thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
It made Nikki blush when Vin said he might not be able to resist her, but she had a feeling their night wasn’t going to end in sex, regardless, because both of them wanted more out of this, than just some random hook up. However, when he asked where she was staying, she couldn’t help but to feel a little embarrassed, because here she was, Nikki freaking Bella, and she was crashing with her sister, because all of her homes where shared with her now ex, and they were the last place she wanted to go, even if John wasn’t there. “I’ve been staying with Brie, so heading to your place is probably best. Besides, at least I’ll have privacy there, and won’t have to worry about the paparazzi sitting outside. You know, that’s another thing, and not to really jump the gun here, but if we were to have more than just a friendship here, be prepared for the paps to be all up in your business, wanting to know who Nikki’s new man is. Do you think you can handle that?”
He was still kinda hesitant, because he wasn’t sure he would be able to stop himself from trying to take things further if they were alone together. But at the same time he wanted to test himself and see if he could actually be with a woman without it ending in sex. “Aight, but you better be covered up from head to toe, because otherwise I don’t think I can trust myself around you.” He was only teasing, and flashed a matching glance her way to show just that. “Do you want to just head to my place? Or is there somewhere you’ve been staying?” He asked out of curiosity. Once he heard her reply, he started the car up to make the short drive to their destination.
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
“She wasn’t my first kiss but she’s the kiss that mattered, the kiss that made me realize I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. So now my lips belong to her. Just look at them… Her name’s written all over them.”
Oko Ninjah (via okoninjah)
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
”It’s a musical festival in Napa Valley, and they actually have a lot of rock acts I think you’d like. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it before. Anyway, it’s that Friday and Saturday before your birthday, and I’m pretty sure you have that weekend off, right? How crazy is it to think this will probably be the last birthday of yours we celebrate when it’s just mommy and daddy time? Because by next year, the twins will be one, and they probably won’t want to leave our sides.” It was crazy to think that soon, Nala and Cruz would be here, but it was even crazier to think about the fact that soon, they’d be parents.
He wasn’t surprised at all to hear that Nicole would be iffy with who got to watch the kids once they were born. Truth be told he was the same way. “Bottle rock?!” That was something he had never heard of before, but if the acts were good enough he was willing to attend anything once. “When is it?” As he spoke those words he was already in the process of pulling out his phone to check out his calendar, just to double check if he would be free or not.” 
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
[text - Baby Girl]: Ew, you sound like Miz! [text - Baby Girl]: And I mean, they are already sassy as all hell, so I can’t even imagine. It’s going to be the cutest thing ever. [text - Baby Girl]: Also, when we have our baby, can we do IVF and make sure we have a boy? It’s too much estrogen in this family! [text - Baby Girl]: It’s been far too long, and I’m sorry I’ve been so busy and haven’t been able to make shows, babe.
sent:   Because I’m awesome, duh. :P sent:   I can’t believe they’re about to be two already! I’m not ready. Before we know it, they’re               going to be talking in full sentences and being sassy af. sent:  Yaaaasss! This makes me so happy. It’s been a while since you’ve bee able to attend one             of my shows. 
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
[text - Hubby]: How crazy would it be if we all end up with girls? Like what the hell? [text - Hubby]: Because I told you JJ and Lauren are having another girl, right? [text - Hubby]: I definitely want a Mini Pate!! Can you imagine how adorable he’d be when he starts acting crazy and dramatic like your ass? [text - Hubby]: Go and eat right now! You can take your phone with you!
sent:   I’m tempted to put that theory to the test just to see if i can get her to spill or not. sent:   If it’s a girl I already know I’m about to be broke as hell, lol. But what if it’s a boy tho.                     Think you can handle a mini me?  sent:   Nah, don’t be worry. I didn’t hear my alarm go off this morning so all i had time to grab                 that. Second I get a chance to sit down I’m about to eat my ass off.
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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Nikki Bella filming Total Divas, Miami (2018)
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
Once again, Nikki felt like a complete idiot, because she’d overreacted, and didn’t even give Vin a chance to explain himself. She was so glad she hadn’t just walked away, and took an Uber home, because once he did explain, that was the first time Nikki actually felt like someone, other than her family, truly cared about her, and the fact he didn’t want to just hook up with her like every other woman he’d been with, meant so much to her, and she honestly didn’t want that either, nor did she really think she was in the right frame of mind to be hooking up with anyone. “I’m sorry I kind of freaked out back there, but I guess I’m just so afraid of rejection again, you know? You’re right, however, and I think I do need to get myself back to being me, before I can be with anyone again. However, plan on getting that phone call, because there is no doubt in my mind it will happen. I don’t want our night together to end just yet, though. Stay with me tonight. Please? Nothing is going to happen, I promise, I just really don’t want to be alone....”
“Nicole, put your phone away. I’m taking you home and that’s that.” Maybe if he hadn’t wanted to talk to her about why he rejected her in the first place, he would have let her take that Uber. “Come on.” He led the way to his car, and once they were both inside he didn’t start it right away because what he needed to say, needed to be said right away. “Nicole, if this had been any other night I would have been all over you the moment we walked out that bar. But I’m not, and that’s because I care about you.” He knew every female in the company was aware of his rep, which was why he usually stayed away from hitting on any of them. “I know I got a bit of a playboy rep, and it might be true. But I play the field because I have never come across not one chick that has been able to blow my mind the way you seem to. I want you, I do. But I think you need to take some time to yourself, and think about what you want. And if after a few weeks you know for sure you’re over John’s ass. Then give me a ring, aight?” 
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
How excited Colby seemed about the fact Nikki was finally caving and agreeing to go to a concert with him, was the cutest thing, and made it all so totally worth it. “When exactly will this concert be? Because depending on how old the babies are, that will determine who we get to babysit. In the first few months, I’ll only be comfortable with your parents, mine, Brie and Joe, and Nick and his wife, watching them. Yes, I’m going to be one of those moms! Hey, you know what? We should go to Bottle rock for your birthday. You know the music festival in Napa? I think you’d actually enjoy it, babes.”
These days with how busy his schedule was, it was rare for him to be able to get out and attend a concert. So it meant a lot to him that Nicole was willing to go with him, especially since she wasn’t a huge fan of the music he listened to. At least with this band it was one of a softer genre and wasn’t heavy like some of the things he usually listened to. “You don’t have to hit up Bourbon Street with me.” He had wanted her too, but that was a lot of walking she would have to do, which was something he wasn’t about to put her through. “At least by the time the concert hits you won’t be pregnant anymore.” A pause made. “Is it bad that I’m already thinking of who we will have babysit?!
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
Gregory knew how rough pregnancy could be, and every single one was different. So, he knew that Nikki was going to have different side effects than his ex, but he understood that some parts would be similar and he could help with it. As soon as he listened to her requests, he gave a small nod. “I can get you some juice, love. I’ll have to go through the fridge to see what we have. And I can definitely give you cuddles. Let me go get the juice and I’ll be right back for the cuddles.” As soon as he said that, he went to the kitchen to go as quickly as he could.
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Nikki honestly didn’t know what she’d do without Gregory, and it was why she thanked god everyday for bringing him, and their little one into her life. While he went into the kitchen, Nikki reached for a blanket that was on the back of the sofa, so she could cover up with it, while she started looking at some nursery designs on her iPad, because they were going to have to get started on decorating that spare room they had, soon. “Hey babe? Question, which one do you prefer. Mickey and Minnie, or Donald and Daisy?”
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
[text - Baby Girl]: You are so damn evil!! Why do I love you again? [text - Baby Girl]: She likes to blame it on Mommy brain, but come on, the girls are almost two. It doesn’t last that long! [text - Baby Girl]: Oh my god, our babies are almost two!! I’m going to cry! [text - Baby Girl]: Thursday, so we can just fly from your show, to their place, because I want to come and see you do your thing this week!
CONTACT INFO; MY LOVE. — — I wouldn’t do a thing like that. Especially not at a time when I know you won’t be expecting it. Nope. Not me. >:) — — You’re right. She’s probably going to text me the picture before the end of the night herself. — — I have a ROH taping on Wednesday. Other than that I’ll be free. When is she trying to have the dinner?
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
[text - Hubby]: Well she won’t tell you! That Bella bloodline is thick, and we can keep secrets like no other, daddio! [text - Hubby]: You probably need to anyway, so you can get ideas for my push present :). [text - Hubby]: Do you really think you can handle two Nicoles in your life? [text - Hubby]: Dang, that’s all you ate? Are you sick?! You should probably go and eat something for real, love. Got me all worried now :(.
CONTACT INFO; WIFEY. — — Too late. I already sent her a message trying to get the scoop.  — — Nah, I’m lying, but I’m hella tempted to hit her up though.  — — That right there is why we’re going to end up with a girl.  — — It’s almost 1 now. And I had a light breakfast. Only a piece of toast and a grapefruit. I’m fucking starving over here!
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thenikkibellaxarchived ¡ 6 years
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