Alright. Since some people in the tag are currently being very immature, I should really add in my two cents (’cause I’ve got plenty of money anyway).
The reason we critical blogs get upset about sexualized artwork of Wadanohara is that during the events of her game, despite being over one hundred years old, she is, indeed, supposed to be a child. DSP draws her with the body of a preadolescent girl, not to mention she has the characteristics of a young child, in which she’s shown to be naive and not truly understand the bad in certain people.
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And, while I can only assume she is supposed to be a young adult by the events of the True End and by the time Minami is born, it’s not like she looks that much different from when she was a kid. The only differences between young!Wadda and adult!Wadda is that her braids are much longer and she’s only grown one centimeter. Yeah; only one little centimeter. Not to mention DSP has drawn adult!Wadda in her old sailor outfit seen above. An outfit from all those centuries ago, from when she was a child.
What I’m saying is that DSP has completely restricted Wadanohara to having a very short body, because to DSP, she is nothing more than a weak, loli stereotype who, instead of wising up and mustering enough power to defeat Sal and Mikotsu and re-seal the Sea of Death herself, has to rely on her love interest to go do it. We overall never truly see Wadda mature and grow up, and with that combined with DSP not bothering to give True End!Wadda a taller, more adult appearance, we keep viewing her as a child. Thus, seeing nsfw artwork of her when she’s canonly restricted to having a child’s body makes us very uncomfortable.
Also, regarding how this drama came up over a fanartist’s drawing of Wadanohara in her swimsuit…while the swimsuit itself isn’t exactly “revealing”, there is one thing in that picture that I can’t help but be peeved about.
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It’s that gap between her thighs.
Now, thigh gaps are a recurring thing both in and out of pornographic or even suggestive artwork. Here, we can see a gap that’s big enough for us to see a slight butt crack, and not only is that inappropriate to see on a non-comedic picture of character who is very likely a child (as I’ve mostly seen cartoon characters’, including kids’ butts, be shown in more silly scenarios like in The Simpsons sometimes), but it’s also anatomically incorrect, especially if her legs are that close together. Even if Wadda were an adult in that picture, the gap still shouldn’t be there. The only way it would be there would be if her legs were skeletally thin.
I’m not defending the artist exactly, but this is important criticism for any artist to take in.
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draw the tgg ancestors again, coward
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lots of stuff came up, so i kinda abandoned this blog for a while. whoops
not to mention the lack of reliable translations. the fandom has kinda been heading towards a grave, hasn't it?
i still try to keep up with mogeko stuff, but i don't really like repeating points that much.
if anyone has any particular topics they want me to chime in on, shoot me an ask. (also includes fandom critical stuff, though im not too versed in fandom stuff, so...)
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yknow. i cant even act like mogeko’s art has gone downhill per-se, especially concerning body types
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like theres so much wrong with this right here that im not even sure if i have enough time in this universe to get into it
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hey mogeko quick question uhhhhh what the fuck??? is this???
the design itself is honestly kind of cool if you take away the atrocious rainbow shit everywhere (though the megaphone thing looks really cool!)
but like, where is the rest of their body. the ufo-type thing under them doesnt help with telling what part of them is real and what part is just the ufo. for example, i deadass dont know if the black stuff behind them is hair as well. the texture makes me think of hair, but i cant tell since everything is black
why do they have tentacles!! whats with mogeko’s obsession with adding random ass tentacles on characters!!
i thought it was just going to be these two at first, but Yikeroni and Jeez. (these characters i dont mind nearly as much, though. theyre very pretty other than the misplaced tentacles,,,)
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changed my banner!! @lgbtfunamusea best blog 10/10
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alright so quick question
mogeko is obviously capable of drawing body types that arent, you know, fucking atrocious.
(see: azemiti toru)
but then you see shit like igls.
her boots are literally 90% of her height. what the fuck.
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us: hey can we get more info about these characters you've only drawn them once and haven't mentioned them since-
dsp: more incest and abuse??? gotcha
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3 - Favorite Personality / Character
damm,,, just one?? that’d probably have to be rose murder. shes a major cutie,,,
8 - Favorite in Ice Scream
i dont really like ice scream all that much, as i personally find it really boring, but god peraco can murder me any day of the week
9 - Favorite in Poison Bugs
uhhhh does tefko count??? if not, then mitsuki’s a real cutie!!
21 - All time hated
fumus, not because hes garbage (thats only part of the reason) but because he couldve been so much more and a much more interesting character and then they just. did that. bruh.
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okay so like a Dumbass i forgot to open my askbox and im not on my Compoot so just reply to this post with the numbers,,
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DSP characters ask meme
1) All time favorite 2) Favorite design 3) Favorite personality / character 4) Favorite in WATGBS 5) Favorite in TGG 6) Favorite in Mogeko Castle 7) Favorite in Obsolete Dream 8) Favorite in Ice Scream 9) Favorite in Poison Bugs 10) Favorite not from series / another series
11) Best god 12) Best devil 13) Best angel 14) Best demon 15) Best witch 16) Best familiar 17) Best vampire 18) Best animal 19) Best human 20) Best anything else
Least favorite / Hated
21) All time hated 22) Least Favorite design 23) Least Favorite personality / character 24) Least Favorite in WATGBS 25) Least Favorite in TGG 26) Least Favorite in Mogeko Castle 27) Least Favorite in Obsolete Dream 28) Least Favorite in Ice Scream 29) Least Favorite in Poison Bugs 30) Least Favorite not from series / another series
31) Worst god 32) Worst devil 33) Worst angel 34) Worst demon 35) Worst witch 36) Worst familiar 37) Worst vampire 38) Worst animal 39) Worst human 40) Worst anything else
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i lov the witches
okay so i LOVE dsp’s witches, theyre great and i love them.
but out of ALL of dsp’s groups of characters, they definitely seem to get the least love. except for chlomaki and wadda, none of them have much information or anything outside of names. (other than the humans, who have even less information)
touya??? amemiya???? theyve obviously got some importance, esp considering theyre right under demons in term of power. bloody mary is personally my favorite considering her design. shes so pretty and shes even got a drawn familiar but NO information!!!! what the hell!!! apparently a lot of them were supposed to appear in carnival rhythm but at this point, i doubt dsp’s gonna release any game for a LONG time. too busy drawing more rapists. :^)
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their Damm Art
okay so honestly? their art is what inspired me most, my art style used to be pretty inspired by them. but eventually, my art evolved and their art....
hoohoh lets just say that this is the first time ive seen someone’s art style actually get worse over time
ill make a post analyzing where exactly theyve gone down cuz holy shit
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hi im totsusa and im joining this bandwagon because honestly? ive got a lot of stuff to say about funamusea
not gonna have a byf or anything, just gonna use this as a blog for me to Yell About The ShitLort
inspired by @mogeko-critical and @funamuseathoughts, y’all are great
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