tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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My plant pot ashtray design in progress💪🏻💪🏻 working with glued plywood is risky... they wouldnt let me turn it😂 but still managed to make it round by sanding off the excess wood with my patients👻👻👻
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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I've joined the ceramic throwing club this year, I'm so in loved with this material of its mouldability !😍 these r the small gadgets we made for ourselves. We left the clay dry for 24 hrs and underglaze them, that way the color will be more solid if we add another layer of glaze after bisque. now we r putting them in the kiln. (bisque process)
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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Metal velcro-Last friday, an ed prof is canvassing for their competition in Germany, he introduces a new material i have never heard of-- the steel velcro. The steel velcro is work like an velcro tape that it has two sides intertwining and binding together by having different patter folded up to make it bind tgt very securely. He told me that by having this technique, the material can be very flexible, and as they compress the velcro with two thin layer of wood, they will make it very strong and solid, while at the same time its still very light!
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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Have been working with wood a lot lately.... glued plywood is not very secure, it would be risky to turn them, so instead i cut ended up making this shape by cutting off the edges and sand it into a cylinder😷 feel like i have been through a sand storm....and the side hole is cut with hand saw sanded with dermal👍🏻
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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Introducing the Greenash, it's an ashtray that can collect the ash from the cigarette butts and fertilize the plants with the ash~✨
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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In my internship, I’ve been doing a lot ads and currently i’m doing the logo design. By making a good logo that can represents the brand, the research is necessary and valuable. I researched the competitors and analysis what their unique features are, what they are emphasizing on, and how they reflects and visualizes their traits onto their brand mark. I have to learn to think differently from them in order to develop a outstanding logo. This is the process of exploring different combinations in crazy and creative forms
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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A peek to our process work of developin. The BELLO-- the calm breathing reminder diffuser. It's a project that Kiki chen, Jiyeon Han and I have been working on for the Core 77 competition.
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tracyy9598-blog · 7 years
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I've joined the ceramic throwing club this year, I'm so in loved with this material of its mouldability !😍 these r the small gadgets we made for ourselves. We left the clay dry for 24 hrs and underglaze them, that way the color will be more solid if we add another layer of glaze after bisque. now we r putting them in the kiln. (bisque process)
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tracyy9598-blog · 8 years
This is one of the installation displayed in the Light Festival at Distillery District, "A Dream of Pastures" is an interactive mechanical sculpture and light projection made by The studio F Minus( Brad Hindson and Mitchell F Chen)
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tracyy9598-blog · 8 years
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This is another installation I saw in the Toronto LightFest at the Distillery District, " Friendship" is a series of neon circles lined up in a row, it's a metaphor of the friendship that if viewed from the side you will see it's many individuals, but if you viewed it from 45°angle they are all intertwining, and if you viewed it from the front, they are a whole.
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tracyy9598-blog · 8 years
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This is a design by Dieter Rams; In Dieter Rams' entire design career, he's been thinking of "how do people live, and live better?" In Ram's words, he said that his designs are " less, but better." , which is similar to the well-known "Less is more" by ...
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tracyy9598-blog · 8 years
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" Look broader, look closer, think younger, so we can stay beginners." By Tony Fadell, the guys who cooperated in designing Nest the thermostat and Apple product. After watching his TED talk on youtube, I'm inspired by his way of thinking, that he stated the fact that in the children's way of thinking is the key to make a good design, because by having lack of experience, and less "used to", and " get along with", the children can immediately see the primary issue.
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