todayiwrotenothing · 4 hours
Call now to recieve help with the inability to make phone calls!
Fill out this forum to receive assistance with your difficulty filling out forms
Come on down to our center thats two hours away so we can give assistance with your inability to walk or drive
There's help out there! You're just not trying hard enough!
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todayiwrotenothing · 12 hours
i like it when trans people are happy
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todayiwrotenothing · 17 hours
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experimenting is nice and all but comfort zone is called comfort zone for a reason xD (also sorry @sandcastlekings i liked your pfp so much i stole it for a reference :'))
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what a day for Alan Wake fans
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todayiwrotenothing · 2 days
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todayiwrotenothing · 2 days
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (UK) posted this to their Facebook page today:
We are very excited to announce our NEW RECOGNISED BREED - The Transylvanian! 🤩
'Indigenous to the woodlands and forests around the Carpathian Mountain areas of Romania and Hungary, the Transylvanian cat is the most recently discovered natural breed in the world.
They have fascinating features such as the reverse Karparti coat, born white, over the first 12 months the kitten grows a black, blue or sometimes a red coat whilst leaving the points of the ears, nose and paws white. Basically a reverse point! The Transylvanian is thermal too, being lighter in summer and darker in winter.
The foundation breeders led by Beverly Elian (WCF Judge) are based in Romania, Hungary, Switzerland and in the UK with Stuart & Amanda Brass.
Extensive testing has occurred on all four generations supported by Leslie Lyons and it appears the breed is robust with no genetic or hereditary issues appearing in any of the litters.'
Not seen and heard enough? You can see our newly recognised Transylvanian at the Feline Fair! Buy your tickets here - https://tinyurl.com/5dm7kp9a! 🎟️
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
It‘s scary to see how very important european petitions get no visibility whatsoever. We had a basic income petition last year which failed because not enough people knew about it. Now we have a „tax the rich“ one that only lasts until october this year and only has around 250k out of 1 mio. signings.
Most EU people go through their every day life w/o knowing about them. There are no ads, no marketing…nothing. I know that costs money though one might think important petitions that lead to a better and progressive life would be supported by the government or ministries in some way, but nooooo
And why should they? It’s petitions that would help out the poor and middle class, but endanger capitalism and their exploitation, sooo: government and business leads for example.
So here the link for those who are interested:
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
not necessarily which one do you use.. just which one is the best...
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
Swiss police department started a challenge, to show what is in their vehicle. Soon a lot off other public services joined in.
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
The progression from "I don't think afab people can be transfem" to "I don't think intersex people can be trans" is absolutely fascinating to watch unfold
Alternatively, it can also go from "I don't think afab people can be transfem" to "Intersex people existing is an inherent threat to trans people" which is scary to watch unfold
Like the amount of shit I've gotten about me "sounding like conservative propaganda" because I've talked about my experiences with being coersively reassigned male and being put on hormones. Or me having a complicated relationship with my sex and gender being used to call me a T*RF.
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
Please help and sign the petiton
Help us 100,000 signers to Robert’s petition: here → saveroberson.org
On Oct. 17, Texas plans to execute Robert Roberson, an Innocence Project client who has spent over 20 years on death row for a crime that never happened.
Robert faces the risk of becoming the first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited “shaken baby syndrome” theory.
Mr. Roberson left school after completing 8th grade with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder — which impacts how people communicate and interact with others. Symptoms of autism can include avoiding eye contact, “unusual” mood or emotional reactions, the appearance of indifference, fixation on details that strike others as “abnormal,” and difficulty expressing feelings.
Hospital staff, who did not know that Mr. Roberson has autism, were suspicious of his flat affect and interpreted his response to his daughter’s condition as lacking emotion. They viewed his inability to explain Nikki’s condition as a sign that he must be lying.
Every life has value, and we cannot stand by as an innocent life is threatened. Add your name to help #SaveRoberson and protect the sanctity of life. #RespectLife #RobertRoberson
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todayiwrotenothing · 3 days
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