touhou-telephone · 5 years
Chapter 4 is up. These posts are on a queue, but temp mod will upload as much as possible to AO3 tonight.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
All chapters are up! Temp mod made chapter-by-chapter posts up to chapter 10 and queued them before realizing they were going to finish everything tonight anyways, so those might appear on your dashboards at random.
Thank you to everyone who participated! Again, apologies for the delays!
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Chapter 3 is up. Sorry for the delay.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
will mod(s?) be available to continue uploading the touhou fanfic telephone challenge starting march 2018 submissions after this month's GRANBLUE FANTASY: JANUARY 2020 UNITE AND FIGHT DARK EDITION?
the most recent delays are the result of the touhou game jam actually, unite and fight doesn’t make a significant impact on free time since it’s closed during most of the tumblr working hours in the relevant time zones
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Now that the holiday mayhem is winding down, this will be posted after the editor’s Secret Santa stuff is done. Sorry for all the delays!
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
we livin?
I’m getting to it. This is always a busier time of year than I anticipate.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
The technical issues experienced by a variety of services this past weekend have set back my schedule for a few days. ETA on the posted story should be Wednesday.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
by "weekend" do we mean friday, saturday, or sunday?
Saturday or Sunday, depending on as yet unpredictable circumstances.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Hows the ol formattingerino going champs
Expect the whole thing this weekend, it’s easier than posting things a chapter at a time.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Chapter 2 is up!
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
The first chapter of the compiled fic is up!
Chapters will be uploaded every night as they’re properly formatted. Expect multiple chapters per day depending on other time demands.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
We have someone to handle the wrapup, so hopefully the final compilation will be ready soon! Thanks for bearing with us as this grew far beyond the optimistic initial timetable.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
hi, sometimes-monthly anon again. how's the ending going?
We should probably just put out an open request for people to finish the ending, since our original backup writer is less positioned to finish it on top of their other stuff than was originally expected, and probably won’t be free until December realistically.
So yeah, if anyone wants to write the wrapup, drop a note by I guess?
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Not sure if this is still happening, but if it is, would it be possible for authors to ask to have their names changed, removed, or re-added before it goes up? Assuming it does, of course.
If they contact us by the original means, yes.
Right now, the backup writer for the conclusion is trapped in the world of Fire Emblem and GRE prep, but they expect to be able to get it done once that slows down a bit.
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
Not sure if you got last month's ask, but how are things?
I apologize for the lack of updates lately, but school and exams had been monopolizing the time of more than one of our remaining participants.
But with those out of the way (And I hope they went okay for you folks!) two more sections have been completed in rapid succession.
That leaves us with just one remaining section before everyone’s work can be combined and released for public consumption at long-last! I know it’s been an unexpectedly long road, but I hope the final product will nonetheless bring a smile and a laugh to everyone’s faces. ^^
25 / 26 sections complete!
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touhou-telephone · 5 years
If you don't mind, I'll be popping in to ask how things are going once every month or so... How are things?
Things may be going slowly (busy lives being what they are for our remaining participants), but they’re still going.
I just received the 23rd section a day or two ago, and the lines have been passed onto #24), so we’re up to:23 / 26 sections complete!
Hopefully the remaining few will move along more briskly, and we can finally get this out for people to read.
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touhou-telephone · 6 years
How is the telephone game going? Things are still moving along?
There have been some recent delays with a couple people in a row being too busy to complete their sections in a timely manner (and it needing to be passed along to the next person in line), but it’s still circulating down the list. Hopefully it will take less time for the couple remaining sections to be done!
...although it also appears that I neglected to post an update here when section #22 was completed, so consider this a belated update! Sorry!
Current Status: 22/26
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