's expression and body language until both shifted. The tension which threatened to coil round his heart retreated and let his breath silently escape at last. His toothy smirk returned, as his left hand started on unfastening the buttons of John's shirt. "Hoped you'd say that." Hellboy leaned forward just enough to press into the other's touch. "'Cause I love it when you do."
Angling his head down to kiss John's neck, he spread the half-unbuttoned shirt open wider with one splayed palm. "One more thing you're good at," Hellboy added, lips brushing his partner's skin, "makin' me feel so damn wanted I almost don't know what to do. Might've even thought it was too good to be true if you weren't right here." Another kiss, a little further down John's neck. "Want me to help get your clothes off, then?"
As if he hadn't already started doing just that - but, it was more about hearing the sentiment aloud, how it might be phrased, since Hellboy could make an educated guess at John's answer.
Goddamn, John looked somehow even prettier when he blushed. Combine that with an eagerness to match his own, as well as a dazed yet lighthearted play-along with his suggestion, and Hellboy had no idea anymore why he'd hesitated to say those three little words. John was just so easy to love, now that Hellboy took the time to see it.
Another laugh hummed in his chest, then dragged out into a more sincere, encouraging sound as John's hand pushed up his shirt to meet bare skin. It felt right again, no more feverish oversensitivity, a fact Hellboy planned to thoroughly celebrate. "And I know how responsible you are, sweetheart." A shorter kiss to John's lower lip. "Smart..." another kiss, near one corner of his partner's mouth, "...and thorough. So lemme get you more room to work."
Hellboy didn't really want to pull away, but knew he had to in order to strip down. He sat back on his knees, and his shirt came off first. (Tink raised her head as the shirt dropped to the floor, then settled again.) A pause to take the tie out of his hair - it was only half doing its job after the glamour was broken anyway - then came his pants. They were a bit of a longer effort, but Hellboy at least managed to remove them without much awkwardness.
Clad only in boxer-briefs that already started to feel a little too tight, he settled between John's legs again, left palm sliding up one side as he leaned in over the man. Fingers idly toyed with his partner's shirt, wondering something to himself before he proposed it aloud. "You wanna do the same, or wait a bit?" A sincere question rather than a push.
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thelonelyherothing · 2 months
I dreamed I was at a pride event and I met Ron Perlman who gave me a fully functioning loaded replica of the Good Samaritan, "just in case" the transphobes tried anything
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thelonelyherothing · 2 months
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thelonelyherothing · 2 months
(in the voice of a guy that will defy fate to save you) i don't care
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thelonelyherothing · 3 months
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If I ever get to draw an official Hellboy and Moth-Man comic I’m going to demand this scene be in it
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thelonelyherothing · 3 months
Goddamn, John looked somehow even prettier when he blushed. Combine that with an eagerness to match his own, as well as a dazed yet lighthearted play-along with his suggestion, and Hellboy had no idea anymore why he'd hesitated to say those three little words. John was just so easy to love, now that Hellboy took the time to see it.
Another laugh hummed in his chest, then dragged out into a more sincere, encouraging sound as John's hand pushed up his shirt to meet bare skin. It felt right again, no more feverish oversensitivity, a fact Hellboy planned to thoroughly celebrate. "And I know how responsible you are, sweetheart." A shorter kiss to John's lower lip. "Smart..." another kiss, near one corner of his partner's mouth, "...and thorough. So lemme get you more room to work."
Hellboy didn't really want to pull away, but knew he had to in order to strip down. He sat back on his knees, and his shirt came off first. (Tink raised her head as the shirt dropped to the floor, then settled again.) A pause to take the tie out of his hair - it was only half doing its job after the glamour was broken anyway - then came his pants. They were a bit of a longer effort, but Hellboy at least managed to remove them without much awkwardness.
Clad only in boxer-briefs that already started to feel a little too tight, he settled between John's legs again, left palm sliding up one side as he leaned in over the man. Fingers idly toyed with his partner's shirt, wondering something to himself before he proposed it aloud. "You wanna do the same, or wait a bit?" A sincere question rather than a push.
The only thing he and Manning agreed on, without saying as much, was that they'd both rather be elsewhere - even if their reasons were entirely different.
So when he and John finally managed to leave and return to his room, Hellboy was all too happy to open the door with his stone hand. And just as happy that the cats didn't crowd them. "Can say that again," he replied softly amid a chuckle of his own.
The door shut just as John lifted their clasped hands and kissed the inner side of his wrist. Hellboy swallowed hard, licking his lips at the perfect mix of tenderness and desire - in John, in him, in the air between them. Closing some of that negligible distance in half a step, he bent at the knees just low enough to get his right arm under John's rear, hefting his partner off the floor. His hand released the other's, but only to trail up forearm and shoulder to splay on John's back, holding him against Hellboy's front.
Adoring golden eyes, meanwhile, never left his partner's face. "Could fill a book with everything I'm thinkin' right now, sweetheart. Pretty sure I got half the damn Kama Sutra in mind. ...But right now I just wanna let you lie back, let me show another way I love you." While he spoke, Hellboy took care in navigating toward his bed by feel and peripherals, not wanting to tread on any cat tails and interrupt the mood. Fortunately, they made it there without incident.
He only loosened his hold once they were both on the cushioned truck bed, scarred palm cradling John's cheek instead while his right hand braced on the mattress. Hellboy leaned in for a kiss while he settled in between his partner's legs. The slow, pleased sways and curls of his tail thumped atop the bed or brushed their calves. He barely pulled back far enough to speak, once more in a smirking, rumbling murmur. "Besides, should probably double-check every inch of me's back to normal, right? Really get a feel for it."
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thelonelyherothing · 5 months
The only thing he and Manning agreed on, without saying as much, was that they'd both rather be elsewhere - even if their reasons were entirely different.
So when he and John finally managed to leave and return to his room, Hellboy was all too happy to open the door with his stone hand. And just as happy that the cats didn't crowd them. "Can say that again," he replied softly amid a chuckle of his own.
The door shut just as John lifted their clasped hands and kissed the inner side of his wrist. Hellboy swallowed hard, licking his lips at the perfect mix of tenderness and desire - in John, in him, in the air between them. Closing some of that negligible distance in half a step, he bent at the knees just low enough to get his right arm under John's rear, hefting his partner off the floor. His hand released the other's, but only to trail up forearm and shoulder to splay on John's back, holding him against Hellboy's front.
Adoring golden eyes, meanwhile, never left his partner's face. "Could fill a book with everything I'm thinkin' right now, sweetheart. Pretty sure I got half the damn Kama Sutra in mind. ...But right now I just wanna let you lie back, let me show another way I love you." While he spoke, Hellboy took care in navigating toward his bed by feel and peripherals, not wanting to tread on any cat tails and interrupt the mood. Fortunately, they made it there without incident.
He only loosened his hold once they were both on the cushioned truck bed, scarred palm cradling John's cheek instead while his right hand braced on the mattress. Hellboy leaned in for a kiss while he settled in between his partner's legs. The slow, pleased sways and curls of his tail thumped atop the bed or brushed their calves. He barely pulled back far enough to speak, once more in a smirking, rumbling murmur. "Besides, should probably double-check every inch of me's back to normal, right? Really get a feel for it."
A flash of teeth in his smile, though fondness softened it. While Hellboy didn't think he would've fallen apart without John there, his partner's presence had kept him focused, rather than get too deep into wallowing over those disconcerting changes. That admission in the library wouldn't have been made to anyone else, at least not intentionally. Hellboy said nothing, but leaned in to press a lingering kiss to John's cheek this time, both reassurance and gratitude.
John's presence also made the prospect of debriefing Manning more tolerable. Even if the most hostile of air had been cleared between them, Hellboy would still prefer to have someone else in the room; he had better things to do than devolve into a sniping match over the mission's particulars. Things that included John, for one. Very pleasant things. Hellboy's snicker at the tease about hair caught at the end when that offer brushed so enticingly past his ear. The too-quick scraping tug of teeth on his earlobe left behind a warm shiver of anticipation in his gut, and widened his grin while he followed John's beckon. The modified nailguns were, for now, left behind with the rest of the truck's equipment. He leaned in for a moment, to murmur low near the other's ear in return, "Right behind you."
Despite that, Hellboy took the lead for now in stepping out of the truck. He still kept hold of John's hand to help his partner down after. Goddamn, what a relief it was to not be stared at, and to walk down the hall toward the usual meeting room with proper balance. The end of his tail curled this way and that, as if celebrating its own return. His hooves were bare, but they were hooves again, not clusters of muscle and bone and nerve that couldn't fit right in his boots. The familiar weight of his stone hand swayed subtly at his side while they walked, back to its proper length. He gave a little affectionate squeeze to John's hand, just to relish anew the lack of fever-like oversensitivity in his skin. Not even Manning's near-constant dour expression could dampen Hellboy's relief or excitement.
Still, he left a good chunk of the talking to John, only filling in the bullet points where needed. He concluded that the fae wouldn't be an immediate problem anymore, but also that it couldn't hurt to check in on the market now and again to make sure. Hellboy managed not to seem overtly antsy, but damn was he eager to get this done and go back to his room with John. That 'think about what we can do second' played on repeat in the back of his mind, over fragments of several pleasurable ideas.
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thelonelyherothing · 6 months
A flash of teeth in his smile, though fondness softened it. While Hellboy didn't think he would've fallen apart without John there, his partner's presence had kept him focused, rather than get too deep into wallowing over those disconcerting changes. That admission in the library wouldn't have been made to anyone else, at least not intentionally. Hellboy said nothing, but leaned in to press a lingering kiss to John's cheek this time, both reassurance and gratitude.
John's presence also made the prospect of debriefing Manning more tolerable. Even if the most hostile of air had been cleared between them, Hellboy would still prefer to have someone else in the room; he had better things to do than devolve into a sniping match over the mission's particulars. Things that included John, for one. Very pleasant things. Hellboy's snicker at the tease about hair caught at the end when that offer brushed so enticingly past his ear. The too-quick scraping tug of teeth on his earlobe left behind a warm shiver of anticipation in his gut, and widened his grin while he followed John's beckon. The modified nailguns were, for now, left behind with the rest of the truck's equipment. He leaned in for a moment, to murmur low near the other's ear in return, "Right behind you."
Despite that, Hellboy took the lead for now in stepping out of the truck. He still kept hold of John's hand to help his partner down after. Goddamn, what a relief it was to not be stared at, and to walk down the hall toward the usual meeting room with proper balance. The end of his tail curled this way and that, as if celebrating its own return. His hooves were bare, but they were hooves again, not clusters of muscle and bone and nerve that couldn't fit right in his boots. The familiar weight of his stone hand swayed subtly at his side while they walked, back to its proper length. He gave a little affectionate squeeze to John's hand, just to relish anew the lack of fever-like oversensitivity in his skin. Not even Manning's near-constant dour expression could dampen Hellboy's relief or excitement.
Still, he left a good chunk of the talking to John, only filling in the bullet points where needed. He concluded that the fae wouldn't be an immediate problem anymore, but also that it couldn't hurt to check in on the market now and again to make sure. Hellboy managed not to seem overtly antsy, but damn was he eager to get this done and go back to his room with John. That 'think about what we can do second' played on repeat in the back of his mind, over fragments of several pleasurable ideas.
Hellboy's embrace tightened that much more when John raised up off his heels to lessen the height difference a little. It turned out he had good timing, as the truck slowed and made another turn, no doubt approaching the Bureau by now. In the back of his mind, Hellboy knew they'd likely have to debrief Manning on how things had resolved once they were out of the truck. No matter how much he'd rather whisk John right off to bed for a nice cuddle, and maybe more if they were both in the mood. But until then, there was this moment.
When their kiss broke, Hellboy's eyes only slivered open halfway, and he made no attempt to loosen his hold on his partner. Breath catching softly in his throat, the only other clear thought amid a fresh welling of 'I love him' was a mildly humored but wholly affectionate, 'He really is good with words'. His left palm, still resting on John's cheek, slid back a little to skim fingernails over the other man's scalp. As Hellboy listened to every word, each one of them resonated with his own feelings. It still struck him sometimes, how John could have had almost anything else with anyone else. The guy had the talent, the smarts, the looks, the big heart, everything to be not just a reliable colleague but an amazing partner. Yet even with all that, with 'normalcy' so easily in reach... John chose the Bureau. He chose Hellboy, despite their rocky start, and despite the fact they could never just go out on a lunch date or even be seen in public. He chose their own little world that they'd built together.
Even so, the blushing question it all ended on nearly tugged a fond laugh from his chest. He managed to hold it back, though endearment still glittered bright in Hellboy's low-lidded gaze. His hand moved further, to cradle the back of John's head, scarred palm pressed to his neck and thumb now brushing soft skin behind one ear. "It's more than okay. Yeah, you belong with me." A soft peck to his partner's lower lip, to underscore Hellboy's sincerity. "Just like I belong with you."
Before he could say much more, the truck slowed to a halt and the engine shut off. Hellboy's embrace remained; he didn't mind other agents seeing him hold the man he loved, not unless John was uncomfortable. "Sounds like we're home." As he heard the rear doors' exterior lock slide open, he added on a sigh, "...Guess we gotta debrief Manning first, huh? Bastard won't stop nagging otherwise."
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thelonelyherothing · 7 months
Hellboy's embrace tightened that much more when John raised up off his heels to lessen the height difference a little. It turned out he had good timing, as the truck slowed and made another turn, no doubt approaching the Bureau by now. In the back of his mind, Hellboy knew they'd likely have to debrief Manning on how things had resolved once they were out of the truck. No matter how much he'd rather whisk John right off to bed for a nice cuddle, and maybe more if they were both in the mood. But until then, there was this moment.
When their kiss broke, Hellboy's eyes only slivered open halfway, and he made no attempt to loosen his hold on his partner. Breath catching softly in his throat, the only other clear thought amid a fresh welling of 'I love him' was a mildly humored but wholly affectionate, 'He really is good with words'. His left palm, still resting on John's cheek, slid back a little to skim fingernails over the other man's scalp. As Hellboy listened to every word, each one of them resonated with his own feelings. It still struck him sometimes, how John could have had almost anything else with anyone else. The guy had the talent, the smarts, the looks, the big heart, everything to be not just a reliable colleague but an amazing partner. Yet even with all that, with 'normalcy' so easily in reach... John chose the Bureau. He chose Hellboy, despite their rocky start, and despite the fact they could never just go out on a lunch date or even be seen in public. He chose their own little world that they'd built together.
Even so, the blushing question it all ended on nearly tugged a fond laugh from his chest. He managed to hold it back, though endearment still glittered bright in Hellboy's low-lidded gaze. His hand moved further, to cradle the back of John's head, scarred palm pressed to his neck and thumb now brushing soft skin behind one ear. "It's more than okay. Yeah, you belong with me." A soft peck to his partner's lower lip, to underscore Hellboy's sincerity. "Just like I belong with you."
Before he could say much more, the truck slowed to a halt and the engine shut off. Hellboy's embrace remained; he didn't mind other agents seeing him hold the man he loved, not unless John was uncomfortable. "Sounds like we're home." As he heard the rear doors' exterior lock slide open, he added on a sigh, "...Guess we gotta debrief Manning first, huh? Bastard won't stop nagging otherwise."
Hellboy could almost see the wheels spinning fast behind that widened gaze, and was struck by the passing whim to chase those buzzing thoughts away with a kiss to John's forehead. All that stopped him was the stronger want to give his partner space to answer. Strongarming John into a reciprocation wasn't even worth considering, no matter how unintentional.
What Hellboy hadn't quite expected was the glistening threat of tears in John's eyes. Well... that could mean any number of things. It grew more and more difficult with each beat of silence that followed for him to hold all kinds of what-ifs at bay, lest they flood his mind and leave little room to actually hear what might be said. Fortunately, John didn't leave him out to flounder for long.
Even better, the silence was broken with the words he'd dreamed about hearing for a while now. While his stone hand held his partner a little closer, his left hand mirrored John's touch. Hellboy's thumb smoothed over the other man's cheek, just under one eye, like a wordless reassurance to a worry he hadn't even heard. A soft grin broadened his smile as he let that simple, powerful phrase echo in his mind; he'd no longer have to imagine how John might say it.
Hellboy leaned in to first rest their foreheads together. "Might not have to, but I still wanted to. You deserve the goddamn world, sweetheart, the whole nine yards. But I'm crap at all the usual stuff, so I wanna give you everything I can do. 'Cause I love you." Only then did he tilt his head for another kiss.
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thelonelyherothing · 8 months
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"What makes a man a man?" a friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them.
HELLBOY (2004) dir. Guillermo del Toro
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thelonelyherothing · 10 months
Hellboy could almost see the wheels spinning fast behind that widened gaze, and was struck by the passing whim to chase those buzzing thoughts away with a kiss to John's forehead. All that stopped him was the stronger want to give his partner space to answer. Strongarming John into a reciprocation wasn't even worth considering, no matter how unintentional.
What Hellboy hadn't quite expected was the glistening threat of tears in John's eyes. Well... that could mean any number of things. It grew more and more difficult with each beat of silence that followed for him to hold all kinds of what-ifs at bay, lest they flood his mind and leave little room to actually hear what might be said. Fortunately, John didn't leave him out to flounder for long.
Even better, the silence was broken with the words he'd dreamed about hearing for a while now. While his stone hand held his partner a little closer, his left hand mirrored John's touch. Hellboy's thumb smoothed over the other man's cheek, just under one eye, like a wordless reassurance to a worry he hadn't even heard. A soft grin broadened his smile as he let that simple, powerful phrase echo in his mind; he'd no longer have to imagine how John might say it.
Hellboy leaned in to first rest their foreheads together. "Might not have to, but I still wanted to. You deserve the goddamn world, sweetheart, the whole nine yards. But I'm crap at all the usual stuff, so I wanna give you everything I can do. 'Cause I love you." Only then did he tilt his head for another kiss.
Hellboy murmured quiet thanks when John took the modified nail guns to set them aside, sticking close all the while. Half his mind was focused on how to phrase his confession, how to make it sound sincere, what explanations he might or might not need to offer. He didn't even dare consider yet whether he'd need to apologize; that felt like putting the cart a bit too far ahead of the horse. Sure, he could think of reasons why it might seem too serious too fast, but had no idea if those thoughts had ever come to John's mind.
Only one way to find out.
So when John delayed the conversation, for half a moment Hellboy wondered (and worried) what might follow. Until their lips met. The softness, the gentle contrast of temperature between their mouths, the almost tangible depth of affection as comfort rippled out through his body from the thrill up his spine... goddamn, he'd missed this already. Maybe that worry had even less foundation than he thought. As the truck got underway in the midst of their kiss, he held his partner steady with his stone hand. Hellboy chased after John's lips slightly as the latter pulled back, then settled for a brush of their noses instead before he straightened up to meet those pretty hazel eyes. There was still a fresh flutter of nerves sparked by John's question, but stronger than that was certainty in his feelings.
"...I love you, John." An inhale, let out in a faint, almost sheepish chuckle. There was nothing but earnestness and adoration in his gaze. "Wanted to get it right this time, make up for how my last confession started. You, you deserve that. You're worth gettin' it right for."
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thelonelyherothing · 10 months
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Ron Perlman as Hellboy in Hellboy (2004) 02/??
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thelonelyherothing · 10 months
Hellboy murmured quiet thanks when John took the modified nail guns to set them aside, sticking close all the while. Half his mind was focused on how to phrase his confession, how to make it sound sincere, what explanations he might or might not need to offer. He didn't even dare consider yet whether he'd need to apologize; that felt like putting the cart a bit too far ahead of the horse. Sure, he could think of reasons why it might seem too serious too fast, but had no idea if those thoughts had ever come to John's mind.
Only one way to find out.
So when John delayed the conversation, for half a moment Hellboy wondered (and worried) what might follow. Until their lips met. The softness, the gentle contrast of temperature between their mouths, the almost tangible depth of affection as comfort rippled out through his body from the thrill up his spine... goddamn, he'd missed this already. Maybe that worry had even less foundation than he thought. As the truck got underway in the midst of their kiss, he held his partner steady with his stone hand. Hellboy chased after John's lips slightly as the latter pulled back, then settled for a brush of their noses instead before he straightened up to meet those pretty hazel eyes. There was still a fresh flutter of nerves sparked by John's question, but stronger than that was certainty in his feelings.
"...I love you, John." An inhale, let out in a faint, almost sheepish chuckle. There was nothing but earnestness and adoration in his gaze. "Wanted to get it right this time, make up for how my last confession started. You, you deserve that. You're worth gettin' it right for."
In contrast, he hardly noticed the slight uproar coming from one of the stalls; he'd heard it, but it didn't sound fraught enough to really snag his attention. Besides, Hellboy's head was too full of what he wanted to say and do in using that particular four-letter word for John. How should he approach it, without making it seem too rehearsed? Would that matter much? John had seen his past fumbling attempts with Liz, so maybe...
His partner's voice broke through his thoughts and the background hum of the crowd around them. Snickering lightly past a grin, Hellboy returned the fond squeeze to John's palm. "You better not." He held up the mark around chest height as they approached the market's entrance, watching it burn through the translucent lines first before the entire paper turned black. It crumbled into ash once they were on the other side of the wall; Hellboy let his stone hand drop, taking up the modified nail guns so his tail could relax. The appendage still swayed in small, idle curls, as if to just remind himself of its return.
The lift of his left hand drew his gaze from the truck back to John, just in time for that kiss to his knuckles. It sparked his eagerness so hot and so fast, Hellboy almost failed to rein it in. Nonetheless, it did influence his answer. "Music to my ears." As the doors were unlocked and opened from the driver's cab, he added, "Got somethin' to tell you on the way back." He didn't let go of John's hand, only adjusted his hold on it to help the man into the back of the truck.
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thelonelyherothing · 11 months
Reblog this if you’re a chill roleplayer who doesn’t mind if your rp partners take multiple weeks, or even months to reply.
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thelonelyherothing · 11 months
What element writer are you?
DUST WRITER. It's hard to combine air and earth, and you are the proof that impossible is just a word. You mix the patience behind the creation of long stories, with the lightness of air, and its force. Your prompts are the best, interesting, funny, and creating infinite possibilities and universes in front of them. Your words carry the reader in new and unexplored worlds, you give them wings and the whole sky. You can give a just taste and it's too good to stop. Your readers become your fans, because your writing gets them addicted. Your words can have an aftertaste of sadness sometimes, but mainly you like to show the feelings, like to let them really exist, without apologies. You're the writer that's born with the ability to touch the deepest floor of an abyss and, at the same time, smile while sitting on the clouds. Dust writers are a breathing miracle that make readers reach heights that others can only dream of.
Tagged by: the lovely @addictiveking Tagging: anyone who wants to!
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thelonelyherothing · 1 year
In contrast, he hardly noticed the slight uproar coming from one of the stalls; he'd heard it, but it didn't sound fraught enough to really snag his attention. Besides, Hellboy's head was too full of what he wanted to say and do in using that particular four-letter word for John. How should he approach it, without making it seem too rehearsed? Would that matter much? John had seen his past fumbling attempts with Liz, so maybe...
His partner's voice broke through his thoughts and the background hum of the crowd around them. Snickering lightly past a grin, Hellboy returned the fond squeeze to John's palm. "You better not." He held up the mark around chest height as they approached the market's entrance, watching it burn through the translucent lines first before the entire paper turned black. It crumbled into ash once they were on the other side of the wall; Hellboy let his stone hand drop, taking up the modified nail guns so his tail could relax. The appendage still swayed in small, idle curls, as if to just remind himself of its return.
The lift of his left hand drew his gaze from the truck back to John, just in time for that kiss to his knuckles. It sparked his eagerness so hot and so fast, Hellboy almost failed to rein it in. Nonetheless, it did influence his answer. "Music to my ears." As the doors were unlocked and opened from the driver's cab, he added, "Got somethin' to tell you on the way back." He didn't let go of John's hand, only adjusted his hold on it to help the man into the back of the truck.
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with @thelonelyherothing + continued from here!
They could have remained just like that for far longer, and John wouldn't have minded. Far from it, really. The breath against his skin and each heartbeat he felt in-time with his own served as a reminder that the magic locking his partner in an unchosen form was thoroughly undone. Now, he could embrace Hellboy as tightly as he wanted to without trepidation that it might be too much, so he did ( his grip briefly growing stronger at the kiss pressed below his ear ). The affirmation which followed coaxed another relieved exhale past John's lips, a reassurance he was certain spelled the end of the fear that had clung to every hour until now. When they finally pulled away and their eyes met, he couldn't restrain his hands from cradling that strong jaw as Hellboy spoke. He hadn't quite expected the praise he received then, another flush coloring his face for an entirely different reason than it had the first time, a physical reflection of the wonderful ache in his chest; it was only compounded by that teasing wink, and a grin captured his countenance.
Before John could say anything in reply, he was distracted by the natural sounds of the market growing louder. Whatever the root of the trouble was, at least it was only concerning some goods and not a fae bent on enslaving humanity — they deserved a break from disturbances of that sort, especially Hellboy. Turning his gaze back to the other man, he answered the second proffered suggestion. "Well, you're probably right." Although he was loathe to unwind his arms from around Hellboy, he was happy to replace it with clasped palms and intertwined fingers for the time being. As they maneuvered towards the exit with nail guns and sneakers in tow, John couldn't help but recall the first instance they had ever walked together like this: under the stars, his heart alight with the realization that those golden eyes had looked at him like he was just as worth staring at as the sky. It the same way he had looked Hellboy for so long, and it almost hadn't seemed real then.
Approaching the brick wall that would lead them back to the truck, his gaze shifted to his partner at the reiteration of what was to come. Levity laced through his voice, John asked, "Alright. I won't wander off, scout's honor." However, to prove that he meant it in spite of his humor, he squeezed Hellboy's hand. As the nearly spent sorcerer's mark caught some of the light from the surrounding market, he again thought it was a shame it would burn up from this last use. John wouldn't mind learning more about all the imprintings with a book from the professor's study open beside it; besides, it was pretty. Upon following Hellboy through the wall, he found that it felt precisely as it had earlier. In a matter of seconds, they were again standing in front of the Bureau truck. "C'mon." He lifted their hands and pressed his lips to Hellboy's knuckle. "Let's go home."
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