thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Lord Shiva - Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh Ady Crosby wrote : Contemplating Lord Shiva on the banks of the holy River Ganges in the wonderfully zen city of Rishikesh!
I love being enriched by different cultures. A huge part of many cultures is found through religion. To me religion is beautiful and spiritual ❤️ Each time I witness a ritual, prayer, song, or chant I am reminded all humans crave and deserve love and understanding regardless of the God/Goddess/Prophet/Being they choose to worship. (via Instagram: Ady Crosby)
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Lord Ganesh Hind Gods Print (via eBay: Oldbollywoodposters)
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Krishna and Yeshua by Vasudeo Kamath
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
“Whatever ill treatment you receive from another, you should not return evil for evil, you should return good.”
— Sri Krishna
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Lakshmi Maa Wallpapers
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
You alone are our mother and father
You alone are our sibling and friend
You alone are our knowledge and prosperity
You alone are everything to us my Lord my Lord
Whatever I have performed through my action, speech, thought, knowledge, or my natural habit, may all that be surrendered to the Lord
May Shiva protect us
May we dine together
May we work together with great energy
Let us be illumined together
Let us live in harmony
OM shanti shanti shanti!
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Ganesha Worships Shivling Shiva Parvati (via eBay: Indian_ash)
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Ganesh Chaturthi Ganesha is worshiped at the commencement of all undertakings in faith as the remover of all obstacles to one’s success, the provider of protection and wisdom, and he is often seated at the entrance of temples and shrines. Great preceptors, holy shrines, and sacred texts all hail Ganesha as the God of dharma, the symbol of wisdom, and the protector of all religious rituals. As with many of the Hindu gods and goddesses, Ganesa is known by many names, and any list is bound to be incomplete. Regardless of one’s philosophical viewpoint, all Hindus venerate Ganesha. The most popular belief about the birth of Ganesha states that Parvati required a guard at the door to her chamber as Shiva was away from home. She created a young boy and stationed him at the entrance to her chamber, and instructed him to prevent anyone from entering into her chamber.  Shortly thereafter, Shiva returned and demanded access to Parvati. The boy, minding his mother’s injunction, declined to give him entry. Outraged, Shiva ordered his attendants to decapitate the child (in some versions it is Shiva himself who undertakes the act). When Parvati realizes that her husband beheaded her child, she demands that Shiva rectify the situation by finding her child a new head. Shiva put the head of an elephant on the child’s headless body; this is Ganesha. - The Encyclopedia of Hinduism
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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“While rotating in the cycle of birth and death again and again in different species because of his own fruitive activities, the dependent living entity, by good fortune, may happen to become a human being. This human birth is very rarely obtained.”~Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.25
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Lakshmi - Saraswati (via ebay: jupiterus)
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Tomorrow I take a nine hour board exam. I’ve been studying all day every day for the past month. It is my last exam of medical school.
When times are tough and I am faced with mounting challenges, I turn to the deity Sri Ganesha for inspiration and enthusiasm. Remover of Obstacles and Sanctifier of New Beginnings, he is the Mighty One with an elephant’s head.
May all beings overcome their obstacles and challenges. May all beings have the opportunity to move forward with grace and blessings. May all beings be happy and free.
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
“not all men-”
you’re right, Krishna would never do this to me
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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Lakshmi by Rajeshwar Nyalapalli 
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thewhitehindu · 5 years
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The Hindu elephant deity Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles.  Andesite sculpture from central Java, artist unknown; 9th or 10th century.  Now in the Art Institute of Chicago.
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