toofunpost · 4 years
Lightweights 4
Episode 4
Phil: [00:00:04] Welcome to lightweights. I'm here with Rosemary again,
Rosemary: [00:00:09] as  usual.
Phil: [00:00:10] I know. Are you going to say hi?
Rosemary: [00:00:11] Hi everybody.
Phil: [00:00:12] So, uh, I wanted to get in with one correction from the last show real quick. And that was that we were talking about president Trump, disparaging, the military, and I referred to him visiting the cemetery in France.
And it was actually world war one, veterans. Uh, the soldiers lost more war one, they were going to go visit not a world war II, which I think was what I was talking about. So other than that, you got anything right off the get, go. You want to throw out  Rone?
Rosemary: [00:00:40] Well, I saw something funny on Twitter, uh, yesterday that's Peter Struck is in the news again.  And, um, you know, he was the FBI guy who was saying disparaging stuff about Trump.
Oh, the texting with Lisa Page, who's kind of decided to. Crawl out of the shadows too,
[00:01:00] oh thats nice,
Phil: [00:01:00] yeah, it's been great.
Rosemary: [00:01:02] So anyways, uh, there there's tape of Lindsey Graham reading these texts during the hearing on Capitol Hill.
And so it's his voice saying Donald Trump is a fucking idiot. And, uh, somebody chimed in that, they're going to use that for a
Phil: [00:01:18] is South Carolina and draw,
Rosemary: [00:01:20] which I thought was amusing. I don't know if I'd want to hear that every time my phone rang, but you know, everybody's different strokes for different folks.
Phil: [00:01:29] So, um, I don't know. I don't really have a hot take other than it would be nice for California to get a little attention, uh, about the,
Rosemary: [00:01:39] yeah, but we don't deserve it
Phil: [00:01:41] though. You don't deserve it also it's nine 11 today. So I just wanna, I just want to Mark that. You know that we honor that
Rosemary: [00:01:49] on are that, and our kids are at the age where we're just beginning to talk about that with them.
And it's a hard thing to talk about, you know, I mean, but they need to know what it is and, but [00:02:00] we don't want to scare them either. So it's a delicate, delicate,
Phil: [00:02:04] so we get a lot of books out now.
Rosemary: [00:02:06] We do we have Michael Cohen juicy his interview on Rachel Maddow was great. The whole hour went. I mean, I,
Phil: [00:02:17] I'm not a big Michael Cohen, you know, uh, come back to her fan rehab to her fan, but tell me about it.
So she's going to pull the information out of it.
Rosemary: [00:02:27] Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, she reads every word of the book first, obviously before she interviews him about it. And you know, he. Oh, gosh, there's so many. I mean, I
Phil: [00:02:37] want to give her a little credit for that while we're thinking about it, that she does. Like, if she does an author, she reads the book.
Not everybody reads the book, so she really wants to dig in. So I want to give her credit for that. So tell me about
Rosemary: [00:02:52] it. Yeah. Well,
Phil: [00:02:53] how did it begin? Was it first of all? Was he a he's out of jail now? Right? I
Rosemary: [00:02:59] think [00:03:00] so. Yeah. He looks like he's in his apartment and he feels like, you know, I don't really care if Donald Trump attacked me after this because I've already lost everything.
I can go no lower than I already am. I lost my law license. I've, you know, been separated from my family, you know? So he's just trying to totally come clean about everything thing. At least that's what it looks like. So, um, give me a minute to think of something. Cause I wasn't ready on that. Michael Cohen.
He might have to edit
Phil: [00:03:25] this. We've got other books out the millennia and me, which was, is a,
Rosemary: [00:03:32] I can talk about Mary Trump's book cause I'm reading.
Phil: [00:03:35] And then we've got Mary's Trump, Mary Trump's book, and then the biggie. Is a Woodward's book, which isn't, it's not out until September 15th. You said you decided to target.
I think it's presales.
Rosemary: [00:03:45] It must be full. Put it out when they shouldn't have,
Phil: [00:03:48] yeah. They're preselling also the one other thing I want to talk about too. A little bit is you watched a really good documentary on social
Rosemary: [00:03:54] media, on Netflix, on this leg. Sadly, they're boycotting Netflix right now, which is [00:04:00] unfortunate because people really need to watch this
Phil: [00:04:02] documentary.
Cutting Netflix.
Rosemary: [00:04:04] Oh, God, that's a whole nother thing. Netflix is being boycotted because of this movie they're showing French. Yeah. It's it's French and it's made by some French guy whose name? I just glanced out. I don't remember it, but it's called cuties and it's about the. It's really not a joking thing.
Phil: [00:04:22] Oh, really? It's not, it's
Rosemary: [00:04:23] not a joke. Same thing. It's about these, like, I don't know, 11, 12 year old dance team, girls dance team, and they're doing all these, like sexual moves. They're grabbing their genitals and they're dancing, like flipping like Jennifer. Uh, J-Lo on crack. Oh, wow. Okay. It's people are like, that is pedophilia.
That is encouraging, you know?
Phil: [00:04:47] Oh, they're making kiddie porn or something.
Rosemary: [00:04:48] Yeah. What people are saying about it. And people are like, I don't need to watch the movie. The trailer was bad enough. And I mean, I'm not defending that shit, but I'm wondering if it's being taken out of context. Like, I don't [00:05:00] know enough about the movie, but anyways, so people are canceling their Netflix.
Prescript just subscriptions in like droves, because they're upset about it. They are free to do that. So anyways,
Phil: [00:05:13] it's
Rosemary: [00:05:13] unfortunate that they have to show, have this movie in their library at the same time that we really need people to watch this. The social dilemmas is what it's called.
Phil: [00:05:23] I also want to say that the American, uh, going back to.
Something trembling and we'll, we're getting a little off topic, but that's kind of what podcasting is, is the whole Jon Benet, Ramsey child pageant thing.
Rosemary: [00:05:37] People talked about that. They're like, why are you so outraged about this movie? I don't hear you saying anything about that. You know, what was the, what was the baby show like?
Yeah. What about, I mean, I don't know.
Phil: [00:05:49] Well, they dress them up with makeup and prancing
Rosemary: [00:05:50] around them, but they're not grabbing their crotches. Like these chicks are, I mean, girls. Children children. I mean, Oh my, [00:06:00] you know, terrible. So that's a big thing that's going on right now.
Phil: [00:06:05] Are we going to boycott Netflix?
Are we just going to not watch?
Rosemary: [00:06:07] Well, I don't know. I haven't really decided it is hard mainly because if you're listening out there and you're in the audience, we canceled our cable ages ago. We are full Roku now, so we don't have a lot of options here. So, I mean, we don't have yet,
Phil: [00:06:28] was kind of a Netflix based cord cutting move.
Rosemary: [00:06:32] Well, it was so Netflix don't let us down, come on. They still had, can redeem themselves by getting that movie out of there, which they might, you know,
Phil: [00:06:42] just, that would be kind of a good marketing campaign at this point and say, you know what, we're pulling the movie. Uh, and then all the controversy can, you know, come on
Rosemary: [00:06:51] back down.
Phil: [00:06:51] We listened. We listened to her.
Rosemary: [00:06:53] Yeah. Maybe who knows? So anyway, I also, I'm dying to talk about Mary Trump's book. I
Phil: [00:06:59] know. So [00:07:00] right now, part of this was, is to buy you time to come up to Madeline cone. Okay. You said you needed
Rosemary: [00:07:09] time. Wow. Michael Cohen is he, he thinks that Donald Trump will start a war to get reelected.
He thinks actually he, he did say that he thinks don't. If Donald Trump does not win the election. That he will resign and try to get a pardon from Mike Pence. And they talked about these preemptive pardons, which I didn't know. That was a thing. I thought someone had to bring charges against you before you could.
Phil: [00:07:35] I think it's like the presidential NDA. It's not really a thing, but they're trying it.
Rosemary: [00:07:40] Oh yeah. Yeah. Cause they do that with
Phil: [00:07:42] everything, but he's selling them on the idea. Oh, you could do this. I mean, they'll believe anything they want to believe.
Rosemary: [00:07:46] Right. That's true. So. You know, um, he also talked about, uh, writing checks to stormy Daniels and I was thrown under the bus and [00:08:00] I'm not the one that had the affair, you know, Cohen.
Right? Yeah. And he borrowed that that was his own money, by the way, that 130,
Phil: [00:08:09] well, that was a wink and a nod that he was going to get, put it this way again. I appreciate the fact that he's telling us. Information we need to know about, but I don't feel too much guilt or remorse for Michael Gillingham having to.
Pony up the money for that, knowing that he was going to get the money back. I mean, it's a safe bet. He wasn't going to pay for it. If he didn't know he was going to get the money back. Right.
Rosemary: [00:08:32] Right. Well, and he also, yeah.
Phil: [00:08:34] What does chivalry Zack, let me pay for your Ferdon. Just get me, hit me back next week,
Rosemary: [00:08:40] lined him Alanya straight out and had he felt bad about that and telling her that nothing was going on and all of that,
Phil: [00:08:47] I believe the lying to millennia part.
I don't believe the field bad part. Michael Cohen. Again, we need to hear from him, but he feels bad because he
Rosemary: [00:08:55] got caught. All right. Can we get off the topic of that now?
Phil: [00:08:59] Yeah.
[00:09:00] Rosemary: [00:08:59] Good. So. Well, you want to talk about Woodward's book.
Phil: [00:09:04] Want to talk about Mary Kay?
Rosemary: [00:09:05] I do. I mean, I'm only about halfway through the book, but it's fascinating to me.
She talks about, um, their whole family history. She goes all the way back to her great grandfather, but she wants to talk about her grandfather, Fred Trump. And
Phil: [00:09:21] so how, how, how is she related again?
Rosemary: [00:09:24] I'm going to tell you. Okay, good. So her grandfather is Fred Trump. And he and his wife, Mary had, I think, five kids.
It went Marianne, the oldest daughter who the judge, um, Freddie who was named after his father. He always went by Freddie. So that's how you differentiated the two. And he was the one who was basically chosen to be the heir apparent to the whole. Real estate thing. So he was supposed to follow in his father's footsteps, but, um, as much as he tried to measure up, his father never felt [00:10:00] like he did measure up and he was cruel to Freddy a lot.
And then it went, I think Elizabeth and then Donnie, and then Robert and Robert was the one who just recently passed away and had his funeral at the white house, which is like, Question Mark exclamation point. Okay.
Phil: [00:10:19] Whatever for not having my, uh, Memorial service or funeral at the white house.
Rosemary: [00:10:26] Yeah. You and most everybody
Phil: [00:10:29] since
Rosemary: [00:10:30] I have.
So anyway, yeah, there were these five kids and they were basically totally neglected by both of their parents. And they were expected to kind of, you know, be a certain way. And Donnie was this bratty kid. He was a bully. He was encouraged for being a bully. He was never punished for being a bully, take people's toys away, hide them, you know, Shit like that.
I mean, finally, I guess there's a family lore story where Freddy one day took a bowl of mashed potatoes and put it over Don's head because he just had had enough at the dinner [00:11:00] table and he didn't want to do any real damage. So the mashed potatoes were like the perfect thing to just put it over it. But anyways, um, you know, his father got into these real estate deals with government incentive money.
So they. You know, give you a grant or a loan for $5 million to build like 1230, six unit apartment complexes. So he'd build these complexes, pay the money back to know anything. And then he got rich collecting all this rent. So they went around calling themselves real estate developers, but they didn't really develop any real estate.
The last thing that he built was in 1964. And so he was really just a, the landlord.
Phil: [00:11:41] Okay.
Rosemary: [00:11:42] Yeah. Yeah, slumlord because he didn't, you know, he was always cutting corners, doing things cheaply. And, you know, I could go on and on about the bad, uh, treatment that Freddie got. He, he knew never really measured up.
He didn't do well. According to his phone, all he wanted to do was be a pilot. He got a job at [00:12:00] TWA. He was, you know, pilot. It was very glamorous back then, you know, it was a glamour thing. Pilots were like, period. Yeah. So anyway, he only lasted about four months, sadly, because was, uh, his drinking.
Phil: [00:12:16] He got fired.
He was
Rosemary: [00:12:18] in mortal pain all the time. Cause his dad was fucking
Phil: [00:12:23] so he's self-medicating.
Rosemary: [00:12:24] Yeah. And, uh, you know, he loved flying his little personal plane. He'd put a bunch of friends on it and fly, you know, up the coast or down the coast. And they, that was his true calling in life. And that's what he loved to do.
And his father was disappointed. I thought it was trashy and just beneath him. Well, he called him a glorified bus driver. And I mean, when, when pilots walked through the terminal back, then people like ran after him for autographs,
Phil: [00:12:54] even still he's doing what he loves. So who gives a shit?
Rosemary: [00:12:59] Well, he was [00:13:00] supposed to be so anyways, that
Phil: [00:13:01] is, he didn't want to be some Robert and he wanted to fly planes.
When his head hit the pillow at night, he thought he dreamed of flying.
Rosemary: [00:13:06] He did, that's all he wanted to do. That's all they wanted to do. And deep sea fishing was his other thing. So anyway, he, uh, lost that job. You know, a lot of stuff happened, but he ended up taking his wife and two children. One of which was married Trump, the author of the book.
And they lived in this apartment that was one of Fred Trump's apartments and it was not taken care of. And they practically froze to death and, you know, just, he was treated like crap. So then Donnie graduates from, uh, Penn state and. Which I
Phil: [00:13:43] think his sister, the judge got him in, right. Taking his test for him.
Rosemary: [00:13:47] Yeah. They pulled some strings
Phil: [00:13:49] or something
Rosemary: [00:13:49] anyway. Yeah. So anyways, yeah, he graduates and he immediately, uh, goes to work for dad and he is immediately given [00:14:00] all this responsibility and made president of the fucking company. Nevermind that Franny hadn't been working his ass off, you know, doing menial, managerial, like custodial shit.
To try to get his father's love. I mean, everyone in that family wanted their father's approval so desperately and never got it. And it wasn't even possible to get it.
Phil: [00:14:22] Well, I'm sure you tease them with it, you know, to get
Rosemary: [00:14:25] so, but, so anyways, I'm not quite to the point where she starts really psychoanalyzing Donald, but you know, it's just indicative of the reward for bullying the reward, you know, getting shit without ever having to do anything.
All of that. You know, he had this huge salary and he was put in charge of managing buildings that he didn't have to manage. Cause other people manage them for them. And anyway, it's a fascinating book, but I mean, I think it's kind of an acquired taste because it's not really something that everybody's gonna be entertained.
Phil: [00:14:56] Yeah. The subject you said wasn't maybe not for everybody, but you said [00:15:00] she's actually a really good writer though.
Rosemary: [00:15:02] Oh, yeah. I love her writing. She's a brilliant
Phil: [00:15:04] woman. She's got a PhD. Yeah.
Rosemary: [00:15:06] She's, she's counseled people with psychological trauma and she's taught graduate school.
Phil: [00:15:12] Mary Trump.
Rosemary: [00:15:12] Yeah. Brilliant woman.
So she got lucky in the jeans department. I think
Phil: [00:15:18] that's come from her mom said,
Rosemary: [00:15:20] right. Well, yeah. So anyway there, you know, it's, it's a fascinating read. It's a page Turner. I'm, I'm really enjoying it, but thank you, Mary Trump, if you're out there, it's your insight is very valuable. So
Phil: [00:15:34] what are we doing with Cova these days?
I mean, we got to check in on COVID right.
Rosemary: [00:15:40] Uh, yeah, I mean, it's just more of the apocalyptic hellish landscape that we're sitting in. We're here in Northern California and it is so smokey outside. You don't even want to go outside. There is a haze between. Our front door and the house across the street, like it's palpable.
You can see it. And I grew up in Los Angeles [00:16:00] in the seventies and eighties. It's okay. Like I know what smugglers you
Phil: [00:16:03] had to swim through the smile again.
Rosemary: [00:16:04] Yeah. This is bad. This is really bad. We need to stay in and
Phil: [00:16:10] nobody mean COVID so. That's one of the big Woodward revelations is that Trump told Bob Woodward in February that the virus was dangerous and that it was airborne.
And then in early March, he told him that it, it doesn't just affect. Yeah. The kids are, can get it too, which is obviously completely a one 80 from everything he said to the public the whole time. But I guess you don't have to worry about that when. He's in a protective bubble of everybody's tested, you know, they don't let anybody near him and he doesn't go anywhere.
That's not safe. So for him, everything's normal, you know, who cares about mass
Rosemary: [00:16:52] or anything else? The Lincoln project ad. It's awesome. They show him, well, they show the, uh, I mean show you [00:17:00] listened to the tape of him talking to Bob Woodward about how deadly, deadly, deadly the virus. And then they splice it together with him giving a speech two days later about how it's a hoax and it's nothing.
And they keep doing this going back and forth doing this. And it's like, you know, I mean, I feel like every person in America or 90% have heard him. On that tape with Bob Woodward, unless you're delivering that, we're getting there.
Phil: [00:17:25] A lot of people, it's not like the old days where everybody watches the evening news
Rosemary: [00:17:28] though.
No, but my point is that you have to be an Olympic mental gymnast to
Phil: [00:17:37] like, make it okay.
Rosemary: [00:17:39] To make it okay. You do make it okay. And they will make it. Okay. But you know what? These are people who made excuses from Alondra, Trump, plagiarizing speech, you know, it's not. Nothing's changed.
Phil: [00:17:52] I think the easy way to get out of it in your head is just to say ads, it's fake, it's BS, you know, just deny it.
Rosemary: [00:17:59] Yeah. [00:18:00] That's the easy way. That's the easy
Phil: [00:18:01] way. But, and then the other, there's some other Woodward revelations, obviously the, the, um, I mean you can draw a straight line between Trump knowing in February and telling this to a reporter that it's airborne and it's dangerous. And it affects kids too, if we would have all known that or the public, not just you and I, but then obviously the whole public, there would be tens of thousands of people that might be alive now.
I mean, that's a, that's a reasonable statement, right?
Rosemary: [00:18:33] Oh yeah, for sure.
Phil: [00:18:36] If we were telling people in March to wear mask masks, clearly, clearly at this point, save lives. It contains the spread and they've, half-assed testing the whole time on this thing. Uh, there's still half fasting testing, but yeah, I mean,
Rosemary: [00:18:54] but you know what I read a person on Twitter was defending the president about this and they said that, uh, [00:19:00] you know, it's really all the fault of the, the democratic governors because of testing and, you know, something vague like that.
And it's like, Really it's kind of the same bait and switch that they're using their campaign thing, you know, is that Joe Biden's America is going to look like what we've got right now. You know what I mean, America, they're making, you know yeah. Same bait and switch steps. So,
Phil: [00:19:26] and it's so weird, those arguments because like the it's the government, or I'm sorry, it's the governor's problem because today's nine 11 apply the, the, uh, Oh, my gosh.
I saw a clip a w two. Oh, really? But apply that logic to nine 11 and that is planes hit New York, Washington, DC. It's not like the federal government said, well, California, don't worry about it. Deal with it yourself. Deal with your own security. Yeah. You know, this is new York's problem, New York, you you're, you've got to [00:20:00] deal with all of that yourself.
We're not going to, we're not going to help your response. You know, if you need advice, we'll give you advice. But this federal or this state's, state's handling your own business stuff. Now, the thing I saw, uh, on w the video clip was, you know, he came out and. Through the first pitch of the Yankees game, which was the first activity after pro sports activity after nine 11.
And he drilled it, man. I mean, he threw it right down the pipe. It was easily a strike, not to mention it was a good throw. And, um, you know, I don't give Debbie a lot of credit for a lot of things, but I'll tell you what, I'm glad, I'm glad he nailed it.
  I'm Phil. Thank you for listening. And who are you
Rosemary: [00:20:48] again? Rosemary. Thank you very much.
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