theseverence · 2 years
Oh. He didn’t expect that sort of attention. He didn’t expect that Silver would start to feel at least some form of affection in return. Palkix shifts to lean into Silver’s back shutting his eyes a second as he digests it. Did he mean he was his –? Right. Best not to think about that. He shakes the thought away before forcing himself to raise one of his hands to touch Silver’s wrist. “Yeah - you will.” He muses thinking about how Silver was determined to get them out of Severance. “Give them hell, yeah?”
Silver grins into the mirror and gives Palkix a nod. He's aware of the choice of words and even feels slightly bad for it, but those lies or half-truths, or however one would call it, come naturally - keep those around happy, give them what they want or need. To think there could be a little bit of actual attachment, of possessiveness or jealousy, comes and goes as Silver dismisses it quickly.
'They will adore you.' He signs, watching the other in the mirror as he presses a kiss to his partner's neck, right where he left the bite before. 'And if they don't, I will make them terrified of you.'
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theseverence · 2 years
‘Nothing is -’ The words drift across his head and he swallows a bit. Ah, perhaps he made the wrong move. But he so much hates seeing Pirriks like this. This wasn’t the mate he fell for. This wasn’t the mate he - He grunts once he’s pulled into the embrace and he sighs out a breath. Was he wrong thinking this? Absolutely. 
He wonders if thats what makes his mental thoughts different from his mate. That not being able to help his mate out of a funk, that not being able to make him happy is eating away at him. He shuts his eyes. “…Its alright.” He mutters after a long moment, allowing himself to listen to the noises in the woods. “I - I just wanted to get you outside, away from the House. Away from the source of your, discomfort.” 
“I geuss, I’m going about it the wrong way.” He mutters.
The Kell wraps his secondary arms around the other and brings his primary hands to Jorvek's face. He looks him in the eyes. "This is, not on, you. You are, doing, great."
"I just -- it's hard to, see the point." He rests his forehead against his mate's. "I don't, know where I'm, going. I regret, the past. I am, scared of the, future."
What if Jorvek leaves him? He's not obligated to deal with this, to not have the person he fell in love with. Why stay with someone so weak?
Pirriks swallows, trying to not cry - it hurts his throat but he doesn't allow himself to be pathetic. He's pathetic enough already...
"I am, broken."
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theseverence · 2 years
It be a new thing for both of them. Palkix never was completely in charge back in Kings. He was an archon, yes but no one really listened to him. And the servitors always preferred the 4th over himself do to the older being a seer. It was a bitter pill to understand, a bitter feeling of that nothing he did was good enough. Perhaps that was why he turned out as he did. And why he been building this group on the side. 
He turns his body to start to run water at the sink to clean it up, giving Silver time to think and digest. He glances back occasionally to see if the other signs and when he does, he shakes his head. “Respecting me is all fine and good. But I would prefer that you are respected too. Without you, there is no way I’ll be able to lead this group.”
'Dont worry. They will respect me one way or another.' Silver gives him a sharp smile. He's good at gaining respect when he needs it through various means. His preferred method is talking people into it but he's not foreign to simply forcing them to. This group will probably go 50/50.
Slowly, he gets up from the floor. Still a bit lightheaded but he's going to be fine as long as the main part of the pain is gone. His neck throbs still but it's not too awful.
He walks over to Palkix and wraps his secondary arms around him, setting his chin on the other's shoulder. They can look each other in the eye in the mirror above the sink. He signs with his primary, slower to make up for the inverted view:
'Some will want to take my place. Let them try. I will show them you're mine.'
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theseverence · 2 years
He really needed to help his mate and he really hoped that this did work. He hated that his partner was like this - that he was in this state. It was a bitter feeling. Shifting his hand, he grabs onto his mate’s spare one and tugs him out of the ketch toward the grounds. It was chilly, somewhat bitter cold but it was beautiful area. Jorvek had explored the entire area after the incidents thats been happening and he’s found some nice areas. He tugs his mate further into the ruins and tilts his head. “Its nice, here. Not many venture this, far. I hope it helps for you.”
Pirriks lets Jorvek drag him forward, not really paying much attention to the surroundings. He’s bristling at the cold, burying the lower half of his face in the scarf even deeper, kicking a stone here and there on the way in annoyance - at least that was some kind of emotion.
“It’s ruins. Like any other, ruins.” The Kell snarks, looking around briefly, but then he sighs deeply, his shoulders slumping. He stops his mate and brings him closer, not letting go of the other’s hand. It’s wrong of him to treat Jorvek like this.
“I’m sorry, love. I know, you want to, help.” 
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theseverence · 2 years
Was Palkix concerned about the SIVA? A distant part of him was but he didn’t let it bother him much. He leans backwards to glance over his partner seeming to look him over and smiles a little. “Well, now you don’t have to hide it. Hell, I’m a mess compared to you.” he makes a slow gesture with his numbs. “We match. We both have our issues - and now we can help eachother through it. have to be strong. Your my partner in this.” He pauses. “You think people will start to call you Lieutenant since theyre calling me boss?” He looks amused by that. 
Silver nods, casting his gaze down for a moment. He doesn’t believe in fate but what if they were meant to stay together? To be partners finally? After years and years of brushing against each other in various situations, that doesn’t sound all too plausible - just the right time, the right place for something to happen. One helping the other, simple debts being repaid over and over till it all stops benefitting one of them.
But -
Damn this fool for making him even think about this.
He looks up again though, shaking his head a little. ‘I’ve been called many things and this would be one of the better ones.’ He signs a little sluggishly, smiling a bit. ‘I would still prefer something else. Not a fan. But as long as they respect you, I’m fine with whatever.’
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theseverence · 2 years
Jorvek was thankful his mate agreed to that. Getting Pirriks out and away from the House a bit will hopefully clear his head. His hands shift to turn Pirriks face forward and nuzzles it gently. “Dress warm. ” he whispers, nuzzling their noses again before he stands straighter. He takes a step back to give his mate space to move and starts to pull on his warmer light gear. Jorvek is hoping he can get his mate out if this funk.
Pirriks grumbles at the mention of dressing up warmly and he gives his mate a not so serious glare. He unwraps himself from the blankets and sluggishly moves to even find his gear - since he stopped leaving their room he had no need for anything else than comfy understuits.
When he’s finally ready, bundled up in a coat, scarf and a warm cloak with fur, he doesn’t look very happy. But hey, he’s up at least, so that’s a step.
“Let’s go before, I change my, mind.” He grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
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theseverence · 2 years
Jorvek felt the dull ache sit in his chest. His hand continues to play with his mates locks looking down at him in cocern and he thinks about it. Staying in the House wasn’t helping his mate at all. His hands shift and he grips a little to his partner before he speaks. “You do, everything. Your my support. My perfect, amazing, mate.” He mutters shifting to rest his face into his mates hair. “Please. Come outside at least? Wander with me?” He mutters wanting to get his mate outside for a little while. 
“Love...” He’s ready to protest again but then words get stuck in his throat and the only thing that comes out is a heavy, tired sigh. He would very much prefer to stay where he is, staring out the window, but he knows he’s hurting his mate by being like this - not much of the perfect, amazing mate now.
Maybe, just maybe, a little walk is a good idea...If only to make Jorvek happy.
Pirriks rubs his face, nodding slowly. “Fine. Just... Not, too long.”
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theseverence · 2 years
The SIVA strands still move under the skin and the pattern of pulses follows Palkix's hand wherever it cleans the blood. At least, it decided to not try and hurt the other for which Silver is extremely thankful. 99% of the time he is in control but there is always this slight chance of him losing it.
Silver nods, smiling faintly. 'I know we are but I'm not used to actually trusting the other guy in such arrangements. Letting people see me like this is rare.'
Silver gladly sits down and let’s his head fall back against the wall. There were a couple people who took to caring for him in this state over the years for one reason or another. Being a ‘partner’ was never one of them though. It was always either a fellow slave or someone who decided they owned him. It’s a good change.
When Palkix returns close to him, Silver cracks his eyes open to look up at him. One of his hands rests on the other’s leg loosely to at least have this little touch. In all honesty, something warm swells in his chest, making him want to kiss Palkix instead but it feels beyond his strength at the moment.
’Thank you. It means a lot.’
Palkix hums as he listens to Silver, just listening to his breathing a moment. Crouching in front of him, Palkix raises the wash cloth to his partners neck and begins to clean off the crusty dried blood not fazed by SIVA at all. perhaps it showed how much older Houses, and older issues doesn’t bother him that much anymore. “Silver, we’re together in this. And I have no reason to let you suffer for this.” He smiles a little at his partner, his secondary shifting to rest on the others own squeezing it. “Rest yeah? I’ll get you cleaned up then we’ll get you something to drink to ease your throat” He reassures focusing on the cleaning. 
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theseverence · 2 years
Pirriks doesn't flinch, doesn't move, doesn't acknowledge his mate at all. The only difference is that he closes his eyes, a slightly more relaxed expression reflecting in the window. It's a long while before he even lets out a louder breath, then slowly raises one hand to touch Jorvek's arm.
"What is, the point?" He rasps quietly, grimacing at the still lingering pain. "Did do much good out there..."
Ephrik listens, then starts to chatter away again. She’s comfortable with Myriks and when she’s tired of drawing, she cuddles up to him - he’s going to have a hard time getting rid of her in the future.
Almost two weeks passed since Pirriks was let to stay in their private quarters. He didn’t really get much better when it comes to his self-esteem but at least he got more responsive, and even ventured outside of the bedroom a couple times. Only to the desk, really, but it was something. Travek kept coming over regularly to check up on him and his injuries, only in the last two days allowing the Kell to try and speak instead of writing on the board constantly.
It didn’t make Pirriks interested in the matters of the House though - he didn’t want to face them and he didn’t think he has anything to offer them anyway. Jorvek was doing just fine with his team and Destrix, and the Kell kept spending a lot of time simply staring out the window.
Just like now - sitting in a pile of blankets, one wrapped around him, he watches the space outside.
The days passed and Jorvek knows that his partner is struggling. When he’s not outside leading the teams, checking the House and having the ttwo Seconds take over when they could so he could focus on his mate. And now, he wonders if he should intervene. The longer that Pirriks stays like this, the worse it gets. 
He sighs deeply for a few moments before he walks into the their shared quarters now. Jorvek looks over his mate where he was sitting and he slowly moves toward him. His arms shift around his mates shoulders and he tugs him against his side. “You can’t, stay here forever.” He rasps to his mate, touching his mates hair with his claws. 
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theseverence · 2 years
Palkix wonders if this was what it felt like to be in love and not in possessive need to have someone. He wonders if this dreaded feeling in his chest, the fear for Silver is it. If it is, it makes come to a few startling conclusions about himself. Most of them were not good ones. He shivers at that but forces those thoughts to the side in order to focus on his partner. Right. Silver was more important right now.
Seeing the sign he shakes his head a moment, shifting his two hands to grip and slowly help Silver to sit. “I rather I did. I’m your partner you idiot. You seen me at my worse and helped me. Now it’s my turn to help you through your worse. Let’s get you cleaned up yeah?” Was he caring too much? Probably. Did he hate it? Not as much as he thought he did. He always knew he felt something toward the other. But realizing it’s this is a surprise.
He raises a hand to touch Silvers cheek giving it a few strokes. “We both have our own physical issues.” He mutters before he turns running the water to start cleaning the sink. In the meanwhile, Palkix grabs a wash cloth and soaks it in water before returning to Silvers side.
Silver gladly sits down and let's his head fall back against the wall. There were a couple people who took to caring for him in this state over the years for one reason or another. Being a 'partner' was never one of them though. It was always either a fellow slave or someone who decided they owned him. It's a good change.
When Palkix returns close to him, Silver cracks his eyes open to look up at him. One of his hands rests on the other's leg loosely to at least have this little touch. In all honesty, something warm swells in his chest, making him want to kiss Palkix instead but it feels beyond his strength at the moment.
'Thank you. It means a lot.'
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theseverence · 2 years
Oh SIVA really was the worse thing. If it wasn’t as independent as it was, it could be a brilliant change for medical and yet here it was - turning on its host. Palkix frowns at the pain his partner was in and the amount of blood that was coming out of his throat. He knew that SIVA wasn’t great - he’s seen it himself. “Shh, its alright. I’m here - Shh.” He muttered in soft tones keeping his hands on his partners back and sides. he had no interest in leaving his partners side. 
One good thing is that SIVA never wants him dead - it might hurt him but it always makes sure he stays alive, closes the wounds it made so he doesn’t bleed out. Still, Silver feels more and more lightheaded but he tries to keep his head over the sink to not make more of a mess than everything already is. His neck, chest, some of his back are all covered in trickles of blood, the bathroom will need a good clean... Bleh.
Finally, it feels like the SIVA stops moving as much and he is able to take a proper breath. He does not dare to speak nor make the smallest of noises to not irritate it again. With one hand still gripping the sink, he turns enough to sign:
‘I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to see this.’
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theseverence · 2 years
The rest was nice. Being in his partner’s arms after it, and enjoying the time afterwards. But as usual, nice things come to an end. He grunts as he feels his partner leave his arms and he shifts to sit upwards. “Sil?” He muttered rubbing his face a moment. But then the coughing registers and he’s awake now. Stumbling out from the covers, and despite his body was soar in places, he forces himself toward the sound where the coughing was coming. “Sil.” He whispers shifting to touch his back and arm seeing the damage. Oh, they should of seen that coming. His hands shift to start rubbing his back. 
“Fuck. We should of seen this coming with how much you been talking. I’m sorry.” He whispers. 
Silver tenses immediately when Palkix touches his back and there would come a warning growl from him if not for the SIVA shifting again under his skin causing him to whimper. He hates being seen like this. For someone who never lacks self-esteem, this is one of those moments in which he can’t see anything but something disgusting. All the strands of Siva slithering around, all the blood...
His throat tightening with a forced back cry makes everything worse. Blood pours out of his mouth in a fresh wave, splattering around. The pain of ripped tissue makes Silver sway on his legs and he has to hold the sink tighter.
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theseverence · 2 years
Myriks has yet to meet the other heir to severance. And he wonders if he should be concerned about that. It could be a teenage rebellion too. Whatever it was, he decides to keep some eyes on it and listens for anything out of the ordinary. Ephrik words pull him from his musing and he hums. “He does. You might get along with the youngest one. I think your similar in age with them. His older kids, they’re close to your brothers age I think.”
“Your brother sounds likes going through some things. From an outsider look. I haven’t met him yet and, siblings are strange to me.. I don’t have any. Your mother is as close to a sibling ive ever had. ”
Ephrik listens, then starts to chatter away again. She’s comfortable with Myriks and when she’s tired of drawing, she cuddles up to him - he’s going to have a hard time getting rid of her in the future.
Almost two weeks passed since Pirriks was let to stay in their private quarters. He didn’t really get much better when it comes to his self-esteem but at least he got more responsive, and even ventured outside of the bedroom a couple times. Only to the desk, really, but it was something. Travek kept coming over regularly to check up on him and his injuries, only in the last two days allowing the Kell to try and speak instead of writing on the board constantly.
It didn’t make Pirriks interested in the matters of the House though - he didn’t want to face them and he didn’t think he has anything to offer them anyway. Jorvek was doing just fine with his team and Destrix, and the Kell kept spending a lot of time simply staring out the window.
Just like now - sitting in a pile of blankets, one wrapped around him, he watches the space outside.
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theseverence · 2 years
Having a partner like this, having someone just as aggressive as he was, it was a trip. And it was something that Palkix preferred in a way. Despite his determination to get Jorvek, he always wanted the aggressive 4th to actually take advantage of it. And yet the other never went through that effort much to Palkix annoyance. So to have someone take those cues for once? amazing.
A surprised noise escapes his lips as he feels a bite on his neck and his claws shift to grip onto the side of Silver’s waist. He whines dropping his head back and he swallows. “Ah, nice to, feel, needed.” he shutters out a raspy noise and he allows the other to do what he wished. Honestly, when they awake later from this, he’s going to be covered with bites. 
And he finds himself pleased about it.
Content and more than warmed up, he really wants to just enjoy having Palkix in his arms but he can't. He knows something's wrong with his throat, he knows the signs, and it really doesn't surprise him much. Those couple days had been straining after all. But he also doesn’t want to move and wake his partner up - they both deserve rest.
The final thing that finally pulls him out of bed is the blood that stains his hand when he scratches his neck. He groans and places a gentle kiss to the top of the other's head before slinking out from underneath the covers as quietly as he can. When he adjusts the blanket over Palkix, a drop of blood falls onto it, then another and Silver rushes over to the bathroom.
He leaves a trail of blood behind and doesn’t even manage to close the door - SIVA stirs painfully, flooding his throat with blood and forcing him to throw himself to the sink to not cough it all up onto the floor. He leans over the sink, his claws tight around the edges, retching and coughing. A glimpse in the mirror is enough for him to see how the SIVA strands move underneath his skin, how they twist and tighten all over his neck and jaw, as red as his blood.
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theseverence · 2 years
Myriks thinks about those questions and he gives a soft hum. “It will take time, and it might never go away. But it will get better.” The second comments shifting his head to glance at her. “Your mother will help and be there for your father. But you know wwhat you can do for them?” He asks shifting running his claws through her hair. “Keep making pretty things for them, telling them stories. Entertaining them. All of that.” 
“I will.” Ephrik says with determination, leaning a little back into Myriks’ hand. She moves on to a new sheet of paper, drawing whatever comes to her head. Since the Captain showed interest in listening and talking to her, she begins to ramble on:
“Karliks says dad doesn’t love us and he pinches me when I say he’s wrong. Did you meet him? Guess not, he always sits with Travek now.” As much as she loves his brother, she doesn’t agree with him on much. There are times he’s a good brother, too, but it happens less and less. But the topic is gone in a heartbeat as she goes on:
“Jorvek has kids, right? I wish they were here... Other kids don’t like me because of dad. They’re mean to me so I skip school a lot.”
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theseverence · 2 years
"But dad is very sad. That's what Destrix said." She comments absent-mindedly, not stopping to draw. "She said he's sad, which makes him sick, and that's why he fell asleep and needed to stay in the medbay." Sure, the kid has her own idea about the events of that day and what followed, but it's vague enough to be blissfully ignored.
"Do you think he won't be sad one day?" She asks, leaning back a bit to get a look at her drawing, then gets back to it. "It makes mom sad, too. I don't like when they're sad."
Yes, Myriks is not an open book, and it certainly makes Ephrik far more interested in peeling the layers off. After all, she’s still learning, and one thing to learn is always people. 
“You should draw something for your Baron.” She reaches to one of the drawer of the desk, wiggling in his lap to both reach and not fall. It doesn’t want to open but she manages finally without letting Myriks help. It’s an assortment of crayons, random colors of paints, charcoal sticks, pencils, feathers, stones, sticks, some plastic, Human toys, hair ties, papers… Anything and everything the child ever got her hands on through Pirriks or the rest of the crew.
“Here!” Ephrik whips out a couple sheets of paper, clearly recycled over and over again, and a bunch of crayons. She doesn’t care all that much if Myriks draws anything or not, far more focused on her own drawing - Pirriks, Jorvek, and herself holding hands, all of them only a bit further than stick figures, and a bunch of flowers, hearts, and other decorations. Karliks got excluded from the picture.
Myriks chuckles a bit at the child’s determination and it makes him feel a little warm. He always knew he was good with kids and this just shows it. He leans into the back of the chair allowing Ephrik room so she can start to draw her gift for both of her parents. If he’s honest, he’s glad that Jorvek gotten to this stage and found someone he can interact with again. 
He shut his eyes for a bit as he listens to the sounds of the ketch, allowing himself to get used to those sounds. It would take sometime before he got comfortable and figured out what wasn’t natural here. But he did it before and he would do it again to protect his warrior brother and baron. 
Listening to the noises he shifts his head enough to get abetter look into the bedroom so he can watch both of them. He wouldn’t be surprised if Jorvek finally passes out from exhaustion. “You are one lucky hatchling you know, Ephrik? Having such loving and protective parents.” 
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theseverence · 2 years
Well, how can he say 'no' to that? His best answer is wandering hands, kisses, and nibbles at the other's neck, all the while slowly pushing Palkix backwards towards their bed.
Silver can't tell which way he prefers more but being asked to top is always a nice turn of events. It doesn't change the service nature of his actions, always on the lookout for any cues and nudges - something he will probably never get rid of after so many years of doing his best to please whoever needed pleasing.
But it does make him more aggressive and in the mood to mark his territory with bites and scratches. Most of them are made in places not visible when dressed but in the heat of the moment he bites down harder on Palkix's neck, leaving quite a visible mark.
Silver has to admit he missed Palkix, too, though he’s not thinking about it much - the other is the only familiar thing for him at the moment so it’s easy to find comfort in each other. Any other option makes it dangerous for both of them and he really doesn’t want to deal with it. He follows Palkix happily, and the moment they reach their room, he closes the door behind them and tugs the other closer and into a kiss. In moments like this, Silver really hates what happened to his voice - he can’t whisper sweet nothings, can’t give compliments. Not only his voice sounds very anti-climactic, but his throat aches more than usual from all the talking he had to do those past few days.
But he hopes that at least his body language can make up for it.
Palkix never thought he find someone like Silver in all honesty. he thought he would have to search for centuries more before someone peeks his interest. And he shouldn’t be surprised that someone was Silver given their similar nature. He blinks slowly as Silver tugs him into a heated kiss and he hums a bit at that back of his throat. It was a wonderful feeling, and yes, it might eventually kick him in the ass later on but he’ll deal with it. 
Palkix shifts his grip onto the other eliksni and urges him to tease and tug at him. “Mh, II remember faintly you were under me most of the time last time. So lets, switch that hm?” He grins tilting his head back. He wonders if Silver will bite him or not hessitate to mark him. He hopes so.  
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