Temporal Transfix: Pt. 5
Temporal Transfix: Pt.Ā 5
*Originally a poem of ten parts
8. If I were to travel and return
To what I was back in ā€˜02,
Ā A thing of five years aching
For a nap in the afternoon
And wondering why pencilsĀ 
Were so big and letters so small
But with memories of this present
Shoved through my ears,
Iā€™d tell her to invest in Apple,
Tell her that the stock market
Is fallible, tell her that herā€¦
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Temporal Transfix Pt. 4
Temporal Transfix Pt. 4.
*A work of ten parts originally
6. Ā  Ā  Ā  I wave a hand at
my reflection, and, after
a tic, she waves back.
7. You know sheā€™ll leave eventually,
or youā€™ll leave,
if youā€™re fast enough.
The coming departure
stretching roots in your living,
stuffing its flowers under the couch
in coat pockets hanging in the closet,
Ā poked through white linen sheets
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Temporal Transfix Pt. 3
Temporal Transfix Pt.Ā 3
*A work of ten parts originally
4. Ā  Ā  Ā  In the future I conceive
for myself, I wake mornings
to hear the chatter of early birds
and the nurturing soil grow
tomatoes and strawberries
in the garden out back. The breeze
knows me by name, sings the syllables
above watermelon patches and orange
trees. I sit on a porch I own and survey
what I have grown. I look at myā€¦
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Temporal Transfix Pt. 2
Temporal Transfix Pt.Ā 2
*A work of ten parts originally
Suppose linearity a hoax,
that time spins around the world
Overlapping shifting stringsĀ 
until the circles link and chain,Ā 
Entrapping today on either side.
Were you aware ghosts
Were merely echoes
Of past, replaying
And engaging
The present to construct
A more shattered future?
Perhaps her echo
Lies in theā€¦
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Temporal Transfix Pt.1
*A work of ten parts originally
Dear infinity, I give my heart to you
as a well-wishing gift. You have survived
your identity chopped and separated
into three dying parts, and the ire
of children knowing only a piece
of you. There is a sweet secret
embedded in the darknessĀ 
between planets, that one dayĀ 
those parts will find each other,
that they willā€¦
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The Bus Ride Home
The Bus RideĀ Home
ā€œAnd thatā€™s how I got into the Raiderā€™s game for free.ā€
The sporadic bumps of potholes flown over by the city bus enhanced the headache Bernie was getting as he was forced to listen to the bus passenger.
Said passenger was sitting haphazardly over the seat right behind Bernie, leaning around the divider between the rest of the vehicle and its driver to regale story after story.
The man,ā€¦
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Dear Lady, I Feel
Dear Lady, IĀ Feel
*mention of stillbirth, so caution
Lady Liberty, I feel for you.
Your honor has been questioned, your mission
gaslighted, and your children no longer know
your face. I feel for you, in that woman way,
in that way Cassandra saw the fall of Troy
Only for a man god to take her credibility.
Corporate gods laugh at you now.
ā€œCan you even spell freedom, Lady?ā€
The foolsā€¦
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It's Enough
Itā€™s Enough
Itā€™s enough to want
enough to want, enough to want
Enough to watch the stars stickered
to the dark walls of the sky
and wonder if they rise and fall
to bring life to another blue marble,
enough to watch our own star rise
and think that on her lonely days
she sings to her sisters.
Enough to want, enough to want
Enough to feel cool brittle grass trace my back
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The Modern Prophet
*This is dedicated to my roommate Alicia, who helped with the idea for this fiction
[warning: some cussing and a hint of sexual abuse towards the end]
The old hag was a bitch.
CJ glared down at the thin, brown hand outstretched toward him, its counterpart already clutching the fifteen dollars it took for the usual thirty-minute session. Only, the old hag was bumping the price to twenty.Ā 
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Hair Wars
*In honor of my sisterā€™s cat, who took over the house and our hearts in her time with us.
The cat hair is everywhere at my fatherā€™s house.
It sticks to my fatherā€™s sweater as he greets
me at the door, rises in the air as my sister
waves from the family couch, the follicles
parachuting down on the wind from her hand.
Itā€™s in the rugs, in the furniture, swept up in the air
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Death of Authors
Death to me
For I choose a sleep
Of ages, the breed
All gods succumb to.
Fear may come to shrinking
Hands, but the pen swims steady
Between skinny blue waves
Of paper.
Symbols splatter
By my blood, wrenched free
From dying kidneys and aged
Livers have power to resurrect
Far out in tepid futures.
Lasting pen, my sister
Give the living gift
To writtenā€¦
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Untimely Mother
*Warning: child abuse toward the end; read with caution
Mary hated the woman for coming. Yes, it was she who had opened the door to the woman, Mary who bade her to sit down and drink coffee, and it was Mary who obeyed when the woman ordered her to get the baby. Still, she hated the woman for coming.
The woman taking up the easy recliner, forcing Mary to hold the baby on the kitchen stoolā€¦
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Adam lies dead
And Eve retreats to the garden
Where the bunker waits.
The world spills over
Not for explosion of a star
Or for implosion of a core
But for clumsy evil born
From her depths.
Cast iron thistles circle
Free lands and prick ruined hands
Covered in muck, blood, grime,
And ownership lakes recognize
Up in lone star plains.
Children herd heavy stools
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Late Phone Call
I call my father last night
just to calm a need to know
the old man is out there,
Ā and heā€™s doing alright.
ā€œI had lamb chops for dinner,ā€
thatā€™s what he says into the speaker,
ā€œWith some rice and vegetables,
and a stash of chocolate for dessert.ā€
He says, ā€œIā€™m doing just fine my girl.ā€
ā€œOkay sure,ā€ I play along,
ā€œBut me and my roommate
had cheap steaks withā€¦
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She Speaks to Earth
She Speaks toĀ Earth
Girlā€™s been speaking to the earthĀ Ā 
pebbled dirt between her toes,
Fresh blades of green grass singingĀ 
In their language, the scattered
Ā trees dancing in theirs.Ā 
She speaks with that ancient ghostĀ 
The one that taught little girlsĀ 
How to grow and be mothers,Ā 
Who birthed and raised volcanoesĀ Ā 
And wheat fields on her surface
Ā and loved her brood equally,
Ā whoā€¦
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Black Truths
Black People canā€™t swim.
Black People canā€™t [wear their hair the way God designed it].
Black People canā€™t [explain how it feels to be followed in a store].
Black People canā€™t [enter certain towns after sundown].
Black People canā€™t [stop the fear of handcuffs and shiny badges].
Black People canā€™t [trust cause weā€™ve been burned before].
Black People canā€™t [canā€™t escape ancestorsā€¦
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The Inevitable
My grandfatherā€™s heart turned on him Saturday.
After the hour drive, the long wait in lobby,
The even longer string of waiting in the hospital
As the man in the white coat prescribes ā€œmore rest,ā€ ā€œmore water,ā€ and ā€œno leaving today,ā€Ā 
I exercise my will, take off and go home.Ā 
Later walks in on me slumped on the toilet,
Pants scrunched at my shins as a cone of weed
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