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Several ppl have wanted to know what the calamity siblings relationship is with their grandparents Waybright/Wu so here's a quick sketchdump. I forgot Mrs Wu with Percy and Maddi so I'll do a follow up with them soon™, for now here's this:
Lily being Mrs Waybright's new dress-up doll now that Sasha and her step-kids (and likely new kids) are grown up was a silly idea, especially with her dressing Sasha's cat to match. 2. Percy knows better than to have a family member as an agent, especially with sketchy bussinessman Mr Waybright. 3. Even tho' Mr Wu and his bosses were happy about the budget being figured out, he made sure Maddi was nowhere near any of those papers again in case he might get in trouble for someone not from the company seeing them. 4. I could see Mrs Waybright having a rivalry and wouldn't be above using her grandkids to help her. 5. Look, while his daughter's art career worked out, he also knows that musicians/actors have just as hard of a time to make it big and want to make sure Percy is safe in the future. 6. Mrs Waybright and Percy being gossip buddies is too cute and funny to not draw.
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In anticipation of the Inside Out 2 movie, what would you imagine the emotions of the Hexsquad would look like? Which emotion would be in charge? It would be quite confusing for the Oracles to look inside a person’s head and find out there are tiny people who control people’s thoughts and feelings.
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as for the emotions inside the hexsquad, well we know that they'd just look like the base ones but with differences to show its from that person's mind
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“Seems a bit narcissistic for her. “
But calling it a Mollycule isn’t?
it would...if she 1st called it that
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What would happen if Olivia met Kikimora? The personal attendants of their respective monarchs that have complicated relationships with their mothers?
We know that if they were to throw down, even with magic, Olivia would punt Kiki like a football.
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Has the Frog Trio ever thought about more tadpoles, or have they just decided to stick with Sprout and Marzi?
(Personally, I’d assume that Sprig, Ivy, and Maddie would find it hard NOT to try and make another tadpole. If you know what I mean.)
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With how full the Plantar house is already, even with Polly either living in the Fwagon or in New Newtopia, it would be too much for the family’s budget. Especially when the Trio and family visits. 2 seems like enough for them.
Tho’ yea, not for a lack of trying to have more, lol.
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Random idea, not saying you should use it if you do give them kids, but what if the Mollycule kids all had names that were what the diminutive of Molly is (Mary, Margaret, Martha, Miriam, Malka(those last two were Hebrew names so maybe for the Mollibby kid))
The Mollycule using Loud family naming rules, lol
Molly may be the center of the polycule but I don’t think she’d want to also b the base for naming the kids. Seems a bit narcissistic for her. Miriam sounds nice for a Mollibby kid name tho’
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Maddi Boonchuy Vs. Brenna Noel! In The Ultimate Pillow Fight! Who will win in the Battle of the Babies?!
Not only does she have the power to make copies of herself like her mom does (tho’ only 1 copy atm). She was also trained by her mother Dominator in villainy combat. Maddi has some training from her Grime-pa but 2v1 is a bad matchup for her.
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I know you prefer it have characters who aren't in period pieces sent in the year their movies/shows took place, but imagine the ghost of Constance Nebbercracker /The Monster House as one of Ollie's patients.
It’s been a while since I’ve watched that movie but didn’t she pass on in the end? Maybe Mr Nebbercracker after he passes and if he remained in the ghost world by the time Ollie was around.
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What are the personalities of Molly's children?
I haven’t given much thought on next gen for TGaMM atm. Kinda like with the Calamity Trio, I wanna explore them as adults and what jokes can be made there first.
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Sasha: For every swear I will put $20 in the swear jar.
Marcy: *Holds out the swear jar to Sasha*
Sasha: I didn’t say a swear though?
Marcy: Last night’s activity, you need to put $300 in the jar.
Sasha: ….
Anne: That will be the kid’s college fund if we judge from last night.
Marcy: Not that activity but thanks for reminding me, that’ll be $1,300.
Sasha: …. FU-…. Frog dang it.
Marcy & Anne: *Laughing so much*
At one point Sasha just puts a wad of cash into the jar and then look at her wives like a lioness looks at meat, as Marcanne exchange a nervous look between them Sasha lifts them into her shoulders and rushes to the bedroom.
The swear jar was removed after monthly financials were being looked at and they realized that while they enjoy the bedroom swearing, that and the rest was eating into the Trio’s pockets. So instead a sex ban of 1 day was placed on Sasha after a set number of swears and that solved the swearing problem quickly.
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Lily: Do you think we'll be like our parents?
Azura: That is the question isn't it? Having to live with legends for parents leaves you with the feeling you have to try and live up to those legends, otherwise it feels like you're skating by on their fame.
I get they don't want us to live what they had to live through but should we as their children try to continue their work? To try and continue the legacy?
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever do enough.
L: ...um, I meant if we'll physically resemble them. Like, looking LIKE our parents.
A: ...oh.
L: I mean I do-I do get what you're talking about but...
A: Yeah, ok.
L: Yeah.
Marcy was going to see if the girls wanted anything as they sat in the backyard, looking at what few stars were visible in a suburban LA area but then overheard that and mentioned to her wives and Luz that they need to talk to the two and schedule more time at their respective therapists.
It’s moments like this tho’ that while they fight, they both know that they’d fight for the other
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I was just wondering if you'd had any ideas about a crossover between the Calamity Trio and Leilana! Time travel, dimension hopping, whichever XD I was just amused by the idea of them meeting up and hijinks ensuing
I don’t atm. Maybe as a sketch of characters I tend to draw a lot (which would include several more).
As for hijinks, I could see Leilana finding them after something happened and at first Sashanne look at Marcy in a “please tell us we’re not here because of you….again.” way. Leilana would then try and help them get back to Earth but of course sci fi shenanigans happen along the way.
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Has Leilana met the Calamity Trio yet? I get the feeling they might be... impressed. 😅😉
I mean, maybe? If the Trio waited about 1000 years after being goddesses and was able to peak into other dimensions easily and interact with them.
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I think lance's stories are like 70% true
He records everything so it’s easy to verify tho’ if ur just going based on how he tells the story, yeah, I’d say 70% sounds about right
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Weekly Leilana sketch- Lance's Story of Heroism
Those rare moments when Lance and Leilana are in the same guild HQ, he loves to tell tales of his adventures...tho' Leilana doesn't believe any of them.
(As Lance was partly inspired by Flash Gordon, just had to use one of the comic covers to illustrate his story)
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Question, has any of the Calamity Trio or Hexsquad been a part of the hell that is a PTA/CMA (I think that's what it's called on the BI lol) meeting? If so how did it go?
Yes and they’re banned from meetings. But they make a mean baked good for fundraisers
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Another headcanon: despite Sasha's protests and strident advocacy, the powers-that-be in Wartwood and beyond refuse to bestow MicroAngelo with the same "Hero Of Amphibia" honor that the Trio and everyone else who fought against the Core in the Calamity War, on the grounds of "emotional support as a key bridge to personal change and healing to an important participant/battle leader" being deemed insufficient to warrant giving the honor out. (Doesn't mean Sasha will stop trying, though.)
When she was looking up the history books, she made sure that every frog, toad and newt that helped was included in the list. This of course made the reprint even longer but she wanted to make sure everyone was acknowledged. However no matter what she tried, the animals such as Bessie, Domino 2 and yes, even MicroAngelo wasn’t included due to them being animals. Sasha understands and made sure to write in their names in her copy of the book she has at home.
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