Today my husband enjoyed an activity that I picked
My husband usually doesn't like going to or doing any activities that I suggest. The things that I pick just don’t interest him and I spend a lot of time convincing him it’ll be fun before we can actually buy tickets or go.
About a month before, I received an email offer for vivid Taronga zoo tickets. He instantly said no, even though he enjoys going to the zoo. I had to work at it and chip away before he agreed to go - just to please me.
Well, guess who got the last laugh. He loved it! He loved it so much, we had to drag him home. It was definitely a fun night and the lights were amazing. Great family night out. He even thanked me for convincing him to go. So sweet of him.
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Today my husband taught me about the sharemarket
So my husband has been playing the ASX sharemarket game for a while now. Occasionally he talked about it but my lack of financial literacy was a great barrier to these conversations. In an effort to be more involved in his interested, I signed up to play the game this quarter. I watched some tutorial videos and decided to buy myself some fake shares in the game. Proud of myself, I showed him my efforts, only to be told I screwed up. Even if I made money, I didn’t buy enough shares to make enough to cover the brokerage fee.
Of course, in his pompous wisdom, he recommended some shares for me to buy and gave me a tutorial on how to buy and sell. He initially wanted me to max out on as much as I could buy but I was having none of it. He was sure his recommendation would make me money. I then spent the next few weeks watching my shares lose me money. Then he made me sell them (at a loss) because the shares were going to tank.
He considers this all a success in learning and putting the loss of fake money to a learning experience. I want to be fake rich and he really didn’t help me get there.
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Be good to the people who are there for you.
(via love-diaries)
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Today my husband made his favourite dish
My husband thinks he makes the best mac & cheese ever. I don’t particularly love mac & cheese, so we never have it unless he has an absolute craving for it. I thought it would be a good pre-made camping food for us. You should have seen his excitement. He was all over it and ready to go to get it made. So cute.
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Today my husband loved my buffalo wings
We get into a lot of disagreement about food. In particular, how to make buffalo wings and which is the best recipe. He likes his wings spicy, super spicy. I like my wings a little spicy with some crisp.
I tried a new recipe and he was convinced that it wouldn’t be as good as his recipe. He loved it and so graciously agreed that a repeat would be desired in the future. That was his way of complimenting my cooking without actually saying so.
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Today my husband sent me a selfie
My husband doesn’t do selfies. He doesn’t even really take photos unless something is amazing or hilarious. He went to get a haircut today and was so impressed that he volunteered a selfie without me asking for one. And not just any selfie, it was one with a smile. Stranger things have happened before, but this one is pretty spectacular. 
Oh yes, he did look very smart with his new haircut.
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Today my husband is going camping
Let me put it out there that I do not camp. I might in a pinch go glamping, but I DO NOT camp. My husband, on the other hand, LOVES to go camping. He grew up camping all the time and in general loves the great outdoors. Don’t get me wrong, I also love the great outdoors. We just happen to love it differently.
I wanted to give my husband a happy life, so we are going camping. I don’t want to go camping. I have even been googling how to have a good time while camping (yes, it’s that bad for me). When he found out the only reason why we were going camping was that he loves camping, he could not stop thanking me. That’s the type of guy he is. Without thinking twice, always grateful and knows how to show it. I might kill him after we go camping, but he’d still be thankful we went.
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Today my husband volunteered to get nachos chips
I’m making nachos tonight but I ate all the nachos chips with the salsa dip yesterday. My husband to the rescue! Without hesitation, he volunteered to pick up more chips after the work. 
He’s that kind of selfless guy.
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Today my husband let me spend my Christmas present on him
He didn’t argue when I wanted to share my Christmas gift card on getting him a book he desperately wanted at the bookstore - even though he was the one who gave me the gift card. It made him so excited and happy to have a new book on numbers.
He’s such a nerd.
Then he spent the next few hours talking at me about the number 0. Yes, you read that right, talking AT me.
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Today my husband and I couldn’t spell
My husband and I are obsessed with figuring out names for our future children so that our initials run alphabetically by age. So far we’ve been very unsuccessful in finding names that we like for our alphabetical goal. 
One time we were driving home from the shops. We started talking about names we’d thought of recently. Somehow we got really excited about the name Oliver and the excitement level escalated when we thought it would be amazing for our family initials to spell out ‘Rome’ (note: my husband loves ancient history).
It took us a few minutes of excitement before we realised that neither of our initials spell the word Rome. We laughed the rest of the day. It could have been so perfect, but it wasn’t.
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Today my husband received some bad news
I started this blog a few years ago and I started posting every now and then of things my husband did to show me his love. All the posts have been private so far. I’ve decided to make the posts public from now on because he is important and I want him to be able to share with his friends if he wants to show what a beautiful person he is.
A few months back, my husband received some bad news. He had been feeling not quite himself for a while and we now know that he has hereditary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a life-limiting degenerative neurological disorder. Funnily enough, he loves maths and worshipped Stephen Hawking, who also had ALS. 
So this will be where I record the spirit of my husband - a place where I can share his uniquely amazing personality.
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