And Then There Were Three (or Six)
How do I count my children? Max was born in late April, and then there were three. Or six. Or three littles and three bigs. Or act one and act two, to make The Whole Show. This is a complicated thing about blended families with twice-a-month visitation. When casual-acquaintance-neighbors say, “This is your third?” I reply, “Yes. Well, sixth. Well, third I’ve actually given birth to, and I have…
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Girl Power and Auld Lang Syne
Girl Power and Auld Lang Syne
should auld acquaintance be forgotand never brought to mind?should auld acquaintance be forgotand the days of auld lang syne? We’ve been having a wild 2023 here in my corner of the world, walloped by storm after storm. The other night when rain lashed and wind howled, one of my employees called me. We work in emergency services and she was out dutifully checking the roads for fallen limbs,…
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Doing the Hard Things
Doing the Hard Things
Since the beginning of the panic, it’s hard to write anything here. Impossible. I start. I stop. I leave it for months while worrying about masks, housing, whether my children will be socially and emotionally stunted at the end of all this, the shitshow of an election that is finally over and America is saved thankyouJesusandalsoallthevoters, whatever other fresh hell 2020’s concocted.
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The Terrifying Privilege of Options
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I applied for a different job. I didn’t see it coming, but when a friend suggested I throw my hat in the ring, I did. Then I interviewed. Then I received a phone call. You were by far the best candidate. We were really impressed. We’d like you to join our team. Tentatively, after discussion with C, I said yes.
The keys to my new future–my resume, certifications, SF-50–are in the hands of…
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New Beginnings
It’s true that change can begin any time. Nobody is bound to a fresh new calendar, a number in the scale, a bank balance. Don’t we humans dearly love markers though? A new Day One, a new decade (even if it’s not really until next year), a turning of time we all celebrate–it seems like it means something, or should. We dust off old ambitions or embrace new ones. We take stock of change: a…
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The irony of doing this TedTalk for homework on the most batshit, sideways Thanksgiving Week in family history is not lost on me.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all. Even if it’s not Norman Rockwell, I hope everyone can find small moments.
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Still Here
The quick update:
Leaving for a work trip tomorrow and weaning Lucy to straight formula. Feeling feels. Not coincidentally, deleting all the mommy groups on Facebook. Considering deleting all of Facebook. I don’t need that nonsense in my life.
We just passed the dogs’ anniversary and y’all, do not give up on your shelter dogs. Settling in takes time. Yesterday we took them to a street festival and Scaredy Dog was okay with it. Then at the dog park they played appropriately with the other dogs. *wild applause*
I just did a thumbnail one-salary budget for 2020 and goodbye adult allowance (which pays for things like Fancy Coffee and subscriptions and presents) but who needs Fancy Coffee when you have a Fancy Dog? In other words we can’t have the finer things but we’ve got the best things.
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Current motivation to clean is nil. Have wasted 30 mins on social media accordingly. I guess despite new career/new city/husband/kids/dogs/baby not much has really changed in 8 years.
Okay gonna go scrub toilets now. So there’s that.
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Today in “I picked the right one”
I went to (my first) Yelp Elite event. He took the dogs and the baby and my mom for a walk to the best (and only) divey burrito place in our neighborhood
When I got home he listened with interest to my excitement about the food! the space! the people! (For Bay Area folks the food was from Farming Hope which runs the kitchen at Manny’s in the Mission on 16th St. between Mission and Valencia, and they apprentice people who have barriers to employment like homelessness and incarceration. Also they make amazing Middle Eastern food.)
Then he said “I’ll get the baby to sleep, you go for your run.” So I took our high high-energy doggo for a run in the dark and it was delightful
And now I should go to bed but it’s kind of nice to just putz around on the internet in a quiet house so I’ll do that for a bit longer, until I finish my water, then rinse off and end this nice “evening off” cuddled next to my lil’ smoosh and my big smoosh. And also the Penny dog because doggos need snuggs too
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What even is an IT band and why does mine hate me?
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All the Things We Can and Can't Control
All the Things We Can and Can’t Control
I spent an hour of my morning going down the rabbit hole of learning about San Francisco Unified School District enrollment. There’s a lottery, and maybe you get some preference for living near a school but maybe not, and the elementary school closest to us that little legs could walk to easily is a “citywide school” which is something different, and you can reenter the lottery twice but in the…
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Tri a Little Tenderness
Tri a Little Tenderness
This is what I wrote on July 2, almost two months ago:
I haven’t written in a long time despite my best intentions and irregardless of all the things I want to talk to you aboutbecause actually it turns out parenting a tiny human takes a lot of time. So do the other commitments I have in my life, as do we all: give the dogs a good quality of life with scritches and walks and doggo maintenance,…
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Get money, get paid. Watching other people run to fun my own adventures: Fogust edition.
BUT! I took my dog Penny on a 40-minute run this morning, per my training plan. #winning
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Muthafukkin’ Vonnegut for the win, again.
So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.
—Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A Country
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I did a speed workout with my dog Ringo tonight and it was pretty great. #triathlontraining
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