ticiavalcerthings · 1 year
Sometimes I'm analytic, serious and focused. Sometimes I'm creative, playful and silly. All the time, I'm just trying to keep it all together. Reading this will make your day better. #Me, I and all #webcomic #WEBTOON
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ticiavalcerthings · 1 year
A veces soy seria, analítica y enfocada. A veces soy creativa, imaginativa y desorganizada. A veces, cínica, simple o religiosa. Pero nunca dejo de ser yo Reading this will make your day better. #Mí, yo y demás #webcomic #WEBTOON
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ticiavalcerthings · 1 year
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ticiavalcerthings · 2 years
It does... for some time
How does death change your perspective? When I was in my twenties I almost strangle myself with the bedclothes. All I can remember is been dreaming of a giant octopus strangling me and waking up with the sheet around my neck. At the moment, I was terrified of how close I had been to death and decided to start living with no regrets: self-published my comics, wrote every day, and went party with…
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ticiavalcerthings · 2 years
Danger! Snowball writing!
I always bite more than I can chew, so last year started a new book on WebNovel – by the penname Chocolate Berry, end of the ad. My reasons for making the decision were a) getting a writing routine, b) making a name, and c) maybe start earning money. And to do so, I chose the snowball technique, which, come to think, is Hemingway’s “Write drunk, edit sober” advice. My first mistake was to…
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ticiavalcerthings · 2 years
This is a little channel hoping to help others to avoid the same mistakes I do when making manga and comic.
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
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Moon Camp - Welcome (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1157869777-moon-camp-welcome?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Ticia10&wp_originator=sYPdweT2Kwme7qGr%2FMWue5obwuwSeHttkXDrQzSyFpSQ3tLvT4AnhMCArMfKPClgnZjyOcaqdo%2BeZQ%2BYHEXvlnyah%2FhUz2jW871HzXR2fCOtKo%2B3zFx8i6WdINyOcLu2 Daemon and Duch came to a Summer Camp for werewolves and shifters whose powers just awoke. But there are other reasons they come so far in the mountains, and to stay together no matter what their new friends think.
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
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Moon Camp - Arrival (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1082360928-moon-camp-arrival?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Ticia10&wp_originator=mOeTWXBHIFAsOoIpsIu6HM8FE22xmtmxEey5cXNxF1z57EyJTKczi39gcNgZuTeLblqf9khFZwUtESB%2FR6Q4UbmdgteXLgr2dI0sctVDwI%2BRj4GN2sBsboK3YJQlQfjb Daemon and Duch came to a Summer Camp for werewolves and shifters whose powers just awoke. But there are other reasons they come so far in the mountains, and to stay together no matter what their new friends think.
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
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Random practice. Not that I have the energy to put some more effort, but don't wanna go to bed without having practice a little.
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
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Tried the
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
Three options and I like none
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ticiavalcerthings · 3 years
So, again teaching and again having my professional crisis, "Is this what I want? Can I be a good teacher and still work my comics?"
Meh, day has 24 hours, I just need to schedule better again.
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ticiavalcerthings · 4 years
Write first, topic come later
Write first, topic come later
I’ve come to think that I haven’t written about my working flow. The Troubles and tribulations of being a writer and artist (and teaching, cause I still have bills to pay). Not going to say that my input is huge. Of course I’ve read books and sites about how to write. I come to them recurrently and yet, I don’t follow their instructions step by step. Thing is, I find them a bit naive and…
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ticiavalcerthings · 4 years
Organize it or lost it
Well, there goes again my plan of posting once a week. This time for decluttering my studio. And make it suitable for two different jobs (actually, make it four): arts and teaching. French, not arts. Writing is the same always: everything needed are something to write with and something to write on. Luckly laptops, tablets and smartphones outstand both. For instance,this entry was started on my…
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ticiavalcerthings · 4 years
I am afraid. I don’t know why. No, I know. I am afraid of write. What if people find it offensive? Even more, since it is questioning a political ideology, one that is world wide and it is impossible not to take a stand. I trust my skills. I know there is no need to hurry, therefore I can review as many literature needed for this text to reach a great standard. Yet, I am afraid. I fear a negative…
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ticiavalcerthings · 4 years
On men and crosses
On men and crosses
Moving can make you change your mind. Or choose better.  Since two years ago, I’ve been thinking about my own culture, all those little habits or things that define one person from a people, but are so common they usually get unnoticed.  For about a decade, cooking has been recognized as one of the most notorious cultural traits we can find. Sushi, for instance, is presented differently in…
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ticiavalcerthings · 4 years
About picking a new project 
About picking a new project 
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The sketch and the Work In Progress, beggin me that I finish it…
One of the problems with being creative is that you can find yourself with so many ideas to try and some others that are waiting to be taken back.
Right now, I have a couple of erotic digital paintings I haven’t finished, a one-shot comic to write in script mode before drawing it (and hope to have it printed by February, so I…
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